The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Had a dream that we were arranging the furniture in the nursery for the baby... Don't remember being pregnant but we were expecting baby soon. Just makes me wake up sad!!

Awww, I'm so sorry hun!!! I hope you feel better!!!! :hugs:

I also have been having really vivid dreams this cycle. Mine was a food dream, I was dreaming about eating one of those big warm soft pretzels, ummm, I love those things and have been dying for one lately!!!! :wacko: I also had a dream about a week ago that me and DH had a baby girl as well.

Just some random symptom spotting from me today, extremly soar boobs the last few days and today!! (which probably means nothing, since i had it last cycle and AF arrived a day early:shrug:) For me symptoms at this point dont mean anything because since I have started TTC I have had every symptom that you can imagine and AF comes every month!!!:wacko: I also felt sick to my stomach a few times over the last few days, but it could be due to financial stress that I am dealing with.

I tried one of the store bought tests this morning and it was BFN, and tried the test strips this morning and dont think i saw anything this time, sigh... so i am going to wait until it gets closer to AF arriving to test again!!! i have no idea how i got a line on that IC strip yesterday,:wacko: and than today what looks like all BFN's!!!:wacko: Ugghhhhhh!!!! I can maybe see a very very faint line on one of my cheap test strips from this morning but i think it might be line eye.. so now i will just have to wait. Those test strips are notorious for convinving evaps that even have pink color from what I have been reading from other girls on this site!!!:growlmad: After i finish off my 50 pack of them I am no loner going to be using the cheap internet Wondfo test strips!!!:nope:

My HUSBAND had a baby girl dream the other night. I couldn't believe it. I have only had baby girl dreams (3 or 4 now) within the last 6 months or year. Now he's had one. I REALLY want a boy first though. I just think it's funny that he's getting them. His clock is ticking now too! (and he's admitted it!)

:hugs: for the BFN. After what I've read on Wondfo tests I'm not going to buy them any more either. I think once I'm done with them I'll switch back to Answer brand ovulation tests (I got really clear postives on those and not so much on these). And maybe I'll see if I can find another ic hpt test. I would be so upset. One girl said she went and got a blood to confirm after 6 positive hpt Wondfos and it was negative. LOL I think it's still funny that we're going to finish them off anyways!!

I love those soft pretzels all I wanted this summer was them so I kept going to the one like less than a mile from my house the lady recognized me after a while. I'm sorry your finances are still stressing you out!!! :hugs: Good luck, I hope AF stays away and the tests start coming back positive. I've already started testing because I think I'm 2 more dpo than my ticker says. All BFNs. It's still WAY early either way though, but I feel better poas because then at least I'm doing something.

Spunky, LOL, I made DH stop at a pretzel shop today and bring me home some warm soft pretzels with cheese, and they were ummm ummm, good!!!:haha:

Dag on wondfos:growlmad:, we should find the plant that makes these cheap pieces of crud and march outside with signs that say "Wondfo sucks", LOL!!!!!!!!!!:wacko:
Thanks ladies for your kind and encouraging words!!!:hugs:

Me and DH ended up making tonight a blockbuster night once I got done doing some school work. :thumbup: We ended up getting a bunch of movies.

Lately i have been having AF type cramps and am wondering if AF might be coming super early or something????:shrug: I am not due AF until the 22cnd. My cycle seems to be averaging out at about 28 days right now, but I have had it range in days from 24 to 33 at different points, so who knows. My boobs are still very soar.:wacko: And this all means???? Who knows, lol, ugghhh, I am trying to be patient, but it seems the 2ww drags by soo slow. I hope that all of you ladies have a lovely night!!!

And yes, i am going to test again in the morning with the cheap internet test strip things until I get a dark enough line to feel a need to use my last store bought HPT.:wacko: Or until AF arrives, time will tell!! Talk to you ladies in the morning!!!:winkwink:

I have been having really light cramps. But then I get confused, are they uterus cramps or bowel cramps? lol, too close to tell, but today and yesterday they have been very light, I prolly get them every cycle and am just paying too much attention to my body lately. I'll probably do the same testing with the ic until af or I run out. I think I have 8 ic left. 2 frer, and 4 digitals. Not like I'm stalked up or anything. :blush: Arg. I still think I'm 9dpo, but ticker says 7dpo, either way too early to tell if a negative is really a negative or too early to tell. I hate the 2ww. I know my husband likes the ovulating wait game much better!!!
Thanks ladies for your kind and encouraging words!!!:hugs:

Me and DH ended up making tonight a blockbuster night once I got done doing some school work. :thumbup: We ended up getting a bunch of movies.

