The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Aww Cottlestons thats great!! ha ha dildo cam!!! Whenever I have to have one done I'll ask my Dr if they can lube up the dildo cam a little extra, she is soo laid bad I bet she'll laugh her ass off lol... I cant imagine taking calls all day...and dealing with people that act like its your personal fault that something is wrong lol...that sounds like a very high stress people quit a lot? I prolly wouldnt last more than a week or so lol lol...

Talking to hubby about what I have to do to get ready for this weekend..I have tons to do today before 5... I know I would love to get preggie this cycle...hubby said it would be the best birthday present ever..and then I would be right around 18-20 weeks in December and finding out the sex of the baby would be a perfect christmas present for the family too! I think I might even just tell my mom about it at first and then surprise everyone at Christmas when we go see them if Im showing then we'll tell them that way..and if not then we'll get baby christmas presents for everyone...

Well I better go ladies..I'll check back once more before we leave tonight but I wont be around until Sunday night prolly...hope you all have a great weekend!!! get to it Chelsea, hope you catch that O!!! and Cottleston hope you take a break this weekend and relax with the hubby... and Fluffy good luck with testing, cant wait to come back and see what happens!!! Thanks Wannabe it was great to hear that she was so spot on about other things, just gives me hope with the baby reading!!!
Talk to you all later!!
I hopefully have an interview next week for an administrative job so keep your fingers crossed for me. I met with a lady yesterday from a staffing agency so things are looking up in the job seeking department which is good. This job would be temporary with the chance to maybe go permanent. It wasnt my first choice job wise but I know how hard it is to find a job today and moving to a new state it is often hard to find a job when you first start out. Plus I havent worked in over a year since I have been going to college full time. So for now I just need to bring some $$ in and get some work experience in the new area we are living in. Hopefully when I graduate in the Fall this year I will be able to find a better job!!

Meanwhile my husband is driving me bananas. :wacko: I made the mistake of telling him that I thought that I was ovulating today and his reaction upset me. He basically pushed me away this morning when I told him.:cry: He apologized all morning about his reaction, but it really upset me. I asked him if he was really ready to try for a baby or not, or if we need to post pone it for a while. UGGHHH... I think i am going to change my status to NTNP for now because he is tripping this cycle!! GRrrrr men, cant live with them, cant live without them!!! My issue is that he had his vasectomy reversal last year and if we dont put in the effort to try to make it happen, by :sex: during my fertile days, than it most likely is not going to happen!! I think we will be blessed if I can even get pregnant naturally since it has been about 14 years since the original vasectomy was done!! Neither one of us are getting any younger either, I am in my early 30's and he is in his early 40's!!! :nope: Lord help me, It is such an emotional roller coaster TTC, I am about to just throw in the towel and say to hell with it!!! ARRGGHHHH!!!!!!!:wacko:

CottlestonPie, I feel for you about the call center work. I worked in one for many years and it is a tuff job, it is very stressful listening to the callers complaining and being strapped to the phone for 8 hours a day!! Hang in there girl!! I hope you have a great weekend.:flower:
well it starts out in setting in the truck waiting for Daryl, it looks like maybe he is picking up something any way as he is getting in he says So i need to tell her you are about 8wks pregnant. then i say well i dont know if im pregnant or not but i f i was i uess that would be about right. then i say im 9 dpo(he has no idea what that means in real life lol). so now we are in what looks like a bank with the teller windows and stuff and next to each window is a platter of crawfish, they are huge they dont look like crawfish but more like biscuits untill u look real close then they look like a huge shrimp curled up.

thought it was a weird dream sense i hardly ever dream about him and if he is in my dream its not through the the whole dream.
Aww Cottlestons thats great!! ha ha dildo cam!!! Whenever I have to have one done I'll ask my Dr if they can lube up the dildo cam a little extra, she is soo laid bad I bet she'll laugh her ass off lol... I cant imagine taking calls all day...and dealing with people that act like its your personal fault that something is wrong lol...that sounds like a very high stress people quit a lot? I prolly wouldnt last more than a week or so lol lol...

