The One Year Strong Ladies!

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would be so funny if your kids got all the recessive traits Cottleston lol!!! You'll have a curly red haired brown eyed skinny baby! lol...
I think I feel some ovulation or something going on. I asked hubby if we can get another session in tonight and told him it would be great if we could so we'll see what happens..hes you feel any different..cant you tell a difference once you get preggie, wont you know? lol..Im like well some people do and some dont, we'll just have to see, but I definitely feel something going on...I think I'll POAS next potty trip and see if it looks any more positive than earlier... what are you ladies up to this weekend?
i am going to the beach all weekend...

....which means I am going to be burnt (at least in the spots I inevitably miss with the sunscreen).

speaking of breasts (around the nipples) are BURNING right now..tingles pain and burning -- this has never happened ever. I know it can just be progesterone which is normal after you ovulate and it is too early to have symptoms....but...this is a first for me...I feel like I need an ice pack

btw -- I am not going to symptom spot :haha:
@busymommy, Sorry about your BFN this morning, but it is still early and remember you arent out until AF shows!!! Good luck hun!!:hugs:

I did a test this morning and it has a very light pink convincing second very very faint line, and these are those crappy cheap internet tests, so, I am worried it is an evap. Take a look and see what you ladies think?? I know I am testing really early to. Last cycle I had some pretty convincing evaps as well.

Here is the test unaltered and i just marked where the second line is....

So this is the same test as the above post

Here is the test unaltered...

i inverted it just for the hell of it......

I SEE IT!! CONGRATS!! :hugs: I look forward to seeing tomorrows test!!!
I have pale freckled skin and hubby has a little darker, not as freckly. Our kids will probably failry pale then and probably freckled. My hair was red when I was a baby and went blonde and has settled on a brown with red tints. Hubby's is medium brown. I hope to have a red headed girl - but NOT a red headed boy (THEY ARE TROUBLE!! never had good luck with red headed boys!!!). My eyes are blue, hubby's are hazel, so they'll be light eyes either way...
I have pale freckled skin and hubby has a little darker, not as freckly. Our kids will probably failry pale then and probably freckled. My hair was red when I was a baby and went blonde and has settled on a brown with red tints. Hubby's is medium brown. I hope to have a red headed girl - but NOT a red headed boy (THEY ARE TROUBLE!! never had good luck with red headed boys!!!). My eyes are blue, hubby's are hazel, so they'll be light eyes either way...

spunky - similar to me...I have the red tints in my hair as well...but I don't want any red heads -- lots of people in my past with whom I have tumultuous relationships with (roommates etc) have had red hair. (but I will prob get red heads). I also have the blue eyes and hubby with the hazel...that means we either get blue or green hazel right??
I have pale freckled skin and hubby has a little darker, not as freckly. Our kids will probably failry pale then and probably freckled. My hair was red when I was a baby and went blonde and has settled on a brown with red tints. Hubby's is medium brown. I hope to have a red headed girl - but NOT a red headed boy (THEY ARE TROUBLE!! never had good luck with red headed boys!!!). My eyes are blue, hubby's are hazel, so they'll be light eyes either way...

spunky - similar to me...I have the red tints in my hair as well...but I don't want any red heads -- lots of people in my past with whom I have tumultuous relationships with (roommates etc) have had red hair. (but I will prob get red heads). I also have the blue eyes and hubby with the hazel...that means we either get blue or green hazel right??

I have no clue, I know light eyes should get light eyes. I don't remember my genetics lessons. :wacko: My mom had hazel, dad had brown, brother got brown and I got blue. I just want one then I'll look at em heheheh
Had a dream that we were arranging the furniture in the nursery for the baby... Don't remember being pregnant but we were expecting baby soon. Just makes me wake up sad!!
Spunky, Im sorry, those are the worst dreams. I got on here to tell you ladies about a dream I had too!!! I had a dream I was fishing and caught 4!!!

