The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Lindsey - yeah, sorry! I've spotted after an internal, both old and new blood. They are quite uncomfortable! Really didn't like them in the beginning. Then once I got my epidural I could have cared less! C'mon gypsy!!!

(I'm sorry I'm still rooting for your due date, don't kill me! But I do hope you start feeling more comfortable! One thing I would advise it don't try TOO hard to get things going. Wearing yourself out may take away energy to labor. Dare and I promise it WILL happen, you WILL have a baby!)
I finally went into labor after I stopped trying all that crazy stuff...I did that spicy food thing..the walking thing....and we were just discussing the sex thing for later that night when I went into labor that apparently just the thought of her mommy and daddy doing it while she was in there made her come out asap lol lol...
Not heard from her yet, but happy 38 weeks to her!
Hi ladies,
Nothing going on here. Went walking all over with Mom this am - probably about three hours. I think it just kicked up some BH contractions because I wasn't drinking enough. Had maybe three pains I could call "contractions", but otherwise NOTHING. Trying not to get frustrated. At least weather will be nice next couple of days so I can walk around outside.
I'm sorry, the waiting really is awful, especially since you were worried about going early. :hugs:
I think that's exactly why I'm frustrated. On bed rest for three weeks to keep her in - and now she decides to take her time?? Kinda like spending all that money on birth control for years, only to turn around and have to see a fertility specialist to get pregnant.
I was so sure you'd be going into labor by now! i don't know, i don't think anything we do really can make them come faster. I tried a ton of stuff but i don't think any of it actually worked.

I do hope she comes soon for you- would hate for you to be induced. How is her movement?
Her movement is back to where she was. Active, kicking me in the ribs, same as always (thank god). I just don't feel anything OTHER than movement. I feel like she's much more forward than before - I look like more of a beach ball than I did before we started all the walking.
Told Mom I wouldn't know the walking was doing anything except my hemorrhoids are aggravated (TMI). I guess that means she's lower?
I'm hoping no induction either. I started worrying about that today. Gah.
Awww, sorry about the hemmeroids. Maybe take it easy for a couple of days? Don't worry about induction yet. It is horrible, but they wont induce you till they need to. :hugs:
You've still got 2 weeks until DD... Don't worry about induction yet. I reckon she'll come Wat before they discuss induction. Fingers crossed!

I'm having a problem with OH at the mo. he's always wanted kids of a close age because he and his sister were only 13 months apart. I finished my current pack of pills two days ago and he doesn't want me to go back on BC after AF.
I want another, I really do, but I'm still 200lbs, so I really Want/need to lose weight first. I also know that Toby is currently teething And won't sttn regularly for a while. I don't want to be getting up every night to comfort him, then pee every 5 minutes, then be too uncomfortable to get back to sleep.

I just love Toby SO MUCH that I truly don't understand the rush for another one. But I feel pressured into ntnp because of the guilt of not givingOH what he wants.
I know I need to stand my ground on this one (I'm such a pushover normally) but I don't want to disappoint him. Every time I try and talk to him he just says "think about it" expecting me to change my mind within a few days. Maybe it'd be different if I had more support but with Toby he actually gloats about having never done a night shift until last week. Urghhh sorry ladies I'm half asleep, ill and venting. I'll shoosh now!
ugh..I would tell him its your body..when he finds a way for him to carry the next one then it can be all his decision but until then its a decision you BOTH have to agree on...and for more than just oh I want them close together..does he realize what it will be like having 2 under two?..and the pressure it will put on you? Let me tell you it is not easy and that doesnt guarantee that they will be brother and sister are 15 months apart and yeah they played together until about 7 years old and then after that they were constantly at each others throats and cant stand each other now... and it is soo hard to have one kid just really starting to really walk and stuff and climb and then have a newborn to carry around all the time...especially if he doesnt help and support you..night shift with two is twice as hard and he'll have to help you at some point...

my point is definitely stand your ground and try to get him to understand its not just having another kid again...its adding on to what you already have lol...
Lol erica its like youre in my head! You've put exactly how i feel into words.
I try to imagine when I'm preggo and soooo tired and he comes in from work moaning that I haven't moved the washing to the dryer yet and then asks whats for dinner... I mean, that annoys me now! lol

And when I can't get up at night because I'm in pain, OR when I'm getting up to pee every 20 minutes, he's going to need to help with nights even on a worknight but I know he won't.
And when there's two, and baby is up crying all night for no reason and I've been dowstairs trying to calm it down for 5 hours straight... if it wakes Toby up or he wakes for ANY reason... he will have to deal with it. Even on a work night.

He just has no idea!

