The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Glad you're all ok hun x
I remember what it was like with all the visitors. In the end I had to tell OH that if ABYONE turned up uninvited they'd be turned away. Luckily after telling people this they respected our privacy a bit more. Hope you get a bit more time to yourselves today xx

In other news.... HAPPY ST PATRICK'S DAY EVERYONE! I'm appreciating my half-irishness today and have decided to go take Toby to Co. Cavan where my family are from later in the year. :D
We had our first proper injury yesterday. Toby fell and his face hit the corner of his walker. He's grazed his forehead and bashed his tooth and cut up his gum. It's all bruised and swollen bless him. Earlier yesterday he also trapped his finger in daddy's wardrobe and has worked out how to open the kitchen door... So he sneaked in there, went through the cupboards and dropped a casserole dish on his toes :dohh: one of those days!

Fingers crossed for a better one today.

poor toby!!! i hope he feels better soon! omg i am not looking forward to ava's first injury :dohh:

I'm 30, DH is 34.
Madeline is currently getting her hearing test. Waiting for her to come back for her morning feeding. I sent DH home last night to sleep because the pull-out in the hospital was so uncomfortable, and he has a bad back as it is.
Looks like we'll be going home today. Yesterday was rough - mom and sister left at 230am, so only got about three hours sleep. Visitors ALL day - until 930pm. DH and I had maybe an hour to ourselves, let alone to sleep. Got a few hours last night, feeling much better.
Once I go home today, I'll write up our birth story. Hard to type it all out on my phone. :)

I'm surprised they took her from your room for the test, in our hosp they did EVERYTHING in the room. I told them NO VISITORS to everyone, because i wanted to recoop. I had one person come anyway- which really pissed me off, but they only stayed 5 minutes, and then dh's parents came for about an hour- and then my parents came for about an hour later- but my mom had been there from 3am until 9- making sure baby was out and all was ok. But i didn't want to deal with visitors either. it's too much right after all that work!
None of our friends I wanted to come because we either arent that good of friends or they all have kids they would have Im glad no one came..our ward is cant even get up the stairs unless you have a code that only patients can give out and it changes HAHA to any would be visitors that would want to just drop in..not happening lol...I think next time I will want my friend Heather and her hubby to visit but otherwise no visitors again.......they did Bs hearing test in our room too...
:hugs: Katherine! What a day Toby had! Silly little boy! So far all we've got are a couple of small bruises thankfully.

Lindsay! Sorry about the visitors. I only had 2 people ask to visit so I let them I think the next day, maybe the same day? Nope, just checked pics, the next day. Sounds exhausting. Our ward was locked too, but if they said they were there to visit I think they usually buzzed them in, but they only allowed so many people at a time. Glad to hear you are doing well and going home soon! Can't wait to hear how things went!

Oh yeah, Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I don't think toby had his hearing test til he was 6 days old... But we were out of the hospital 9 hours after giving birth so I guess they can't test then.

In the UK it's after midnight and mothering Sunday.

So happy British mothers day ladies xxx
Happy Mothers Day Cottleston!! wonder why yours is soo much earlier than isnt till May 13th or something here....
Mrsj- yeah our ward was locked also. BUT they also don't allow children under 12 in the birthing center at all unless they are siblings of the new baby. So i was happy about that anyway :thumbup:

Spunky- Yeah i made everyone visit me at home- i just couldn't handle it all right after giving birth. All i could think about was getting home home home!

cottles- ava had her test the morning we were leaving- the day after she was born. She failed. She had so much debris in her ears. They made me reschedule and take the test again a month later after the debris cleared. That was an awkward beginning always being worried she couldn't hear- even though i could SEE she could- was terrified she'd fail. Happy british mothers day!
Happy Mother's Day Katherine!!! Hope your OH does better this year!

Lisa - Our hearing test was midnight the day he was born as was his first bath (he was born at 8:43 am, so same day almost). He passed. He was born Thursday morning, and we left Saturday morning, so my cousin and sister visited Friday night.
Our first bath was 2 hours after she was born actually. But i went in friday night at midnight and left sunday about 6 ish. My mw told us in the am we could leave by the afternoon sunday and she forgot to put in the paperwork! But then they did the hearing test and she failed and i was so scared. It was a long wait being so afraid she'd fail again- even though i was watching her turn to me and respond. Still scary. Don't know why though. Spunky this morning i woke up thinking i want another lol. All this talk and all of the sudden i want another! however we don't have room in the current house and we can't sell it yet. So... i have to wait either way. But i think i'll try to stick to the plan of 2-3 years. We'll see ... lol.
haha Dare..our plan worked....we got to you!! :haha: haha lol lol... :rofl:
LOL, it's going to be raining babies up in here!