To see fish swimming in your dream, signifies insights from your unconscious mind. Thus to catch a fish, represents insights which have been brought to the surface.�Alternatively, a fish swimming in your dream may symbolize conception. Some women dream of swimming fish when they get pregnant.
Hey girls, I finally finished my friend's baby present:
The shadow along the bottom left is the reflection of my arm. Ha!

I can't wait to give it to her tomorrow. It's huge - barely fit in the 16x20 frame. I ordered one for my other friend who's baby was born in May, but she lives across country, so she's not expecting it anytime soon - plus, she just moved. Makes me feel less guilty about not finishing it on time. Then onto number three for baby girl due in December/January, and a wedding one for my friends getting married December 18th. Keeps me out of trouble.

As for what our kids would look like...DH's family has very thick, straight, dark brown hair, and hazel eyes. My mom has gray eyes, and dirty blonde hair, my sister, Dad and I all have brown hair and hazel eyes. There's a freckle gene somewhere on DH's side. DH tans, I don' all. So, won't be too big a surprise unless a recessive gene pops up somewhere.

AF is already done - CD4. Heavy as hell the first three days, today, barely anything. :shrug: So strange. Back to trying the CBFM and will see if I ever get a +.

Off to see Green Day tonight, and then tomorrow I'm off from work, will be going to see my friend's baby. :) Which is just going to make me want one more. I'm interested to see how DH is - he's not around babies often. Maybe it'll have the same effect on him?
Hey girls, I finally finished my friend's baby present:
The shadow along the bottom left is the reflection of my arm. Ha!

I can't wait to give it to her tomorrow. It's huge - barely fit in the 16x20 frame. I ordered one for my other friend who's baby was born in May, but she lives across country, so she's not expecting it anytime soon - plus, she just moved. Makes me feel less guilty about not finishing it on time. Then onto number three for baby girl due in December/January, and a wedding one for my friends getting married December 18th. Keeps me out of trouble.

As for what our kids would look like...DH's family has very thick, straight, dark brown hair, and hazel eyes. My mom has gray eyes, and dirty blonde hair, my sister, Dad and I all have brown hair and hazel eyes. There's a freckle gene somewhere on DH's side. DH tans, I don' all. So, won't be too big a surprise unless a recessive gene pops up somewhere.

AF is already done - CD4. Heavy as hell the first three days, today, barely anything. :shrug: So strange. Back to trying the CBFM and will see if I ever get a +.

Off to see Green Day tonight, and then tomorrow I'm off from work, will be going to see my friend's baby. :) Which is just going to make me want one more. I'm interested to see how DH is - he's not around babies often. Maybe it'll have the same effect on him?

Awww, that is sooo cute and so sweet of you!! I am sure your friend will love it!!!!:thumbup:

Enjoy your concert!!!!!:winkwink:
That's wonderful! I keep looking for patterns of those to do but can't find any I'd like hung up just yet. Will keep looking!
Had a dream that we were arranging the furniture in the nursery for the baby... Don't remember being pregnant but we were expecting baby soon. Just makes me wake up sad!!

Awww, I'm so sorry hun!!! I hope you feel better!!!! :hugs:

I also have been having really vivid dreams this cycle. Mine was a food dream, I was dreaming about eating one of those big warm soft pretzels, ummm, I love those things and have been dying for one lately!!!! :wacko: I also had a dream about a week ago that me and DH had a baby girl as well.

Just some random symptom spotting from me today, extremly soar boobs the last few days and today!! (which probably means nothing, since i had it last cycle and AF arrived a day early:shrug:) For me symptoms at this point dont mean anything because since I have started TTC I have had every symptom that you can imagine and AF comes every month!!!:wacko: I also felt sick to my stomach a few times over the last few days, but it could be due to financial stress that I am dealing with.