Lately i have been having AF type cramps and am wondering if AF might be coming super early or something????:shrug: I am not due AF until the 22cnd. My cycle seems to be averaging out at about 28 days right now, but I have had it range in days from 24 to 33 at different points, so who knows. My boobs are still very soar.:wacko: And this all means???? Who knows, lol, ugghhh, I am trying to be patient, but it seems the 2ww drags by soo slow. I hope that all of you ladies have a lovely night!!!

And yes, i am going to test again in the morning with the cheap internet test strip things until I get a dark enough line to feel a need to use my last store bought HPT.:wacko: Or until AF arrives, time will tell!! Talk to you ladies in the morning!!!:winkwink:

I have been having really light cramps. But then I get confused, are they uterus cramps or bowel cramps? lol, too close to tell, but today and yesterday they have been very light, I prolly get them every cycle and am just paying too much attention to my body lately. I'll probably do the same testing with the ic until af or I run out. I think I have 8 ic left. 2 frer, and 4 digitals. Not like I'm stalked up or anything. :blush: Arg. I still think I'm 9dpo, but ticker says 7dpo, either way too early to tell if a negative is really a negative or too early to tell. I hate the 2ww. I know my husband likes the ovulating wait game much better!!!

Spunky, Yeah, when I started TTC i started to get very in tune with my body, I noticed symptoms that i have never noticed before. I have wondered at times if some of the symptoms were just in my head and I was imagining them, lol!!!:wacko: And Yup, i agree hun, the 2WW sucks big time!!!!:growlmad: I guess we need to find something to distract us to make the time go by faster.. ugghhhhhh!!!!!!!! :wacko:
So, to distract myself I was looking at first trimester bumps. And there are bumps!! I was thinking of waiting to tell work/friends/most family at the 12/13 week mark to avoid the whole letting people know during the risky time....BUT people seem to be showing (if nothing else bloat) by like 7 weeks. I work at a school where 160 students will see me change everyday along wtih at least 10 adults that keep asking me if I have any news yet (they know I want babies soon and at least they don't look at my fat tummy when they ask - when they start llooking and asking I may cry!). I thought you wouldn't really show until 3 months. What to Expect says that by the third month if you haven't already your clothes may feel tighter. I'm a size 10/12 US and thought i would have time due to the chubbiness but now I'm wondering!! Thoughts? Common Worries?
I also work at a school and I know people will find out if I start showing. I usually can get away with wearing layers though so it might be ok. I know that everyone will be wondering though. I already looked up that if I get pregnant I can tell people in October (20th). I bet I will tell my fam right away (would tell them if I MC'd anyway. I might tell extended family around the Thanksgiving holidays since they don't see me anyway.
I just don't want the students to guess during the early sick, tired stage. Usually I am alone in my office during the morning and then not alone from lunch until I go home so I know some kid will guess and start the rumor mill.
Not sure when I start showing. When I eat I think my stomach puffs out to about 4 months pregnant already.
Hi, I'm about 3 or 4 dpo but i need some help from people!

how can you definitively tell if you're ovulating? opk sticks always come back negative for me, but i'm sure i do ovulate as i get pain on one side at times. How else are you supposed to chart it?

I sound like such an idiot, not someone who's been trying for a year.

also whats preseed?

:help: !!!

cheers :)
Here is my early morning Wondfo test strip from this morning it is a light pink and faint again, but there.......

Here it is unaltered....

Here is me marking where i see the line.....

*So a couple of weird things, :shrug:Yesterday I got BFN's when i tested. i did a FRER this morning, the Answer brand and I swear i see a very very faint second line, I am hoping that this is the start of something, since it is still so early...........:wacko: If I am right than if i wait a few days than it should get darker... time will tell....

Plus I am cautious about these Wondfo test strips, since more than one lady on this site got a pretty convincing evap line.... I have researched some threads and some ladies ended up pregnant when they got the faint second line and some got AF, so i have no idea how the rest of the month is going to play out... so wish me luck ladies!!!:flower:
Hi, I'm about 3 or 4 dpo but i need some help from people!

how can you definitively tell if you're ovulating? opk sticks always come back negative for me, but i'm sure i do ovulate as i get pain on one side at times. How else are you supposed to chart it?

I sound like such an idiot, not someone who's been trying for a year.

also whats preseed?

:help: !!!

cheers :)

Hi eilamaniatau, welcome to B&B and good luck with TTC.

Here is a great site about how to tell if you are OV'ing.

