The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Brieanans first giggle!!
Aww I cant watch it because Tobys asleep and I dont wanna wake him up.
But yeah... I love that I got to go home to my own bed after Toby was born. The only reason I wasn't let home after the usual 6 hours was because I was in a room on my own and they forgot about us so I had to wait 3 hours extra :dohh:

Cheeky little man just crawled half way up the stairs before I even noticed. I may have freaked out slightly... what if he fell?! He's such a monkey!! And soooo fast these days, it's crazy.
Ok NJ-

My hospital bag was very small too- i took sweat pants, panties, a maternity shirt, i slept in the gown they had (i only spent the one night) brought shampoo, body gel, tooth brush, tooth paste. And that's because like cottonspie i live 5 minutes from the hospital. I didn't take snacks, anything i needed dh just got for me while i was there. Oh camera, camera battery- phone charger, stuff for baby like a hat (because we had the air conditioner on in the car and they say that's really bad when baby is so new). But i didn't actually put her in onesies and clothes until she was home for a day. It was 100 and something degrees when she was born.

I also went home day after the birth (i'm also in the usa)- because they told me since i didn't have an epi i didn't have to be watched and i was all natural so i didn't have any meds, and didn't tear, so actually right after i had the baby- an hour later they told me i could leave the next morning. I only wound up staying later in the day because the midwife forgot to put the papers in!! But really, there was no reason for me to stay any longer than the one night. I didn't actually get any sleep there anyway! could've done that at home lol
Dare, how have you been?! Haven't heard from you in a long time. How is Ava?
Thanks for your maternity bag input as well. :)
Brieanans views on The Price Is Right haha!! she is clearly an expert
I am doing well nj thanks- i haven't been on much because i don't have the time- ava's been a proper handful these days. She screams a lot during the day, and at night i'm up almost every single hour- if i'm not feeding her i'm giving her back her pacifier that she dropped. So, not quite right in the head at my end. How are you feeling? I can't believe how far along you are!!!!!!! The rest is just more and more uncomfortable- but it's so worth it in the end :)

Trying to rehome my cats too right now, i finally got rid of the dog - my parents wound up taking it. But these cats have to go. I just found punctures in one of ava's toys from the damn cat, and there is litter everywhere, and i'm about to lose my mind. My husband doesn't see anythign wrong with the cat- even though i found poop on the floor RIGHT next to Ava's toys. It's disgusting. I never thought i'd be one of those people that dumps pets after their baby is born- i hated those kinds of people- and now i AM that person. I can't stand it! I can't have her living in filth! but seriously- either the cat goes, or i'm taking ava and we're going. She is not learning to crawl in cat shit.
Anyone have any baby napping tips? Brieanan refuses to go down or she either sleeps for 20 mins a billion "naps" a day or 4 hours inbetween... and its driving us crazy....she falls asleep in your arms but then the second she touches the swing or the matter how out of it she was..shes awake and whining...
Sorry Erica - not a lot of advice... James takes his naps on me and usually sleeps at 11, 2, 4 & 7 for anywhere between 20 mins - 1.5 hours. I've given up trying to lay him down (unless I have to go to the bathroom). He sleeps longer on me so I just chill and cuddle him and enjoy it since I know it wont last too long in his life...
This kid went from practicing ballet to judo chops out of nowhere. Holy crap. Ultrasound next Monday to check size and position.
Had FIVE of my friends give birth in last week and a half.
1. Luke John, 6 weeks early but 6lbs 12oz. On vent in NICU for a week.
2. Clara Ann, number 5 for my friend and his wife. Delivered by Mom at home via water birth (!!)
3. Lucas Michael, one week late, scheduled C-section due to size - 8lb, 14oz
4. Twins Brock and Parker, 35 weeks, both 6lbs2oz, no problems.
5. Tyler Andrew, scheduled section at 39 weeks due to prior C.

Holy baby boom...
Anyone have any baby napping tips? Brieanan refuses to go down or she either sleeps for 20 mins a billion "naps" a day or 4 hours inbetween... and its driving us crazy....she falls asleep in your arms but then the second she touches the swing or the matter how out of it she was..shes awake and whining...

Hmmm ava was going through things like this too- and still tries to sleep in my arms. She's sneaky. Around 1 month, she was sleeping in her crib through the night so i was trying to be sneaky and sneak her in there after she fell asleep on me. No go. BUT she would sleep in her swing. Every single day, i would put her in there after she fell asleep. after a while it got longer and longer. However- now she won't sit in the swing at all. She's done with it. (for like 2 months now she won't have any of that).