Have you gotten your period yet Dare? 9 months for me! Was great!
Yeah Katherine, don't know how I got so lucky. Just got my first one. It's day 5 and I am barely spotting. So looks like a short easy period. :D
mine came back right before my 6 week appt..but thats coz I had stopped BF-ing
and it was horrible..not pain wise but OMG it was worse than the Lochia flow wise...
I had ONE in january. It was light and easy. No pain- i was so afraid because i heard horror stories of the first period- and i was so thankful it wasn't like that for me. But i haven't had one since. I freaked last month and took a pg test- but was negative. I might take another just in case but i'm pretty sure it's just because of bfing that it's gone again. I've enjoyed not having it!!!
LOL, you might want to take another Dare

Wow Erica, I guess I got lucky flow wise. Day 5 minimal spotting, I think mine's done.

I keep checking for Lindsay to update with her birth story! I have been waiting! Looking forward to it all weekend! What is she doing? Parenting? :haha:
Dare..your LO is 3 months older than mine..and Ive taken preggie tests too!! haha lol..mine was messed up coz of getting used to the nuvaring but have to admit I was a but sad...relieved..but sad that it was a negative..I think ive just been soo programmed to look for that pink line..I just couldnt help it haha..

Spunky..yeah idk why mine was sooo bad but it no cramps at all or anything...but just horrible night I even broke out my depends undies that I wore right after she was was that bad...but it only lasted like 3 days...then I tried to keep my nuvaring in...(switch it out with a new one after 3 weeks) but then I just had constant spotting for about 2 weeks so I decided to just take it out and have a period...and now I just took it out and put one right back again..gonna try again to avoid a period...and we'll see how it goes this time lol :shrugg:
spunky- don't say that! lol i know it can be all off whack while bfing- i hope its just that. But in the evenings i have been having a bit of a dodgy stomach the last few days. And i've had some af cramping- so don't know if i'm Oing either. But omg that would be horrible if i were pg right now. There is just no way we could manage in this house. :( :(

mrsj- it's very different taking that test and praying for a different result than the pink line!! I missed my fmu because i wasn't thinking about it, but i'll probably pee again in a bit and i'll test then with smu. if i'm pg it'll show up because it'll have been long enough i think. I know dh would be thrilled but he's an idiot when it comes to that kind of stuff. It's like HELLO we CAN"T have one right now- and he'd be so excited. Men. lol.
Well, while you CRAZY women are talking about TTC #2, I'm starting to settle in with Madeline. (you're all NUTS, LOL) Figured since she's sleeping this morning, and DH ran out to do some errands, I have a few minutes to type up our birth story.

Wednesday - as you girls know, went to OB, did the sweep, whatever you want to call it. Wasn't feeling anything that night, spent the evening bouncing on the ball, etc.

Thursday AM - woke up, went to the bathroom, huge mucous loss, bloody (as to whether or not it was related to the sweep, who knows). Wasn't feeling very hungry, but figured I should eat SOMETHING, so had a piece of toast and a yogurt. Went back to bouncing on the ball while watching TV with DH.
As I was sitting on the ball, I started getting a knot-like feeling by my right shoulder blade. Now, I've HAD this pain for the last few weeks, figured it was muscular. DH would try and massage it out, which never really helped. This time, the feeling was DIFFERENT. More like pins-and-needles and twisting than just muscular-sore. Then the feeling would disappear, and I would get the pins-and-needles sensation across the top of my stomach, like a band. Started timing it at 957am; I was having the sensations every 7 minutes. At 11, I called my OB, and she said to come right to the office.

1115am - get to OB's office (she was closed for the day), she did a quick check, and I was still the same as the day before, but she said the feelings were definitely contractions. Said the feeling in the shoulder was because Madeline was up so high, she was putting pressure on my diaphragm and irritating it (makes sense, because when your gallbladder is inflamed, you get referred pain in your right shoulder...ANYWAY)...
She asked me if I wanted to go home and walk around, wait for things to really kick in, or if I wanted to go to the hospital and get things moving. DH and I opted for the hospital, and she told us to be there by 1230.

1230pm - arrive in L&D. Got hooked up to the monitor. Contractions about every 3-5 minutes, but very weak. Discussed with OB, decided to go ahead and augment labor with Pitocin to help the contractions gain strength and bring Madeline down.

130pm - Pitocin started at 2ml/hr. Was told that the nurse was to increase it by 2ml every 20 minutes until contractions were steady or a max rate of 20ml/hr.

