The One Year Strong Ladies!

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@NJ, Thanks for the well wishes and luck!!!! :hugs:

So I talked to the DR's office and the scheduler explained to me that it is okay if I am ovulating when the surgeries take place, Me and DH will probably just abstain from sex during my fertile window so that I dont have any chance of pregnancy that cycle. I hate to put the surgery off any longer to the next cycle because I am anxious to get back on board with TTC for the next cycle which will start for me around the 19th of March based on that surgery date. Tomorrow my DR is going to call me back to answer some additional questions that I have about the surgery as well since she was out of the office today.
NJ - how CUTE is that scan pic! Awww her lil cheeks and nose just... Aww! Oh god I'm getting broody haha

Wanna - so glad things are being set in motion hun. It's great that you don't have to reschedule... That extra wait would've been such a pain!

Hope everyone is doing well. Toby's learnt kisses... If I say "give mummy a kissy" he leans in, mouth open like a proper baby kiss. it's so cute!! He's being really groggy, clingy and stubborn lately because he's teething but the waves and kisses make it all better.

In other news I gave blood for the first time today. It reminded me just how stubborn I really am. My whole body is stubborn. When I tried expressing milk nothing came out til I turned off the pump then I leaked everywhere. And today I squirted blood all over the place as the needle was going in but then my vein constricted and the blood flow was super slow... :dohh:

Still, it's something to cross off my list of 30 Things To Do Before I'm 30!!
What a day! Had my shower today thrown by my sister and my mom. Was really lovely. Got LOADS of stuff - the only things I have to get are my diaper bag, the portable bather/tub, the converter kit for the breast pump/bottles I'm using, breast milk storage bottles, and an activity gym. I have the infant car seat and stroller, want to get the bigger stroller and car seat, but going to wait. One of the doctors bought me the playard, the high chair, and the swing, so I should get those in the next couple weeks. Plus I have to get a couple odds and ends for the nursery. I have TONS of clothes - will probably be returning some. Will also go through the hand-me-downs we have - will probably end up taking some more to the Salvation Army at this point. I'm inundated with clothes.
I want to put together the stuff I got - right now it's all spread over my kitchen waiting for DH to get home. I think it's naptime right now..
Wanna - I'm so glad you're able to have both of the surgeries on your schedule! Get em over and done with so you can get back to baby making! I hope they go quickly and well!

Katherine - I am so broody! I keep seeing pregnant women! And how cute Lindsay and her Baby B are don't help! :haha: I can't wait for James to give kisses!! How sweet! I used to donate blood, then I had several bad experiences in a row and my family decided that giving blood is not for me. Good job donating! Your wedding is coming up in a few months, right? Are you ready?

Lindsay - So glad your showers went well and you got so much good stuff! So exciting! I know once I got everything I was so ready to put it all together. I put everything on a table and moved it to the nursery as I wrote my thank you notes. Once I was done with my thank you's I played with everything! Had the husband washing the clothes and I started putting things in their place! Can't believe you're so close to full term! Woohoo!

AFM - James has 6 teeth now. Still refusing solids, though he is liking to chew on a piece of toast then throw up the bread immediately. Yesterday and Today he bit me while BF, NOT fun! Hurt so much! That's all for me!
All right, had my OB appointment today, and bad news...
Blood pressure was slightly elevated (no protein in the urine - I do have headaches, but I get them regularly, anyway).
Baby is DROPPED and head is ENGAGED.
Dilated to 1cm.

So. I am officially on bedrest until February 25th. At that point I'll be 37 weeks, and can resume regular activity (since it won't matter if she comes at that point).

Feeling fine otherwise - I had just been having a lot *more* pelvic pressure the last couple days. She's been moving around a LOT the last two days - I guess that she has more room? - and nights are really uncomfortable. When I went to doc today, she of course was running behind (by an hour, grr). I couldn't get comfortable, I just assumed it was because things have been getting, well...bigger. I've been wearing the maternity support band, but it's felt tighter the last couple days (I guess because she moved). So, when she asked me how I was feeling, I told her I was having a lot more pressure than previous. So, as we were stripping down for my pelvic, she asked me when I was done with work - I told her two more weeks. She said that with the increased pressure, she would push it up to next Monday. Then she examined me - as she snapped off her glove, she says "Well, you're out of work as of now." Nearly two and a half weeks early. Bed, couch, bathroom, that's it. Ugh. It's been three hours and I'm already bored.