Talking to hubby about what I have to do to get ready for this weekend..I have tons to do today before 5... I know I would love to get preggie this cycle...hubby said it would be the best birthday present ever..and then I would be right around 18-20 weeks in December and finding out the sex of the baby would be a perfect christmas present for the family too! I think I might even just tell my mom about it at first and then surprise everyone at Christmas when we go see them if Im showing then we'll tell them that way..and if not then we'll get baby christmas presents for everyone...

Well I better go ladies..I'll check back once more before we leave tonight but I wont be around until Sunday night prolly...hope you all have a great weekend!!! get to it Chelsea, hope you catch that O!!! and Cottleston hope you take a break this weekend and relax with the hubby... and Fluffy good luck with testing, cant wait to come back and see what happens!!! Thanks Wannabe it was great to hear that she was so spot on about other things, just gives me hope with the baby reading!!!
Talk to you all later!!

Have fun!
I hopefully have an interview next week for an administrative job so keep your fingers crossed for me. I met with a lady yesterday from a staffing agency so things are looking up in the job seeking department which is good. This job would be temporary with the chance to maybe go permanent. It wasnt my first choice job wise but I know how hard it is to find a job today and moving to a new state it is often hard to find a job when you first start out. Plus I havent worked in over a year since I have been going to college full time. So for now I just need to bring some $$ in and get some work experience in the new area we are living in. Hopefully when I graduate in the Fall this year I will be able to find a better job!!

Meanwhile my husband is driving me bananas. :wacko: I made the mistake of telling him that I thought that I was ovulating today and his reaction upset me. He basically pushed me away this morning when I told him.:cry: He apologized all morning about his reaction, but it really upset me. I asked him if he was really ready to try for a baby or not, or if we need to post pone it for a while. UGGHHH... I think i am going to change my status to NTNP for now because he is tripping this cycle!! GRrrrr men, cant live with them, cant live without them!!! My issue is that he had his vasectomy reversal last year and if we dont put in the effort to try to make it happen, by :sex: during my fertile days, than it most likely is not going to happen!! I think we will be blessed if I can even get pregnant naturally since it has been about 14 years since the original vasectomy was done!! Neither one of us are getting any younger either, I am in my early 30's and he is in his early 40's!!! :nope: Lord help me, It is such an emotional roller coaster TTC, I am about to just throw in the towel and say to hell with it!!! ARRGGHHHH!!!!!!!:wacko:

CottlestonPie, I feel for you about the call center work. I worked in one for many years and it is a tuff job, it is very stressful listening to the callers complaining and being strapped to the phone for 8 hours a day!! Hang in there girl!! I hope you have a great weekend.:flower:

I'm so sorry about hubby being less than supportive. If it makes you feel better there's hope with the vasectomy reversal or my brother and I would not be here. My dad had a vasectomy about 50 years ago and got it reversed about 30 years ago. My dad was 41 with my brother and 43 with me. My mom had one working tube. It took them two years to have my brother, but they did, and then I was an accident (a diaphram baby)! I was told a happy accident, but they weren't trying and were preventing.
Scan went well! She was a bit rough with the dildo-cam... Bit sore and spotting because of it but worth it for peace of mind. Today's looking good!

I'm so glad it went well! I'm really nervous about a dildo-cam! Didn't realize that was routine, but I guess early on it would make more sense. We couldn't even have sex the other day cause he couldn't get it in cause I couldn't relax enough (I know TMI, but I REALLY wanted sex and I was SOOOO frustrated). Annual exams are pretty much a nightmare, was the cam worse than that?

So! Now that you're more confident I would like to request that you get a ticker that reminds us how far along you are. The one I'm going to get (once I get pregnant) is the one that says what size they are in relation to fruit!! Cracks me up!! Don't feel pressured if you're not ready to change your "ttc" status or put up a ticker, I am just so excited for you and can understand your past hesitation.

Maybe you can reward your husband for his patience with more than trouser kisses now? :rofl:

Your job sounds stressful. I always try to be nice when I call to complain but I have been guilty of being short with others. I'm sorry your boss sucks at times. :hugs:
Haha nah my fella can wait for sexytime!! I had a bleed just from the dildo-cam poking about up there, I'm sensitive! Lol
Internal scans are totally fine and painless unless you get a lady like mine today. She was running late, rushed through it and clonked me right in the cervix eeek :haha:
DF will be getting some thanks for being there to hold my hand though. But none of that full on stuff yet. Shame but I'm still scared :blush:

I was looking at the fruit ticker I love it!! Might add one when I'm on the pc because it's a pain in the bum on my phone!