Here is the preseed stuff. It is a sperm friendly lubricant and also an injectibe lubricant that goes into the vagina and mimics the body's CM to help the sperm reach the egg!

I hope this is helpful hun!!!:thumbup::flower:
I also work at a school and I know people will find out if I start showing. I usually can get away with wearing layers though so it might be ok. I know that everyone will be wondering though. I already looked up that if I get pregnant I can tell people in October (20th). I bet I will tell my fam right away (would tell them if I MC'd anyway. I might tell extended family around the Thanksgiving holidays since they don't see me anyway.
I just don't want the students to guess during the early sick, tired stage. Usually I am alone in my office during the morning and then not alone from lunch until I go home so I know some kid will guess and start the rumor mill.
Not sure when I start showing. When I eat I think my stomach puffs out to about 4 months pregnant already.

I work at a school too and don't want students asking me. I was talking to my husband last night and he said if/when I get asked just ask if they're stupid. I told him I can't do that. He said you're not saying they are but they're being rude by asking you. Unfortunately a couple years ago I gained a fairly significant amount of weight in a shortish period of time and I had students and coworkers asking me if I was pregnant. I wasn't. Had to tell everyone I was fat. I was sad a lot!

I told my husband but my coworkers are asking me if I am pregnant how will I hide it from them. He told me it was my fault for telling everyone we were ttc. I HAVEN'T told many people we are trying! :growlmad: However, I have been working with them and they have just seen me get more and more baby crazy... Lots of students have gotten pregnant and they let me rub their tummys and bring their babies in to see me. One of our coworkers got pregnant and she would come by to let me rub her tummy and ask her about 50 questions. Since they see me so excited and have known me for 4+ years they have asked when I'm going to get pregnant and some have been telling me to just have my own baby already! (Mostly the MALE coworkers have been pushing baby - the female know I have a plan -like I needed to finish college and get husband into a steady job- so they don't pressure as much lol).

Sorry for this rant I was just really upset last night! He blamed me for people being excited for me. And I guess I just am not ready to blame myself yet.
Good Luck wannabeprego. Keep us updated. I hate the damn waiting!

My temp is climbing, but still BFN. First month temping though, this is probably what it does.

Depressed about BFN, still early though... Wish I hadn't have started testing to so early, too many BFNs already. Maybe I can make myself wait until Tuesday now for a more reasonable day...
Thanks Spunky!!!!

I think that I will tell my family and very close friends as soon as I find out that i am pregnant. I have like maybe 3 very close friends that i would tell (I consider them to be my best friends) As far as every one else i think i will at least wait until i can get a sonogram and see the first heart beat, just to be sure the baby is growing okay. I will be so excited if it happens that it will be hard to keep it to myself. I would be okay with telling my family i miscarried, but i wouldnt want to tell other people i am not so close to, i think it would just be to painful........

You ladies that work with students are in a hard position because little kids ask alot of questions and will see you for long periods of time every day. Hopefully you will be able to hide it in the beginning phases until you get to a safer time when you can announce it!!!

Come on :bfp:'s , August is going to be our lucky month ladies!!!! i got my fingers crossed for all of us!!! I am sending lots of baby dust to all of you!!! :dust::dust::dust:
I also work at a school and I know people will find out if I start showing. I usually can get away with wearing layers though so it might be ok. I know that everyone will be wondering though. I already looked up that if I get pregnant I can tell people in October (20th). I bet I will tell my fam right away (would tell them if I MC'd anyway. I might tell extended family around the Thanksgiving holidays since they don't see me anyway.
I just don't want the students to guess during the early sick, tired stage. Usually I am alone in my office during the morning and then not alone from lunch until I go home so I know some kid will guess and start the rumor mill.
Not sure when I start showing. When I eat I think my stomach puffs out to about 4 months pregnant already.

babe, LOL, my belly does the same thing when I eat, I can push it out and make myself look about 5 months prego!!!! I already have an idea how i am going to look when the time comes!!!:haha:
Good Luck wannabeprego. Keep us updated. I hate the damn waiting!

My temp is climbing, but still BFN. First month temping though, this is probably what it does.

Depressed about BFN, still early though... Wish I hadn't have started testing to so early, too many BFNs already. Maybe I can make myself wait until Tuesday now for a more reasonable day...

Your temps will run low the first half of your cycle - mine are always 96.something and LOOOOW 97's the first half. Then I did to low 96's and sometimes 95 for my ovulation dip. Last half of my cycle I'm high 97s, and then it dips when AF is going to start.
Thanks Spunky!!!!

