The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Woohoo! Just got my 20 ovulation and 10 pregnancy tests in the mail!
Yay spunky....well our porn thing is that hes been "addicted" to it since before I was even in the picture but anyway..I found it when I moved in of course since I was at home all day moving stuff around and unpacking..I made him get rid of it and he was supposed to have deleted it all from his comps..but then I kept finding it..and then it was even on his Ipod when I hit the screen while picking it up to move it..and...I was just sooo amazed and horrified that it was soo bad that it was on his Ipod I mean seriously!!!! so he swore it was all gone..then a month or so later I was horny and was trying to mess around and he said he was too tired...then a little bit later he went to take a shower and I woke up like 30 mins later and he still wasnt in bed so I went downstairs and just had this feeling and looked on his comp while he was in the shower and he was downloading all new stuff and joining all new sites..I went in the bathroom crying and screaming and bitched him out and then ran upstairs and we had a huge fight over it...and then he started again in the spring and I caught him and he acted like he had a right to do it..Im like seriously..I go down on you whenever...without you even asking "trouser kisses" lol!!!!! and want to do it all the time and you think you have a right to go look at that?

oh it still makes me soo mad because to me it was like him cheating on me and I just couldnt get him to understand that... I was seriously traumatized and freaked out every time we saw a girl on the tv that I knew he was thinking was hot and it just really mentally screwed me over..and now Im just always paranoid and soo afraid of finding it again and going through it all again...I am so jealous because I know he settled for me physically because of how he felt emotionally and thats not what I want and that doesnt give him the right to look at porn because he doesnt like me..ugh... and thats part of what the fight was last night too because I just feel like if I was one of those hot girls from the pornos that he wouldnt have a problem at all...Ive gotten over the not being able to finish in me during sex and having to manually or orally finish him off everytime but now its like he cant even get hard or doesnt even want it at all in the first place which I am just having a hard time dealing with..I feel selfish almost but it just hurts and he doesnt realize that its different for girls... Im just against the porn thing altogether..just wish I could trust him again but I know I never will
I guess I'll get over it lol..he has a Dr appt tomorrow so hopefully they can help with a med change or something..
My husband's porn addiction was also a preexisting condition before our relationship, which I knew about, but not the extent. My husband does get sex deprived (and the trouser kisses have been nearly non existent since I had a procedure on my throat in February) when I get depressed or sick or on my period, and this can go on for 2 or 3 or 4 weeks. But he was navy, and I was used to not having sex for four months or so. These droughts though are when he looks at it, so I need to make sure there are no droughts no matter how I feel I guess. I felt cheated on too. I do everytime I catch him. We had a big fight in our apartment before we bought our house. I told him I didn't want to move again and have hiding porn in yet another of our homes. Well, now I can count all four of the places we've lived as porn infested. I was slim when we got married, but now that I've put on 30lbs from when we got married I am much more insecure, and I find that he keeps looking at hot chicks online just makes me feel worse. But after threatening to leave him and not have any children with him I think he's finally ready to be honest with me and we'll figure it out. I hope.
I miss our happy baby thoughts, now I'm all depressed!

Oh yeah!!! How far apart for kids? We're planning on having them around or less than two years apart. That's how my brother and I were, my mom said she didn't know what a good night's sleep was until we were both sleeping through (so she didn't get good nights and then a newborn again). She got three months of a breastfeeding break, and we were potty trained at the same time. We're only going to go for a third if we get like 2 boys, try for the girl, that kind of thing, and they would be close in age too.
Ok I guess I need to catch up.

Porn -- we had similar fights too. first caught him in college when he was up late studying -- we had already had :sex: that night so that was confusing...anyway but he didn't really do it that often...when I would be away or he would be we had a be fight about it too...I explained the same stuff you are should want me and not them, just ask me don't resort to porn. I didn't even like when he would take care of business on his own even without the porn. We came to an agreement (I think) that the ladies on the computer would be fired and that if he wanted to take care of business he had to think about me (like I can control that). I believe him...sometimes I think he is probably on the computer but on the other hand he is pretty well taken care of:winkwink:

Birth location -- hospital...even though the one I want to go to is pretty hopefully the baby doesn't come flying out

Ages of babies -- I like 2/3 years apart depending on how life is progressing...DH and his sister are 8 years apart and he didn't like that very sibs and I are 3, 2, 3 years apart (there are four of us)

