The One Year Strong Ladies!

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I am pretty crafty - which is why I've gotten the cross stitch done already, and working on the second. Problem is, I have to work with whatever is around the house - I can't go out and get anything. So, I'm just sticking with the cross stitch, scrapbooking, that sort of thing.
DH is better the last two days. Last night he finished the moldings around the nursery floor - just has to do the window casings and paint them, then tackle the ceiling fan. He made dinner last night and the night before - this morning he made pancakes for breakfast. <3
I just have to be careful, since I'm not getting the exercise I need, I have to watch how much crap I'm eating. It's hard because I'm a boredom eater - you know, you sit around the house, nothing to do - Let's Snack!! Part of why I do the cross stitch - can't eat because you have to keep the fabric clean.
I feel like my bump is *smaller* than before. I'll have to try to take a picture and post it.
Happy anniversary, Erica!
Im a boredom eater too!! If im upset I dont eat but if Im bored..bring it on lol lol..I think the only thing that made me lose weight while preggie is that I was soo picky with what I wanted to eat and half the time didnt have it around the house..and I also craved fruit too!! I would say have your hubby go get you some fabric but that might be a bad idea lol lol lol... end up with some curtain material from like the 70s :rofl:
Happy anniversary Erica! xx
Love that DIY wrap site... saving that for next time lol
Happy Anniversary Erica

Lindsey - I know what you mean about bored eating! It was so hard on Mat leave eating well cause food was around all the time! When you drop your bump does appear smaller cause they're lower and engaged taking up less room. Did I post in the repost I did? I have been meaning to finish my DH's stocking for years (too lazy) I meant to on mat leave, but didn't. I still have my christmas stocking in it's original bag, and I haven't even bought a kit for James. So maybe if you get bored order one and work on that when you're done with your other ones?
Lol sounds a bit like me..
DH got me plenty of crafty things to do during mat leave but i didnt finish any of them :haha:
I'm determined to make robot and dinosaur bunting for tobys 1st birthday (next month- scary!!!) but god know when i'll have the time!
My mom made us stockings YEARS ago - I've been meaning to find some for DH and I, as well as LO.
I forwarded the wear your baby site onto my friend who is *very* crafty. She has a site on Facebook; she makes the burping clothes, blankets, and so on (really cute aprons) and sells them. If any of you are interested, this is her site:
I feel like my eyes are crossed from all the cross stitch I've done today. This is the one I'm working on right now...
All the white is giving me a headache.
Got all the baby clothes put away. Picked out two possible coming-home-outfits. Bag is packed. Crib has bottom sheet and bedskirt on it; waiting for the pack and play to arrive. Borrowing a basinet from a friend to use in the bedroom (pack and play in the living room for now). 19 days and I'm home free and she can come whenever she wants!
nj -lordy how big is that cross stitch!!! i feel so bad! i didn't do anything crafty during mat leave, all 2 months of it!!!! i just went outside every chance i got, so i wasn't in much. i just knew it was the last time for just me, so i wanted to be out and about. i am not really crafty i guess! thought i was! and that site - madewithloveby megan, i couldn't get it to work! I wanted to check it out. my sil is due in july, so looking for cool items. Even though i don't even like her.

Cotton- i can't believe toby will be a year next month!!!! wow! time has flown by!!!!

Mrsj- happy anniversary!!!

Spunky- i didn't even know they had kits like that- how cool. Wish i'd have known!

afm--nothing really new and exciting here. We have a teething baby over here so our sleeping is to hell. Her naps yesterday sucked major butt.

And tomorrow is her 6 month appt so more shots. :( and she was 6 months yesterday! i can't believe how fast time is going. It's bright and sunny out, although not warm- but this is so odd- we've only had the one day of snow, and nothing all winter. but it's supposed to snow a bit tomorrow (figures on her dr. day) and hopefully it will wait til we are home!!!!!
nj -lordy how big is that cross stitch!!! i feel so bad! i didn't do anything crafty during mat leave, all 2 months of it!!!! i just went outside every chance i got, so i wasn't in much. i just knew it was the last time for just me, so i wanted to be out and about. i am not really crafty i guess! thought i was! and that site - madewithloveby megan, i couldn't get it to work! I wanted to check it out. my sil is due in july, so looking for cool items. Even though i don't even like her.

