The One Year Strong Ladies!

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I was hoping you'd be bigger! You look great and compact!
Hi girls,

Thanks for asking about me... :hugs::hugs:

I am doing alright, I just started a new job about 3 weeks ago so that has been keeping me really busy!! I am working as a recruiter and also doing some other HR functions like payroll, setting up new hires in the system and reports etc.. The great thing about it is that I am getting some great work experience since I haven't ever done recruiting before and as I have mentioned before I have my BA degree in human resources (HR) management so this job is a good fit for me. I got the job through a staffing agency and after 90 days as long as I am doing a good job I should be able to go permanent and get hired onto the company. I would also get a pay raise if I get hired on permanently as well. It is a nice place to work, everyone is very nice and I have a flexible schedule, I can go to lunch and breaks when I want. The hours ae nice because I work during the weekdays during the day and I have weekends off, so I can at least keep my weekends with DH. I can pick what day shift I prefer to work once I am fully trained and I can take either a half an hour lunch or an hour.

One weird thing is that I was told that I was being hired for an administrative job working with mortgage closings but the staffing agency lady told me that I was going to be doing a different job than what I actually got hired on for... but of course in the end I am glad that it happened, and I got lucky and just fell into an HR job by accident kind of..LOL... :haha: Another thing is that the staffing agency lady said that she sent over 7 resumes to this company and that I was their first choice out of them all. They are also paying me at the highest rate that they could offer me as a temp for the job.:thumbup: Another crazy thing is that the staffing agency lady that got me the job was telling me the week before that I had to many gaps in employment in my work history and that I wouldnt be able to find any work in this area as a result, so the first time I talked to her I got all upset and had decided I wasnt going to deal with her anymore, so than the following week she called me, left me a voice mail on my answering machine and told me she had a job for me, and that I was the company's first choice out of the 7 resumes they sent over, and that my HR background was a huge plus as well... :wacko: So this was definatly a weird experience starting out. The staffing agency lady ended up having to eat her own words....:dohh: At first I was so angry I didnt want to work with the staffing agency lady but DH told me that I should call her back to see what she wanted, and in the end of course I am glad that I did. Of course I have forgiven her since she got me a job in the end!!! LOL...:haha:

The surgery was originally scheduled for 03/06, but I ended up finding a job before and it was a good job oppurtunity and I was starting to get stressed out about being able to afford the surgery and IUI etc... Our finances were really tight just living off of DH's income alone and I was having alot of anxiety as a result. So I decided the best decision was to post pone it and just focus on saving up some money for now. I am hoping to reschedule the surgery early this summer, once I can become a permanent employee and i can earn some vacation time. The only potential delay is that the girl I work with is pregnant and will be going out on maternity leave in June if the baby sticks to schedule, so that could cause a delay for me trying to get time off for anything. I am being trained on all of my coworker's duties so that I can cover for her well she is out, she is the supervisor to the staff members that we recruit for the company so I have to be trained fully before she leaves for maternity leave.

@NJ, Good luck with L&D. I hope that baby bee decides to make her apperance soon and that you have a smooth and easy delivery. :hugs::hugs: Your bump is looking super cute these days!!! :winkwink:
Good to see you back wanna!!! glad you are doing alright.

NJ- i agree with spunky, you are so compact ! omg, i was huge!!!!! she stretched out so far beyond me it was crazy. The photos shock me!

How are you feeling today? Anything new?!
Wanna - glad things are doing well and that you got a job. I know that has been a source of stress for you guys for a long time. Hopefully having some of that stress removed will help with your journey to TTC. :thumbup:

Chelsea and Dare - the belly has always been really compact. It's weird. I don't go forward much. She sits so low in my pelvis, all I ever hear is that "OMG, she's so low!!" Once I got off bed rest and started walking around, she kind of migrated front and center. Now I feel like she's very - condensed? Like she's ALL in front. It'll be interesting to see how big she is once she decides to show up.

