The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Turns out we're fighting more than I thought. It's 9:30 at night and I don't know where he is, we fought, I went and got food and he's not here and neither is his car. I don't think this will be the cycle I'll get pregnant since we're fighting instead of :sex:

Aww, i am so sorry you and DH are still disagreeing.:hugs: Is he still working late, I thought I remembered you saying he had to work overtime? I hope you can figure out a way to fit in some :sex: when he does get home!!!

Nope, not working late, just didn't want to be at home. We worked things out, kind of. No sex though. He just concluded that he doesn't know a married couple that doesn't fight and when I asked if this is how it's going to be for the rest of our lives he said yes until we die, and I cried more. He rubbed my back and watched tv.

According to my Fertility Finder I'm 3dpo - temp went up today, so I guess no sex doesn't really matter. Out of a 5 day window we had sex 2. Not good odds if you ask me. I hope the day that he was really nice made the baby (good kharma and all) but odds are not on my side. I think testing time will be a sad time this month but oh well.
Hey ladies!

I am back -- been so busy at work and not coming home until very late. I just read through everything I missed. Good thing it was not the tww for most of us because I would have needed so much time to catch up.

I am pretty sure I am ovulating today (again with LP of 10-11 days -- that is starting to worry me). Last night DH and I were going to stay at a friends house and I decided I wanted to come home so we could :sex:. DH said he would go home but was too tired to :sex:...haha I won! I can't believe how much he wants it now...even said he would fight me on it if I changed my mind. Spending the weekend with my nephew was the catalyst for him I think.

I am sending :dust: to everyone (but keeping some for myself).

Hope everyone has enjoyed their weekend.
Hi everyone, Im back!!
MrsMMM Welcome back I believe you were on here previously

BusyMommy Welcome Welcome, hope you enjoy your stay here in the all-over-cycles thread! ha ha

Chelsea, so glad your ovulating and got some BD in and so sorry about the hubby and fighting we have those all the times its like the one time we can BD and it do some good would be the one time we end up fighting, it is so frustrating ha ha, but Im glad you made up and hopefully you'll get a sticky sticky one!!

Katherine so glad you have a sticky bean and sorry about the rushing dildo-cam lady I can imagine that wouldnt be too pleasant.

Wannabe yay for ovulation, I wish my sticks would start getting dark! Hopefully you'll get in a lot of good BDs this cycle and get a sticky one too!!!

Fluffy, I think Sandra was very right for me about the three tarot card part of the reading and I guess we'll see about the BFP and baby sex prediction. She stopped because she was so far behind so I would check back in a few weeks and see if she has started back with them.

Babe, so glad you won and sorry about the short LP, maybe ask the gyno if there is anything you can do about it. Yeah sometimes getting away on a little vaca can help, and having other babies around doesnt hurt either to get the hubbies thinking about it like we do. I think that it was good for us to just get out of the heat and let him relax for a weekend and get ready for the BD marathon coming up lol.

Hubby and I both wanted to just stay up in the mountains because it was soo nice and cool but now we're back here in the horrible horrible 90+ heat...UGH! But the vaca was nice and I worked up hubby really nice, my g-parents ended up staying both nights so we couldn't BD like we had planned so I just teased him and made sure he was horny for when we came back haha. Course Im not "supposed" to ovulate until next weekend but I wanted to get it in early just in case. So we will be going at it like rabbits tonight hopefully and then every other day until I ovulate. He seems very excited about it and Im not even gonna mention when I actually ovulate or how far away from ovulation I am coz I dont wanna stress him out or make him change his mind lol. We just finished unpacking and are relaxing and cooling off, not sure what I'll do for dinner, prolly leftovers ...I told him he could play his video game for a while while I take a shower and prep for the night lol... so ready to rest and everything tomorrow and just be at home...will be around for a while tonight and then again to you ladies soon!
Hey ladies, sorry I've missed out the last few days...

I'm all over the place this cycle. My temps went high on CD 11 which I *know* is not when I OV'd. My house is wicked hot, and I can't sleep because of it, so I'm sure that's throwing it off. This week sometime is our fertile window, so FX'd.

On the other hand, I had it out with DH the other night (which is why I haven't been around, I didn't want to talk about it), pretty much the same as you, Wannabe. I told him beginning of this cycle I wanted to try every other day BDing, kinda like Sperm Meets Egg Plan. He tells me ok, but then every time I make a move, I get pushed away. So the other night, I was laying on the couch reading, and he came home from running errands. I pull him onto the couch next to me, and I'm rubbing his leg, trying to seduce him (ha!), and he gets up and goes into our computer room. So I think, whatever...go into the computer room a little while later, kissing his neck, etc...he's DEAD FOCUSED on the computer. I give up, go read some more. We go grab dinner, come home, he's all playful with the puppy, acting silly, and I look at the clock - 10pm, I have to be on call for the next 48 hours, I'm going to bed.
I made some snotty comment about "I'm not getting lucky anyway, so I'm going to bed." He gives me this shocked look, and asks me if I'm mad at him. I told him I wasn't mad, I was frustrated. So we talked about it - I told him that this whole week is a potential window, and I'm tired of making the moves and getting pushed away. It sure as hell doesn't do anything for the ego! I told him if he still wants to do this, HE can make the moves, because I'm tired of it. I also told him I am sick and tired of getting birth announcements in the mail, and finding out that friends are pregnant.

