The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Actually feeling kinda crappy tonight.
Went and got a pedicure with Mom today. Felt fabulous. But towards the end, both of us started feeling lightheaded and shaky. I attributed it to the fact that it was near 2pm and I hadn't eaten anything since a bowl of cereal at 9am. So we went to Red Robin (closest restaurant), I went to pee, Mom ordered an order of onion rings and our burgers, plus a lemonade for me (figured sugar would help). Onion rings tasted great, but I think it was just too greasy. We went to Target after so I could get a few last minute items. I went to the bathroom three times, and was feeling very sluggish and woozy. Went home, haven't been feeling right since. Menstrual like cramping on and off (nothing now), baby isn't super active - but she isn't usually this time of night. So I'm just sitting here seeing what happens. Hoping it was just the grease. We shall see. I did lose a lot of mucus this morning, no blood, no leakage.
i started feeling crap that last week right before going into labor :) fx'd for you hun!
37 Weeks Lindsey!!!! Full term!!! CONGRATS! So excited to see Baby Bee soon!! Hope things go smoothly! Are you planning on an epidural? I had an induction, there's no way I would have survived without it, so I recommend it!
yeah...dont be afraid of epidurals!! and if you are having contractions that you even think you might not be able to handle once they get stronger then dont feel bad for an epidural and get it sooner than have no idea how hard it was to try and sit completely still through pitocin contractions..coming not even a minute apart..oh it was miserable..but I felt sooo much better once it kicked in....also... and I really hope you dont need this advice...but C-sections are not bad at all..they really really arent...I wasnt afraid to have one I just didnt WANT one because I wanted the natural birth I went into it with no fear at all..just disappointment... but it wasnt bad and even my recovery wasnt bad ..I was healed outside within a week and healed inside enough to be back to normal activities within the month (cept for really strenuous things) but I hope you dont need any of that and can have the birth that you want and I cant wait to see your LO!!..sooo exciting!! :happydance:
Still here, haha. Definitely nothing going on. Small amount of mucus this am. Nothing else. Went and ran a couple errands (drove for the first time in more than three weeks), came home and cleaned the kitchen, did a small load of laundry, and took the dog for a walk. I'm pretty sure the walk just made her move down because I got sciatic-like pain down BOTH legs. Usually I get it down the left because of how she sits. And the walk just made me tired. :dohh:
For fun I listened to baby's heart beat with the Doppler (haven't done that in ages). It is SO much lower (position, not rate) than it was two weeks ago, and even Wednesday at the OB. Wednesday it was maybe an inch below my belly button on the right side. Now it's almost five inches lower, and closer to my hip.
Next appointment is Wednesday, which is my Mom's bet for D-Day. As to my birth plan, I'm pretty open. I definitely want the epidural. I do NOT do well with pain. :haha: Already told my OB if she'd let me carry it around beforehand so it's ready to go, we'd be set.
I'm not concerned about the "birth experience." maybe it's my medical background. I have no interest in doing it naturally (no offense, Dare, I just never could do it), I don't care if I need a section. My main concern is getting her out safely and not harming me in the process. That's been my plan from the get-go. Whatever needs to be done, do it. Whatever means you need to do it? Do it.
My chocolate craving is out of control. Made a chocolate snack cake last pm (SO easy - make a box of "cook and serve" chocolate pudding - I use the fat free version and follow the microwave instructions). Stir in a box of Devil's Food cake mix. Once all smooshed together, spread into greased 9x13 pan. Sprinkle chocolate chips (nuts too if you want), bake at 350 for 20-25 min. So good).
I'll keep you girls posted. :thumbup: sounds like a chocolate overload!!! lol...are you trying to eat so much chocolate she comes out?! lol lol...

I knew what I wanted experience wise but wasnt worried or scared otherwise...Ive seen soooo many C-sections...soo many thing baby and birth that nothing phased me..I was so calm the whole time amazingly..hubby was freaked out but I was like..ok..her HB is crazy...thats fine and they'll take care of it....ok...c-section is pretty much necessary even surprised myself...
I figure you're supposed to stay away from chocolate when breast feeding. May as well get my fill. :rofl: It's the ONLY thing that tastes good. Sweet stuff. Everything else just turns sour, I swear.
eat some nutella and fuji can get your chocolate fill but atleast then you can tell yourself its healthy cause of the apples lol lol..thats what I did lol lol..
I say eat all the chocolate you want! Take advantage! I didn't feel like eating much for the first week or so after birth, then I wanted to eat tons (BF makes me hungry and THIRSTY).

