The One Year Strong Ladies!

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I am sooooooooo close to ovulation..yay...woke up to the cramping this morning...never been happy about cramping before lol.... so thinking maybe my first ticker is the right one? just have to wait and see if my OPK looks any darker today...
today is a scheduled BD/extraction day so we should be good...

Cottleston sorry about your man and the work thing, sometimes guys just dont think...I mean sure he didnt mean anything by it and maybe thought you would think it was nice that he was being sensitive and trying to cheer her up and prolly didnt think of how it would make you feel..but at least he didnt tell a family member... when are you scheduled for your next scan/appt?
Jeebus girls... Tell your men they should be chuffed to pieces that they've got ladies who want it so badly!!! My poor fella and I haven't had sex since my bfp four bleedin weeks ago! They should make the most of it now coz when the stretching pains come he's got nae chance. Then when those go and the morning sickness comes he'll be lucky to even mention it without you wanting to hurl!! :haha:

lol, stretching pains? WHERE's YOUR TICKER?!?! For shame!!

Lol I'll get one once I hear/see the heartbeat! Call me paranoid but... :haha:

Me and df had a massive row yesterday coz he blabbed to some girl at wok "because she was sad and it made her happier"... So like her happiness is more important than my happiness or respecting my wishes? Great.

:hugs: Ew. I'd be annoyed. My husband should only be trying to make one person happy, me. Then his family. Girls at work? He should try to piss them off, not make frieds, not make them happier. But I'm crazy jealous.
Temp dip today... I'm still hoping I'm 7dpo and this is a possible implantation dip! However, I'll need it to be back up tomorrow and stay up, so, yet another, waiting game. Fingers Crossed!

Off to work to try to teach 158 little darling teenagers today. Try not to envy me too much! :haha:
Chelsea maybe you can help. I posted this in the TTC section cause none of you ladies were on but since you're here....

Just wondering, for those of you that are avid POAS and temp-ers how soon after you have your ovulation cramps do you actually ovulate?

I have been using my OPKs since Sunday and it hasnt been really dark and I woke up to cramping this morning. So how long do I have before actual ovulation takes place, or has it already? Really asking the ladies who temp or use the sticks to know when they actually ovulated and wondering how does that temp change or positive OPK compare to your cramps?

I wasnt sure about ovulation as my cycles are from 28-31 days but we started BD'ing the 8th and then 10th and then today was another planned BD. We are gonna do it anyway just incase but what are the chances that Im ovulating now, as opposed to ovulating in the next day or two?

I just POAS and I know for OPKs you are supposed to wait till afternoon as opposed to FMU so I guess I'll do another but it wasnt dark at all. Its one of the ICs and I normally use Answer brand so Im afraid maybe I'll miss O now if these tests arent working for me.
If the IC is dark but not quite as dark as the control, I'd still BD. I used ICs on my last cycle and my line pretty much never got as dark as the control line. In fact, the only time I got a test line that was noticably darker was last week! I dunno, I was experimenting!! :blush:
I basically made sure to BD every day when I started getting the cramps because I knew I'd ovulate within 3 days.
(I never temped though so I'm not much use really, sorry!)
Thanks for the words on the bloke situation :) ... I know he didn't mean harm by telling the girl at work. He's excited and I've been such a pessimist lately since the bleeding that he doesn't feel like he can share his excitement with me because he never knows how I'll react with my moodswings. Just wish he'd told me that instead of going ahead and telling people at work behind my back.

I was sent home from work with bleeding this afternoon. I've finally put my finger on it I think. This only happens when I'm stressed, or when I'm anxious enough that my blood pressure goes up.
I mean, I was pooping my pants for the first two weeks then when I accepted the "what will be will be" philosophy, the spotting stopped. But now... me and DF have a blazing row and I start spotting again. So yeah, it's gotta be stress related right?
I prefer this theory to the doom and gloom MC theory so I'm gonna try relaxing more. I need a bean-friendly chill pill.
Yeah I dont think people realize how much stress can actually mess with you not just mentally and emotionally but physically as well. In college, I was always always sick the last week of school, and even in highschool and middle school, its like my body would just be soo freaked and stuff and I would always get the sickest during finals and right after finals. I hated it because I ended up moving all my stuff out myself in the middle of august up and down three flights of stairs, with the flu!! Like full on cant even move flu, it was horrible. And then one year it was strep throat lol, it never failed lol.