So we'll see. We :sex: the next two mornings....
Also, wannabe, I have NEVER had a positive OPK, don't feel bad. :( I'm still trying and hoping to get one. The CBFM was useless in my opinion. I have the CB ones with the smiley faces too...but I used a regular old OPK today - could not have BEEN more negative.
NJ sorry about the pushing away, mine kinda does that, or if he doesnt push me away he also doesnt make an effort to seduce me for once and your right it does nothing for the ego lol. I was pretty much ready to give up the last fight we had but its been ok for the last few days so Im just going on a day by day basis and not getting too excited or my hopes up too much just in case it falls through. Hope you get a sticky one!!
Mrs Jerome, WB hun!! It sounds like you and hubby had a nice relaxing weekend in the moutains!! I love the moutains, they are so pretty and peacful!!! I hope you and DH can get lots of :sex: in during your OV window!!!

Unfortunatly I was stunk in most of the weekend doing a ton of school work!!! UGGHHhhh, i just finished all of my work this afternoon!!! I cant wait until I am finally done with my BA degree. I will only have one semester left after this one is done!! I am so tired of school!!!
Hey ladies, sorry I've missed out the last few days...

I'm all over the place this cycle. My temps went high on CD 11 which I *know* is not when I OV'd. My house is wicked hot, and I can't sleep because of it, so I'm sure that's throwing it off. This week sometime is our fertile window, so FX'd.

On the other hand, I had it out with DH the other night (which is why I haven't been around, I didn't want to talk about it), pretty much the same as you, Wannabe. I told him beginning of this cycle I wanted to try every other day BDing, kinda like Sperm Meets Egg Plan. He tells me ok, but then every time I make a move, I get pushed away. So the other night, I was laying on the couch reading, and he came home from running errands. I pull him onto the couch next to me, and I'm rubbing his leg, trying to seduce him (ha!), and he gets up and goes into our computer room. So I think, whatever...go into the computer room a little while later, kissing his neck, etc...he's DEAD FOCUSED on the computer. I give up, go read some more. We go grab dinner, come home, he's all playful with the puppy, acting silly, and I look at the clock - 10pm, I have to be on call for the next 48 hours, I'm going to bed.
I made some snotty comment about "I'm not getting lucky anyway, so I'm going to bed." He gives me this shocked look, and asks me if I'm mad at him. I told him I wasn't mad, I was frustrated. So we talked about it - I told him that this whole week is a potential window, and I'm tired of making the moves and getting pushed away. It sure as hell doesn't do anything for the ego! I told him if he still wants to do this, HE can make the moves, because I'm tired of it. I also told him I am sick and tired of getting birth announcements in the mail, and finding out that friends are pregnant.

So we'll see. We :sex: the next two mornings....

NJ, I am so sorry that your DH is being so difficult lately about :sex:... uughhhhh. I dont know what is wrong with these men of ours!!! I think maybe we should slip them a viagara pill or some other drug into their drink to get them in the mood!!! LOL!!!!:blush:

Yeah since it was the first time I actually got a positive OPK I was so happy.:happydance: I dont normally use the opk's consistently like I should every month though. The clear blue digi ones are very expensive though and i just ran out of those this month. I think I might buy a cheap internet pack for next cycle if I dont get my :bfp:

I hope you OV soon and you and hubby get to go at it like bunnies soon hun!!!!:blush: Good Luck hun!!!
Hey ladies!

I am back -- been so busy at work and not coming home until very late. I just read through everything I missed. Good thing it was not the tww for most of us because I would have needed so much time to catch up.

I am pretty sure I am ovulating today (again with LP of 10-11 days -- that is starting to worry me). Last night DH and I were going to stay at a friends house and I decided I wanted to come home so we could :sex:. DH said he would go home but was too tired to :sex:...haha I won! I can't believe how much he wants it now...even said he would fight me on it if I changed my mind. Spending the weekend with my nephew was the catalyst for him I think.

I am sending :dust: to everyone (but keeping some for myself).

Hope everyone has enjoyed their weekend.