How are your opks looking hun? Still nice and dark?
Haha nah my fella can wait for sexytime!! I had a bleed just from the dildo-cam poking about up there, I'm sensitive! Lol
Internal scans are totally fine and painless unless you get a lady like mine today. She was running late, rushed through it and clonked me right in the cervix eeek :haha:
DF will be getting some thanks for being there to hold my hand though. But none of that full on stuff yet. Shame but I'm still scared :blush:

I was looking at the fruit ticker I love it!! Might add one when I'm on the pc because it's a pain in the bum on my phone!

How are your opks looking hun? Still nice and dark?

:hugs: Nothing to be shamed about!!! I'd be terrified to bleed and be pregnant at the same time. I'm glad DF is patient, mine would be too if I were scared.

I'd be pissed if someone hurt me just not being careful. I spot after just a regular exam, my cervix is sensitive without being pregnant, so I hope it doesn't get more sensitive (which it prolly will).

opk still darkish. I think they're positive. They may be a fade in, but either way we're getting it on. I texted him yesterday and asked him what he'd like me to be wearing when he got home. He said nothing :winkwink: He's being very cooperative which is nice. I told him we need to have sex once a day every day for at least a week and he said he would make the sacrifice. Then when I got fiesty later he told me I thought it was only once a day. LOL I didn't think he would aruge with more sex.

TMI: He did the sweetest thing after :sex: yesterday! Afterwards he put his legs under mine so my legs were lifted and he said you lift your legs afterward, right? and I was like it should be my hips, so he scooted a leg under my butt and smiled all big and said 'see I'm helping!' LOL, I think I cried.
I hopefully have an interview next week for an administrative job so keep your fingers crossed for me. I met with a lady yesterday from a staffing agency so things are looking up in the job seeking department which is good. This job would be temporary with the chance to maybe go permanent. It wasnt my first choice job wise but I know how hard it is to find a job today and moving to a new state it is often hard to find a job when you first start out. Plus I havent worked in over a year since I have been going to college full time. So for now I just need to bring some $$ in and get some work experience in the new area we are living in. Hopefully when I graduate in the Fall this year I will be able to find a better job!!

Meanwhile my husband is driving me bananas. :wacko: I made the mistake of telling him that I thought that I was ovulating today and his reaction upset me. He basically pushed me away this morning when I told him.:cry: He apologized all morning about his reaction, but it really upset me. I asked him if he was really ready to try for a baby or not, or if we need to post pone it for a while. UGGHHH... I think i am going to change my status to NTNP for now because he is tripping this cycle!! GRrrrr men, cant live with them, cant live without them!!! My issue is that he had his vasectomy reversal last year and if we dont put in the effort to try to make it happen, by :sex: during my fertile days, than it most likely is not going to happen!! I think we will be blessed if I can even get pregnant naturally since it has been about 14 years since the original vasectomy was done!! Neither one of us are getting any younger either, I am in my early 30's and he is in his early 40's!!! :nope: Lord help me, It is such an emotional roller coaster TTC, I am about to just throw in the towel and say to hell with it!!! ARRGGHHHH!!!!!!!:wacko:

CottlestonPie, I feel for you about the call center work. I worked in one for many years and it is a tuff job, it is very stressful listening to the callers complaining and being strapped to the phone for 8 hours a day!! Hang in there girl!! I hope you have a great weekend.:flower:

I'm so sorry about hubby being less than supportive. If it makes you feel better there's hope with the vasectomy reversal or my brother and I would not be here. My dad had a vasectomy about 50 years ago and got it reversed about 30 years ago. My dad was 41 with my brother and 43 with me. My mom had one working tube. It took them two years to have my brother, but they did, and then I was an accident (a diaphram baby)! I was told a happy accident, but they weren't trying and were preventing.