LOL, Dare, it's 18"x19". It's a tough one to do because there is SO MUCH WHITE. It's killing my head. So, I've put it aside for today. Couldn't take it. Today is a Netflix day. Hee hee. Crappy TV shows, here we come. I wish I could be out and about. It's still a bit chilly here, so I can't just sit outside.

As to the site, maybe it only works through Facebook? She only has it set up that way - I keep telling her to make a real site. This is what she made for me for a friend...
My friend is having a little boy, and her nursery theme is puppies (do you know how hard it was to find ANYTHING with puppies?!?), so she looked for the fabric, and went from there. $40 for all of it, including shipping. My friend loved it. She's someone I'm not particularly close to (I'm closer to her husband than her), but it's got the benefit of being custom-made, one of a kind, that sort of thing.

Got the Pack and Play today - yay! Now I'm adding stuff to my registry that I can use the 10% discount on for Mom's house. I have about $300 for Babies R Us, where I usually don't shop, so I'm going to get a smaller Pack and Play for her house that we can leave there, and a booster seat style high chair (also to leave there). We live about 45 minutes away, we won't need anything for his families places (as we don't see/speak to them anyway), plus with my younger sister around, it will be stuff to be used in the future as well. My friend will be dropping off the bassinet sometime this week, so I will be keeping the Pack and Play in the living room and the bassinet in the bedroom. Glad I decided to go that way, because the Pack and Play is SOOO much bigger in the house than in the store.

LOTS of abdominal pressure today - not so much pelvic. Like I have a really full bladder or ate a lot. Of which neither is the case. So - I guess we'll see what happens when I see the OB tomorrow. Wonder what has changed...why does everything feel so different, you know?

DH is working away on the nursery...fingers crossed he makes some progress today.
The facebook website worked for me when I clicked on it... She has some really cute stuff. Maybe once I get my sewing machine up and working again I can make James a few cute things.

Dare - Sorry teething is so annoying! James was a great sleeper too until he started teething, then it went to crap. He's decided that 6 am is a good time to wake up now.

Lindsey - Loving netflix here too! We also use Hulu since we don't pay for cable or satellite anymore. Our bluray players play it on the tv. Almost like having real paid for channels. Huh, I wonder what Baby Bee is doing in there! Looking forward to hearing what the doctor says!

Katherine - Can't believe Toby's almost 1!!!! So crazy!
You know what I will NOT miss from pregnancy?? The darned dreams. They're making me crazy.
So last night - tossed and turned all night. Every time I fell asleep, I fell back into the same dream (I hate when that happens). I had a dream that when I went and saw the OB today, she put me on the fetal monitor (I don't even know if she HAS one in the office), and I was having contractions and wasn't aware of it. So she sent me off to the hospital with the NICU, and DH was acting all panicky and like a lunatic - parking sideways, cutting people off, just generally freaking out. We stopped home to let out the dog and let me pick up my bag.

Woke up. Back to sleep.

Next thing, I'm in a huge public room (like an ER) with about 30 people, and I apparently had already given birth. Adorable baby girl, although she was 5 pounds something, her face looked like that of a several-month old baby. Wouldn't breast feed (as I'm trying this in front of the 30 people in the room and a 90 year old man of a lactation consultant).

Woke up. Back to sleep.

Next my parents, my sister and my sister's boyfriend show up. Tons of balloons, but they basically sat on the next bed and ignored me. Then my brother in law showed up (who we don't speak to much, but he called the other night, so I suppose that's why he was in the forefront of my mind). Baby starting pooping EVERYWHERE, and we could NOT get it cleaned up. Every time you wiped, it just reappeared, and there was more of it, and it was a different color and ohmigod, what a mess.

Woke up. Back to sleep.

So sitting there trying to get LO to breast feed, the door to the massive room full of people is open a crack. A brilliant bright blue parakeet flew through the door - barely made it in the room, and this old man in the hallway outside (wearing a crazy Cosby sweater of yellow and purple and green), reaches out with this rubber arm (reached like, 30 feet), snatched the parakeet out of thin air. Then just glared at me, put the parakeet in his pocket, and walked off.

I have lost my mind.

