The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Ugh, my DH has grown up in the town we live in now (I'm from LA originally, moved here about ten years ago), and with where I work, I have MET every. Single. ONE of his exes. Not many, but still. And the worst was his best friend/girlfriend who totally used him. He drove to her college to see her every weekend, they slept together, he was totally in love with her (we're talking 14 years ago, thank God), she told him she was a lesbian, and didn't think of him that way. So he continued to see her every weekend (he had a bad home life, and it was an escape), and then a few months later, she's dragging him (DH) to the courthouse to be her WITNESS for her wedding. To a MAN.
So she pulled the whole "best friend" charade for years, but when she met me, she tried to undermine me at every turn. Sneaking around to hang out with him, inviting him places when she knew I couldn't go, making up trash to our mutual friends. When we got engaged, she deliberately tried to sabotage it. So eventually, it came down to her or me. Which I didn't want to do, but I couldn't deal with the anxiety. She tried to contact him on Facebook a couple years ago (not realizing that I updated his account, and he actually never went on), and wrote him this really nasty email talking shit about me, how her life was "empty without him", and so on.

Needless to say, she got blocked, his Facebook account got deleted.
ha ha...well you know my name lol...nice to meet you Chelsea, its kinda weird knowing the first names nice lol...Im still late..boobs are sore and nipples are ok which is weird coz normally my boobs are fine but nipples are horrible so its a switch... last test was this morning and was totally negative still so Im like 17DPO no BFN and no AF
Ugh, my DH has grown up in the town we live in now (I'm from LA originally, moved here about ten years ago), and with where I work, I have MET every. Single. ONE of his exes. Not many, but still. And the worst was his best friend/girlfriend who totally used him. He drove to her college to see her every weekend, they slept together, he was totally in love with her (we're talking 14 years ago, thank God), she told him she was a lesbian, and didn't think of him that way. So he continued to see her every weekend (he had a bad home life, and it was an escape), and then a few months later, she's dragging him (DH) to the courthouse to be her WITNESS for her wedding. To a MAN.
So she pulled the whole "best friend" charade for years, but when she met me, she tried to undermine me at every turn. Sneaking around to hang out with him, inviting him places when she knew I couldn't go, making up trash to our mutual friends. When we got engaged, she deliberately tried to sabotage it. So eventually, it came down to her or me. Which I didn't want to do, but I couldn't deal with the anxiety. She tried to contact him on Facebook a couple years ago (not realizing that I updated his account, and he actually never went on), and wrote him this really nasty email talking shit about me, how her life was "empty without him", and so on.

Needless to say, she got blocked, his Facebook account got deleted.

HOLY CRAP! Hi Lindsay!
Husband was in love with his friend (different girl - the one that e-mailed was never a love interest just a friends with benefits) and she strung him along only showing interest when he was interested in others. When we started dating she said that she would like to date him too (he was in the navy and would fly 500 miles to date me and she wanted him to fly 700 miles to date her in their podunk town). He was like no way, but when it came down to getting engaged she still asked if she could come to the wedding! He considered it! I was wondering if we were going to have a wedding! He told her he never wanted to see/hear from/about her again, and we've been free from her since. Luckily my husband and I were technically virgins before eachother (fooling around with others but no sex) so we don't have to compete with past lovers.
I'm sorry Erica. How frustrating! I was annoyed but a little relieved that my body at least did something either way.
Hi Lindsay ...OMG you go girl...I would totally have deleted his account lol... and bitched her out before hand lol... did you ever tell him that you did it or he didnt even care about facebook in the first place?

We had a private wedding just me him and the preacher so I didnt have to worry about exes...well hes 16 years older than me so is def not a virgin but I was only with my other fiance (by my first time I was almost 19 years old) and so have only been with ex and hubby lol... and of course I told you all how he gave me herpes the first time we were together because he didnt know that one of his exes had given it to him lol..always make him feel guilty for that lol...
ha ha yeah I havent, and will never let him forget....especially each time I have a break out, luckily only had that one since the initial one but I broke into tears when I realized it was happening again because the first time was one of the most miserable things I have ever gone through lol...and I was terrified it would be the same thing, luckily it wasnt.. but he will never get to forget that little incident lol..
Yeah, DH actually wanted her to come to the wedding (the showdown was like, the week I was making out invites). I told him he was effin' crazy.

I actually JUST told him about the FB account - he mentioned to someone "I used to have one, but I never went on it, and I dunno what happened to it." I told him he was getting emails from some crazy girls (I literally know three of the four girls he slept with - one was a one night stand when he was out of town on business), and all THREE of them were contacting him. All three of them were married, two with kids, one divorced and on marriage number two - but they were all like "Oh, I miss you, I think about you," blah blah blah. Crazy *$@^&%#@.

