The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Do any of you ladies have a personal TTC journal on this site. I thought about doing one on here, but I havent decided yet. :shrug:
Do any of you ladies have a personal TTC journal on this site. I thought about doing one on here, but I havent decided yet. :shrug:

I have one, but I didn't really have anyone responding ot me on it and I got bored with myself. This thread seems to be where I talk about my ttc journey, and at least I'm not lonely on here. :) If you make one I'll visit it so you wont be lonely. :winkwink:
I don't have one either. Have not explored the site too much. Basically, I live on this forum and don't pay too much attention to the other ones unless I am bored or want to distract myself from my tww and read about other people.
Do any of you ladies have a personal TTC journal on this site. I thought about doing one on here, but I havent decided yet. :shrug:

I have one, but I didn't really have anyone responding ot me on it and I got bored with myself. This thread seems to be where I talk about my ttc journey, and at least I'm not lonely on here. :) If you make one I'll visit it so you wont be lonely. :winkwink:

Thanks Spunky!! :hugs: If I decide to make one I will let you know. This really is a great thread we have going here with a great group of ladies!!!:winkwink: This thread helps to keep me sane during this whole TTC process!!! It is great to vent on here and to know that other ladies know exactly where you are coming from and can share your feelings!!!:flower:
HIIIIIIIIIII LADIES!!!!!!!!!! i have missed so much while in NYC!! did you miss me? hehehe
Spunky GOOD LUCK testing!
Wannabe I REALLY REALLY hope your lines are BFP not evaps for ya!!!
MRSJEROME! congrats on the OV, NOW GET BUSSSSSSSSSSY and have fun!!!
welcome to thread eilamaiatua

SO no sign of AF, but after Friday i didnt test again. this is my thoughts on my symptoms, PIMPLES like my period (ever since i stopped BC ive been like a 16 yr old raging hormones and oily skin, GAG) but EMOTIONS like im pregnant. and i have been STARVING for 3 days. im seriosuly out of control. i cried more on this vacation than i can remember. FOR EXAMPLE (this is genuine, i cant even believe it myself) on the way to the airport i was so hungry i begged for McDonalds, from teh moment i got in the car i was dreaming oooh steak egg and cheese bagel so yummy i NEEEED one, i will JUST DIE. he says yes (of course hehe) and goes through the line, he orders, we get the food and drive away., to my HORROR, it was a bacon egg and cheese bagel. totally different! and i was so mad!!! first i said a few words about the mcds workers then quickly flipped the blame to my husband, "well if you didnt mumble every time you tlaked they would h412ave understood you" (i apologized later- i promise im not evil) i decide to eat it anyway, through TEARS literally SOBBING, im honestly so upset. there were 3 pieces of bacon on that stupid thing. about 3 cm wide and less than inch long. no sauce of any kind, a half piece of cold cheese. it was so dry! there was more bagel than stuffing and it was not what i wanted!!! ugh anyway-my husband LAUGHS outloud and says "oh hunny, i really think you might be pregnant, you are crying over a bagel" then we both laughed so hard!!!
aaah the 2nd thing got me hopin is how strong my sense of smell is.
we shall see if AF shows up tomorrow but i really dont think she is. i dont feel anything!!
HIIIIIIIIIII LADIES!!!!!!!!!! i have missed so much while in NYC!! did you miss me? hehehe
Spunky GOOD LUCK testing!
Wannabe I REALLY REALLY hope your lines are BFP not evaps for ya!!!
MRSJEROME! congrats on the OV, NOW GET BUSSSSSSSSSSY and have fun!!!
welcome to thread eilamaiatua