So I woke up this morning with a lot more abdominal pain than usual - like my stomach was a lot more firm. Maybe that's what triggered the dream about contractions and not knowing it. I told DH about the dream (you should have SEEN the look on his face). My mom and sister have six birds, so he thinks that's why the parakeet showed up. I looked up parakeet in the dream dictionary, and this is what it said:
To see a parakeet in your dream indicates that you lack initiative and new idea. You need to be more unconventional and spontaneous. The dream also relates to dependency and immaturity.
Then I thought, maybe the presence of old people was significant...
To see an elderly person in your dream represents wisdom or spiritual power. Pay attention to the message or advice that the elderly person is conveying to you. He or she can help provide life answers and solutions to your problems and try to guide you toward the right direction.

Probably one of the strangest dreams I've had yet. And as a result, it has made me SOO nervous about going to the OB today. Ugh.
Sorry you've had such a crazy dream! I had dreams that James turned out to be a girl, not true, but did make me nervous.

You've got a lot of things going on right now, and way too much time to sit and think about it! Oh, I hope you're not contracting already! Let us know how the doctor goes!! Nervous for you now!
Back from the OB. Everything is going well. Pressure is still up a little bit, but better (130/80 as opposed to 130/90 last week). Lost two pounds (YAY, considering I'm at home all day and was afraid I would gain more than I should, what with my boredom snacking. (DAMN YOU, DH, FOR BRINGING ME HOME BEN AND JERRY'S AND DOUBLE STUFF OREOS!!!)
Told her about the cramping (which was better when I was in the office, go figure). She did an internal - still 1cm dilated with a soft cervix, but baby has moved up off the cervix, and is no longer engaged. :happydance: So, the bed rest is doing what it is supposed to, and things are looking well. The goal is still to make it to 37 weeks, and then I can start walking, resuming normal activity. The OB said she was so worried about me after my last visit, she was up that night wondering if she should have admitted me to the hospital, just because the baby was pressing up so much against the cervix.

I'm hoping the stomach cramping was just nerves +/- bad pizza. :thumbup:
The facebook website worked for me when I clicked on it... She has some really cute stuff. Maybe once I get my sewing machine up and working again I can make James a few cute things.

Dare - Sorry teething is so annoying! James was a great sleeper too until he started teething, then it went to crap. He's decided that 6 am is a good time to wake up now.

Went back on- site worked this time?? weird. Yeah she's doing some super teething! it's crazy!

Back from the OB. Everything is going well. Pressure is still up a little bit, but better (130/80 as opposed to 130/90 last week). Lost two pounds (YAY, considering I'm at home all day and was afraid I would gain more than I should, what with my boredom snacking. (DAMN YOU, DH, FOR BRINGING ME HOME BEN AND JERRY'S AND DOUBLE STUFF OREOS!!!)
Told her about the cramping (which was better when I was in the office, go figure). She did an internal - still 1cm dilated with a soft cervix, but baby has moved up off the cervix, and is no longer engaged. :happydance: So, the bed rest is doing what it is supposed to, and things are looking well. The goal is still to make it to 37 weeks, and then I can start walking, resuming normal activity. The OB said she was so worried about me after my last visit, she was up that night wondering if she should have admitted me to the hospital, just because the baby was pressing up so much against the cervix.

I'm hoping the stomach cramping was just nerves +/- bad pizza. :thumbup:

Don't know if this is what it could be but could they be braxton hicks? i started having them real real bad later in the third tri- and actually my real labor started out with them. That's why my mw told me i was freaking nuts- even though i was looking it up and finding out a lot of labors actually start off with bh! And then just transformed into the real thing. But they were stomach cramps where everything got really really firm for a few minutes. i hated those.

Your dreams- wow. Sounds like one of mine. I"ve always had vivid dreams- but they were just more prominent during pregnancy. I had one where i was on the beach- right by a beach house i apparently just bought- there were so many symbols- but when i looked them up in the dream dictionary a lot had to do with a 'big change' coming in my life and being accepting. I can just say- i remember that one so well, because of the beach- it was so incredibly beautiful and the sunset- oranges and pinks and the water was crystal clear and the waves were small- and there was a giant forest in the front of the house- so it appeared it was the only house around. it had a ruby for a door knob? but since i don't get super sleep anymore- i haven't had time for dreams i guess! kind of sad.