My OPKs arent even dark dark at all, they are like, barely there light. We'll just keep up the BDs until I know for sure that it happened lol but still would like to have some idea. Hope you are feeling better and are able to relax some.
oh MRsJerome, i hope you are ovulating!!! im so excited for you!!! just get it on all day everyday, sometimes morning, sometimes afternoon, just whenever! LOL LOL that way youa re sure to hit that egg! i have to get through the weekend before i have an answer! im just over analyzing EVERYTHING! i had no OV symptoms, but i know i was most likely fertile mon through thursday last week, we BD like 5 times or more, i have no preg symptoms, few PMS symptoms that are comign and going. just irritable, tired and crampy. plus i have noticed for 2 days thick CM, really thick. makin me feel nasty! lol that doesnt usually come before AF, so?? thats the only thread of hope im holding onto. isnt that a pretty strand? LOL 5 more days! wait for me!
yay for you Busymommy I hope you get that BFP!!! Would be great if we could all get our BFPs this cycle..I have loose stool today, could be the chinese from yesterday or maybe the prenatals? And im debating on whether or not to go buy some answer opks lol....i just dont trust these ICs that I got I'll do another later tonight and post it and maybe you ladies can tell me what you think, Im just used to those strong lines on the answers...
i have never had a dark line show up on any of those opks, i used them with my 2nd and i ovulated without the sticks telling me, used them with my daughter to PREVENT, and never got a positive, and i had been using then until this month. i know im ovualting becasue my body has symptoms (except for this month) so i dont trust those sticks!!! i always get the gurgle guts before i start AF, but i dont so far!!! im so hoping! so so so so hoping, i wnat a spring baby, they will be so close in age, it will be so fun! a girl so Amaris can have a baby sister, Kendall will be her name, or if Ethan and Louie get another boy on their team he will be Collin!
I get those gurgly feelings too!! ha ha glad im not the only one yeah Im really really really tempted to go buy some other OPKs
Haha ok so dont think Im totally crazy, here is a pic of how I freaked out hubby last I said..I think as long as I dont gain any weight lol!!! I'll be cute preggie...
ha ha Busy, I know!! lol...Menagerie said the same thing trick is folding, not balling! lol...balling makes it stick out and look like its not a part of you sad but funny lol... gosh I cant wait to wear cute maternity clothes just hope my boobs dont get much bigger lol...
i hope mine DO!! lol thats what i LOVE about being pregnant! haha, im feeling kind of sicky today, headache tired weak. i really hope its a baby and not the flu. im really tryign hard not to take a test! i wonder if anyone has had a + at 9dpo, or even a neg at 9dpo that turned out to be + later
So today has been a cruddy day so far!! I was on the way to meet with a staffing agency to see about a job and some old geezer flipped me the bird because he decided to merge over 2 lanes and try to quickly exit last minute, and i was already sitting in the lane!!! What an ass!!! I didnt let him upset me though, ugghh.

As you all know, I am new to the area since we just moved here!!! Than the staffing agency was in a downtown city close to where I live and i got lost and couldnt find the dag on staffing agency!!! The road like merges and splits into 3 lanes!!!! Than you get stuck on a one way street and cant turn around to back track the way you just came!! Than I was driving down a one way street and could of had a head on colission!! :wacko:I ended up in the ghetto with all of these creepy looking people roaming around staring at me as i go bye. I called DH for directions all upset in a panic!!! At this point I was crying, eyes red,:cry: nose red and freaked out, so i canceled the staffing agency meeting because I had to do testing and didnt want to go in there all upset, eyes red and all in a fluster!!!:growlmad: I thought my appointment was at 1:30, and when I called to cancel the lady said it was at 1, so regardless I would have been late anyways!!! I know when i originally made the appointment the lady said 1:30, she must have changed it and not told me!!

Ugghhh, so i didnt make the appointment. i wasnt very thrilled about a temp job anyways and have never had a good experience with a staffing agency anways, so screw it, I have been applying to jobs like a mad women the last few days anyways, so something has to pan out for me!!!

Well some good news, DH went by the lab to pick up his sterile cup to bring in his sperm sample tomorrow afternoon. We are going to make sure he has strong :spermy: after his vasectomy reversal. i am nervous about getting the results since it was 14 years ago since the original surgery was done and the odds statistically are against us!! i am trying to stay hopeful and positive though! We should get the results next week sometime.
good luck with the testing tomorrow!!! and hopefully you have a better day tomorrow!!! i hate those days where everythign seems to go wrong, and garbage hits you from every direction!
well after my nap, the not feeling so well got worse! i have a HORRID headache, hot flashes and super sick to my stomach. i haev a tight feelign in my abdomen. i really hope i can count on this being good news!
busy mommy, thanks for the kind and encouraging words!! :flower: It sounds like you are really having some very strong pregnancy symptoms and things are really looking up for you this month!! My fingers are crossed 4 u!!

Mrs Jerome, you look cute with a bump, and I bet u will be adorable when u are preggars!!!

I think I will start testing early tomorrow and if I get any faint lines I will start posting them and see what u ladies think. I will be about 8 DPO tomorrow. (My ticker is off by a few days) I got the cheap internet ones so I can feed my POAS addiction and not break the bank!!!
Aww Wannabe..sorry about the getting lost and all...I absolutely hate hate hate one way streets and downtown areas exactly for that reason...Im glad you could call hubby and have him help you! Getting lost is one of the worst feelings! Hope hubbys test goes well and those numbers are high!!! And thanks for the cute bump comment lol....I hope I look cute preggie..Im really afraid I wont show till later since I am overweight...which will suck...but I am looking forward to having comfy preggie pants lol and shirts lol...

Busymommy, sorry about the feeling bad but hopefully its for a good reason!! I would test if I were you!! Some women get faint BFPs that early, just check out the preggie test thread and search 9DPO and see how many pop up! Make sure you update us if you do test and we'll be happy to be your line spotters if needed!!
Thanks for being so sweet and for sending positive vibes my way, Mrs jerome!!! I told DH that i want one of those road navigation systems for my birthday, I am bad with directions as it is and with being new to the area I have a feeling this will be a reocurring problem with me!!! sigghh...... Who knows where my quest for a job will take me until I find one that is half way decent meanwhile!!! :wacko:
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