SO no sign of AF, but after Friday i didnt test again. this is my thoughts on my symptoms, PIMPLES like my period (ever since i stopped BC ive been like a 16 yr old raging hormones and oily skin, GAG) but EMOTIONS like im pregnant. and i have been STARVING for 3 days. im seriosuly out of control. i cried more on this vacation than i can remember. FOR EXAMPLE (this is genuine, i cant even believe it myself) on the way to the airport i was so hungry i begged for McDonalds, from teh moment i got in the car i was dreaming oooh steak egg and cheese bagel so yummy i NEEEED one, i will JUST DIE. he says yes (of course hehe) and goes through the line, he orders, we get the food and drive away., to my HORROR, it was a bacon egg and cheese bagel. totally different! and i was so mad!!! first i said a few words about the mcds workers then quickly flipped the blame to my husband, "well if you didnt mumble every time you tlaked they would h412ave understood you" (i apologized later- i promise im not evil) i decide to eat it anyway, through TEARS literally SOBBING, im honestly so upset. there were 3 pieces of bacon on that stupid thing. about 3 cm wide and less than inch long. no sauce of any kind, a half piece of cold cheese. it was so dry! there was more bagel than stuffing and it was not what i wanted!!! ugh anyway-my husband LAUGHS outloud and says "oh hunny, i really think you might be pregnant, you are crying over a bagel" then we both laughed so hard!!!
aaah the 2nd thing got me hopin is how strong my sense of smell is.
we shall see if AF shows up tomorrow but i really dont think she is. i dont feel anything!!

:hugs: I'm sorry about the crying fits!! Isn't it funny to realize just how irrational you are sometimes? My husband has been lying to me to prevent tears about things. "What is that in the road?" "Small Racoons" "Oh No!! Are they BABY Racoons?!?!" "No, no, no, small racoons, if they were baby ones I would have said baby." He avoided tears that time, but not others. However, around this time of the month I'm pretty emotional no matter what... My skin has been worse than my teenage years since I've gone off of BC and I hate it!!

Take a test tomorrow morning and let us know!!!
i do not have any!! ugh i wanted to go get some but DH said no, he htinks they are a waste of money. he says if oyu dont have a period then you will knwo and you can call the Dr. ugh! men!!! i have to go out when he isnt with me. i have learned its easier to get forgiveness for a purchase than permission hehe
so if i make it to the store with the 3 munchkins, not usually fun but i may make take on the challange, i will def. update! i might get some dollar store ones, how do you all feel about those?
HIIIIIIIIIII LADIES!!!!!!!!!! i have missed so much while in NYC!! did you miss me? hehehe
Spunky GOOD LUCK testing!
Wannabe I REALLY REALLY hope your lines are BFP not evaps for ya!!!
MRSJEROME! congrats on the OV, NOW GET BUSSSSSSSSSSY and have fun!!!
welcome to thread eilamaiatua

SO no sign of AF, but after Friday i didnt test again. this is my thoughts on my symptoms, PIMPLES like my period (ever since i stopped BC ive been like a 16 yr old raging hormones and oily skin, GAG) but EMOTIONS like im pregnant. and i have been STARVING for 3 days. im seriosuly out of control. i cried more on this vacation than i can remember. FOR EXAMPLE (this is genuine, i cant even believe it myself) on the way to the airport i was so hungry i begged for McDonalds, from teh moment i got in the car i was dreaming oooh steak egg and cheese bagel so yummy i NEEEED one, i will JUST DIE. he says yes (of course hehe) and goes through the line, he orders, we get the food and drive away., to my HORROR, it was a bacon egg and cheese bagel. totally different! and i was so mad!!! first i said a few words about the mcds workers then quickly flipped the blame to my husband, "well if you didnt mumble every time you tlaked they would h412ave understood you" (i apologized later- i promise im not evil) i decide to eat it anyway, through TEARS literally SOBBING, im honestly so upset. there were 3 pieces of bacon on that stupid thing. about 3 cm wide and less than inch long. no sauce of any kind, a half piece of cold cheese. it was so dry! there was more bagel than stuffing and it was not what i wanted!!! ugh anyway-my husband LAUGHS outloud and says "oh hunny, i really think you might be pregnant, you are crying over a bagel" then we both laughed so hard!!!
aaah the 2nd thing got me hopin is how strong my sense of smell is.
we shall see if AF shows up tomorrow but i really dont think she is. i dont feel anything!!