Yeah. I'm sticking to my guns on this one, its just finding time to talk to him. I think he knows how I feel so hes avoiding the situation which is making me stress out way more because we're not talking about whats on our minds and its starting to show.
has he ever watched Toby all by himself...and I dont mean when he was a newborn and slept all day..I mean lately when hes hyper and wants to play and wont take naps and is teething? if not you should get him too... hubby did that for one hour before and he had a whole new respect for what I stayed home and did all day and all the times he had complained about me getting to stay home and him going to work..he totally changed his mind on that and told me he doesnt envy my job at all lol lol..sometimes they just have to experience it full on first hand to know what we go through..and if you really want to show him what 2 under 2 would be like...get one of your friends toddlers over and then leave them and toby alone with hubby..haha..that'll change his mind fast lol..
cotton- they were telling nj if she had decreased movement they were going to talk to her this week about scheduling induction- so they were already bringing it up. And my dh also wants kids at close age- he and his family were pretty close in age. However, i will NOT pop out any children at least until baby is 2. if not older, if anymore at all. I told him i'm just not doing it. stick to it hun- its YOUR consequence. Not his.

mrsj- unfortunately what age they are in relation to being close. My dh's brother is super close in age and they are still pretty close, and got along very well. My brother is 4 years younger, and we never really were close- because he was completely different than i. He was a stay inside and play video games/ watch tv kid, i was a go outside and play sports kid. Just matters i think solely on the personality of the children. Right now my brother isn't even really part of my life. You'd never even know i have a brother. We also don't get along.
Dare..see my brother and sister hate each other (they are full brother and sister from my mom and step dad)..and then I get along great with either of them and Im 8-9 years older than them..and we are only half siblings really does depend on personality..but Im just saying what you are...just because they are close in age doesnt mean they will be best buddies lol lol..and even if they are when they are young that might change when they are older or visa versa...because I hated both mine when we were younger but now love spending time with them...we have 2 years and a few months till we start TTC #2..which Im excited about and looking forward to but still I am totally set on waiting...

does anyone else have trouble imagining their LO when they are like 2 or 3? I see Lexie my little sis that is 2 years old and I just cant imagine Brieanan being her age..I cant wait to see what shes like :happydance:
Katherine - what Dare said. :)
Because I was having decreased fetal movement last week, the perinatologist wants to see me again this coming week if no delivery. If there's still decreased movement, we'd be looking at induction because something isn't right. Has nothing to do with due date, more to do with safety/health of baby. So he wants to do another half hour of monitoring, and another biophysical profile (ultrasound that checks blood flow of umbilical cord and placenta, heart rate, baby's response to stimuli, whether there are enough "breathing movements", and the amount of amniotic fluid). My OB wouldn't be discussing induction otherwise; she generally doesn't do it unless overdue, or fetal distress.
Nothing today. Feeling quite big, distended. She's moving fine (or was earlier today - seems to have calmed down a bit). Continuing our countdown...

As far as when to have the second - you have to be on the same page for that. I agree with the other girls. If he's not helping out, it's simply going to create more strain on the two of you and your relationship. Weren't you guys planning on getting married before going for a second? I mean, if you aren't together on this, one of you is bound to resent the other. Whether it be you resenting him for pressuring you, or not doing other things first, or him resenting you for not going along with having a second right away.
I also agree with Dare. I'd rather have the first out of diapers. I have friends who have kids very close together, and it's been difficult for them. Granted, you find a way to cope (look at those with twins).
You can't use the relationship between children as an excuse not to have one at a certain time or not. There's absolutely no way that you can predict whether children close in age or further apart will get along or not. Only time will tell. You have to do what feels right.
I was ready for kids when DH and I got married. He was the one who wasn't ready, and I told him to tell me when he wanted to try (we were a little backwards). We were talking today; we have several friends currently trying for second or discussing the second. DH said that he in truth, didn't even know if he wanted kids (his parents were sick and bed bound for most of his life, he took care of them, and is very bitter that he "didn't have a childhood"). We've discussed the possibility of just having one, and that's it. We will see what happens. Neither of us feels the need to rush for a second, and we will certainly be happy with our little girl. We both come from families of more than one kid (I'm number 1 of 2, he's number 3 of 4, I have 15 cousins, he has about 28), but we want to do what feels right.
I think I'm lucky in that he and I are on the same page for most of our childcare/childbearing issues. We don't have a lot of disagreements.
If you're not ready - bottom line is that you're not ready. You're doing all the work. You do the physical labor (no pun intended). YOU ultimately make the decision. And even if you were to decide to start trying now, who's to say it would happen right away? Things happen, as we all well know.
My parents were married 6 years before they got pregnant with me, and they started trying as soon as they got married. They wanted my sister and I two years apart - we're almost 4. Not for lack of trying, but lack of results. Plus, Mom had an MC between my sister and I.
That's something else you and DH have to think about - if you were to try, get pregnant, and for some reason, something happened - would that be something you would be able to deal with? I think those other issues become magnified when you have a kid already.

I'm rambling, don't mind me.

