The One Year Strong Ladies!

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This year is off to a hell of a start. Been soooo busy at work. Was sick last week with a stomach bug I picked up over Christmas. 24 hour thing, but enough that I went home from work after a half hour. :sick: Work has been crazy busy, I'm trying as much as I can to cut down my hours, but still doing 48-60 hour weeks on my feet. Last night didn't sleep at all - no idea why. I fell asleep on the couch and woke up at midnight and moved to the bed. Never should have moved. Could NOT fall back to sleep. Between being awake, SPD pain and hemorrhoid pain (TMI - stupid third tri constipation), ugh. So now I'm hunting down my heating pad for my back because of the wicked back pain I've had all day. (sigh)
Ok, I feel like all I am doing is complaining. Don't like that. Otherwise, I really do feel ok. Starting to get tired, pelvic/back pain, but that's it. No other problems. My sister sent out the invites for my shower the end of this month, work is having one for me next week. Next ultrasound in three weeks!
As for the nursery, DH and my parents got it painted last week!! So happy. Now DH is replacing all the mouldings, and the ceiling fan. Once it's done, I'll post pictures.
Christmas was good - Mom bought me a couple sets of pjs for winter (I couldn't find maternity ones I liked) and a night gown and a big huge fuzzy blue robe for the hospital. Lots of kid books (Dr Seuss, Peter Rabbit). The big gift was from my sister and her OH, an my parents. They got us a Camcorder! Never would have thought of it myself, but glad they did. DH is forbidden from using it until LO is OUT. No crotch shots, thank you.
My boss was commenting today that my belly had "blossomed" - I reminded him I was just about 7 1/2 months and he about flipped. Only six weeks till leave, which he and my mother don't think I'll make. Mom is betting on another eight weeks - my boss is betting on seven. We shall see.
Oh and a belly shot just for Chelsea.
Lindsay - How you've blossomed!!! I'm sorry you're feeling so poorly! DO cut back on work though! Will help so much with aches and pains. I got a back brace/tummy support belt thingy towards the end and it was a life saver! Awesome about the showers coming up! SO exciting, but still felt somewhat stressful having a party (maybe that's just me though). Lovely about the jammies! Still don't have a camcorder, planned on getting one, but we just use our camera - it does video too. One thing I regret is not having a mirror at the birth! Didn't think I would, didn't think my husband would look, but when him and mom were staring in amazement as James came out I wish I would have seen.
LOL I remember worrying HOW MUCH BIGGER IS THIS BELLY GOING TO GET! And now it's such a blur. So glad DH is getting the nursery going! Must be such a relief!!!
Hi girls, I hope everyone is doing well and that your New Years is off to a great start!! :flower:

@NJ, I am so sorry you arent feeling well. i hope you feel better soon...:hugs: Cute bump hun!!! :flower:

AFM, not much going on since it is the first part of my cycle. I finally got the courage up and scheduled the Saline Sonohysterography for this Thursday afternoon. I am nervous about it but I realize it is a necessary evil to get me one step closer to scheduling my first IUI. DH is taking the day off to go with me to the appointment. When I did my HSG it was pretty ruff on me so I want DH to be with me in case I need him to drive me, and i am hoping that this procedure will be alot easier than the HSG was!!! As I previously mentioned the DR wants to get a closer look at a bump that is on one side of my uterus to see what it is that showed up in my X-Ray on my HSG. I am hoping that I wont need to have it surgically removed and that I will be able to move forward with the IUI after I do this last test. I am going to have to wait on hubby's tax return to come in so we can afford to pay for our first round of IUI, so hopefully that will be happening soon.

I got some crappy news about a week ago and I didnt get the temp job that was supposed to be starting this week. The lady I have been working with at a staffing agency told me the work flow slowed down and they no longer needed the additional help. so I am upset about that, and now I am back on the hunt for a job again... sigh... I am not looking forward to the stress of looking for another job again, I am so burned out and exhausted from my previous attempts... ugghhh... :wacko:wish me luck girls....
Wanna - how did your test go today? Was thinking about you. When do you find out the results?