As for any signs of labor - not a one. :cry: I'm trying to keep the mindset of "She'll come when she comes." This next week I see my OB on Wednesday (39+4). She said if nothing by EDD, we talk induction. I'm actually going to try to talk to her about it then, because I otherwise have to wait until my NEXT appointment (40+4), and she only does inductions and sections on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I highly doubt that she would just call up the hospital and be like "I have an induction tomorrow," (which would be Thursday), so I have a feeling I would get pushed off to 41+3 or 41+5, if not later. After the bed rest fiasco and everything, I am NOT keen on the idea of waiting that long. I know I may be sounding selfish and very "get this baby out of here!". A million people keep telling me "She will come when she's ready," and not to be so selfish and want her out soon, that she needs to "finish cooking." She's DONE cooking, dammit. I just can't believe that they were so convinced she was going to be almost 6 weeks early, and here we are, looking like we're going to go post-date. :grr:
My mother kept commenting almost from the beginning on how low baby was. But... i didn't see it. I also have a short torso so honestly- there was no where else for her to be but low- and OUT and about. Like, a foot from my body lol.

I know how done you are. i truly truly do. I hope you do go naturally though (im so against induction- one of the main reasons is the pain (but you'd have an epi) and also the tearing that can come from it- tearing scared the hell out of me.) So for YOUR sake, i hope you just go on your own.

I remember being where you were being so done. And just saying 'omg when is she coming out?!" and everyone being the same- she'll get here when she gets here, when she's ready, when shes done cooking, etc. But at that stage you just want it to be done! so ready to meet baby girl!

But now that i look back on it- it's kind of like- i was AT the finish line. Really. I don't know why i was like that! for you- you have like 3 weeks tops (if they let you go to 42 weeks). AND then it HAS to end. Maybe that will help you feel a bit better? It is definitely over by then. No question.

Hope it helps! (even though i know when i was where you were it didn't!!! lol)
Wanna, so good to hear from you! Congratulations on the new job xx

How goes it NJ? Tell her to get out of there, even I'm getting impatient can't imagine how you're feeling :haha:

As for things over here... Well. I'm screwed. Walkerrrr!!!
OMG..OMG hes walking!!..haha I cant believe it!!!! yeah you are seriously in for it now lol lol...seems like just a few months ago you were posting his first pics!!! awww..Im gonna cry haha.... :cry:
Thanks for all of the kind words and the Congrats on my new job girls!!! :flower:

@Cottlestone, OMG.. he is soooo cute!!! I cant believe that he is walking already!!! Thanks for sharing the pic!!! :winkwink:
Katherine he's so big!! And adorable!!

Woke up feeling really crappy - like morning sickness all over again. Better by the afternoon. DH and I walked a bit yesterday, and then 2+ miles today. Poor doggie is completely tuckered out. I think that was the most effect the walks had! Grr.

OB appointment tomorrow. Hopefully we can talk to her about a plan.
Cottleston! omg! i can't believe he's walking!!!!! I can't believe how fast they are growing up.

NJ- i also can't believe it's 4 days til your due date. that's just crazy! can you believe it?! She will be here so soon! Feeling really crappy eh? Oh it's almost time!!!!!
3 days.
Just counting down hours to go to OB. Hopefully will get some answers today. I don't feel like I've progressed at all, and I really hope she doesn't make me go past 41 weeks before she induces...
I hope shes like..'oh oh..I see her head!! lets get to that labor room!" lol can hope!
So, after a longer-than-usual wait at the OB...(of course)

I am dilated 3, almost 4cm, and 70% effaced. Baby is still at -2, -3 station, so pretty high up. She stripped my membranes (or did a sweep, whatever you call it), which was pleasant (NOT!). Told me to expect some cramping and some bleeding (check), and hopefully it will trigger something. She was willing to talk induction for Friday, but I told her I would rather come in on Friday am and see if we have progressed at all with the sweep. She agreed. She isn't happy that my BP is still on the higher side (130-120 over 90-95), which is why else she would like me to come back Friday. Of course, BP could have to do with the fact that my mother called and got me all pissed off an hour before my appointment.
She did mention that baby feels as though she is face up - says she can feel her forehead on exam, and has a hard time getting the heartbeat because her back is facing away from my belly. Which would also explain why I'm having such low back pain - spine against spine.

