The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Chelsea pre seed doesnt haaavveee to be injected but I totally cover all my bases pre-seed wise. I inject some a far back as possible, and I also lube up my softcup with it and put a little in the soft cup too and spread it around. Well hubby needs to run to the store and so I guess I have to go get ready...will be on later..softcup is still in!! lol...fingers crossed for allll of us!!!!!
never had the 2ww fidgets so bad before, i'm 4dpo and have done everything i can this month... i'm so :argh:

how do people manage this???

i've managed before by not paying so much attention to my cycle, but now i've decided that it isn't working for me so i've just gone a bit :wacko:

anyone got a 30 day ish cycle and about the same point along as me???
never had the 2ww fidgets so bad before, i'm 4dpo and have done everything i can this month... i'm so :argh:

how do people manage this???

i've managed before by not paying so much attention to my cycle, but now i've decided that it isn't working for me so i've just gone a bit :wacko:

anyone got a 30 day ish cycle and about the same point along as me???

Welcome, there are several of us in our 2ww, and I know I'm getting pretty twitchy myself. I have no clue how people do this long term, I've only been ttc for 2 cycles now (well I'm in my 2nd cycle). And I'm losing my mind. Sometimes at work I am soooo distracted. Good luck keeping yourself amused. Someone's usually on this thread to talk at. :)
So far today I have been having AF type cramps all day and soar boobs all day too. I feel like AF is about to arrive early or something, so odd!!! :wacko: I am not due AF until the 22cnd!!!!

Otherwise i have been doing school work ALL DAY LONG!!! UGGHHHHH!!!!!](*,)

And I am still not done yet!!!:sulk: I think my teachers were trying to kill me this week !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:growlmad:
Sorry about the school work wannabe. I hated those days lol! Hubby is being an ass and fussing at me for not doing anything around the house while hes outside sweating and trying to fix the AC and Im like what the hell am I supposed to do, there is no way I can help you outside, I'll only be in the way. So its ok for him to sit around and play video games while I fix his food and do all that but I cant sit down while hes working... such a typical guy, such hypocrites!!!
Mrs Jerome!!!! Uggghhhh, I agree what in the world does he expect you to do, LOL, men, cant live with em, cant live without them, LOL!!! :wacko:

My DH just went to go pick up some pizza for dinner, I didnt feel like cooking dinner after slaving over school work all day!!!
Here is my early morning Wondfo test strip from this morning it is a light pink and faint again, but there.......

Here it is unaltered....

Here is me marking where i see the line.....

*So a couple of weird things, :shrug:Yesterday I got BFN's when i tested. i did a FRER this morning, the Answer brand and I swear i see a very very faint second line, I am hoping that this is the start of something, since it is still so early...........:wacko: If I am right than if i wait a few days than it should get darker... time will tell....

Plus I am cautious about these Wondfo test strips, since more than one lady on this site got a pretty convincing evap line.... I have researched some threads and some ladies ended up pregnant when they got the faint second line and some got AF, so i have no idea how the rest of the month is going to play out... so wish me luck ladies!!!:flower:

Ok so ladies, I also did a FRER this morning in addtion to the test strip i did this morning, one of the Answer store brands, and I thought i saw a very very faint second line. Do you guys see anything, or am i suffering from a serious case of the "Line Eye"???? :wacko:

This picture is unaltered, I just marked it where i thought i could see a second line.. The picture was taken right after I dipped it into my wee... It's ok if you dont see anything, I am very skeptical right now .......:dohh:
Here is my early morning Wondfo test strip from this morning it is a light pink and faint again, but there.......

Here it is unaltered....

Here is me marking where i see the line.....

*So a couple of weird things, :shrug:Yesterday I got BFN's when i tested. i did a FRER this morning, the Answer brand and I swear i see a very very faint second line, I am hoping that this is the start of something, since it is still so early...........:wacko: If I am right than if i wait a few days than it should get darker... time will tell....

Plus I am cautious about these Wondfo test strips, since more than one lady on this site got a pretty convincing evap line.... I have researched some threads and some ladies ended up pregnant when they got the faint second line and some got AF, so i have no idea how the rest of the month is going to play out... so wish me luck ladies!!!:flower:

Ok so ladies, I also did a FRER this morning in addtion to the test strip i did this morning, one of the Answer store brands, and I thought i saw a very very faint second line. Do you guys see anything, or am i suffering from a serious case of the "Line Eye"???? :wacko:

This picture is unaltered, I just marked it where i thought i could see a second line.. The picture was taken right after I dipped it into my wee... It's ok if you dont see anything, I am very skeptical right now .......:dohh:

:hugs: Sorry I don't see the FRER line... Maybe it's the camera? Or too early to be dark enough for us to see? Sorry about your cramps. It could be AF, or lots of newly pregnant women have cramps at this stage.
Pizza sounds SOOOOO good!!! Sorry your husband wants you to be miserable like him too Erica.
wannabeprego, i'm sorry but i don't see it, i think you may well have 'line eye' :wacko:

also, your boobs and :af: cramps sound like early pg to me, wait a while (if you can) and then do another test

fingers crossed for you!! :dust:

i also have REALLY painfull boobs atm (4dpo) but thats just coz of ov right?