So glad everything is going well with the baby now- and that bedrest is doing it's job!!! hopefully labor will be easy for you once you are able to move around again! sounds like you won't have to wait long!!! :thumbup:

AFM- Had our 6 month check up today- she is 26", and weighed 14lbs 14.5oz- they said she is slowing on the growth, and that she probably will not be as huge as originally thought. It's not because of not getting enough calories from me because she is slowing down everywhere- not just the weight. So that's good at least. I showed her the one tooth- and she said BOTH of her top front teeth are crowning too!!!! ugh! TEEEEEETH!
Don't know if this is what it could be but could they be braxton hicks? i started having them real real bad later in the third tri- and actually my real labor started out with them. That's why my mw told me i was freaking nuts- even though i was looking it up and finding out a lot of labors actually start off with bh! And then just transformed into the real thing. But they were stomach cramps where everything got really really firm for a few minutes. i hated those.

Your dreams- wow. Sounds like one of mine. I"ve always had vivid dreams- but they were just more prominent during pregnancy. I had one where i was on the beach- right by a beach house i apparently just bought- there were so many symbols- but when i looked them up in the dream dictionary a lot had to do with a 'big change' coming in my life and being accepting. I can just say- i remember that one so well, because of the beach- it was so incredibly beautiful and the sunset- oranges and pinks and the water was crystal clear and the waves were small- and there was a giant forest in the front of the house- so it appeared it was the only house around. it had a ruby for a door knob? but since i don't get super sleep anymore- i haven't had time for dreams i guess! kind of sad.

So glad everything is going well with the baby now- and that bedrest is doing it's job!!! hopefully labor will be easy for you once you are able to move around again! sounds like you won't have to wait long!!! :thumbup:

That's what I'm wondering, too - about the Braxton Hicks. I haven't had any really, or at least not to the point that I can say "AH HA! That was a BH!" But that's pretty much what it sounded like - I also read up on the signs of "early labor" and of course, they list "Menstrual like cramps", "Back pain", and so on. They said the cramping can be accompanied by diarrhea (which it was this morning, which is why I was hoping maybe an upset stomach). Lots of back pain today, but I sincerely think it's just my supremely uncomfortable couch. It's awful - the cushions sag so much, there's no support. Terrible for bed rest.

I'm glad bed rest is doing what it's supposed to also - DH is still acting like a brat. When the OB asked if I was "really" on bed rest, or if I was being a bad patient (she knows nurses are the worst patients), DH just rolled his eyes, as in "Yes, she's taking FULL advantage of being on bed rest." He makes me a little crazy. Like he wanted me to stand out by the BBQ last night and watch the steaks he was grilling. I told him no, I couldn't do that, because I am not supposed to be STANDING for a lengthy period of time. He got pretty miffed, but hey - I'm doing what I'm supposed to. And tonight - he didn't set up the dog and cat dishes for dinner - they're fed down in the basement, and I am not allowed to do stairs. So, DH doesn't get home until after 9, the cats go INSANE starting around 4pm and don't stop until they're fed. I texted him, and told him he forgot - he said to wait until he got home. No way. The cats got all pissy, started attacking the dog unprovoked (little brats, I hate them), so I had to trek down to the basement and do what I had to. Yes, I know I'm not supposed to, but I wasn't left with much choice. He does it again tomorrow, I'm going to be really pissed.
It's like he's mad at me. I don't know. I think he's just overwhelmed with everything that has to be done around the house. I want to vacuum desperately (the dog fur is KILLING me), I want to clean the kitchen, but I can't. I was specifically told NOT to. So, I'm not doing it. But does he do it? No.

Grr. Sorry for the rant.

Dare, I can't believe Ava is already 6 months old! And teeth, OMG. :wacko::wacko:
Lindsey - WOOHOO bed rest doing what it's supposed to! So glad she's no longer engaged! Main I hate internals. I was happy to know where I was in there, but didn't like the process. Sorry yours have started so early! UGH, I'm sure DH is overwhelmed. Does he need to be an ass about it? NO! I swear they do the weirdest shit when they don't know what to do! (My DH organized the hospital room no joke like 10 times in one day! My mom and I were eating some of the snacks I brought while we played cards and DURING a hand he put the snacks away. I reached for them and they were gone. I asked where they were and he had packed them away!!!) Good job doing what you're supposed to!! I would find it really hard. :hugs: I hope he gets the picture soon and figures out what to do (which is EVERYTHING).