So - DH is mad (playfully) that he hasn't finished the nursery (his fault). I'm waiting for the pack and play someone got me for my shower to be delivered. It's got the bassinet feature, so I'm not worried about the crib etc for a while. I have to have DH get the suitcase down from the attic tonight, and I'll pack my bag tomorrow. Mom is disappointed that I can't go shopping, haha.

I'm sure I'll be online a lot more. I'm working on cross stitch, reading, I'm sure I'll max out my Kindle, and I'll be driving everyone on FB crazy. Now if I can just hold her in for three weeks and two days...
oh nj i'll be thinking of you- and hoping all goes well. bed rest! omg i'd be SO bored. do you like video games?! that at least would help. Dh got me zelda for xmas and i get to play like an hour a day when he gets home to watch ava. That's what i would do if i were on bedrest. but i'm a nerd! not everyone is like that! Most of my friends are like 'whaaat'.

Must be nice to not have to run around at work though- i was so thankful when i stopped because i had time to not worry about cleaning there- but it was also different because i was a vet tech- so i had to constantly be on my guard and make sure i didn't get hit by a dog or contract anything from the animals. Kind of scary. I think i was pretty useless at the end. AND I WAS FREAKING HUGE. and i kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger....

Think of it as really- time to yourself where you are being forced to relax before baby gets here- because you won't get much time after that!

OOHHHH and Spunky- i have ava napping in her crib now! and sleeping through the night again only doing one feed. We had to do controlled crying, and it worked like a charm. I just put her down about an hour ago for a nap- she napped about 30-40 minutes, and i just put her in and she didn't even fight. We've only been doing it going on 4 days now. it's amazing. I got to take a shower, and eat breakfast, and not worry about holding her at the same time.

AND i lost another 1.3 lbs, i'm now at 116.4, and almost at my goal. Imagine if it were actually nice enough to go out and get some exercise. And wii fit said ava is 15.4 lbs now. pretty good for a bf baby. :) She's pretty big looking. She can move backwards in her walker now!
I forgot about video games...we have the Wii, I'm not sure if it's even hooked up right anymore...I'm the video game geek, NOT DH. He hates them. But I haven't played in ages. I was big on GuitarHero and Mario, LOL. Maybe once I get some "real" stuff done, I'll talk DH into making sure it's hooked up for me. :haha:

Today I told DH to bring in the boxes of baby clothes into the living room where I've set up camp. I'm going to go through the hand-me-downs and the new, set aside anything 6 months and up to go into attic for now, 3-6 months for the closet, and 0-3 months for in the nursery. I'm going to make lists of what I still need to get (nursing bras, etc), and order that online. I'm going to also make a list of what I want to pack in my hospital bag, get that done. Not planning on doing all of it today, but if I have goals, I think it will help. I'm finishing the cross stitch for my friend that is due the end of the month - at least I know THAT will be done, LOL.

Word travels so fast - I must've gotten six phone calls from work so far, and it's not even 11 o'clock. 23 days...
oh i love mario. I have the wii which is fantastic- and dh doesn't really play that. He's the xbox fan. So i got him one of those a few years ago for christmas. We don't like the same kind of games- but sometimes we play games together. just not often, and def. not since ava was born.

It's just nice to have something mindless to unwind to. So i make dh hold her for an hour and a half or so and play. It also ensures he HAS to spend time with her. As he tends to try to just sit at the computer. he's only home like 3 &1/2 hours before she goes to bed at 8. So, its really like dinner & he does dishes for me-- then he has some time with her while i play- and then it's time for her to have some oatmeal, take her bath, then bed.
I know! If I can just make it 23 more days, I'll be good.

Pretty productive today, actually. I had DH drag all the boxes of baby clothes into the living room like I planned - got sorted through EVERYTHING. It's amazing how much more stained some of the stuff was in daylight (I last sorted through it at night). Also, I forgot that one of the girls, her baby is allergic to milk, and is on a soy-based formula. The spit-up for that stains like nobodies business (BRIGHT yellow), so those outfits went in the donation pile. Mom had a good idea; I'm going to donate the bags of clothes to an abused women's shelter. A lot of them have kids, and have nothing. So, why not?

It's amazing how much lower baby is - over the weekend she was kicking up in my ribs, right under my boob. Now, she's kicking the side of my stomach, closer to my navel! How did I not FEEL her drop?? And my GOD, I constantly have to pee. I can't help but laugh that this isn't much bedrest with running to the bathroom every hour. :loo:
:hugs: Lindsey - OMG! I can't believe it! Good that you're being positive and productive! You can keep a baby in for 23 days! You've kept her in this long.