WB babe and good luck to you hun!!
Lots of baby dust to you hun!!! :dust::dust::dust:

I am so glad you got lots of :sex: in, hopefully you will get your :bfp: this month!!!!
Heyyyyy welcome back ladies!!!
Sorry to hear all the men troubles. I swear it was the same here. I was constantly getting turned down.

Persistence is the key!! Of not a guilt trip can work just as well haha joke (maybe lol)
MrsJerome - Yes, I've visited this area before. I got AF on July 23rd and got very pos OPK late Fri and early Sat. I have ov pain so I always know when I'm close to ov'ing if it happens. I'm 2dpo. Gosh, that's early in this 2ww.

:dust: all around for some more bfps!
Hey ladies, sorry I've missed out the last few days...

I'm all over the place this cycle. My temps went high on CD 11 which I *know* is not when I OV'd. My house is wicked hot, and I can't sleep because of it, so I'm sure that's throwing it off. This week sometime is our fertile window, so FX'd.

On the other hand, I had it out with DH the other night (which is why I haven't been around, I didn't want to talk about it), pretty much the same as you, Wannabe. I told him beginning of this cycle I wanted to try every other day BDing, kinda like Sperm Meets Egg Plan. He tells me ok, but then every time I make a move, I get pushed away. So the other night, I was laying on the couch reading, and he came home from running errands. I pull him onto the couch next to me, and I'm rubbing his leg, trying to seduce him (ha!), and he gets up and goes into our computer room. So I think, whatever...go into the computer room a little while later, kissing his neck, etc...he's DEAD FOCUSED on the computer. I give up, go read some more. We go grab dinner, come home, he's all playful with the puppy, acting silly, and I look at the clock - 10pm, I have to be on call for the next 48 hours, I'm going to bed.
I made some snotty comment about "I'm not getting lucky anyway, so I'm going to bed." He gives me this shocked look, and asks me if I'm mad at him. I told him I wasn't mad, I was frustrated. So we talked about it - I told him that this whole week is a potential window, and I'm tired of making the moves and getting pushed away. It sure as hell doesn't do anything for the ego! I told him if he still wants to do this, HE can make the moves, because I'm tired of it. I also told him I am sick and tired of getting birth announcements in the mail, and finding out that friends are pregnant.

So we'll see. We :sex: the next two mornings....

NJ, I am so sorry that your DH is being so difficult lately about :sex:... uughhhhh. I dont know what is wrong with these men of ours!!! I think maybe we should slip them a viagara pill or some other drug into their drink to get them in the mood!!! LOL!!!!:blush:

Yeah since it was the first time I actually got a positive OPK I was so happy.:happydance: I dont normally use the opk's consistently like I should every month though. The clear blue digi ones are very expensive though and i just ran out of those this month. I think I might buy a cheap internet pack for next cycle if I dont get my :bfp:

I hope you OV soon and you and hubby get to go at it like bunnies soon hun!!!!:blush: Good Luck hun!!!

I'm convinced men are just stupid. Where's the viagra? (GREAT IDEA) Cause sexy outfits and smelling good (he even said so) apparently isn't enough at the right time. Arg.
Katherine, the guilt trip I think is what got him. I even pulled the "Are you not attracted to me because I gained weight?" card. :dohh: And I never do that. I was just grasping at straws as to why he tells me that he wants to try for a :baby: and then doesn't TRY. So actually, he told me it's more that HE has gained some weight and "things don't last like they should." He's also narcoleptic, so his doctor (who is a very good friend of mine) always asks him how his libido is, how his sex life is, etc, as decreased libido and ED are a side effect of his medication.

I give up on the OPKs, temping, etc. I'm actually going by timing (where I OV'd last cycle, etc) and cervical position/mucous. I feel like it's about halfway up, but definitely getting softer. And tons of CM, just the beginning of EW. So I think this week, if he can keep it up (no pun intended, seriously), we should be good....
I posted this on another thread and didn't get responses what do you think?

How accurate is Fertility Friend Online? I'm temping for the first time ever this month. I entered my temp today and BAM now I'm considered 3DPO. 3?!?! Those three days went fast considering I thought the opks were getting darker. Today it was definitly lighter, and I haven't bd since thursday, which apparently was my ovulation day. I thought we'd be like last month and doing it like But we only had three times in the 5 day window and once was with lube (TMI, I know, but then I shouldn't count that, right? Don't they say that regular lube kills the sperm? I thought I was going to ovulate a week later so I didn't think twice about using it, now I'm )... Should I count myself out for the most part? Or will the day of ovulation be good enough possibly? Only one more week to go before I start testing.
I'm convinced men are just stupid. Where's the viagra? (GREAT IDEA) Cause sexy outfits and smelling good (he even said so) apparently isn't enough at the right time. Arg.