Chelsea - I know, I really popped. It was so funny to see my boss's face when he realized exactly how far along I was. We're interviewing a potential new partner on Saturday to join our group (as of now it's just the two of us), so fingers crossed. He's hoping to transition her in, and transition me home. Then we'll discuss what to do when I come back once I figure out child care.
I'm glad DH is working on the nursery - still a little worried it won't be done because he's so meticulous and OCD, it takes him forever to get something done. But he knows I'm not doing any painting - all that's left are the mouldings and baseboards, and he knows I can't exactly get down on the floor to paint that.
Went to the OB yesterday - I have thrombosed external hemorrhoids. They are pretty much as painful as it sounds. DH took a picture with my camera phone (no, I'm not sharing, I love you girls, but even that is TMI, and I won't subject you to that) so I could see exactly what was causing so much pain. Holy CRAP, they're scary looking. My OB seems to think that suppositories should help, although I'm not so sure about that considering they are external, not internal. We shall see what happens. In the meantime, I'm trying to keep up everything else I've been doing.
She also recommended a new pregnancy support belt, as the one I'm using wasn't doing much. She said that part of the problem is that I'm carrying so low - so she recommended the belt that also has shoulder straps for further support. We will see how that helps. I just want the friggin' hemorrhoid pain to go away! I'm really fine otherwise - I can still sleep on my back (I don't try to - I start on my left side, but when I wake up to pee, somehow I'm on my back), I have no heartburn, nothing else. This is just so gross and painful.
Anyway, one of my friends is treating me to dinner tonight, so off I go!
Okay, so just got home from the fertility DR's and had the saline sonohysterography. It wasnt to bad, DH was able to be in the room with me. They also had a student nurse observing the process along with the DR and nurse that was assisting, so it was like 3 people looking at my junk and DH in the room as well. I asked DH after if he felt awkward and of course he did, LOL, but I was thankful he was there to support me and take away some ofmy fears. The worst part was when the DR was trying to find the right size speculum and had to change it to a smaller one and than had to switch the size catherter to a smaller one that was used to fill up my uterus with the saline solution. It was like a dull unpleasant cramping well they were doing this part and than i felt like I needed to pee. The cramps were like long unpleasant AF type cramps that just went on for a while and I did say ouch a few times, but it was alot less painful than the HSG was. Once she had the saline solution in and was done filling the uterus with saline the pain almost all went away. They used the dildo cam wand thing to do an ultrasound once my uterus was filled with saline.

So the DR saw the bump on the side of my uterus that showed up on the HSG X-ray and confirmed that it was a fibroid and she didnt seem to think it was going to be a problem, But she discovered a new problem, a polyp which is causing blockage and is definatly of concern on the inside of my uterus as well. She showed me on the computer screen and on a printed up picture of the sonogram as well. I am having some light spotting with pink and light brown blood after the procedure with some like chunky pieces of tissue type discharge as well, and I have on a pad on now. I have a little bit of cramping after the procedure but it isnt anything that I am not used to and is minimal.

So after the procedure was done DH and me met with the DR in an office to discuss our options. The DR wants me to have a hysteroscopy to have the polyp surgically removed and offered me the option to do a laparoscopy at the same time to try to reopen the one tube of mine that might possibly be blocked, which we discovered previously during my HSG. I will have to be sedated and under anethesia for both procedures.

The hysteroscopy is less invasive and has a quicker recovery time though, they can just go in through the cervix and into the uterus to cut away the polyp. If I do the laparascopy than I have to have incisions cut into my belly and it will be a longer recovery time, but it could unblock my other tube. I am undecided if I want to do the laparascopy at this time because I know it will be a more painful recovery, and I also know that i can still do the IUI with only one open tube, so it is not a necessary thing, But at the same time I know if I have 2 open tubes it will increase my chances of getting pregnant. So, I have a couple of things to think about, like how much will our out of pocket cost be after my insurance pays so I have to figure out how and when we would be able to afford one of the procedures or both of them.

I also am not thrilled with going through with the laparascopy since I dont know for sure if my one tube is blocked or not, or if it just spasmed during the HSG and that was why the dye didnt go through. I am not sure if there is a less invasive way to verify if the one tube is blocked for sure or not before I go and cut into my belly for this procedure or not??

