The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Ok so ignore that last comment coz I just looked at the site again and its up again yay! oh but nm the ordering part isnt working..gosh they must just be falling apart...I emailed them and told them what was going on so hopefully they can fix it!

Doesnt it look like a winky!! ha ha...its a frosted animal cracker and I noticed that it looks like a winky ha ha...too funny..hubby told me I should post a picture of it
LOL, this thread does die! I was on it yesterday all day, but you guys were all out working or having fun. I'll start working soon so I wont be on here all the time anymore either. Sucks.

Lindsay - Well, hopefully this will be our month since our bodies are REALLY trying. I started spotting at 11dpo/12dpo and was really hoping it was implantation, but took 3 more days to be a period. So frustrating. :growlmad: My luteal phase is short too, but I've read it needs to be 10 days for pregnancy and mine is like 11 days... :nope: I'm hoping it wont be a future problem. :shrug:
ha ha i know i am soo bored..
uddercovers is having a crazy time with the breastfeeding week promotion so the site is pretty much impossible to get on
oh well....
Ok I have a question you might not know the answer but...anyway..if you sell stuff on your own a site you create and then sell products you those earrings that I you have to have a business license or..what..I mean how does that work?
NM..Hubby told me it isnt worth it unless you make a considerable well
Might be worth trying something like Etsy? I looooooove buying stuff from there. SO MANY AMAZING THINGS! And lots of handmade and cute and not on the high street cards and jewellery and fabrics and, and ahhhhh. So much love for it's amazing array of EVERYTHING.
Although being in the UK sucks because shipping takes for-ev-er.
Finally got a dermatologist appt next Wednesday...its a double appt with hubby..ha ha..yay!! maybe finally get this acne taken care of...and will just have to tell them I can only have preggie safe drugs just in case lol...
hi ladies how are u all doing? MRSJEROME, that cookies does look like a winky at first i was saying to my self whats a winky lol then i saw it.

i have a question for you all. im 9dpo and noticed clear cm today on my tp. what do you all think it could mean? is it a good or bad sign?
hmm I dont know as my CM was all over the place during my TWW lol..wish I knew what to tell you lol...I think CM isnt a good indicator as hormones make it go crazy...some women dont notice a change, some women say they just have more but dont say what kind, some women say they have a lot of lotiony creamy cm lol..I had tons of lotiony creamy cm last TWW but of course ended up not preggie I think dont worry about that "sign"...good luck though..when are you testing?
ha ha yeah..waiting for Ovulation here..think we are gonna start the every other day thing so it'll be August 7th 9th 11th 13th 15th 17th. Sposta O either at 14th or 16th but will use the strips to narrow it down lol...
Erica, you and I are both supposed to O around the same time (I'm supposed to be the 14th). I'm going to see Green Day on the 14th, so I won't be home till late that I'm gonna have to get DH to :sex: the day before and after :)

Another ridiculous day. Started out by falling down my garage steps (only three, but still), and sprained my ankle really nicely. Was worried I did something worse for a minute - I broke my foot on those same damn stairs last January. All I could think was "My boss will KILL me!"

Tons of CM already.

Chelsea, I'm trying those fertility blend vitamins to help with my luteal phase. Figure it's worth a shot. :)

See you all tomorrow!
Lindsay! I've almost fallen down the 2 stairs in the garage more times than I can count, but haven't been as unfortunate as you...yet... :hugs: Hope you feel better.
NJangel, I am so sorry you fell!! I hope your ankle feels better soon!! :hugs:
It's something I've been doing as long as I can remember. Stairs and I do NOT get along. :shrug: Especially this house. I mean, my husband I were house-hunting, found an awesome 4 story house - the whole stairs+Lindsay thing was why we moved on. I told him we could live there if he wanted to kill me. When we first moved into this house, I went out the front steps to go to my car one December AM, because the garage was packed full of crap. Totally didn't realize there was ice on the ground - I have slate steps (9 of them). Foot went out from under me, I went down all 9 steps ass first. Had a bruise on my entire right cheek the color of a pomegrante. And my silly DH saw the whole thing happen, runs outside, and tells me to come back in for a minute and relax. I was like, "I'm not going back up those stairs again!!"

And let me tell you, I was an ER nurse for years, and when people would come in saying they "knew they broke something," I was a little doubtful. When I broke my foot last year - oh, man, INSTANTLY different than a sprain. Very nauseous, and couldn't put the slightest bit of weight on it without crumpling.

So yeah, falling/klutziness is kinda my thing. I told DH while he was home he needed to fix those damn steps so they aren't such a death trap.

I can't believe it's only Thursday. This week has been so busy, and I'm working all weekend. :( Get my hair cut and colored next week before my concert, and will talk to my girl then about what she recommends if preggo. I have to go every three months or so as my hair grows pretty fast.

Have a good day, ladies. Looks like about one more week till some of us O!
MrsJ - glad I didn't come over the other day - it totally worked out for you!!! LOL
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