I'm tempted about the viagra. Although I'd have to slip it to him in his coffee :coffee: , as that is something he would never go for on his own. Being early 30s, a man and all...stupid macho men.
Meanwhile, I'm sitting here, ready to go at any minute. I haven't been this horny since he and I first got together!
I posted this on another thread and didn't get responses what do you think?

How accurate is Fertility Friend Online? I'm temping for the first time ever this month. I entered my temp today and BAM now I'm considered 3DPO. 3?!?! Those three days went fast considering I thought the opks were getting darker. Today it was definitly lighter, and I haven't bd since thursday, which apparently was my ovulation day. I thought we'd be like last month and doing it like But we only had three times in the 5 day window and once was with lube (TMI, I know, but then I shouldn't count that, right? Don't they say that regular lube kills the sperm? I thought I was going to ovulate a week later so I didn't think twice about using it, now I'm )... Should I count myself out for the most part? Or will the day of ovulation be good enough possibly? Only one more week to go before I start testing.

DUDE. Same thing here. My temp spikes were all over the place last week, and it's telling me I'm 7dpo, which I KNOW is not possible. I have never O'd on CD11, EVER. And I wasn't having any O pain, no EWCM (just starting that now), CP was high, firm, closed, and nothing else fit. So I'm still temping, because I have seen some charts that have a "pre-ovulation spike". I'm waiting to see if I get that second spike. I think I'm CD18 now?
Katherine, the guilt trip I think is what got him. I even pulled the "Are you not attracted to me because I gained weight?" card. :dohh: And I never do that. I was just grasping at straws as to why he tells me that he wants to try for a :baby: and then doesn't TRY. So actually, he told me it's more that HE has gained some weight and "things don't last like they should." He's also narcoleptic, so his doctor (who is a very good friend of mine) always asks him how his libido is, how his sex life is, etc, as decreased libido and ED are a side effect of his medication.

I give up on the OPKs, temping, etc. I'm actually going by timing (where I OV'd last cycle, etc) and cervical position/mucous. I feel like it's about halfway up, but definitely getting softer. And tons of CM, just the beginning of EW. So I think this week, if he can keep it up (no pun intended, seriously), we should be good....

:hugs: I'm sorry about the low libido and it's even more frustrating that you can't just be mad at him cause it's due to a medical condition...
I'm convinced men are just stupid. Where's the viagra? (GREAT IDEA) Cause sexy outfits and smelling good (he even said so) apparently isn't enough at the right time. Arg.

I'm tempted about the viagra. Although I'd have to slip it to him in his coffee :coffee: , as that is something he would never go for on his own. Being early 30s, a man and all...stupid macho men.
Meanwhile, I'm sitting here, ready to go at any minute. I haven't been this horny since he and I first got together!

Mine's turning 28 in Oct and would kill me if he knew I slipped that in, so i would definietly have to find a way. Way too much of a macho man. My husband can get/keep it up, more just want to be able to give him the desire when I need it (like Ov time)
:hugs: I'm sorry about the low libido and it's even more frustrating that you can't just be mad at him cause it's due to a medical condition...
That's what makes me feel like even more of an ass, is that I *do* get mad. Even though it is a medical condition. His big complaint is that he doesn't last long - which personally? I have never complained about. Sometimes it's not a bad thing. :haha:
I posted this on another thread and didn't get responses what do you think?

How accurate is Fertility Friend Online? I'm temping for the first time ever this month. I entered my temp today and BAM now I'm considered 3DPO. 3?!?! Those three days went fast considering I thought the opks were getting darker. Today it was definitly lighter, and I haven't bd since thursday, which apparently was my ovulation day. I thought we'd be like last month and doing it like But we only had three times in the 5 day window and once was with lube (TMI, I know, but then I shouldn't count that, right? Don't they say that regular lube kills the sperm? I thought I was going to ovulate a week later so I didn't think twice about using it, now I'm )... Should I count myself out for the most part? Or will the day of ovulation be good enough possibly? Only one more week to go before I start testing.

DUDE. Same thing here. My temp spikes were all over the place last week, and it's telling me I'm 7dpo, which I KNOW is not possible. I have never O'd on CD11, EVER. And I wasn't having any O pain, no EWCM (just starting that now), CP was high, firm, closed, and nothing else fit. So I'm still temping, because I have seen some charts that have a "pre-ovulation spike". I'm waiting to see if I get that second spike. I think I'm CD18 now?

My ov time was close enough to being right, and now with two temp spikes it thinks I'm done, and my opk is lighter today, so i think it really did happen. I did get one day of ewcm. I think that was the day I also had a little cramping. It counts that one day as my ov day, with the tests and the temp.

I'm too weirded out to do the cerival position. I'm still going to temp too, if my leutal phase is short again it might help to know if my temp doesn't stay high for the required 12 days or whatever it's supposed to be. I think the temping might be confusing me even more, but it still fit with everything else.
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