I tried one of the store bought tests this morning and it was BFN, and tried the test strips this morning and dont think i saw anything this time, sigh... so i am going to wait until it gets closer to AF arriving to test again!!! i have no idea how i got a line on that IC strip yesterday,:wacko: and than today what looks like all BFN's!!!:wacko: Ugghhhhhh!!!! I can maybe see a very very faint line on one of my cheap test strips from this morning but i think it might be line eye.. so now i will just have to wait. Those test strips are notorious for convinving evaps that even have pink color from what I have been reading from other girls on this site!!!:growlmad: After i finish off my 50 pack of them I am no loner going to be using the cheap internet Wondfo test strips!!!:nope:
Hey girls, I finally finished my friend's baby present:
The shadow along the bottom left is the reflection of my arm. Ha!

I can't wait to give it to her tomorrow. It's huge - barely fit in the 16x20 frame. I ordered one for my other friend who's baby was born in May, but she lives across country, so she's not expecting it anytime soon - plus, she just moved. Makes me feel less guilty about not finishing it on time. Then onto number three for baby girl due in December/January, and a wedding one for my friends getting married December 18th. Keeps me out of trouble.

As for what our kids would look like...DH's family has very thick, straight, dark brown hair, and hazel eyes. My mom has gray eyes, and dirty blonde hair, my sister, Dad and I all have brown hair and hazel eyes. There's a freckle gene somewhere on DH's side. DH tans, I don' all. So, won't be too big a surprise unless a recessive gene pops up somewhere.

AF is already done - CD4. Heavy as hell the first three days, today, barely anything. :shrug: So strange. Back to trying the CBFM and will see if I ever get a +.

Off to see Green Day tonight, and then tomorrow I'm off from work, will be going to see my friend's baby. :) Which is just going to make me want one more. I'm interested to see how DH is - he's not around babies often. Maybe it'll have the same effect on him?

Great work! :hugs: It's beautiful! My husband tells me it's nice that I do things like this for others but I need to make sure that I do them for our kids too. Keep that in mind!!
I just POAS and it was definitely positive so I guess Im ovulating soon!!! Hubby and I will do it again tonight and hopefully that will cover us..that will be day 4 of this week...we've done it every other day since last Sunday night yay!!!

NJ I am soo jealous, that is soo cute!! I seriously wish I could do that, might try my hand at a small one just to see how I like it, but your friends are gonna love those!!! Its so rare that people give home-made gifts anymore, soo cute!!

Wannabe - I sorry about the test issues, I was seriously about to toss all these IC OPKs I got too but apparently they do work since it is actually a solid dark pink test line on the one I just did, still have **TMI** snotty looking CM not EWCM but I use pre-seed and once I get horny it turns to EWCM anyway so shouldnt have a problem there hopefully
Had a dream that we were arranging the furniture in the nursery for the baby... Don't remember being pregnant but we were expecting baby soon. Just makes me wake up sad!!

Awww, I'm so sorry hun!!! I hope you feel better!!!! :hugs:

I also have been having really vivid dreams this cycle. Mine was a food dream, I was dreaming about eating one of those big warm soft pretzels, ummm, I love those things and have been dying for one lately!!!! :wacko: I also had a dream about a week ago that me and DH had a baby girl as well.

Just some random symptom spotting from me today, extremly soar boobs the last few days and today!! (which probably means nothing, since i had it last cycle and AF arrived a day early:shrug:) For me symptoms at this point dont mean anything because since I have started TTC I have had every symptom that you can imagine and AF comes every month!!!:wacko: I also felt sick to my stomach a few times over the last few days, but it could be due to financial stress that I am dealing with.