Dare - I just looked up James from 6 months. He was 26.25" and 18lbs 3 oz. But he's a fat boy. A tooth! That's so exciting! James didn't get one till after 6 months. Top coming in? Good Luck! James spent a day biting me 4 times. (hasn't really bit me since though). Hopefully she wont be a biter. CONGRATS on the 6th month mark!!

I've always had vivid dreams! I'm almost always being chased and hunted. Running for my life. Hiding. Don't know why. Have had dreams like this since i was a teenager.
Dare - I just looked up James from 6 months. He was 26.25" and 18lbs 3 oz. But he's a fat boy. A tooth! That's so exciting! James didn't get one till after 6 months. Top coming in? Good Luck! James spent a day biting me 4 times. (hasn't really bit me since though). Hopefully she wont be a biter. CONGRATS on the 6th month mark!!

Thanks hun- yes the dr says she's going to be rather small probably- take after her mom- poor thing. I'm only 5'. so i really hope she makes it that far. BUT she also said she may be taking a break and then shoot up again. As long as she's happy and healthy nothing really i can complain about. And yes, top are coming in soon- scary! a bottom chomper and two top ones. and i thought another one was coming on the bottom too but she didn't say anything about that. Actually it was weird, i watched her look in her mouth, and she didn't even really look at the bottom teeth- just concentrated on the top. lol as i'm writing this- she's in her walker, walking backwards slowly, she's really far from where i left her originally. lol but she's happy hahaha.

That's what I'm wondering, too - about the Braxton Hicks. I haven't had any really, or at least not to the point that I can say "AH HA! That was a BH!" But that's pretty much what it sounded like - I also read up on the signs of "early labor" and of course, they list "Menstrual like cramps", "Back pain", and so on. They said the cramping can be accompanied by diarrhea (which it was this morning, which is why I was hoping maybe an upset stomach). Lots of back pain today, but I sincerely think it's just my supremely uncomfortable couch. It's awful - the cushions sag so much, there's no support. Terrible for bed rest.

I'm glad bed rest is doing what it's supposed to also - DH is still acting like a brat. When the OB asked if I was "really" on bed rest, or if I was being a bad patient (she knows nurses are the worst patients), DH just rolled his eyes, as in "Yes, she's taking FULL advantage of being on bed rest." He makes me a little crazy. Like he wanted me to stand out by the BBQ last night and watch the steaks he was grilling. I told him no, I couldn't do that, because I am not supposed to be STANDING for a lengthy period of time. He got pretty miffed, but hey - I'm doing what I'm supposed to. And tonight - he didn't set up the dog and cat dishes for dinner - they're fed down in the basement, and I am not allowed to do stairs. So, DH doesn't get home until after 9, the cats go INSANE starting around 4pm and don't stop until they're fed. I texted him, and told him he forgot - he said to wait until he got home. No way. The cats got all pissy, started attacking the dog unprovoked (little brats, I hate them), so I had to trek down to the basement and do what I had to. Yes, I know I'm not supposed to, but I wasn't left with much choice. He does it again tomorrow, I'm going to be really pissed.
It's like he's mad at me. I don't know. I think he's just overwhelmed with everything that has to be done around the house. I want to vacuum desperately (the dog fur is KILLING me), I want to clean the kitchen, but I can't. I was specifically told NOT to. So, I'm not doing it. But does he do it? No.

Grr. Sorry for the rant.

Dare, I can't believe Ava is already 6 months old! And teeth, OMG. :wacko::wacko:

What you are describing does sound like bh- funny too because when i asked my dr, they said oh yeah they are normal and they aren't contractions- but they were lasting for like 3 minutes in length sometimes from beginning to end. Didn't like them. they were very uncomfy for me. I had them throughout the pg so i knew what they were- but they got worse in third tri.

My dh was a pain in the ass for the first i don't know how many months. He only really recently got himself in gear. I wish it had been sooner, but at least it's starting. He now does night oatmeal feeds for me and takes her when he gets home- but, i had to threaten divorce to get him to figure out he was being a ******* about the whole thing. He did apologize, AND admitted he was wrong. So, things have been better.