We still had a small wedding - he wanted to have the whole church ceremony, big reception, I wanted to go to the beach or a cruise. He kept playing the dead parents card ("My parents are DEAD, we HAVE to get married in a CHURCH because they can't BE there with us!" - dude, they'll be *with us* no matter where we are!), so we had the church ceremony, and a 50 person reception. Really nice, and was a lot of fun. I couldn't wait to get out of the damned dress though. LOL.
LOL, forgot about the herpes!

OMG, so did I! :rofl:

So not laughing at you, Erica. :) Just laughing about the whole situation. Great thing to throw at him in a fight, it's like a sitcom. Especially if you go crazy with buying baby stuff? "Yeah, well, YOU gave me HERPES!"
Yeah, DH actually wanted her to come to the wedding (the showdown was like, the week I was making out invites). I told him he was effin' crazy.

I actually JUST told him about the FB account - he mentioned to someone "I used to have one, but I never went on it, and I dunno what happened to it." I told him he was getting emails from some crazy girls (I literally know three of the four girls he slept with - one was a one night stand when he was out of town on business), and all THREE of them were contacting him. All three of them were married, two with kids, one divorced and on marriage number two - but they were all like "Oh, I miss you, I think about you," blah blah blah. Crazy *$@^&%#@.

We still had a small wedding - he wanted to have the whole church ceremony, big reception, I wanted to go to the beach or a cruise. He kept playing the dead parents card ("My parents are DEAD, we HAVE to get married in a CHURCH because they can't BE there with us!" - dude, they'll be *with us* no matter where we are!), so we had the church ceremony, and a 50 person reception. Really nice, and was a lot of fun. I couldn't wait to get out of the damned dress though. LOL.

Wow, I would have been so crazy mad. I would have been screaming at him if three girls were trying to contact him.

We had a smallish wedding (I thought small until you two girls said your number) of 75 people on a beach where my family vacationed every year (public beach we weren't rich). It was nice. We had the ceremony at 10:30 am and breakfast buffet for the reception. It was beautiful.
LOL, forgot about the herpes!

OMG, so did I! :rofl:

So not laughing at you, Erica. :) Just laughing about the whole situation. Great thing to throw at him in a fight, it's like a sitcom. Especially if you go crazy with buying baby stuff? "Yeah, well, YOU gave me HERPES!"

I agree not laughing at you! Just how you throw it out like that.
So here's another question. What will you guys miss having to give up MOST when PG? I already gave up coffee when DH and I started trying, but I really need to start working on losing weight. I've become so inactive, I'm just GAINING. And I feel terrible. Too hot to walk the dog, and I'm too tired when I get home from work to go to the gym. DH has started going now that he's not working, so I gotta start tagging along. I used to do Zumba, and haven't been back in a couple months.
I'm not sure how far along you can be and *do* Zumba, but that's something I'll miss, it's so much fun.
I also gotta talk to my hair dresser about if she'll color my hair too...Hmm...
LOL, I've been sitting here thinking today I just FEEL fat. I have quite a bit more weight to lose before I'm no longer considered "overweight." I don't think I'll ever lose it. I need to cut back on soda. I drink 2-3 a day, not TOO much, but more than I'll like when I'm pregnant.
I was doing Jenny Craig before DH lost his job. I'd lost 20 pounds. My whole goal was to lose the weight so I could put it back on again when I got pregnant.

I think I'm going to buy the Zumba DVDs when I get paid Friday so I don't have the too-hot-too-lazy-once-I-get-home excuse. Ha.

Anyone watch Glee? Because what I'm going to say won't make sense without explanation otherwise...
I want to lose the weight so I can put it back on for baby too. My goal is 25 more lbs. Unfortunately I'm not working too hard towards it. I have great work out videos that I like but am just too lazy/unmotivated. 20lbs is awesome!

I love Glee
Okay, you know how Will's wife Terri has the hysterical pregnancy, and gains all the weight? That's TOTALLY how I feel right now. That I want it so bad, my body is just putting on the weight, all in my belly. Grr.
I know what you're talking about. I'm sorry. I was wondering if I wanted it so much that that was why my period came late. Luckily I haven't put on more weight, but I certainly haven't taken it off. I gained like 15-20 lbs in about a year and my students/coworkers/family (at my grandmother's funeral) were asking me if I was pregnant cause I gained most of it in my tummy/thigh/butt area.
OMG, I get patients and co-workers asking me that all the time. Makes me crazy. Especially because I wear the looser shirts that hide the belly. Grr. That was what spurred the Jenny Craig move. I was losing a lot of weight with Zumba (you sweat like NOBODIES business, it's really nasty), but after getting out of it, it's been hard to get back. The classes were always so crowded. I think that's why I'm going to get the DVDs. Can sweat and jiggle in the comfort of my own home. :lol:
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