The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Ladies! What adventures! My man fought with me my two most fertile days and no sex. Even though I dressed up and smelled good (he told me so). And now, 3-5 dpo he's like let's have sex, it's been soooo long (last thursday). And I'm thinking you wouldn't put out when I wanted it, why should I? Maybe if I don't put out till next ovulation he wont fight with me during that time?

Sorry all our men suck (and it turns out all the women do too :shock:)
UGGHHHH, I am so sorry about you guys fihgting during your fertile days!!! You never know though girl, you could still get lucky this cycle!!!! Good luck to you hun!!!:flower:

ROFLMAO!!!!!!! :loopy:Spunky you crack me up girl with that last comment!!!!:fool:
Looks like all our men are doing the same thing! Here I am at midnight, he's playing with the dog...I'm wishing he would COME TO BED, DAMMIT! I'm exhausted...

UGGHHHH!!! You better go attack that man of yours and lasso him into bed so you can get your groove on girl!! :sex:
Jeebus girls... Tell your men they should be chuffed to pieces that they've got ladies who want it so badly!!! My poor fella and I haven't had sex since my bfp four bleedin weeks ago! They should make the most of it now coz when the stretching pains come he's got nae chance. Then when those go and the morning sickness comes he'll be lucky to even mention it without you wanting to hurl!! :haha:
Wannabe - you make me are the best :sex: cheerleader!!

Cottlestone - I do hope you feel better soon...on the other hand its about time I start feeling like shit

3:45 and I am wide awake. So annoying. I hope I fall back asleep soon.
Good morning everyone, Wannabe... your like a :sex: drill sergeant/personal trainer.. l cant stop laughing and yes I did finally get it last night....but like I said he did pull the "you're the one that missed the chance because you had to be difficult...blahblahblah" but then I went to bed and he took a shower and came in there and was all nice and started tickling my back which then lead to :sex: ...... so I got what I wanted without me being the one to ask for it again or initiate again.... left the softcup in all night..he still got a little :growlmad: when I told him that I wasnt technically ovulating yet...but I told him the egg is there for only a day and the spermies are there to meet it... so I think hes finally understanding why you had to do it every other day..Im just surprised that he is so willing and determined and I hope that attitude lasts lol...well I better go get ready, Menagerie is coming over and we are going to lunch and then I have my dermatologist appt.. :happydance: ..will talk to you ladies later...have a great day!!!
My husband is trying to be supportive, but im streeeeeeessssssed to the MAX, been having cramps since last nights school clothes shopping trip, and my attitude BITES. everything and everyone is on my nerves. AF is due Monday. this is WAY early EXTREME PMS for me. but i have a feeling AF will be coming, i think i would just know. like i would have a gut feeling or something. i did with the other kids. anyway, back to being tearful. i go from raging mad to sobbing like a freak every 5 mins! my sister is taking my kids for the day so they dont have to deal with me too! LOL aye aye, why does this have to take SOOOOO long!??!?!?!
Ohhh, The show "The View" has a special on TTC, infertility and stuff like that this morning, it looks interesting!! I am going to check it out!!
My husband is trying to be supportive, but im streeeeeeessssssed to the MAX, been having cramps since last nights school clothes shopping trip, and my attitude BITES. everything and everyone is on my nerves. AF is due Monday. this is WAY early EXTREME PMS for me. but i have a feeling AF will be coming, i think i would just know. like i would have a gut feeling or something. i did with the other kids. anyway, back to being tearful. i go from raging mad to sobbing like a freak every 5 mins! my sister is taking my kids for the day so they dont have to deal with me too! LOL aye aye, why does this have to take SOOOOO long!??!?!?!