The cat thing too- dh wasn't taking care of the animals. At all. And i told him i needed help. So the dog went first- because i couldn't manage him with all of his issues- he's living with my mom now. And my other cat- was really really really bad. And finally i kicked her out. Now we just have the one- and he's so quiet and tries to behave and he's sweet. She loves him, and he does so well with her. I'm glad we are keeping him. So i am the only one who feeds him now - dh just does litter (a bad job of it so i might take that back soon). But he was telling me he wanted them soooooo bad and he loved them- and did nothing for them. i did!
What you are describing does sound like bh- funny too because when i asked my dr, they said oh yeah they are normal and they aren't contractions- but they were lasting for like 3 minutes in length sometimes from beginning to end. Didn't like them. they were very uncomfy for me. I had them throughout the pg so i knew what they were- but they got worse in third tri.

My dh was a pain in the ass for the first i don't know how many months. He only really recently got himself in gear. I wish it had been sooner, but at least it's starting. He now does night oatmeal feeds for me and takes her when he gets home- but, i had to threaten divorce to get him to figure out he was being a ******* about the whole thing. He did apologize, AND admitted he was wrong. So, things have been better.

The cat thing too- dh wasn't taking care of the animals. At all. And i told him i needed help. So the dog went first- because i couldn't manage him with all of his issues- he's living with my mom now. And my other cat- was really really really bad. And finally i kicked her out. Now we just have the one- and he's so quiet and tries to behave and he's sweet. She loves him, and he does so well with her. I'm glad we are keeping him. So i am the only one who feeds him now - dh just does litter (a bad job of it so i might take that back soon). But he was telling me he wanted them soooooo bad and he loved them- and did nothing for them. i did!

DH is usually really good. He does do quite a bit around the house normally - dishes, laundry, cat litter. Problem is, the stuff I normally do, I can't anymore. Like vacuuming. We have a black lab, two cats, and hardwood floors. I'm tired of looking at tumbleweeds everywhere. Especially being home all day. So I asked him today to please vacuum if he had time before he went to work. So he does, but makes this big production about how he's now running late for work (it's not as if he can't do it when he gets home, my god). He forgot to set up the animal's food dishes again - and I wasn't about to get into it when he was running late. So guess who had to traipse down the basement stairs again - while on bed rest? And I guarantee that his mindset is that things were better at the last appointment, so a little stair-action won't hurt. :nope:
The biggest problems are that the nursery isn't done, so I can't finish putting stuff away. I need to clear out a space in the kitchen for bottles, etc. He is picking up the bassinet tonight, so I'm going to see if Mom can pick up a couple bottom sheets for me. Just little things, but it's frustrating that I can't do them myself without his help. I would love to clean on my own, but can't. Stupid nesting instinct.

Ava may shoot up again in the next few months. They usually hit a spurt at 6 months and 9 months. And don't pay attention to the pediatricians as to "how tall" she'll be. There's no way to tell that yet! :) My pediatrician when I was little always said I'd be over 6 feet tall. I'm 5'6". And my sister was supposed to be about the same - she is 5'3". Mom is 5'4", Dad is 6'3". They use these ridiculous methods of measurement - like the height they are at 3 years old or something will be half their full height. Same thing about arm span, although I forget what age. DH and I just figure that LO will be probably about our height. He's 5'8"; his tallest brother is MAYBE 5'10", I think he just looks big because he's so...well, BIG (he weighs over 350pounds). Plus he's loud, so he just has a big presence. My mom's family - they range in height from 5'2" (her brother) to 5'10" (sister number 4). Her parents were 5'4" and 5'8". So you never know where genetics will come from. :)

Sorry, that was a tangent. Height was always a big discussion in my house. My uncle always insisted he was 5'6" (he's by far the shortest), and got REALLY upset if anyone said otherwise. My family was also one of those that also put all the cousins within the same age range back to back to see who was taller.

Very lazy day. I think it's going to be a "List" day - making lists of stuff I need to do before she gets here (aforementioned bottle space, putting together diaper bag, etc). Not motivated at all. I keep eating everything sweet that isn't nailed down - DH bought me a family size box of Double Stuff Oreo's last night I have to hide. Kiwis. Oranges. I keep seeing ads for Edible Arrangements and really really wanting one. A bouquet of chocolate covered fruit. NOM!
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