I tried one of the store bought tests this morning and it was BFN, and tried the test strips this morning and dont think i saw anything this time, sigh... so i am going to wait until it gets closer to AF arriving to test again!!! i have no idea how i got a line on that IC strip yesterday,:wacko: and than today what looks like all BFN's!!!:wacko: Ugghhhhhh!!!! I can maybe see a very very faint line on one of my cheap test strips from this morning but i think it might be line eye.. so now i will just have to wait. Those test strips are notorious for convinving evaps that even have pink color from what I have been reading from other girls on this site!!!:growlmad: After i finish off my 50 pack of them I am no loner going to be using the cheap internet Wondfo test strips!!!:nope:

My HUSBAND had a baby girl dream the other night. I couldn't believe it. I have only had baby girl dreams (3 or 4 now) within the last 6 months or year. Now he's had one. I REALLY want a boy first though. I just think it's funny that he's getting them. His clock is ticking now too! (and he's admitted it!)

:hugs: for the BFN. After what I've read on Wondfo tests I'm not going to buy them any more either. I think once I'm done with them I'll switch back to Answer brand ovulation tests (I got really clear postives on those and not so much on these). And maybe I'll see if I can find another ic hpt test. I would be so upset. One girl said she went and got a blood to confirm after 6 positive hpt Wondfos and it was negative. LOL I think it's still funny that we're going to finish them off anyways!!

I love those soft pretzels all I wanted this summer was them so I kept going to the one like less than a mile from my house the lady recognized me after a while. I'm sorry your finances are still stressing you out!!! :hugs: Good luck, I hope AF stays away and the tests start coming back positive. I've already started testing because I think I'm 2 more dpo than my ticker says. All BFNs. It's still WAY early either way though, but I feel better poas because then at least I'm doing something.
I just POAS and it was definitely positive so I guess Im ovulating soon!!! Hubby and I will do it again tonight and hopefully that will cover us..that will be day 4 of this week...we've done it every other day since last Sunday night yay!!!

NJ I am soo jealous, that is soo cute!! I seriously wish I could do that, might try my hand at a small one just to see how I like it, but your friends are gonna love those!!! Its so rare that people give home-made gifts anymore, soo cute!!

Wannabe - I sorry about the test issues, I was seriously about to toss all these IC OPKs I got too but apparently they do work since it is actually a solid dark pink test line on the one I just did, still have **TMI** snotty looking CM not EWCM but I use pre-seed and once I get horny it turns to EWCM anyway so shouldnt have a problem there hopefully

Good Luck!
Hey all. I am having EWCM today. I thought I O'd 6 days ago (DH and I haven't BD'd in two days so we will tonight just incase.

I can't imagine that I went from a 10 day LP to a 17 day phase.

I hope I didn't just miss the window the last couple days.

Any other reason why I would have EWCM now?? It is very tough, doesn't stretch to far, almost like the glue stuff that is sometimes found on packaging. Hmmm. Where is the manual to my body??
Thanks ladies for your kind and encouraging words!!!:hugs:

Me and DH ended up making tonight a blockbuster night once I got done doing some school work. :thumbup: We ended up getting a bunch of movies.

Lately i have been having AF type cramps and am wondering if AF might be coming super early or something????:shrug: I am not due AF until the 22cnd. My cycle seems to be averaging out at about 28 days right now, but I have had it range in days from 24 to 33 at different points, so who knows. My boobs are still very soar.:wacko: And this all means???? Who knows, lol, ugghhh, I am trying to be patient, but it seems the 2ww drags by soo slow. I hope that all of you ladies have a lovely night!!!

And yes, i am going to test again in the morning with the cheap internet test strip things until I get a dark enough line to feel a need to use my last store bought HPT.:wacko: Or until AF arrives, time will tell!! Talk to you ladies in the morning!!!:winkwink:
Hey all. I am having EWCM today. I thought I O'd 6 days ago (DH and I haven't BD'd in two days so we will tonight just incase.

I can't imagine that I went from a 10 day LP to a 17 day phase.

I hope I didn't just miss the window the last couple days.

Any other reason why I would have EWCM now?? It is very tough, doesn't stretch to far, almost like the glue stuff that is sometimes found on packaging. Hmmm. Where is the manual to my body??

Good luck Babe, I hope the :spermy: caught your eggy!!!:thumbup:
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