Now, we are going through a serious sleep regression. Do you swaddle? I did for 3 months, then stopped, and now she needs it again. So, we started it all over again. Working really well. When i know she's getting tired, i go in there (sometimes while she's still attached to the boob trying to go to sleep) swaddle her, and put her back on the boob and she falls asleep. then i put her in the crib. She can go down anywhere from 40 minutes to an hour and a half. Most of the time it's right on the hour. Just try little by little by little and it's gotta give sometime.

This kid went from practicing ballet to judo chops out of nowhere. Holy crap. Ultrasound next Monday to check size and position.
Had FIVE of my friends give birth in last week and a half.
1. Luke John, 6 weeks early but 6lbs 12oz. On vent in NICU for a week.
2. Clara Ann, number 5 for my friend and his wife. Delivered by Mom at home via water birth (!!)
3. Lucas Michael, one week late, scheduled C-section due to size - 8lb, 14oz
4. Twins Brock and Parker, 35 weeks, both 6lbs2oz, no problems.
5. Tyler Andrew, scheduled section at 39 weeks due to prior C.

Holy baby boom...

I know! it always goes in threes you know!! lol. You were the third in that list- even if you are giving birth later, you're still part of the group! :) three of my friends announced pregnancy all around the same time too. (ok one is a friend, one's an acquaintance really, and the other is my sil who was dying because i had a kid first).

Have you thought about birth plan things yet? do you know what you want?

Sorry Erica - not a lot of advice... James takes his naps on me and usually sleeps at 11, 2, 4 & 7 for anywhere between 20 mins - 1.5 hours. I've given up trying to lay him down (unless I have to go to the bathroom). He sleeps longer on me so I just chill and cuddle him and enjoy it since I know it wont last too long in his life...

Sometimes i feel the same spunky, sometimes, i really want to just sit here and let her sleep on me. But i can't get too much done when she's awake because she is going through a clingy period where if i leave the room she screams bloody murder. But i really want her to sleep in her crib because it's supposed to be better on their necks (don't know if that's real or not to be honest). Sometimes i really just want to sneak her back in bed with me and co sleep again too. I figure when she's a bit bigger, you know when daddy goes to work she can sneak in with me and we can have special mommy daughter bonding time. I used to do that when my dad left for work. But i also eat my food for the day when she's in bed too for naps, because she's always grabbing at my food.

How is weaning with James? sorry if you've answered this before?
Lindsay - CRAZY! And YOU'RE next!! AAAHHHH!!! Just think next month you could have a baby!!! (though I'm hoping you'll be one of the 5% that gives birth on your due date, I had a lovely friend in middle school who was a St. Patrick's Day baby)

Dare - He's been pretty clingly too a lot lately, I just give in knowing I'm not going to get much done around the house. I do things when my husband is home. So I'm fairly lazy with everything but James during the day.

Weaning? Ugh. He has not taken to food, and I have not forced it, but my mom keeps pushing me to get him to eat. I'm not trying often enough, not trying the right kinds of foods, not presenting it well, etc. I tried giving him foods in December (pears, carrots, green beans, and I think something else, but I don't remember). I've only tried one serving of rice cereal this month with breast milk and he hated it. The only thing he kinda liked was the pears... Mostly he just spits it out, gets upset, turns his head, cries. We've tried different times of day, different amounts of time from last feed. Got him more food to try yesterday, but husband was too tired to feed him banana (supposedly because they're so much cleanup) so we're going to feed him today, I may just do it before he gets home so the above situation wont happen again. I try to get him involved in feeding James though since he hasn't been able to feed him the last 7 months, which sometimes upsets him (but not often and not much, just gets frustrated when he's hungry and he hasn't taken a bottle since he was like 3 months, refuses it). He'll play with a sippy cup with water, but NOT breast milk. Doesn't really get a lot in his tummy though, but he has fun with it. I figure he'll eat when he's ready. You don't normally see 1 year olds that ONLY eat BM or Formula. James is waking up once a night again, but he's been getting more teeth. Now he has 2 bottom teeth and 3 top teeth with the fourth visible, but not through yet.
Have you tried feeding Ava again since that didn't help her sleep through the night better?
Lindsay - CRAZY! And YOU'RE next!! AAAHHHH!!! Just think next month you could have a baby!!! (though I'm hoping you'll be one of the 5% that gives birth on your due date, I had a lovely friend in middle school who was a St. Patrick's Day baby)

Dare - He's been pretty clingly too a lot lately, I just give in knowing I'm not going to get much done around the house. I do things when my husband is home. So I'm fairly lazy with everything but James during the day.

