The One Year Strong Ladies!

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whining baby so no time to do a proper catch up....will later tonight though but heres a brief one of what Ive managed to read and what I remember......cant believe you are soooo close NJ..oh I cant wait to see that cute little baby!! petwise we have two outdoor kitties that hubby and I take turns feeding..also cant believe that James and Toby are so old already and Ava too!!...B is 3 months and a week now... here is her latest video..ignore my whole 'crying so hard Im laughing' its like all I do is backward speak lately..must be mommy brain coz I never did it before lol lol..but I do it allll the time now lol.. I love that she laughed at me laughing lol..
Mrsj- yeah i have just one cat now. But she's strictly indoor- i personally don't believe in outdoor cats. Too much harm can come to them there- all learned from working at a vet- i would NEVER have an outdoor cat! especially all the diseases and things.

NJ- I know what you mean though. DH always puts on a huge production if i ask him to do anything extra. Rolls his eyes and everything. Really pisses me off.

Why can't you take two minutes to help? It's not like we're going to be huge like this forever! ANd your end is in sight- come on! give me a little here.

As for the height- i know- they said i'd be 5' 10", and i'm only 5'. Thing is, on my side of the family, each generation of women loses an inch or so. Mom is 5' 1', and gram is 5' 2', and her mom was i think 5' 3". So i'm not really having high hopes for the height. But honestly- i don't care. I think little women are cute. So if she's my height- (that's all i really ask is that she's 5') that's fine with me. I grew up being teased about how tall i was, but i never let it get in my way, and i never felt bad about it. So i fully expect her to be tiny. :thumbup:
our next kitty will be indoors only..coz I want a cat to snuggle and cuddle..I really want a hairless one but hubby says they freak him out lol lol...and they are uber uber expensive lol..we will prolly get a cat from a shelter and preferably one that is declawed..not that I would ever do that to a cat but since we do want indoor only and since we do have Brieanan I think it would be best...because you just never know...

grandparents are coming here in a few hours to stay till Sunday...hoping B will behave and they can watch her tomm night while we go out for our anniversary/valentines date
we have a declawed cat, i wouldn't have it any other way with a baby. We got ours from a shelter too- he's the best cat i've ever seen. He's so loving and gentle and sweet. he sleeps under the covers in my arms, head on the pillow every single night. he's my love bug. But not all cats are like that. I've found male cats are a tad more affectionate- and female cats are more territorial.

Make sure if you DO get a cat to cuddle- do NOT get a calico or a tortishell. they are known for their attitudes. I had a calico- and she was horrible. She was nice but wouldn't cuddle- and was a terror. Ripped my house to shreds.

When we got our cat he was 4 1/2 months. He's going on 4 years this may, and i simply adore him.
Our two cats are both indoors - we had them before we got the dog. One of them is about six years old, and the other about five. The first I adopted from a shelter - he's very lovey, but almost TOO clingy. He has to be on top of you. The second was a stray kitten. A friend of mine found him and his brother in the yard, mom was nowhere to be found. The brother died, this little guy got VERY sick within the first month I had him (I had to give him IV fluids at home, he had feline infectious peritonitis), but made it through. He's a scaredy cat, and only likes me. Sleeps with me every night. Just now starting to get used to the dog (it's been nearly three years!), but I'm sure he's going to disappear back into his shell once the baby is born. He doesn't do well with change.

I've always grown up with two cats and at least one dog. I have to be honest, I don't think I will get cats again after these two. They're so destructive and they make me NUTS. My dog, I love, and will always have. I think it's good for kids to grow up with pets. Hopefully the dog will calm down a little bit more once she's born. She's an almost-three year old lab, so she's starting to mellow, but she can still be bouncy and excitable with people she doesn't know. Mostly she's just a huge mush and wants her belly rubbed.

Got the bassinet today from the friend of mine. I think it's so laughable how EVERYTHING has a safety strap. How the hell is LO supposed to sleep in one of those swaddle blankets with a T-strap on?? Or those sleeper blankets? Ugh.