I think that I will tell my family and very close friends as soon as I find out that i am pregnant. I have like maybe 3 very close friends that i would tell (I consider them to be my best friends) As far as every one else i think i will at least wait until i can get a sonogram and see the first heart beat, just to be sure the baby is growing okay. I will be so excited if it happens that it will be hard to keep it to myself. I would be okay with telling my family i miscarried, but i wouldnt want to tell other people i am not so close to, i think it would just be to painful........

You ladies that work with students are in a hard position because little kids ask alot of questions and will see you for long periods of time every day. Hopefully you will be able to hide it in the beginning phases until you get to a safer time when you can announce it!!!

Come on :bfp:'s , August is going to be our lucky month ladies!!!! i got my fingers crossed for all of us!!! I am sending lots of baby dust to all of you!!! :dust::dust::dust:

I'll tell my parents as soon as I can drive the 30 minutes to their house that I got a BFP. Once I get the heartbeat at 7 weeks then I'll tell my 2 closest friends (all of the above I would tell if I MC), and I figure everyone else as close to 12 weeks as I can (either because I'm showing or I just wont be able to hold it in anymore!!!) Hubby said his family can wait until 12 weeks and we don't see them anyways - they're pretty spread out geographically.
Good Luck wannabeprego. Keep us updated. I hate the damn waiting!

My temp is climbing, but still BFN. First month temping though, this is probably what it does.

Depressed about BFN, still early though... Wish I hadn't have started testing to so early, too many BFNs already. Maybe I can make myself wait until Tuesday now for a more reasonable day...

Your temps will run low the first half of your cycle - mine are always 96.something and LOOOOW 97's the first half. Then I did to low 96's and sometimes 95 for my ovulation dip. Last half of my cycle I'm high 97s, and then it dips when AF is going to start.

Thanks! I have 97.0 as Ov day, then 97.5, 97.4, 97.5, 97.4, 97.1, 97.7, 97.6, and now 98.0. I'm just too impatient!!!
I'm thinking if I don't get pregnant this cycle (I'll know fairly soon) then I'm going to try pre-seed. Does it have to be injected?
Good Luck wannabeprego. Keep us updated. I hate the damn waiting!

My temp is climbing, but still BFN. First month temping though, this is probably what it does.

Depressed about BFN, still early though... Wish I hadn't have started testing to so early, too many BFNs already. Maybe I can make myself wait until Tuesday now for a more reasonable day...

Your temps will run low the first half of your cycle - mine are always 96.something and LOOOOW 97's the first half. Then I did to low 96's and sometimes 95 for my ovulation dip. Last half of my cycle I'm high 97s, and then it dips when AF is going to start.

Thanks! I have 97.0 as Ov day, then 97.5, 97.4, 97.5, 97.4, 97.1, 97.7, 97.6, and now 98.0. I'm just too impatient!!!

Spunky, so sorry about your BFN this morning, but it is super early as you know, so try not to get discouraged yet:hugs:... hang in there and good luck hun!
Good Luck wannabeprego. Keep us updated. I hate the damn waiting!

My temp is climbing, but still BFN. First month temping though, this is probably what it does.

Depressed about BFN, still early though... Wish I hadn't have started testing to so early, too many BFNs already. Maybe I can make myself wait until Tuesday now for a more reasonable day...

Your temps will run low the first half of your cycle - mine are always 96.something and LOOOOW 97's the first half. Then I did to low 96's and sometimes 95 for my ovulation dip. Last half of my cycle I'm high 97s, and then it dips when AF is going to start.

Thanks! I have 97.0 as Ov day, then 97.5, 97.4, 97.5, 97.4, 97.1, 97.7, 97.6, and now 98.0. I'm just too impatient!!!

Spunky, so sorry about your BFN this morning, but it is super early as you know, so try not to get discouraged yet:hugs:... hang in there and good luck hun!

LOL, you're right WAY too early to discouraged yet. I just don't think we bd enough this cycle. I was discouraged from ovulation day.
Just popping on for a min to say that my OPKs are lighter as of last night and this morning and Im cramping right this second we are gonna go for one more BD and maybe these will be fast swimmers and meet that egg or hopefully the others from Thursday night will still be hanging back on later...wish me luck lol!!!!
Just popping on for a min to say that my OPKs are lighter as of last night and this morning and Im cramping right this second we are gonna go for one more BD and maybe these will be fast swimmers and meet that egg or hopefully the others from Thursday night will still be hanging back on later...wish me luck lol!!!!

Mrs Jerome, sounds good!! GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!!! Come on and join us in the 2WW now girl!!!! Lets all loose our minds together!!!:wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko::wacko: LOL!!!!
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