ANOTHER thing, sorry i am such a pain :blush: but how do you check your cervix to tell for ovulation? i'm sure i'm just being an idiot :dohh:
wannabeprego, i'm sorry but i don't see it, i think you may well have 'line eye' :wacko:

also, your boobs and :af: cramps sound like early pg to me, wait a while (if you can) and then do another test

fingers crossed for you!! :dust:

i also have REALLY painfull boobs atm (4dpo) but thats just coz of ov right?

ANOTHER thing, sorry i am such a pain :blush: but how do you check your cervix to tell for ovulation? i'm sure i'm just being an idiot :dohh:

Just wanted to let you know there's NO WAY I could check my cervix. I am not one of those people. (I envy women comfortable with their bodies to do this, but I'd much rather pee on an opk stick and try my hand at temping - orally!). Best of luck on your journey checking your cervix :winkwink:
LOL Chelsea!!! Menagerie also gets icked out by even the word cervix, I guess being a science-y person nothing really bothers me, other than pap smears, but if you've actually looked at the thing they use to do those, acck!!! lol....

Eila- Ive heard that your cervix position isnt a good indication unless you have been doing it for a while and know your cervix patterns. Search cervix position on or google it and there are tons of how to's online. Be careful !!
wannabeprego, i'm sorry but i don't see it, i think you may well have 'line eye' :wacko:

also, your boobs and :af: cramps sound like early pg to me, wait a while (if you can) and then do another test

fingers crossed for you!! :dust:

i also have REALLY painfull boobs atm (4dpo) but thats just coz of ov right?

ANOTHER thing, sorry i am such a pain :blush: but how do you check your cervix to tell for ovulation? i'm sure i'm just being an idiot :dohh:

Just wanted to let you know there's NO WAY I could check my cervix. I am not one of those people. (I envy women comfortable with their bodies to do this, but I'd much rather pee on an opk stick and try my hand at temping - orally!). Best of luck on your journey checking your cervix :winkwink:

i understand, i'm just baffled by it, i mean if my dh doesn't hit it when we :sex: (i love that smiley lol) then how would i be able to tell it with my fingers?!?! :confused:

i never get any joy from opk's, i sound like such a dunce!! :haha:
@Spunky, thanks for your honest opinion hun!!! If there is an actual start of a line than when I test again in a few days on another FRER it should get darker!! So, I have to learn to be patient.........

@eilamaiatua,Thanks for the feed back about my test as well!!! :flower: I am sorry i cant be of much help with the cervix question. I am to faint of heart to check mine as well, plus i am not even sure how to find it in the first place, i could never really figure out how that whole thing works. I can tell when i am OV'ing by the stretchy clear CM I get that shows up on my toilet paper when i whipe myself when using the bathroom and my OV cramps, which come in the middle of my cycle and feel like AF cramps. i have used OPK's a few times as well to tell when i am OV'ing.
@Spunky, thanks for your honest opinion hun!!! If there is an actual start of a line than when I test again in a few days on another FRER it should get darker!! So, I have to learn to be patient.........

@eilamaiatua,Thanks for the feed back about my test as well!!! :flower: I am sorry i cant be of much help with the cervix question. I am to faint of heart to check mine as well, plus i am not even sure how to find it in the first place, i could never really figure out how that whole thing works. I can tell when i am OV'ing by the stretchy clear CM I get that shows up on my toilet paper when i whipe myself when using the bathroom and my OV cramps, which come in the middle of my cycle and feel like AF cramps. i have used OPK's a few times as well to tell when i am OV'ing.

I hate being patient too!!! Sorry I couldn't offer a more comforting opinion. "Faint of Heart" is a wonderful way to put it. I don't mind the word cervix Erica, I just don't like putting my fingers in me. Creeps me out. Hubby is in charge of that area, and he seems to like it, so I'll let him stay in charge.
:cry: DH and I are driving home from the beach and some of the trees are beginning to change colour. I even saw some leaves fall off the tree.