So long story short, I am upset with the results because the thought of surgery is pretty scary. I am also shocked to know that all of this time me and DH have been TTC month after month to find out that our efforts were pointless because this polyp is causing a blockage in my uterus, so all of my tears and heart ache month after month were in vain. :cry: Than trying to be able to afford the surgery will push back our ability to have the IUI because the $$ we would of used to pay for that will most likely get eaten up by the costs of my surgery so now I am going to have to wait even longer.... sigh.. this is not the news I was hoping for girls....:cry:

Well at least I know what we need to do next, but I am trying to rap my head around the news that i just got still and psych myself up for surgery...ugghhhhhh....Blah....:wacko: I am not even gooing to worry about TTC now until I can do the surgery because it is pretty much pointless until than. So I guess I will be on a break from TTC for a while.... sigh....:nope:
Wanna - I'm so sorry about your results! I too would be so sad at the thought of not only facing the surgery but also paying for it. You can't turn back time to all those months ttc, so just try to put them behind you and know that it led you to figuring this all out :hugs: Cutting your belly open sounds pretty major especially like you said you don't even know if it's still blocked. If you're going to do IUI anyway do you need both tubes? My mom concieved both my brother and I with a blocked tube, but you're right, it would give you much better chances... At least the polyp sounds like a routine fix with minor invasion. The good news is you know what's been causing the issues and there's a way to fix them. You know we're here with you to support you no matter what you chose to do. :hugs: And sorry about the having to hunt for another job again, I would be so mad. BUT at least you don't have to take time off from a new job to go to these doctor appointments?

Lindsay - I was lucky enough to not get hemorrhoids, I'm sorry you have them and they're so bad!!! LOL that's nice that DH took pictures for you! I think I would have tried to take them myself instead of my DH looking down there, but I guess since he's seen me give birth he's seen it all now. He also helped me shower for the first time after birth. It was very sweet but a little awkward. I would imagine the suppositories would help since they start inside, correct? Hopefully it will give you some relief. Ah men that need to be fixated on details when they're missing the big picture of things! Just do a good job (NOT perfect) and actually get it done! But glad progress is being made. Can you tell I've had men in my life that do the same thing? I was so annoyed that my boss waited until the day before I left to find my replacement. I reminded her over several months (it's not like I wasn't showing! but also e-mailing!) and she waited until 2 weeks before to start finding someone. It wasn't much of a turnover and no transitioning of my kids. But oh well. Hopefully you guys will find a partner you can both live with soon to make it less stressful on both of you. How long do you think you'll b out of work?
I just think having a better back brace now will prevent some of the pains that are coming up! I carried very high but it still put a lot of pressure on things.

Not much going on with us at the moment. James is sleeping through the night again (he was waking up once a night for about a month while teething but now we seem to have a break).
@Spunky, thank you for the kind words and support...:hugs: :flower:

No, I dont need two tubes open to do the IUI, I only need one, so it is optional if I do it or not. I am on the fence about it right now and I am going to research it some more and talk to the DR about it some more to help me decide what to do. Right now I am leaning just towards doing the hysteroscopy and just leaving my tubes alone.. i will be sure to update you girls once I decide what to do next though....
Wanna, on the plus side - at least the test showed that something was wrong! So you know that the TTC and not succeeding was *because* of something. I think I would be more frustrated if the doctor did the test, looked at everything and said "Nope, don't see a problem."
Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to sugarcoat the fact that there IS something, and that it needs to be corrected. I'm just trying to help you find a silver lining. :) I know I was so relieved after all my testing to find out that there was something wrong, and that we were able to make a plan to correct it.
As for the two options - I don't know if there is another way other than surgery or the HSG to check the tubes. Lord knows you don't want to go through that again anyway. I would think that with IUI and only one tube, the MD would be able to time it so you do the IUI the month the good tube is working, so you don't waste more time. And at least it gives you an every other month approach, which would be a little less stressful on you and DH (he wouldn't have to go perform every month). I have a friend who was diagnosed with infertility last year, and she was seeing the same specialist I was. She and her husband went through all the testing, and nothing showed up. All counts were fine, all hormone levels were good - NOTHING. They couldn't figure out why a perfectly healthy 32 year old woman and her 34 year old husband could not get pregnant.
So, on their last (and 6th) cycle of IUI with injectable hormones, she was prepared for IVF, which was what was planned for the next month. She goes in for bloodwork at the end of her TWW (you aren't ALLOWED to POAS because the hormones they inject will create a positive anyway - so that would drive you bonkers!! :wink:) - lo and behold, she's pregnant. WITH TWINS. They don't know why it happened this time and hasn't all the previous.
Point is, it can still happen.
With one tube, as long as you're ovulating and you have good follicles on that ovary, if your MD gives you drugs (ie Clomid) to increase your chances, I think that IUI is your best (and most affordable) option.
Surgery would most likely be out of pocket as it would be elective.