Names -- work in progress, want to use family names inserted with names we like

I think I am all caught up!!!!
Ok huge huge huge update but its gonna have to wait..we are going to the store down the road...need a caffeine/coke fix lol....desperately..but its a good update !!! and hes sitting right here so I cant really type it..he'll get pissed if I tell allll our business online but of course once im alone or at least he cant see my screen I'll tell you all about it lol...
Ok so ha ha to make a kind of long story short....he came home..we was great...he starting rubbing my back and then we just went at it like rabbits for an hour!!!!!! it was crazy!!!!! ha ha....he still didnt come and he was so upset (I think it was just because we had just eaten) but anyway!!!! he was upset because he was like you hadnt taken your pill had you and I said no why and he said coz I wanted to get you I had to tell him that he couldnt get me preggie now anyway because it was just after period ha ha and he was like..all that for nothing!! lol...but he told me that I better not say I dont turn him on anymore I wont lol.... soo happy now!! its like its all better lol... sorry for depressing you spunky....I know...all happy stuff now unless someone really really needs to vent lol...that lady never got back to me about the glider so I guess its already gone...hmmpff :growlmad:
that's great that he is into the baby making now...I love when my DH starts asking questions cause he has no idea what the whole cycle is all about...he seems to be getting it more...or he is pretending because he likes to BD.
ha ha yeah it was soo cute how upset he was when I told him that I couldnt get preggie now anyway lol... guess I'll have to mark it on the calender
Sorry I havent been around lately ladies!!! I have been busy with school work and job hunting!!! How is everyone doing? I will be testing this month on August 23rd, but this cycle I am going to take a more laid back approach, and just let things happen as they may!!! My last cycle i went all out and still got BFN, and took it very hard when AF arrived, so I am going to try to focus on other things this month and what will be will be!!! Good Luck to the rest of you ladies!!! :flower:
Hi Wannabe!! was wondering where you ran off to.....welcome back lol..Im sure you had fun catching up on all that we've talked about lol...lots of good and weird and TMI stuff lol...watching hubby play a video game right now...knowing I need to go to the kitchen and clean up but putting it off for now lol...
Erica- This is a great place to vent and get support - just started making me think about our fights, you know? No reason not to continue if anyone needs it! Congrats on the sex!

Glad everyone sounds like their significant others are on board! Mine is much more into it this month and asking more questions and seems to be getting more excited.

Wannabeprego - Sorry you took AF so hard, I did too, I had a few good crys, and one night I got a little hysterical like everything was going wrong and we'd never get pregnant and so on. He was at least really good about it. I'm guessing I'll be testing like the 20th, but starting to test prolly the 18th (guess cd7 or 8, too early but I'm a poas addict).
Ok guys new question: How did you and yours decide to start trying for a baby?

Husband and I have been talking babies for 8 years. We decided he needed to be out of the navy (got out last January) in a serious new job (just got off his 1 year probation last week) and I needed to be done with my education (got my Masters at the end of June). So basically I had a weird check list and we've finally checked em all off. I've been weaned off meds since this Jan to start getting ready.
lol mrsjerome, i sometimes wonder bout my daryl. ill tell him we need to bd on such and such date and whenits time he is to tired and i get all pissed cause he has forgotten lol. but this month he has been good he even asked me if i remembered to put my thing in after we finished talking bout my instead cup. i kinda dont really know how to go about telling it a good time to bd or that i bought something to help get preggers.

good luck to u all im just waiting for the 9 th to make it sense i should start then or somewhere around there, then if i dont start then ill still Wait untill closers to the end of the month baby dust and sticky vibes to us all
Ha ha he just told me that I was like a totally different person..I was like yeah umm..I told you I was horny and you took care of it finally so now Im all nice lol...thats all it I am sooo back on board the baby train, seriously last night I was about to just say f**k it and forget about it...but now its like its all better and even he said that last night he thought I was gonna give up on us.... which I wasnt but did cross my mind for a minute while we were in that just had a freak power outage but its back on now...if Menagerie is feeling better tomorrow (she tripped over the devil kitten and hurt her ankle) she is gonna come over and Im making them a peach cobbler lol..and we are gonna go to Ruby Tuesdays and chat and I might go to Target and see if I can find a few more cute clearance baby things lol..just to start on my collection...and also go to Hobby Lobby to find something crafty to work on..I would soo love to work on my cake decorating but I dont need to eat cake and he hates carting them to work even though they love them lol... hmm.... maybe I'll find something cute and wooden to paint and work on for the nursery lol... oh and he is taking me to do one of my fav things this weekend...GEM MINING!!! I love love love it....its soo exciting..hes never been so it should be fun..get to teach him something for once...we are gonna stay at our (my grandparents who practically raised me) cabin so it'll be free and fun..I cant wait..if I find anything amazing I am sooo selling it for baby money!
Umm to answer your ? Chelsea Ive wanted kids it was just a matter of convincing him and he wanted them too just not so soon..but he said that its all hes been thinking about lately and he thinks hes ready and he has no idea how happy it made me for him to decide that so was giving up on wearing him down but now that he wants it too...YAY lol..
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