Today, my sister is bringing me dinner. She and I were chatting last night about what I disliked most about bed rest. What I hate most? The fact that I can't just go OUT and get anything. Like, craving-wise. I have to wait for DH to get home from work, or for someone nice enough to drop by. :( So she's bringing me a particular turkey sandwich I've been craving for days.
Mom stopped by earlier to have me look at something Dad did that messed up the Bluetooth in her car (she has a new car, and a new iPhone, so she's all screwed up). She stopped in to look at the nursery and what all we have done. She said I need a "bright pink rug" since everything is so neutral. So she did me the favor of running to the OB to pick up my disability paperwork, and came back with Kettle Korn and sourdough rolls from Trader Joe's, and a bouquet of bright pink roses. Very sweet of her.
My OB has that my first day back at work can be April 30th (six weeks after due date). :cry: I already don't want to go back!
We had our two cats before the dog as well. The one cat was insane and the dog was also super hyper. they did NOT calm down when baby came. Actually- the dog got so depressed he stopped eating and basically was trying to kill himself i guess with grief.

When i got my first cat- the female- they didn't tell me cats were so destructive! i had never had any before! omg! i got the male to calm down the female (suggested by behaviorist) and HELL that made her worse.

Then i got the dog- and he was the worst of all.

I never want another animal after this cat. he's wonderful and i love him but honestly- no more pets.

As for your return date- isn't it kind of up to you? is that when YOU want to go back?? I can't imagine working again!! i couldn't leave my stink.
I don't want to go back until June. Problem is, since I'm out four - six weeks before, I can't afford to take the time AFTER. Disability in NJ is really super slow; most of my friends didn't start getting checks until AFTER they went back to work (takes almost six weeks to process!!). So, she's putting me down for disability until 6 weeks after due date. Luckily with my job, I make my own hours, and my boss is flexible, so I will be able to work something out with less days, less hours, etc. The downside is, I make much more than disability will pay for (they pay either $500/wk or 70% of your salary - I make four times that a week), I'm the "breadwinner", so I will have to go back sooner rather than later. Bums me out. I know I'm not at all the type to be a stay-home Mom. I've always been the one who works full-time and goes to school full-time (when I was in college I was working 80hrs/wk at four different jobs, plus 18 credits a semester). So being home all day and not working, even with the "work" of a LO, is not for me. I wish I could do it; I wish I had the luxury of what my mom had - she quit work when she went on maternity leave with me, and never went back. Cost of living is too high in NJ, and DH doesn't make enough for us to live off of. :shrug:

The good news is, my boss is interviewing a really strong potential partner this Monday. She's coming up to spend a few hours in the hospital with him, see what we do, how we do it, the environment, so on. I am *so* hoping it works out, as that will give me two weekends off in a row (as opposed to every other), and less days during the week. Praying, doing everything I can think of. Really need this to work for when I go back so that I won't feel pressured to pick up more hours and pick up the slack.
i'm from nj so you don't have to tell me about the cost of living! good god. It's terrible. One of the big reasons our family didn't move back.

I come from a long line of moms that stayed at home, and dh's family is the same- so he was taught as a child that as a man you are to be the breadwinner- so if the wife wants to stay home she could. Of course he left it completely up to me, but it's def. what i wanted. I can't imagine going back!! I couldn't leave her. But agian, personal preference. I worked a ton as well, but never could find anything i LOVED. I mean, i was a vet tech for 5 years, and i loved that in the beginning, but all the things i could potentially bring home to baby- is not ok with me. And really.. i don't miss the super aggressive animals. There are some things i miss, but wouldn't trade what i have for it!

And being a vet tech... it's not hard to marry someone who makes more than you lol! i think anyone made more than i did!!!!
Hi girls, happy Valentine's Day (belated).

Had my weekly appointment. Baby is still up, still dilated 1cm. She's completely burrowed into my left side, giving me that nice lopsided bump and causing a fair amount of discomfort. Grr. Have a growth scan next Monday (36+2), as well as blood work. If all goes well, she will let me off bed rest at my 37 week appointment (37+4).

Otherwise, not much has changed, not much going on. Hope all is well with everyone.
Oh, and I forgot to add - my boss and I officially have a new partner! She will be starting about when I come back from leave. The sense of relief is indescribable. Will make things so much easier when I come back.
here is Brieanan...soo cute..makes getting up at 4:30am worth it..that adorable face!