I eat chocolate and BF, I drink wine while BF. I've been told eat and drink whatever you want and have no bad experiences. I say try anything and then if you get a reaction after a couple times then cut it out. But that's me.

I'm still hoping you'll be March 17th. But I know I probably wont get my wish!
nj- no worries! no offense taken :) to each their own. As long as you do the research :thumbup:

Epidurals scare the hell out of me. but honestly- if i had to be induced i'd have gotten one. Inducing is even scarier! lol.
With nursing I've seen pretty much all of it. Inductions, epidurals, c-sections, vacuum, forceps, etc. Inductions are no fun because the contractions are so strong. Epidurals can make the pushing part harder, but I know how I am with pain. I'd hate to have a vacuum assist or forceps delivery - those babies with the little coneheads! So sad.
Nothing going on over here. A watched pot (baby) never boils, I guess. Mom, sister, and friends have placed bets (including $$ - $100 each!) on dates.
Going to the hardware store with DH in a bit (our shower is broken - UGH). Going to walk up and down the aisles. I need to get curtain rods for the nursery. Otherwise, I can't think of anything I need to do. I did all the cleaning...what's left?!
can't believe there are only 19 days left! that's so crazy!!!

I know!!
I keep telling her that we're ready whenever she is. She kicked me three times, hard, and in quick succession. Like she was knocking. DH thinks I'm crazy because I told her she doesn't have to knock to come out!
Lindsey! James had a vacuum assisted delivery and his head was round in a matter of hours! Couldn't even tell he'd had a vacuum! It was amazing. I pushed for 3.5 hours, so I begged for some help. I was told it might have made me tear a little more than I would have normally BUT my doc said I was tearing before she even got the vacuum out. Everyone that checked my progress commented on how tight I was, so I think with or without it I would have torn the same. No way would I have allowed forceps, but I'd do a vacuum all over again given the choice! OMG! St. Patrick's Baby here she comes!

Dare - did you tear?
spunky- no love, i actually didn't tear. i had a tiny knick on the side that they said was SO small it was hardly bleeding so i didn't need a suture. HOWEVER, i was shocked, because i felt like she tore my whole bottom half open pushing out that huge head!
Ugh. Up at 3am this morning, just with abdominal discomfort. Just tightness, more than anything else. Some low back pain, but nothing that said "Contraction" to me, and nothing that was able to be timed, you know? Could NOT get comfortable again. Every time I turn from side to side, my pelvis POPS, like when you pop your knuckles? It doesn't hurt as much anymore, but it still creeps me out.
So, when I got up at 7, belly really was not comfy. Look straight down - she is TOTALLY on my right side - which is new for her. I looked like I had an alien or a tumor. Couldn't help but laugh. I hope it's just her turning from side to side and not trying to flip. My perinatologist says he's seen babies flip the day before delivery (thanks for freaking me out, DOC!).
Went out to dinner with DH last night at his suggestion - he said he thinks it may be one of the last times before baby comes. So we went to California Pizza Kitchen, and we split a Jamaican Jerk Chicken pizza - figure I'll try to spice the baby out, hee hee.
Did you girls notice increased or decreased fetal movement before delivery?
Appointment tomorrow - we will see where we are.
for me, she decreased just a tad, but really- she was kicking the hell out of me during the labor too. I tried the spicy too- didn't work for me :/ but i did dtd the night before i went into labor? don't know if that helped a touch. My mw kept telling me to do that, so we did. Terribly uncomfy but i wanted that baby out!
I didn't notice any change in James before labor, but my labor wasn't natural.

I tried spicey foods (including labor cookies, got the recipe online, they were good!), sex, orgasms, oral sex, long drives on bumpy roads, LOTS of walking (tad bit of jogging the neighbors probably thought I was crazy), I think that's it.

Hope she comes soon for you and she stays head down!
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