I just don't think you can let ANYONE pressure you into having kids when you're not ready. It's your life, it's your body, and ultimately, it's YOUR kid. If you and DH are able to sit and talk about it, I think it may help. :shrug:
Oh how did i miss that induction was being discussed at this point? I did read the rest of the thread, honestly! :haha:
I hope she keeps up with the movements and is allowed to cook a bit longer! xx

We're getting married in May. That in itself is putting me and DH under so much stress that now is NOT the time to talk about getting prego again. The pressure of ttc at the same time as the stress of sorting out a wedding AND tobys first birthday this month is too much.

I'm actually having a breakdown over the wedding. I've got MIL telling me that my bouquet (which had been made.... fake flowers!) is now being taken apart and the florist is starting again. Oh, but she's missing some flowers so I have to go into town and pay for some more... even though the flowers were MILs wedding present to us and I don't drive so I can't get into town on my own.

My sister has texted me today telling me she needs to know when her dress fitting is. I told her I'll book it when she has her shoes. She's now saying she can't afford her shoes or dress fitting so I have to pay for that too.

My other bridesmaid refused to wear ANY dress I suggested to her so she went and bought her own, didn't show me it before buying it, took 2 weeks to send me a shitty cameraphone picture of it and has spent the past week and a half avoiding me because I keep asking to see it in person to make sure it matches the colour of my sisters. (It doesnt, i know this because she's gone from saying its the same colour, to saying it nearly matches, to saying "its as close as youre gonna get locally at short notice").
I dont even want her to be bridesmaid, but I cant sack her because her hubby is best man and she will force him to step down if she's not part of the wedding party too.

My wedding has stopped being about me and OH and started being about everyone else in the world ever. :(
Ugh, Katherine, I'm so sorry! I hate weddings, personally. Ours was great - 50 people, one groomsman (DH's best friend), one bridesmaid (my sister). DH didn't want any of his three brothers as groomsmen, and it was so easy with one. My sister didn't like the dresses at wedding stores, and with just one girl, i let her pick her own dress off the rack at a department store. It was made better than anything at a bridal shop, and I planned the colors around it (it was a pretty china blue). My dress I got on clearance, and with alterations, it was cheaper than my sister's dress :haha:
I was a bridesmaid in two weddings - will never do it again. Both of them we had NO say in the dresses we wore (the bride picked out the dress and color before we went to the fittings), and they were unflattering as all hell. One was a long bright purple off the shoulder monstrosity that made you look like Violet Beauregard in mid-blueberry transition. The other was a cute dress - tea length, full tulle skirt, strapless, fun party dress - horrid color that washed everyone out. It was a gray-purple with cornflower blue ribbons running through the skirt (baaaad combo). Both of those weddings were more about the mothers of the bride than anyone else.

I completely agree. You have enough stress with wedding drama without adding in TTC. You'll have a breakdown if he keeps pushing!

Good luck with everything. Personally with the other girl and the dress, I'd tell her something about redoing the flowers, and you need to see the dress so that everything coordinates. I'd say if it's in the same color family (I don't know what your colors are), even if it doesn't match, you could make it work. I don't know if they do the same in the uK as here - a current trend is dresses that are similar styles, same colors, or even completely different, but coordinating colors (all fall colors, spring colors, etc). I hope you find a way to make it work so that you can relax a little bit. :)
cottle- i'm hearing more and more about people not having a huge wedding anymore. Just having special little wedding where the pair go off on some romantic gettaway and have it just themselves. My friend drove down to the outer banks, rented a boat, and was married on it. Had a photographer, she had her beautiful dress, and that was that. No one else to deal with. I'm thinking this is the way to go! ANother friend (actually from bnb) is flying to Hawaii with her finance and getting married there, just him and her. NO one else involved. Now that i look at these things... i think i should've done something like that! My wedding SUCKED.

My maid of honor didn't like the dress i picked (even though it was the cheapest choice to help them out- she literally wanted to pick something off the clearance rack) and then she picked a pair of shoes that i didn't like- even though i gave her a wide array of choices in colors- all i really cared about is the color and that it went with the dress somewhat- and she chose something else. Everything just kind of sucked. I would never do it again that way unless people were willing to do what i wanted.

DONT let anyone ruin it for you.

NJ- my brides maid colors were ice blue :) Love blue! Something similar to what you said- my friend got married and i was a brides maid- and she had people get their own dresses from wherever. She said it could be pink OR brown, and if - we had a brown dress- add something pink, and the same if we had a pink dress. That was very easy going. I actually got my dress in dress barn. It was great. Everyone looked pretty good even though it didn't match exactly. Only one girl didn't listen- and she wore something she FELT like wearing- that wasn't brown or pink- because she didn't care. I felt kind of bad for my friend for that- and it bothered her but she didn't say anything about it.

How are you feeling today??
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