Awwww, hun. I am so sorry you are having a tuff day!!!:hugs: I really hope you start feeling better and this month you can get your :bfp: !!! Hang in there hun!!! GOOD LUCK and Lots ofbaby dust to you!! :dust::flower:
Well, girls - looks like FF was right and I OVd on the 1st, CD11. Had my temp drop this AM, and AF just showed. Weird short cycle for temping is more accurate than I thought!!
Not as upset as I thought I would be - maybe because I'm so screwed up cycle-wise, I'm getting less discouraged, because there's a reason for not getting my BFP.
thank you wannabeprego, im actually feeling a bit better. got teh toddlers napping (my sister wasnt able to make it over) but one of teh girls from the youth group at my church is here playing SpongeBob Cranium with my oldest (he is 8) so the quiet time, knowing my chores are done and the tylenol kickin in im started to fell MUUUUUUUUUUUCH better. im also very sleepy today even though i slept 9 hours last night. im hoping thats a GOOD sign. PMS symptoms + tired = hopeful me
Getting things packed up for our mini vacation to NYC. i think i might test while we are there so i can surprise my husband at dinner before our first braodway show together. this little trip is sort of our FIRST anniversary date, it will be 4 yrs labor day weekend but we havent celebrated any anniversaries yet. Had a son born at the first yr, our daughter on the 2nd yr, a new house on the 3rd yr. so for 4 yrs we are going to NYC for the FIRST time together and hopfully celebrating being pregnant! ps i just found out my sister is 8 weeks pregnant! yay for her! it is her first and they have an angel baby already!
so happy for the BFPs on this thread! congrats to you all!!!!!!!
i kind of worded that funny, it is her first with her BF, SHE has an angel baby already
Well ladies, I am glad that things are looking up for everyone today so far!!

I have some exciting news, my husband is getting a sperm analysis done this friday afternoon :happydance:because as you guys know he had a vasectomy reversal at the end of the year last year!!! So keep your fingers crossed for me and hope he has lots of strong and healthy swimmers :spermy:!!! I will be sure to update when I get the results of his sperm lab test!!:thumbup: It has been over 14 years since he had the original procedure so I am hoping that to much time going by hasnt hurt our chances that much!!

Meanwhile we cant have sex for 3 days, which luckily there was no action yesterday, and I am outside of my fertile window right now, so i am okay with that part of it!!!:winkwink:
thank you wannabeprego, im actually feeling a bit better. got teh toddlers napping (my sister wasnt able to make it over) but one of teh girls from the youth group at my church is here playing SpongeBob Cranium with my oldest (he is 8) so the quiet time, knowing my chores are done and the tylenol kickin in im started to fell MUUUUUUUUUUUCH better. im also very sleepy today even though i slept 9 hours last night. im hoping thats a GOOD sign. PMS symptoms + tired = hopeful me
Getting things packed up for our mini vacation to NYC. i think i might test while we are there so i can surprise my husband at dinner before our first braodway show together. this little trip is sort of our FIRST anniversary date, it will be 4 yrs labor day weekend but we havent celebrated any anniversaries yet. Had a son born at the first yr, our daughter on the 2nd yr, a new house on the 3rd yr. so for 4 yrs we are going to NYC for the FIRST time together and hopfully celebrating being pregnant! ps i just found out my sister is 8 weeks pregnant! yay for her! it is her first and they have an angel baby already!
so happy for the BFPs on this thread! congrats to you all!!!!!!!

busy mommy, Congrats to your sister on her pregnancy!!!:happydance: Hopefully you will be next to get that :bfp:!!!!:thumbup:
Just got back home..had a great day with Menagerie and then went to the derma with hubby...I got a cream and some antibiotics to take but hubby cant get them till after payday at end of the month so still gonna have to have an ugly face until then...blah... had some coffee icecream and I think it made me sick since its like 100 degrees outside...then went to chinese..also a mistake.. i felt soooo :sick: after...still feeling it now...ugh...and then he came home and just got ultra pissy because I hadnt closed the drawers on my dresser after I got my clothes out before I ran out the door for our Dr. appt...its like perfect day together..and then pissy..I swear men are worse than girls with the Im gonna lay down here on the couch while he plays his game and try to get unsick lol..this heat is just soo horrible this year..I want to move to Alaska where its cool....or just stay inside till its fall....
Ladies! What adventures! My man fought with me my two most fertile days and no sex. Even though I dressed up and smelled good (he told me so). And now, 3-5 dpo he's like let's have sex, it's been soooo long (last thursday). And I'm thinking you wouldn't put out when I wanted it, why should I? Maybe if I don't put out till next ovulation he wont fight with me during that time?