Spunky, Thanks for sharing your story about your parents and their vasectomy reversal being a success!! That really gives me alot of hope for me and DH!!!! :winkwink::thumbup:

I dont know what is up with DH this month, the last cycle he was really on board and we had :sex: pretty much every day during my ovulation window!!! I think he is just stressing over the finances right now so he is thinking of putting off the whole TTC thing. I am just tired of waiting on things to be perfect for us to have a baby. My husband spent about seven years overseas working so we put our lives on hold for a long time well he was working over there. Meanwhile I entered my 30's and felt my biological clock ticking away!!! LOL!!! DH recently came home for good and found a normal job in the states and that is why we just moved to another state. Our finances are tuff right now because we are paying two mortages until we sell our old house!! Ugghh, i swear if it isnt one thing than it will be the other!!:wacko:
who is this lady that does all the readings? is she pretty much dead on? how much is a reading/ im sorry just curious.
who is this lady that does all the readings? is she pretty much dead on? how much is a reading/ im sorry just curious.

Her name is Sandra, here is the link to her website!!!

it cost about 4 american dollars for her concepton reading:thumbup:

I felt like her reading was accurate for the most part except i didnt get my bfp at the end of july like she predicted, i ended up with AF showing up:cry:!!!
well ladies, my hubby was on good behavior the rest of the day, lol. He did the grocery shopping for me so I could work on school work. Than he cleaned up the kitchen for me after I cooked dinner, washed a few loads of clothes and folded them:laundry:..... hmmm, ummm, can you say sexy!!!!:blush:

So I had a few OPK's laying around and decided to try one of them out just for the hell of it, so I peed in a cup and look what I got!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:

I was still Ovulating!!!! Soo being the sly devil that I am:devil: I seduced my husband and got my :sex: that I wanted and didnt get earlier when he made me mad, LOL!!!!!!!! Soooo hopefully the spermy will catch the egg!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Hubby asked why I was suddenly in the mood and I made up something, I didnt mention anything about my positive OPK, or ovulating, LOL!!!!!! :blush:
who is this lady that does all the readings? is she pretty much dead on? how much is a reading/ im sorry just curious.

Her name is Sandra, here is the link to her website!!!

it cost about 4 american dollars for her concepton reading:thumbup:

I felt like her reading was accurate for the most part except i didnt get my bfp at the end of july like she predicted, i ended up with AF showing up:cry:!!!

awww im sorry, thats not a bad price, ill have to check it out thanks
i looked at sandra's page but i see she is not doing those kind of readings right now
well ladies, my hubby was on good behavior the rest of the day, lol. He did the grocery shopping for me so I could work on school work. Than he cleaned up the kitchen for me after I cooked dinner, washed a few loads of clothes and folded them:laundry:..... hmmm, ummm, can you say sexy!!!!:blush:

So I had a few OPK's laying around and decided to try one of them out just for the hell of it, so I peed in a cup and look what I got!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:

I was still Ovulating!!!! Soo being the sly devil that I am:devil: I seduced my husband and got my :sex: that I wanted and didnt get earlier when he made me mad, LOL!!!!!!!! Soooo hopefully the spermy will catch the egg!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Hubby asked why I was suddenly in the mood and I made up something, I didnt mention anything about my positive OPK, or ovulating, LOL!!!!!! :blush:

I just wanted to share a pic of how my positive OPK looked out of the case!!!

I am still so excited that I got my first positive OPK!!! I used these at random times before but never managed to get a positive OPK!! I was starting to worry that i wasnt ovulating and that something might be wrong with me!!! I am just so relived to know that I am ovulating for sure!!! Hallejuah!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:
i looked at sandra's page but i see she is not doing those kind of readings right now

Hmmm, oh no. i didnt know that. I know that some people said that she had hurt her hand and was getting behind on her readings, but I didnt know that she had stopped doing those??

I know that there are several other phsychic people on this site that other people use so u may want to ask around. Let me check the threads and see if I can find a link to one of the other psychics for you hun.:flower:
Here is one lady that alot of people have used on this site!!

I havent used her though, but other people seem to like her?? :flower:
I hopefully have an interview next week for an administrative job so keep your fingers crossed for me. I met with a lady yesterday from a staffing agency so things are looking up in the job seeking department which is good. This job would be temporary with the chance to maybe go permanent. It wasnt my first choice job wise but I know how hard it is to find a job today and moving to a new state it is often hard to find a job when you first start out. Plus I havent worked in over a year since I have been going to college full time. So for now I just need to bring some $$ in and get some work experience in the new area we are living in. Hopefully when I graduate in the Fall this year I will be able to find a better job!!