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ha ha not up for the day thank god but definitely up for atleast an hour with a diaper change and a bottle and then atleast 15 mins after the bottle for her to be out of it enough to put her down again lol..then shes up around 8am which is actual awake time till about 9:30am or so for naptime
Oh i stopped changing ava's diaper during the night- because it woke her too much. There isn't reason to change it unless she poops- which she never does during the night.
Lindsey - So glad you're doing better on bed rest! Such a relief that she's choosing to stay put for now!! I can't believe you're 36 weeks!!! That's 9 months girl!! OMG! I hope labor goes well for you! :hugs: Katherine and Dare seemed to get out of it without being traumatized I hope you can too! 11 days, that's it! 11! You CAN do it! Awesome about the partner! Great that they can take some stress off you and your NEW BIGGER FAMILY!

Erica - Ahhh 4:30 am ! Lovely! You're right, at least they're cute when they wake you up SO EARLY! Great that you get to sleep in a little later after that though

Dare - My husband ALWAYS has to change James IF he wakes up in the middle of the night because if I feed him again he will wet through his diaper, jammies, and sleep sac. That wakes him up early. So if he wakes up then he gets changed so at least I'll get to sleep in in the morning after being up in the middle of the night. (My husband goes and gets James, changes him, gives him to me in bed, I feed him, burp him, switch sides, he falls asleep again and then DH carries him back to bed - I'm crap at carrying him asleep and I am SO THANKFUL that DH is nice enough to do the running back and forth though he does sleep through the actual feeding but I cant blame him for that since he does get up to work).
I'm so envious that you and your OH tag team so well at night. I do it all alone. Ee've had two nights lately where Toby's kept me awake. One last week thanks to a bad case of teething (I was in his room from 11:30 til 5:20 when DH took over, because Toby was so restless, he'd fidget enough to wake himself up every fee minutes so I had to cuddle him and comfort him allll night).... and last night because he's a bit poorly so he'd wake himself up coughing and snuffling. Poor thing had a high temp too and was so uncomfortable. DH took over at 8:30 this morning and I slept til 12:30pm haha
Dare - My husband ALWAYS has to change James IF he wakes up in the middle of the night because if I feed him again he will wet through his diaper, jammies, and sleep sac. That wakes him up early. So if he wakes up then he gets changed so at least I'll get to sleep in in the morning after being up in the middle of the night.

exactly lol! shes already doubled in her cloth diaper at night coz she drinks 6oz now before bed...and if she gets up again to eat in middle of night thats another 6oz and her diaper cant handle that lol...:dohh:
Dare - My husband ALWAYS has to change James IF he wakes up in the middle of the night because if I feed him again he will wet through his diaper, jammies, and sleep sac. That wakes him up early. So if he wakes up then he gets changed so at least I'll get to sleep in in the morning after being up in the middle of the night. (My husband goes and gets James, changes him, gives him to me in bed, I feed him, burp him, switch sides, he falls asleep again and then DH carries him back to bed - I'm crap at carrying him asleep and I am SO THANKFUL that DH is nice enough to do the running back and forth though he does sleep through the actual feeding but I cant blame him for that since he does get up to work).

Wow! yeah i'm lucky then because her diaper holds up really well (i know as a baby i used to soak through EVERYTHING too.) i was told by a lot of moms to stop changing her during the night with every pee- which was a godsend for me because she peed so often i was waking her a lot to do the change. I also did it by nightlight so as to not wake her toooo much. that helped a bit. When i go in now, i just feed her. Takes about 20 minutes, and then she's back down for 5-6 hours. i occasionally go in during the night to give her the pacifier when she wakes for it. But other than that, i'm not in there very much. I also have to do the switch sides for bfing now too. And i wish dh would go in more to help- just to give the paci. I have to wake him. Most of the time, it's just easier to get up and do it myself.

Dare - My husband ALWAYS has to change James IF he wakes up in the middle of the night because if I feed him again he will wet through his diaper, jammies, and sleep sac. That wakes him up early. So if he wakes up then he gets changed so at least I'll get to sleep in in the morning after being up in the middle of the night.

exactly lol! shes already doubled in her cloth diaper at night coz she drinks 6oz now before bed...and if she gets up again to eat in middle of night thats another 6oz and her diaper cant handle that lol...:dohh:

that's a lot of peeeeee!

Glad to hear that you are all seeming to do ok =)
NJ - sorry to hear you are on bed rest at the moment, i bet you cannot wait for you're little one to arrive?

MrsJerome - You're little lady looks so cute bless her =)

I need to ask you ladies for some advice as i realise alot of you are pregnant or have been.
I am due on AF anytime and normally my cervix is really low but at the moment it is really high, and feels squishy like lips, and is closed =/ i am a little confused and thought the best ladies to ask would be yourselves? x
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