Means that summer is almost over and back to work :cry:
@Spunky, thanks for your honest opinion hun!!! If there is an actual start of a line than when I test again in a few days on another FRER it should get darker!! So, I have to learn to be patient.........

@eilamaiatua,Thanks for the feed back about my test as well!!! :flower: I am sorry i cant be of much help with the cervix question. I am to faint of heart to check mine as well, plus i am not even sure how to find it in the first place, i could never really figure out how that whole thing works. I can tell when i am OV'ing by the stretchy clear CM I get that shows up on my toilet paper when i whipe myself when using the bathroom and my OV cramps, which come in the middle of my cycle and feel like AF cramps. i have used OPK's a few times as well to tell when i am OV'ing.

I hate being patient too!!! Sorry I couldn't offer a more comforting opinion. "Faint of Heart" is a wonderful way to put it. I don't mind the word cervix Erica, I just don't like putting my fingers in me. Creeps me out. Hubby is in charge of that area, and he seems to like it, so I'll let him stay in charge.

i thought that post was HILARIOUS :rofl: i told dh and he gave a giggle too, you girls have convinced me that cervix checking is not the way to go, i've just never had any luck with opks :wacko:

:cry: DH and I are driving home from the beach and some of the trees are beginning to change colour. I even saw some leaves fall off the tree.

Means that summer is almost over and back to work :cry:

Yeah, there is a chill in the air here too, the humidity is going out of the air. We shut the AC off in our house and just have the windows open with the cool breeze blowing in. The summer did go by fast and I wish I could have gone to the beach at least once this summer... sigh......Some leaves are starting to change here and are falling off the trees. If I had to pick my favorite season it would be fall though.....:winkwink:
@Spunky, thanks for your honest opinion hun!!! If there is an actual start of a line than when I test again in a few days on another FRER it should get darker!! So, I have to learn to be patient.........

@eilamaiatua,Thanks for the feed back about my test as well!!! :flower: I am sorry i cant be of much help with the cervix question. I am to faint of heart to check mine as well, plus i am not even sure how to find it in the first place, i could never really figure out how that whole thing works. I can tell when i am OV'ing by the stretchy clear CM I get that shows up on my toilet paper when i whipe myself when using the bathroom and my OV cramps, which come in the middle of my cycle and feel like AF cramps. i have used OPK's a few times as well to tell when i am OV'ing.

I hate being patient too!!! Sorry I couldn't offer a more comforting opinion. "Faint of Heart" is a wonderful way to put it. I don't mind the word cervix Erica, I just don't like putting my fingers in me. Creeps me out. Hubby is in charge of that area, and he seems to like it, so I'll let him stay in charge.

i thought that post was HILARIOUS :rofl: i told dh and he gave a giggle too, you girls have convinced me that cervix checking is not the way to go, i've just never had any luck with opks :wacko:


ROFLOL, Spunky has me cracking up on here girl, she is so silly!!!! :fool::tease:
@Spunky, thanks for your honest opinion hun!!! If there is an actual start of a line than when I test again in a few days on another FRER it should get darker!! So, I have to learn to be patient.........

@eilamaiatua,Thanks for the feed back about my test as well!!! :flower: I am sorry i cant be of much help with the cervix question. I am to faint of heart to check mine as well, plus i am not even sure how to find it in the first place, i could never really figure out how that whole thing works. I can tell when i am OV'ing by the stretchy clear CM I get that shows up on my toilet paper when i whipe myself when using the bathroom and my OV cramps, which come in the middle of my cycle and feel like AF cramps. i have used OPK's a few times as well to tell when i am OV'ing.

I hate being patient too!!! Sorry I couldn't offer a more comforting opinion. "Faint of Heart" is a wonderful way to put it. I don't mind the word cervix Erica, I just don't like putting my fingers in me. Creeps me out. Hubby is in charge of that area, and he seems to like it, so I'll let him stay in charge.

i thought that post was HILARIOUS :rofl: i told dh and he gave a giggle too, you girls have convinced me that cervix checking is not the way to go, i've just never had any luck with opks :wacko:


I'm glad you thought it was funny! Totally serious though! To each their own, but it's not for me. :thumbup: Sorry about the opks, not everyone gets positives, and I found Answer is the brand that shows me better positives than the internet cheap ones I ordered in mass on ebay. I'm starting to temp and it's alright, except it only tells you AFTER you ovulate. My cervical mucous gets clear and stretchy when I ovualte. But mostly my goal is to just have sex every other day/every day. Didn't happen this cycle, but did the last (which obviously didn't work). LOL, I don't mind playing with the stuff that comes out of me but I'm still not putting my fingers in!!! :haha: Hope this helps some, probably not though.
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