My husband's porn addiction was also a preexisting condition before our relationship, which I knew about, but not the extent. My husband does get sex deprived (and the trouser kisses have been nearly non existent since I had a procedure on my throat in February) when I get depressed or sick or on my period, and this can go on for 2 or 3 or 4 weeks. But he was navy, and I was used to not having sex for four months or so. These droughts though are when he looks at it, so I need to make sure there are no droughts no matter how I feel I guess. I felt cheated on too. I do everytime I catch him. We had a big fight in our apartment before we bought our house. I told him I didn't want to move again and have hiding porn in yet another of our homes. Well, now I can count all four of the places we've lived as porn infested. I was slim when we got married, but now that I've put on 30lbs from when we got married I am much more insecure, and I find that he keeps looking at hot chicks online just makes me feel worse. But after threatening to leave him and not have any children with him I think he's finally ready to be honest with me and we'll figure it out. I hope.