The One Year Strong Ladies!

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I wish I could...I am an administrator at a school soooooo hard to not be there....but there is a lot of things I do that I can do at if I can work part time money and work from home that might be the best. if pregnant now i plan on doing that for the spring and hope that maybe the fall they will let me and then I can get back into it in nov...that would at least give me to 8 months....any delay in getting pregnant throws everything off so really hoping this is it.
ha yeah..its like you plan it all out and then are just hoping it all goes to plan lol..i took a shower and feel soooo much better...hoping my hair stays clean for a bit longer than last icky hair..
i have given up on my hair...i will probably use gel all weekend and wear my hair curly when my company comes so they don't see how nasty it is :haha:
Anyone ever heard this before??? Pretty interesting! Found it on

Did you know?

One of the earliest written records of a urine based pregnancy test can be found in an ancient Egyptian document. A papyrus described a test in which a woman who might be pregnant could urinate on wheat and barley seeds over the course of several days: If the barley grows, it means a male child. If the wheat grows, it means a female child. If both do not grow, she will not bear at all.

Testing of this theory in 1963 found that 70 percent of the time, the urine of pregnant women did promote growth, while the urine of non pregnant women and men did not.

Scholars have identified this as perhaps the first test to detect a unique substance in the urine of pregnant women, and have speculated that elevated levels of estrogen's in pregnant woman's urine may have been the key to its success.
so where can I buy some wheat and barley to pee on
Well, depending on if I get low cost items, or average priced - let's face it, we're all going to splurge. Childcare will hopefully be Mom. Mine ranges from $5k to $10k. YIKES! yeah I know that clothes will be the one thing I splurge on..and there was not anywhere in the form that said anything about a chandelier
Sorry, late to the baby cost convo. :) DH and I went to the diner for dinner, I was good and got a salad, but splurged and got cheesecake for dessert (SOOOO good). Now I feel like crap, my god. :sick: DH and I went for a walk to walk some of it off, took the puppy down the street to play with her friend (an older dog, but he LOVES her).

I think tonight I'm going to work some more on my cross-stitch. Almost done with the design (doing the name now) and then all that's left are the details and getting it framed! I might go get an easy one just to see if I like it...
tested...was about to I am sad :cry:

I have one more test but I guess I will hide it for a few days. I don't know what to think :shrug:. The potential BFP from this morning is sitting on my dresser and the damn BFN is glaring at me right now. AF due on Saturday.
I know how you feel I mean Im pretty sure Im past my AF date and still BFNs... :cry:
Ok I just cried because hubby called on his way home from the dinner cruise and told me how amazing the food was and I said oh was it better than mine (he loves my cooking I know that but I still asked) and he was kinda beating around the bush about answering and then he said well they have a whole staff so of course and I just teared up lol...he doesn't know but it just made me mad..ugh... I told him since he liked it so much maybe they can cook for him for the rest of the week coz I wont be doing it lol..
The tattoo thing is funny!

Sorry about the continued BFNs...

I'm waaaay behind on posts but I'm going to go seduce my husband for a while.
ha ha wow spunky..can we say TMI lol...ha ha JUST KIDDING!!! lol...nothing is TMI on here after what we've talked about SO BIG NEWS..Hubby has officially jumped on the baby board..he wants to actively try the next two cycles and then stop until February if we dont get preggie..yay yay yay yay yay dancing around!!! I cried when he told me...
Jerome -- that's great :happydance: it's easier when they are on board

Spunky -- go get em tiger :winkwink:

night time for me!!! :hugs:
Night time for me too..bye for be back around tomorrow..
Erica – quit looking at the preg test thing if it drives you crazy!! Hahaha, I look at it all the time and get happy/sad.

Babe<3 &#8211; lol, you mean staring at the toilet doesn&#8217;t put off the urge to pee?

I have done the cost thing before and it was like $5000, I put staying at home I think. I also know how much stroller and crib set are going to be, so that I think raised the cost. I&#8217;ve already saved $1000 though, so that will help.

Babe<3 &#8211; I&#8217;m a teacher at a high school so I&#8217;m hoping to get pregnant this month and have my six week maternity almost finish out the school year (and then I&#8217;ll just pay the cost to be gone the last week or so) and have the whole summer. My original plan was to go back in August, but I&#8217;m thinking I&#8217;ll take a year off and be a stay at home mom, give it a go. My school district sucks right now so I&#8217;m not really looking forward to working right now. I can take a year off and not lose my tenure or time in.

Guess I need some barley and wheat to pee on&#8230;.

Lindsay &#8211; PUPPY?!?! I worked more on my quilt today, feel accomplished but still a long ways to go. Probably a good thing I still have at least 40 weeks.

Sorry about the BFN babe<3! So sad and frustrating. Give it a couple more days?

Erica &#8211; LOL on the hubby cooking thing.

I don&#8217;t think there&#8217;s TMI on this post. After everything else hahaha

Night guys.
Wow this thread grow LOADS when I'm sleeping... Stupid time difference lol

I've had to start washing my hair daily. It's greasy and I've somehow now got dandruff?! I feel like a teenager again! No face breakouts though... Yet.

I'm not getting pains now and not bleeding. My nipples are insanely sensitive but apart from that I don't really feel pg. Can't wait to get bloods/scan over with. I need confirmation of what's going on in there!!!

Just catching up on thread... I think it's only gonna be my df with me when I have the bubba. I want my mum to be waiting when I come out though. It breaks my heart coz she wants to be more involved and hold my hand like she did for my sister but I kinda want it to be mine and df's time. We'll see.
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