I don't think James ever really dropped... Well, obviously he did, but I don't think he did till I was in labor... He wasn't engaged and I was only 1 cm up unitl my water broke and 30 hours into my induction.

Dare - Glad you and Ava are doing so much better! James is still not a crib napper, but that's ok. Great that you're getting breaks!!
I'm going to go crazy. Only so much you can watch on Netflix, so many books and cross stitch. My head hurts.
@NJ, how are you doing other than being so bored....:flower:

I just got done working out to my Zumba DVD and ate dinner, i am trying to loose weight again, and am getting back on track and doing pretty good so far, I made pan fried chicken, fries in the oven and corn for dinner... DH isnt home because he ran to the store to grab a few things that we needed... Are you guys getting snow were you live tomorrow. It is raining and chilly here now but I guess we might get some snow showers overnight tonight, but this winter has been so mild, I will belive that when I see it... :haha:
:hugs: Lindsey! I'm sorry! I got a little stir crazy on Mat leave and I was still able to go shopping and go on walks! Can't imagine how you must be doing! 3 more weeks!

Wanna - It was so warm here today we opened our windows and let in fresh air! Was great! Hope you'll do ok with your storm! Good Luck on the weight loss!

I joined a gym two weeks ago and have gone 8 times. Zumba, Yoga, a pilates/yoga combo class. It's been so much fun! And I've already lost 1.5 lbs! I was getting sad not leaving the house much, going to classes at the gym have helped my mood SO MUCH!
So jealous of your weight though Dare! I'd LOVE to get to 125 lbs again someday but I'm not sure that's realistic anymore, so nice that you're so little!
i loved mat leave! ha! but i wasn't on bedrest either- so i could do things. AND it was like 100 degrees so i was at my mom's swimming all the time. Almost every single day i was doing a 2 hour swim at least. That was pretty awesome.

But now, i think i'd be like you- stir crazy.
Ugh, I wish I could swim. I just make sure I get up and get dressed every day. Yesterday I finished a cross stitch and started a second. My hips are sore today (??). DH and I are assuming its from all the time on the couch with my feet up on the ottoman - not a position I'm used to. So today I'm hanging out on top of our bed (Tempurpedic mattress) and reading. DH is finishing the moldings in the nursery hopefully tonight. Then they just have to be painted. He is going to try to do the ceiling fan in the next couple days. Yesterday he put everything together. I'm just waiting on the pack and play to get delivered. Thinking I may borrow a friend's basinet for the bedroom. Very paranoid she will decide to get here before the pack and play does. Laundry is done. I ordered my nursing bras and a couple shirts online. Bags are packed. Nothing left to do but relax and wait. My friend is betting on 3/7 for the delivery date - that would put me at 38+4. We will see Wednesday if things have progressed or stayed the same.
Spoke with my boss yesterday. he's just glad I'm home - said if anything had happened while I was working, he never would have forgiven himself.
UGH! I type this whole response and B&B crashes

So what I said in summary:
Your hips probably aren't used to not moving around all day :hugs:
Glad your DH is getting the nursery together
James would cry if he wasn't being held the first two weeks, so you may not even get a chance to use a pack n play or bassinet then, you may just be holding Baby Bee until she'll let you lay her down. (we passed James around he slept on me, my husband and my mom for 24 hours a day for the first 2 weeks)
I recommend a Moby wrap and I will be using one from DAY 1 with next baby. You can BF them in it and be hands free (loved my boppy, but you still had to balance it and baby) and you can carry them and still use two hands, say to pee, things like that. If you don't have one maybe look on e-bay for a used one and wash it. I didn't use it until James was 3 months and I regret it. It could have given me so much more freedom of movement and hands.

I am still rooting for your original due date of 3/17. Many women have been put on bed rest and have needed to be induced 40+.

omg i had to hold ava the first month of her life 24/7. Sometimes, i miss it! lol. We had to do co-sleeping because she had to be in my arms. And if i put her down for anything she'd scream. So spunky is so right!

oh and my cousin recommended a 'breastfriend' from walmart instead of a boppy. i didn't get one, i have the boppy, but it's supposed to be better for back support.
not sure how crafty you are NJ but you can also make your own moby wrap that would prolly be cheaper and you can have more pattern options...just search "make your own moby wrap" and there are tons of tutorials, no sew wraps and ones that require sewing machines
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