Meanwhile my husband is driving me bananas. :wacko: I made the mistake of telling him that I thought that I was ovulating today and his reaction upset me. He basically pushed me away this morning when I told him.:cry: He apologized all morning about his reaction, but it really upset me. I asked him if he was really ready to try for a baby or not, or if we need to post pone it for a while. UGGHHH... I think i am going to change my status to NTNP for now because he is tripping this cycle!! GRrrrr men, cant live with them, cant live without them!!! My issue is that he had his vasectomy reversal last year and if we dont put in the effort to try to make it happen, by :sex: during my fertile days, than it most likely is not going to happen!! I think we will be blessed if I can even get pregnant naturally since it has been about 14 years since the original vasectomy was done!! Neither one of us are getting any younger either, I am in my early 30's and he is in his early 40's!!! :nope: Lord help me, It is such an emotional roller coaster TTC, I am about to just throw in the towel and say to hell with it!!! ARRGGHHHH!!!!!!!:wacko:

CottlestonPie, I feel for you about the call center work. I worked in one for many years and it is a tuff job, it is very stressful listening to the callers complaining and being strapped to the phone for 8 hours a day!! Hang in there girl!! I hope you have a great weekend.:flower:

I'm so sorry about hubby being less than supportive. If it makes you feel better there's hope with the vasectomy reversal or my brother and I would not be here. My dad had a vasectomy about 50 years ago and got it reversed about 30 years ago. My dad was 41 with my brother and 43 with me. My mom had one working tube. It took them two years to have my brother, but they did, and then I was an accident (a diaphram baby)! I was told a happy accident, but they weren't trying and were preventing.

Spunky, Thanks for sharing your story about your parents and their vasectomy reversal being a success!! That really gives me alot of hope for me and DH!!!! :winkwink::thumbup:

I dont know what is up with DH this month, the last cycle he was really on board and we had :sex: pretty much every day during my ovulation window!!! I think he is just stressing over the finances right now so he is thinking of putting off the whole TTC thing. I am just tired of waiting on things to be perfect for us to have a baby. My husband spent about seven years overseas working so we put our lives on hold for a long time well he was working over there. Meanwhile I entered my 30's and felt my biological clock ticking away!!! LOL!!! DH recently came home for good and found a normal job in the states and that is why we just moved to another state. Our finances are tuff right now because we are paying two mortages until we sell our old house!! Ugghh, i swear if it isnt one thing than it will be the other!!:wacko:

I'm glad I gave you some hope :hugs: I was told there's never a good time to have a baby and you're never ready for one. I'm sorry he's worried about money. That sucks that he spent sop much time over seas. My husband was navy for 8 years and was gone a lot, which is one reason we did not have babies sooner. My clock is ticking like crazy!!! :shock: I hope you guys can have a good talk and work things out. :hugs:
well ladies, my hubby was on good behavior the rest of the day, lol. He did the grocery shopping for me so I could work on school work. Than he cleaned up the kitchen for me after I cooked dinner, washed a few loads of clothes and folded them:laundry:..... hmmm, ummm, can you say sexy!!!!:blush:

So I had a few OPK's laying around and decided to try one of them out just for the hell of it, so I peed in a cup and look what I got!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance:

I was still Ovulating!!!! Soo being the sly devil that I am:devil: I seduced my husband and got my :sex: that I wanted and didnt get earlier when he made me mad, LOL!!!!!!!! Soooo hopefully the spermy will catch the egg!!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Hubby asked why I was suddenly in the mood and I made up something, I didnt mention anything about my positive OPK, or ovulating, LOL!!!!!! :blush:

I just wanted to share a pic of how my positive OPK looked out of the case!!!

I am still so excited that I got my first positive OPK!!! I used these at random times before but never managed to get a positive OPK!! I was starting to worry that i wasnt ovulating and that something might be wrong with me!!! I am just so relived to know that I am ovulating for sure!!! Hallejuah!!!:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Congrats on the opk + and the sex! :rofl: Woohoo! We can tww together again! I'll prolly stop getting positives in the next couple days by my guess.
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