Weaning? Ugh. He has not taken to food, and I have not forced it, but my mom keeps pushing me to get him to eat. I'm not trying often enough, not trying the right kinds of foods, not presenting it well, etc. I tried giving him foods in December (pears, carrots, green beans, and I think something else, but I don't remember). I've only tried one serving of rice cereal this month with breast milk and he hated it. The only thing he kinda liked was the pears... Mostly he just spits it out, gets upset, turns his head, cries. We've tried different times of day, different amounts of time from last feed. Got him more food to try yesterday, but husband was too tired to feed him banana (supposedly because they're so much cleanup) so we're going to feed him today, I may just do it before he gets home so the above situation wont happen again. I try to get him involved in feeding James though since he hasn't been able to feed him the last 7 months, which sometimes upsets him (but not often and not much, just gets frustrated when he's hungry and he hasn't taken a bottle since he was like 3 months, refuses it). He'll play with a sippy cup with water, but NOT breast milk. Doesn't really get a lot in his tummy though, but he has fun with it. I figure he'll eat when he's ready. You don't normally see 1 year olds that ONLY eat BM or Formula. James is waking up once a night again, but he's been getting more teeth. Now he has 2 bottom teeth and 3 top teeth with the fourth visible, but not through yet.
Have you tried feeding Ava again since that didn't help her sleep through the night better?

oh oh! Ava was born exactly on her due date that fertility friend gave us! It was due to the opks and our chart- and she was born on that day!! :) I'm part of that 5 %. My little lady knew when she wanted to be here!

I haven't tried the food since i think maybe a week and a half now. But last night- omg, was awful. I was up literally every single hour. SO i've gone with what you said- and i'm letting her sleep on us during the day when she's tired. I'm throwing what my mother says out the freaking window- saying 'screw it' and letting her sleep. If it gets me better sleep at night- i'll do it. I was so wasted from last night i literally sat on the couch ALL freaking day watching Cary Grant movies on TCM! lol. I love Cary Grant and old films. I find him adorable. Anyway- so i went with your way. And she slept a lot, and i just got to sit there. Except to change diapers- and feed- and i have to say these are the times i am so glad i decided on breast feeding- because i didn't have to go get a freaking bottle.

I am thinking about waiting until early next week and trying food again. my mother got me one of those 'baby bullets' from tv, so i can make my own food. How fun! i think that thing is so cute!

The thing that makes me think it 's not the food was that she was excited about it- and sucking it down. she LOVED eating it. Loved the rice- but only if thick, and liked it mixed with milk & water. either one, she'll eat it. She watches us eat and looks like she doesn't understand why we're not giving her some too.

No teeth yet though. Everyone always asks if i feel anything in there- and i don't bloody know what i'm even feeling for. Last time i thought we had a tooth- and it was a freaking pearl. How does James do with the bfing and the teeth? I'm terrified i'm going to get bit.

I have a major headache (probably from no sleep last night) and today, i was so happy she just wanted to take naps. She'd sit up, play a bit, then take another nap. Right now i passed her off on my dh to get a break. hoping this will help with tonight. I only tried to fix the sleeping thing because night wasn't working- but right now, i feel kind of at a loss. i'm just afraid nothing is going to work. I can't take many more nights like that.
:hugs: I've been making all of James' baby food in a little blender :shrug: It really doesn't take that much time or energy to steam and blend food. I bought little containers (4oz) and just put a tiny bit in there as he's only playing with a few spoonfuls.

Glad you were taking it easy today! BF sure does make it easy. James and I have spent may a day with my butt parked on the couch feeding him and him napping on me. At least I don't get exhausted from him AND housework.

Sorry about last night, I hope things do get better. 5.5 months was when he started waking up again (when he had been sttn). He got better about 6.5 months and is waking up once again, usually 5-6 am so at least I'm getting a good block of time first (he goes to bed at 8:30-9pm, but I was staying up till like 11, NOT ANYMORE! I've been lights out at 10pm now to make sure I get what sleep I can!) So I'm getting like 6 hours straight, and then a feed and then a 1-2 hour nap then we get up for the day.