Okay, I'm off to work. My support belt should come in the mail today. I'm happy/weirded out at the same time. It looks like some bondage thing from the Fifth Element. Oy.
@Spunky, thank you for your kind words and support hun... :hugs: Yeah, that is one good thing about not working is that I wont need to try to get time off to go into surgery and than for recovery after....

@NJ, thank you for the kind words, advice and support!! :flower: I hope you can get some relief from your hemrroids, and that the support belt helps with your discomfort that you have been having... :hugs: I do feel glad that my infertility problems are ones that I can fix. I just wish it wasnt going to be so costly. I also wish I didnt have to add in DH's low sperm count, which I dont have much control over. He is taking his vitamins which seem to be helping so that is one good thing at least. But we have more strikes against us which sucks...

AFM, As you girls know I was worried about the out of pocket cost and coverage for the surgeries. Well, I just got off the phone with the DR's billing office and they said that my health insurance should cover both of the surgeries that I need. These surgeries are considered medically necessary because I have the polyp and fibroid in my uterus and that is a medical problem, it isnt considered the treatment of infertility, so I am relived to know that!!! Of course it is more expensive to do both procedures and the DR's office was only giving me the costs for their surgeon and not for the facility charges for where I would have to have the surgery or the cost of the anethesiologist either. So once i schedule the procedure i would have to follow up with the facility and the anathesiologist to verify those additional fees. So my health insurance has a 350 dollar deductible and than plan pays 85% so my out of pocket costs for just the surgeon would be about $450.00 but adding in the deductible would be about 800.00, but that is the max dollar amount, it could be less than that. Now I just need to have DH do our tax return to make sure we will be getting enough $$ back to cover the costs of the surgery and once I know that I can move forward. My health insurance only pays a maximum of 3k per person per calender year for the diagnosis of infertility, but I am not sure if the surgeries would fall under this category or not, because the costs of the hysteroscopy ranges from 1,000 to 3,000, and the lap ranges from 1,500 to 3,000, but this is without any insurance coverage and it depends on how much work the DR has to do once they can get in there. So i will keep you girls posted once I take the next step about what happens....:thumbup:
Hi girls... I can only be quick, just put Toby to bed and im falling asleep at my laptop!
Wanna - I'm sorry to hear about the issues you've found but at least you know that they are able to be resolved. That holds so much hope for the future of TTC. And I'm pleased to hear your insurance will cover it! I don't really understand much about insurance and things because we just have the NHS over here unless you go private.

Couple of things I'd mention when you're thinking about the surgery... or something I'd at least ask about... is that if you have an incision that low down, a) how long will healing time be before you can get pregnant without worrying about the scar and b) will an incision in your lower tummy prevent you from having a vaginal birth at a later date? I know some places will not allow vaginal delivery after a C section because of the location of the scar, so will this be the case here too? (I know it's a much smaller scar but I'd check all the same.)

Sorry if this put a downer on it hun. I really am pleased that things are looking up from here and you can think about moving forward... But I'm just voicing what would be my mailconcerns if I were going through the same thing. xx
FYI, the scars from a laparoscopy should have absolutely no bearing on how you can deliver later on. The reason women are discouraged from VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean) is because with a cesarean, you are cutting through the body of the uterus. When you resect a polyp with a lap, it is soooo much smaller than a c-section. The reason a vaginal birth after a section is difficult is because with contractions, the entire body of the uterus contracts, and is not as strong along the line of scar tissue, which can lead to uterine rupture. I've had patients who have had abscesses on their Fallopian tubes removed (even the whole tube), and there is no issue with delivery. I myself have lap scars from my gallbladder and appendix. They're stretched out now and are unattractive (to me), but it won't affect anything with delivery.
Just my medical two cents. :)
Feeling better today. Got my support belt - after trying it on, I really don't see how it will be much help, but we'll give it a shot.
I have this killer chocolate craving; tried a pear, thinking it was just sweet tooth. Didn't work. Had some chocolate covered raisins. Nope. Called DH and he was supposed to pick up something for me on the way home - and he's not home yet!! Grr!!
Lindsay - The belt doesn't do much at the end of the day. I put it on first thing in the morning before gravity had worked on my bump as much. So it helped if I put it on first thing for the day. Glad you got it!
All right, ladies - it's too quiet over here. Help a girl out and go visit my name poll.
DH and I finally picked two names - we will make the ultimate decision the day of when we see what she looks like.