So - we go back Friday at 930am, and we will make a decision from there. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for next day or two, because my OB is not going to be available all day Tuesday due to a holiday (Persian New Year), and the covering MD doesn't go to the hospital I'm delivering at, so I would have to go to the OTHER hospital across town. Blah.
I bet tomorrow you will wake up with huge huge plug loss!! thats what happened to me..go walking if you can tonight to get it going...:thumbup:
oh god the sweep! i had one at 38 weeks i think it was- without my consent. I was in a lot of pain after it too. I was pissed. You aren't supposed to do that until after 40 weeks.

So i feel your pain!!

And 3cm!! that's awesome! More dilated you are before going in the less work you have to do there! :)

I had back to back labor- ugh. nothing quite like that experience. :( I hope she turns for you love

and can't wait to hear about your next appt!!
The sweep itself really wasn't ALL that bad. It seems like a lot of OBs do it without telling patients - she was doing my cervix check and then all of a sudden all this pressure for a minute while she went in up to her elbow. Pulled out her gloved hand with a small amount of blood on it, and says "you should expect to see this tonight," while poor DH is in the corner going "WTF IS THAT?!?" He's hilarious - insists on coming to every visit, asks a bazillion questions, and watches everything he can. I'll be surprised if he doesn't push the OB out of the way during the delivery so he can catch baby himself! :rofl:
Anyway, went for a walk around my neighborhood when I came home - was by myself, so I took my phone, didn't go far. Felt like I was shuffling more than walking. Then when I came home I spent most of the night on the exercise ball. Didn't have a lot of bleeding yesterday - it died off about an hour after I got home. Pelvic pain last night, back pain that was just constant, but nothing that came and went.
This morning - pelvic pain depending on my position. Back pain not so much. TONS of plug when I went to the bathroom first thing. She's moving around pretty good, so she's fine. We'll see if anything picks up this afternoon. I feel so much pelvic pressure I'm a little leary about going walking on my own today, but DH has to work, so...maybe just around the neighborhood again.
Talking to DH last night, we decided we will talk to OB as to what would happen if (god forbid) we went into labor Tuesday when she's unavailable. Do I have to go to the other hospital? I don't want to jump at induction right away - I'd honestly like to see where I am tomorrow, and if things are progressing on their own, wait and see through the weekend, see her again Wednesday if needed, and then go for induction. Give things a chance to move...
Well at my mw office, they told me they NEVER do it unless asked to- and never before 40 weeks. So when i went in and complained- it wasn't the sweep that hurt- it was the after. I was in bad pain all night from it. I had cramping, then some fake contractions- but it was very painful. AND i wasn't even full term yet. When i complained they said 'oh, well that's impossible we never do it then, and never unless asked.' and i told them exactly what she did, and how i felt after and then she apologized (i saw a different mw each time almost) saying it was indeed a sweep and shouldn't have been done. I made sure not to see that one that did it again while pg, but she WAS the one that was there the last 2 hours of my birth. but she was ok then.

that's so funny about dh coming with you! mine would never go. That was kind of sad. I did all of the appts myself except for the two ultrasounds. Everything else was alone.

And i think it's great you're giving her a chance to come on her own. AND i can't wait to hear about your appt tomorrow. :)
I told you that you would lose tons of plug....after my first sweep and a walk that night I was disappointed coz nothing happened but then it was soo icky the next morning but I was excited haha....hope its soon!
Well, after bouncing on the ball while watching TV this morning, started to get a weird pins-and-needles sensation in my right shoulder blade which would subsequently wrap around the top of my belly. Lasts about 45 seconds, every 7 min. After an hour of that, I called OB, she told me to come to the office (she's literally 10 min from me WITH traffic). Did a cervical check - same as yesterday, but she says the shoulder pain is labor. Because baby is so high up, she's putting pressure on my diaphragm causing referred pain. So, we are going to the hospital. Because baby is so high up, she will likely start Pitocin to help bring her down. My options were go home, walk around, wait for pain to get worse, and THEN come in, or come in now. Worse case scenario, they tell me it's not labor and send me home. The shoulder pain is more or less steady, the belly comes and goes.
Keep your fingers crossed, ladies!
Wanna - thank you so much for updating! Have missed you! Glad you got a job you like! I hope you are able to save money and time quickly so that you can have the procedures done soon! :hugs:

Katherine - Toby is so big and adorable! Congrats and good luck!

Lindsey - SO EXCITED for you! Hope this is it! Hope we don't hear from you again until you have her in your arms!!
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