Teething is a bitch. With James I saw blue blood blisters on his gums first, then white under the skin, then they finally poked through about a month after I noticed the first change! TAKES FOREVER it seems once you actually SEE them. I never could tell a difference by feel I just opened his mouth and pulled down his lip to look. He wasn't thrilled, but like our puppies, I want him to be ok with us sticking a finger in his mouth!

Hope tonight goes better. Have DH watch her while you take a nap to at least start catching up a little! :hugs:

(Awesome about the due date! James was 13 days late by Dr's due date, 11 days late by FF's date)
32 weeks today!
Hi girls,
Had my 32 week ultrasound this am - everything looks good. She is head down, facing the left - feet right up in my ribs. Has lots of hair according to the tech. Measuring 4lbs, 6oz. And the cheeks!! I'll post a pic as soon as I get it scanned in.
Shower this weekend, then will start folding and sorting, etc. Three more weeks till leave - and I can't wait. Hitting the sore and "OMG, I'm so big" portion of the pregnancy.
Hey Ladies, Just a Quick Update.

My Dr's are Useless they just told me to wait and see what was going on. but all sorted it's self out i had a very heavy AF.

However i had unusual bleeding for about 3 days around 2 weeks ago. and then today i have had a slight pink spotting about 5pm and nothing since.

not getting my hopes up but i will keep you all posted.
Lindsey - Your BUMP is AMAZING!! I'm so jealous and miss mine!! Wonderful that Baby Bee is head down! She better stay that way!! :growlmad: Otherwise James may have to give her a talking to! Yeah, the "I'm so big" part does start getting hard, especially when you can't sleep as well. I could always sleep, but it started getting more uncomfortable to fall asleep, and napping didn't work as well in the end. Lots of hair? How do they figure that?

I hope your time goes quickly so you can put your feet up soon!

Her cheeks are lovely! I want to kiss them!
I hope that all of you lovely ladies are doing good!!! :flower:

@NJ, Cute bump picture!!! That is a really cute scan picture!!! :flower: I am glad that baby bee is doing well and healthy. Sorry about your discomfort. :hugs:

AFM, I scheduled the surgergy and have decided to do both surgeries, the hysteroscopy to remove the polyp in my uterus and the laproscopy to unblock my second tube. I think that I am better off taking care of both issues and maximizing my fertility to help increase my chances of getting pregnant. I just scheduled it for March 6th, because my Dr. is all booked up for surgeries in the month of February so I cant make it this month. I just realized that March 6th wont work for me though because I will most likely be ovulating at that time and the surgeries have to be done before you ovulate at the beginning of your cycle so i am going to call back to reschedule tomorrow morning, so most likely it will need to be the end of march instead. I am nervous about surgery but i know it will be worth it if I can finally get my BFP. Wish me Luck girls!!:thumbup:
Good luck, wanna, I'm so glad that things are moving forward for you! :thumbup:

Chelsea - thanks! I love that picture - I keep looking at it. I have it on my phone so I can show it off. I realized she actually looks like baby pictures of my sister - she had the cute little chipmunk cheeks until she was about six or seven, LOL.
I guess the techs can see hair on the ultrasound - :shrug: Not sure. I just take her word for it. If she takes after DH, she will have LOADS. He and his brothers all have this great thick, straight hair. I'm glad she's head-down too - I like the ultrasounds because when she tells me what part is where, it makes all those aches and pains make sense. I kept having this pain high up on my left side, and wasn't sure what it was - it's her darned feet!
DH is laughing because my belly button hasn't popped. I'm wondering if because she's so low, if it won't. Sciatica hit me tonight all down my left leg. I can't help but laugh. My friend's wife says that the third trimester discomforts are nature's way of making you think labor is a good idea.
Sorted through the blankets, socks and clothes I got from my work shower. Once I have my other shower this weekend, I will do the same - I'm going to sort out all the sizes, and then put aside anything six months and up, and find places for the rest in the nursery. Once DH finishes the mouldings and we get it all settled, I will take pictures.
Hope all is well, ladies. I probably won't be around too much until the weekend.
the hair they can tell from a "halo" affect around the head. ? or so ive read. sorry can't write more.... glad everyone is doing well. I have a very crabby pooping baby right now. hope to be back on soon and catch up properly xx
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