Thanks - hope you are all doing well.
Also, been meaning to ask and keep forgetting - what did you guys pack in your hospital bags? I suppose I should start thinking about that, just in trying to hold off until after my shower on the 28th, so I can see what I need to get (diaper bag, nipple pads, etc).
we took mini shampoos and stuff...I packed tank tops and undies...pj pants..and my nursing robe..I took my two fav small pillows...we took some bottles for Brieanan incase we used formula so she wouldnt have nipple confusion from the bottles from the hospital and the ones we planned to use (Tommee Tippee)...also take a nice outfit for you incase the photographers want to get a family pic when they come around to do the baby pics if they do that there coz I had nothing nice to wear and regret it lol...
I was in the hospital 5 days (2 days before baby and left on the third day after James was born with a normal vaginal delivery). The 2 days ahead of time I used SNACKS (for the love of god bring snacks just in case, they serve meals but if you get hungry inbetween it will take them quite a while to track you down something. I couldn't have normal snacks as I had GD, but they said they had crackers and PB but it took like 30mins-1hour to get it), if you or your husband have something specific you like to drink (I packed Mountain Dew for my DH), I did use playing cards cause I was induced and had the time.
I loved that I had my own old underwear to wear around as I was walking up and down the halls (didn't want to go commando) but I did bleed on them, so it was nice just to toss them afterwards.
My husband NEEDED way more shirts/boxers than we packed as we didn't think we'd be there that long, he sweated through some, slept in some, baby spit up etc. Just make sure you pack for him too.
Toothbrushes for both. I took shampoo and body wash crap we both liked, and he did help me take my first shower, so he showered with me and it was so nice to smell familiar and good after such a long time pushing, getting all the sweat and goo and blood off. Come/brush, HAIRTIE (for pushing if your hair is long enough).
Hospital gowns were good and all, but I was so happy after my shower to put on pajamas (new nursing pjs for me BLACK in cause I bled through). I took a soft nursing bra (not a nice one that you're going to wear out, just a comfy one) a top to wear home and maternity pants (I still looked 6 months pregnant when I left the hospital) BIG slippers or something, my feet have never been so puffy in my life as they were in the hospital, ended up wearing my husband's sandals home as my shoes didn't fit! I should have put in bra pads, didn't need them for leaking, but I put on lanolin and it STAINED my new nursing bra (which I'm ok with, but I wont want to damage future ones).

Camera, charger/memory sticks, phone (I did NOT want to talk to anyone in the hospital before or after baby, but husband did update people) & charger.

I did NOT clip James' nails then, didn't use a brush for him, they provided diapers and wipes and onesies and hats. HOWEVER I wanted him in clothes I purchased for him (I would bring a few onesies/outfits). He was 7lbs12oz and the newborn clothes were a little big on him (he actually was in newborn for a good month if I remember correctly, I brought a 0-3month outfit cause they thought he would be big it was HUGE for him). SO next baby I'll bring 3-4 newborn onesies. I had a weird thing about not wanting him to wear the same hospital hat that every baby wears so I brought 2 hats, one for right after birth (that could get gooey) and one for later, they let me put my hat on him, so first pics of him aren't wearing the same hospital hat every other baby wears (I'm a weirdo).

I brought a bathing suit top to wear in the hospital tub (to labor in, they didn't allow water birth) but I didn't get in the tub because of everything else that was going on (I'll still bring this next time).

I think I packed a bit of make-up for pictures, but honestly I didn't give a shit. I LOVE the pictures of me right after looking haggard (weird I know) it shows how hard I worked to get James out, it shows how strong I was and how much it took to birth him. There's one of my mom holding him and me next to her looking like death (PM me if you want me to send it to you) I look huge like I haven't even had him yet and my freckles look so dark because I am so pale. I'm glad I didn't use the make-up, but some people that will make them feel human, so if you're one take it just in case.

Lip balm of some kind, my lips got really dry.

Your OWN pillow, you'll be happy you did, plus they told me there's a shortage of pillows always, so if you like 5 bring 5. Oh yeah, and my boppy.

They had a bunch of the mesh underwear and pads (I brought my own underwear and pads, but used theirs instead as the underwear was just comfier and the pads were bigger and because they were "free" I didn't feel bad about changing them every hour as needed). They provided me tucks pads, spray numbing stuff (LOVED IT) I asked for extra to take home, and they gave it to me, they gave me something for a sitz bath, didn't use it took a bath instead, used their mesh underwear for like 2 weeks.