Sorry all our men suck (and it turns out all the women do too :shock:)
UGGHHHH, I am so sorry about you guys fihgting during your fertile days!!! You never know though girl, you could still get lucky this cycle!!!! Good luck to you hun!!!:flower:

ROFLMAO!!!!!!! :loopy:Spunky you crack me up girl with that last comment!!!!:fool:

Thanks. I know we had sex once in my fertile window, even though I'm not sure which day I ovulated anymore. I still think I'm 6dpo, according to symptoms, but temp says 4dpo. Either way I'll know in a little more in a week if I was lucky enough. Just sad that we didn't step it up you know?

Glad I could make you laugh! :happydance:
Jeebus girls... Tell your men they should be chuffed to pieces that they've got ladies who want it so badly!!! My poor fella and I haven't had sex since my bfp four bleedin weeks ago! They should make the most of it now coz when the stretching pains come he's got nae chance. Then when those go and the morning sickness comes he'll be lucky to even mention it without you wanting to hurl!! :haha:

lol, stretching pains? WHERE's YOUR TICKER?!?! For shame!!
My husband is trying to be supportive, but im streeeeeeessssssed to the MAX, been having cramps since last nights school clothes shopping trip, and my attitude BITES. everything and everyone is on my nerves. AF is due Monday. this is WAY early EXTREME PMS for me. but i have a feeling AF will be coming, i think i would just know. like i would have a gut feeling or something. i did with the other kids. anyway, back to being tearful. i go from raging mad to sobbing like a freak every 5 mins! my sister is taking my kids for the day so they dont have to deal with me too! LOL aye aye, why does this have to take SOOOOO long!??!?!?!

I'm sorry. :hugs:
Home from getting my hair done, and feel really good, actually. Crampy like whoa, but otherwise good. I talked to my stylist about what to do with my hair, and she told me there's no problem since she foils my color in. We also cut it a little differently so I don't have to go as often for cuts, and can maybe drag out the color a few weeks longer. Right now I go every 10-12 weeks; if I don't cut as much, I can go for color every 16, cut even longer.
Told DH that :af: started today, which means this was a super short cycle, and I got zero reaction. I don't know WHY I expect something, considering he's a man, and there's no way he wants to talk about this.
So we're back to CD1. I'm project to O around the end of the month, so that leaves three of my predictions in the running (Jenny Renny is out, she said July). We'll see what happens. Looks like for now I'm going to rely on FF and temping - I'll start the CBFM again since it looks like I'm having longer cycles. Last time I never got a HIGH before it started telling me my period was overdue (CD26 it started that, and I O'd around CD24 according to FF). Maybe with having started the vitamins, and been using them for a full cycle, I'll get a +OPK? HA!
Well, girls - looks like FF was right and I OVd on the 1st, CD11. Had my temp drop this AM, and AF just showed. Weird short cycle for temping is more accurate than I thought!!
Not as upset as I thought I would be - maybe because I'm so screwed up cycle-wise, I'm getting less discouraged, because there's a reason for not getting my BFP.

:hugs: Sorry AF showed. I'm still thinking my temp's first assessment was right, and it second guessed itself wrong, but maybe I should be more of a believer...
thank you wannabeprego, im actually feeling a bit better. got teh toddlers napping (my sister wasnt able to make it over) but one of teh girls from the youth group at my church is here playing SpongeBob Cranium with my oldest (he is 8) so the quiet time, knowing my chores are done and the tylenol kickin in im started to fell MUUUUUUUUUUUCH better. im also very sleepy today even though i slept 9 hours last night. im hoping thats a GOOD sign. PMS symptoms + tired = hopeful me
Getting things packed up for our mini vacation to NYC. i think i might test while we are there so i can surprise my husband at dinner before our first braodway show together. this little trip is sort of our FIRST anniversary date, it will be 4 yrs labor day weekend but we havent celebrated any anniversaries yet. Had a son born at the first yr, our daughter on the 2nd yr, a new house on the 3rd yr. so for 4 yrs we are going to NYC for the FIRST time together and hopfully celebrating being pregnant! ps i just found out my sister is 8 weeks pregnant! yay for her! it is her first and they have an angel baby already!
so happy for the BFPs on this thread! congrats to you all!!!!!!!

What crazy anniversaries you have!! But good ones!! Good luck testing, and have fun either way!
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