That's where things got complicated. I had a VERY nice older nurse (mid-50s), who was very sweet, but seemed to be more into her coffee break than titrating the drug. I hit steady contractions at 2 minutes apart by 4pm, and she didn't come back in for an hour. By that time, the Pitocin had leveled off in my system, and I wasn't feeling the contractions. I was also only at 8ml/hr (considering 5 or 6 time periods had gone by, and she had only bumped it three times). OB came in and was NOT happy. She upped the dose herself to 10, got the nurse, brought her in, and said that she HAD to increase it every 20 minutes. OB said she was going home, and would be back later that evening to check on me, but that she would be calling in every hour.

6pm - not feeling contractions.

7pm - not feeling contractions. DH was out at the desk every 25-30 min "reminding" the nurse to increase the drug. We were up to 14, but with so long in between, I was barely feeling it. The new nurse came in - one of those older, seasoned nurses with the "Don't mess with me" attitude, and hardly any bedside manner. Call me crazy, but those are my favorites. She increased the drip as ordered until we hit 20, and by then, the contractions were back, and a minute apart.

8pm - good contractions, now 1 min apart, and starting to get painful. Only felt it in my low back, rectum and vagina. NOTHING in my belly.

9pm - now every 30 seconds apart, lasting 70-80 seconds, and definitely more painful. Not able to talk thru them, and as they were so close together, breathing thru it was all I cold do.

930pm - OB came back - checked me, I was dilated at a 5, 100% and Madeline was -2. Asked if I wanted the epidural, to which I said YES.
Anesthesia came in (not realizing I worked in the hospital), dumbed down all the info about an epidural (don't care, I'm fine with it). Placed it very quickly, and hooked up the Fentanyl. Contractions still coming hard and quick, and the pain wasn't touched. As I repositioned back in bed from the epidural placement...

945pm - water broke. Oh, that was gross. I am SO glad that didn't happen at home. Felt like someone dropped a warm wet water balloon out into my lap. Weird feeling. Then the contractions picked up and became stronger. Anesthesia was there, concerned that the pain wasn't touched.

Oh, and DH left the room during the epidural to go visit our friend in ICU (young with brain tumor, I told him to go). He came back right after water broke. I was fine with it, but the pain had gotten bad, and at one point, I was alone, which freaked me out a little.

Nurse came back, saw that I was having more pain, and in a bored, nonchalant voice said "Well, I'm going to check your cervix again, see why we're having so much pain. Stranger things have happened, maybe you're starting to progress..." [checks cervix - looks surprised] "Okay, now we're at 9, almost 10. We're going to start pushing in about fifteen minutes."

Meanwhile, pain hasn't been touched, anesthesia at my bedside giving me more meds. All of a sudden pain went from 10 to 6 to 3 to GONE. I felt NOTHING from the hips down.

10pm - started pushing. It was hilarious, because DH was right there holding back one leg, gloves on, watching everything that happened. Nurse was on the other leg (my OB had three of us laboring at once). Pushed maybe ten separate times. Very strange sensation to push and not FEEL it.

1045pm - crowning. Now pushing for delivery. Thank god I couldn't feel it. Pushed a couple times, DH said that she had started to cone her head, and I was just about to tear and the OB did the episiotomy (I'm glad she did, we had discussed that), and one more push...

1104pm - out came Madeline. She had the cord wrapped tightly around her neck, so the OB clamped it immediately and cut it. She was a little purple, but pinked right up, getting an APGAR of 9 and 9. DH got to cut the remainder of the cord, OB stitched me up, and there we are!

Biggest problem with delivery - the epidural. They removed it about 1130, once she was done stitching, but the effects didn't fully go away till 4am. It was so strange, I would look down and move my feet back and forth, but couldn't FEEL that I was doing it. I was like a paraplegic. Not fun.

Biggest problem AFTER - the hemorrhoids. Seriously, they are so bad at this point, I'm actually saying, "You know, I'm good with this perfect one child." DH says that as I pushed, they just kept popping out, and they are the size of PLUMS. Not kidding. And TMI, I know. But, holy mother of GOD, they are painful. Episiotomy didn't bother me at all till yesterday when I sneezed really hard (allergy season). So I am now straddling an ice pack. DH and I are laughing that between him being there for every second of delivery, my walking around with ice on my woohaa and my hemorrhoids, plus with him watching me pump last night, if he ever finds me attractive again it will be incredible, LOL.

Anyway, that's our birth story. Madeline is fussing, and I've got one enormous left breast, so I'm going to go try and feed her. More later!
awwww...that sounds like a not too bad story hun! glad everything was ok...both our babies had cord issues haha...naughty little things...glad those cord things are just flukes and not something likely to happen again...hemorrhoids dont sound fun..never had those luckily and now Im even more glad about that....and your hubby will find you attractive..I had my uterus put out on my belly and hubby still wanted to do me haha...
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