I didn't finish packing my bag until I was overdue - I wouldn't test fate and wait that long, BUT I don't think there's a rush to do it this weekend. Good thing you're thinking about it now. That's all I can remember.
Thanks Erica and Chelsea!
Chels, I'm not planning on packing this weekend, but wanted to start thinking about what else I needed to get. We live literally five minutes from the hospital, so DH will probably stop home to change, let out the dog, etc. Don't think I'll bring much for him. I plan on packing everything for LO in a diaper bag (whenever I get one), and the rest of my stuff in another bag...I have to poke around my house and see what I have.
I think I want to order some darker PJ pants, and I want to buy some sweats - I don't have any except the pre-preggo ones I wear around the house below my belly when it's just me and DH home. I figure that way if I bleed through, it won't be as noticeable. Mom got me some nice flannel ones for Xmas, but they're red and they're HUGE. I know anything I forget DH will run home to get, but I'd prefer to have everything in one place. I'll probably start picking up the mini-toiletries at the store when I go, just setting them aside.

Oh, had my work shower this past Tuesday. The girls in the ICU at one of the hospitals I work at threw it for me. They wanted it to be a surprise, but some of the ladies on the other units left the flyers out on the nurses' station. It was really lovely. Tons of food, got a lot of stuff (very little from my registry, mostly everyone got toys and clothes - MORE CLOTHES!!). One of the doctors who I'm very close with was upset that no one told him about it, or where I was registered. I told him I didn't think they said anything because "guys don't care." So, he went online to my registry on his phone, bought something, and then came to the party because "now I've earned it."
So I came home from work yesterday to the Graco SnugRide 35 carseat in my driveway. Too much.
Thanks again for your input - I'm making up my lists. :)
Lindsay - We only lived 10 minutes from the hospital - if that. Once things really got going though I didn't want my DH to leave because I was nervous and things were happening. Then once the baby was born HE didn't want to leave (plus he changed all the diapers as I had a hard time getting around the first week). So while he did run home once to shower and change that's all he left in 5 days (besides running downstairs to the cafeteria - which him and my mom took turns). I would just say maybe pack a little bit of necessities just in case you don't want him to leave or in case something gets on him. We had my parents checking on the dogs so we wouldn't have to worry about them.

So sweet about your coworkers throwing you a shower! Mine was co-ed and sent out to all staff (I worked at a HS). How sad for your male doctor that he wasn't invited. :( Very nice of him to get you such a nice gift! Woohoo! So many people got me clothes (and almost all 3 month clothes! He spent like 4-5 months in 3 month clothes but still didn't get much wear out of them). Luckily though most got me something off of my registry. I bought the car seat/stroller myself and his crib and dresser myself (when I was 7 weeks pregnant!). So everything on my list was pretty inexpensive so they bought me like an outift then something off the list. I did return some clothes (repeats or just things I didn't like - which wasn't much) to get more stuff on my registry.

About 1 month from maternity leave! You ready yet? I was starting to get nervous about leaving everything to someone else at this point but was so relieved to see a light at the end of the tunnel!
I packed necessities but it might be different in the uk.
I needed/packed
For me: dark pjs, leggings, wash bag. Definitely second the lip balm. My lips were so dry after gas n air. Baggy dark knickers, maternity pads, 2 vest tops and a hoodie. Hair brush, hair elastics, toothbrush and paste, my favourite smelling bath wash and body moisturiser so I felt more human after my bath.
For DH: change of tshirt, snacks and drinks.
For Toby: nappies, 3 vests, 3 sleep suits, hat, scratch mits, 2 blankets, cotton wool... Just the basics really!

I am only 5 minutes from the hospital so DH could go back if we needed extra bits (we didn't, I was let home 9hrs after Toby was born)
I can't believe they do that in the UK! I've just started hearing about that here on BnB, that you girls go home with them within HOURS. Unbelievable! Maybe because here I've always known it to be 2-3 days for normal vaginal delivery here in the states, and up to 5 days for C-Section. Crazy!

I'm compiling my's all starting to sink in.

My boss gave me a fairly large monetary gift today for a shower present (!!). DH and I are figuring that we will use giftcards received to buy whatever we did not get, and after that, dip into what he gave us. The rest will go into a college fund for the LO.
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