Thanks busymommy and WELCOME BACK!!!! :flower: I hope that you had a great trip!!!! Ugghhh, I hate when you have a taste for something and than they mess up your order, GRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:growlmad:
By your reaction it sounds like you are super emotional which is a strong pregnancy symptom!!!! :thumbup: Sorry you were so upset, but it will all be worth it if you get your :bfp: this month!!!:thumbup:

I havent used the Dollar Tree tests yet but i want to go run out and look for some tomorrow because I am trying to cut back on expenses!! I saw some of the girls on the HPT gallery have used them and they seem to work okay, they do give a light positive though from what I have heard!! Good luck with testing !!!!!!!!:winkwink:
Hi ladies!
AF is officially done, so here we go again - CBFM is in gear, and we'll see if I ever get out of the "low" range.
Went to visit my friend and her baby last night. She loved the cross stitch, which made me happy. DH was so funny with the baby - she was sleeping most of the time, and he just kept going over, kissing her toes and her nose, trying to get her to wake up. As soon as my friend said "You can take her out of the seat and hold her," he JUMPED up, unsnapped her, threw the blanket over his shoulder, picks up baby, laid down on the couch and snuggled with her.:cloud9:
OMG, MEEEELLLLLTTTT! It was so adorable. He wouldn't give her up for anything - I was like, "Dude, it's MY turn to hold her," and he just tightened his grip on her little baby butt, telling me she was comfortable where she was at, leave her alone.

So darn cute. Makes me really want a girl.

Off to work now - it's miserable here, rainy and nasty.
Do any of you ladies have a personal TTC journal on this site. I thought about doing one on here, but I havent decided yet. :shrug:

i have one, i don't know how to put a link to it on here tho :shrug:

and NJAngelAPN, that sounds adorable. DH can't wait for kids but he's too scared of holding really little ones because he thinks he'll break them :awww: i've told him that babies don't break easily and aren't as fragile as they look but he's still not sure. I'm sure when it comes to ours he'll be perfect :cloud9:
NO NO NO NO, i have serious AF feelings! NO! im so not going to handle this well! i have bad cramps, my cervix is extremely low, i had insomnia last nigh. all these things are normal indicators AF is about to show up. boooooo!!!!! i might stomp my feet!!!
NO NO NO NO, i have serious AF feelings! NO! im so not going to handle this well! i have bad cramps, my cervix is extremely low, i had insomnia last nigh. all these things are normal indicators AF is about to show up. boooooo!!!!! i might stomp my feet!!!

oh dear :hugs: that :witch: is a mean old b*tch.

I don't know what to say other than we are all here for you to rant and rave at.
Oh No Busy!! Happy Thoughts Happy Thoughts Happy Baby Thoughts!!!! Dont freak out yet!! Course Im at 1 DPO and already freaking out haha! Thats a link to a question I posted to the already preggie girls in first tri, incase any of you are interested. I just asked "how many DPO were you when you first "knew" you were preggie and what made you feel that way?" Some good and hopeful answers on there.


I am totally irrationally emotional most of the time anyway, have always been, lol so that wont be a good indicator for me lol. I can cry at anything and do frequently lol which hubby hates but I just cant help it sometimes, of course I can also cry on purpose too but thats a whole other story lol.


NJ that is sooo cute with the hubby!!!! I wish mine would do that but none of our friends have babies lol. But its so great that hes like that!!! And soo cute!!! Glad your friend loved the gift!! Also yay about AF being over and welcome back to the two week wait for ovulation lol!!


Say it with me ladies!!

Lindsay - I'm glad she loved her cross stitch and that your oh was so cute about the baby. My husband LOVES babies, just not newborns (he says he'll love holding our newborn but not others, maybe they seem to delicate, or I don't know).

Temp up more. I'm a degree above my coverline. Figure I'll try testing tomorrow if I don't see AF... (No clue when she'll be here, but I think I have a 11-12 day lp, so could be any time)

Sorry busymommy :hugs: maybe she'll stay away?
Oh No Busy!! Happy Thoughts Happy Thoughts Happy Baby Thoughts!!!! Dont freak out yet!! Course Im at 1 DPO and already freaking out haha! Thats a link to a question I posted to the already preggie girls in first tri, incase any of you are interested. I just asked "how many DPO were you when you first "knew" you were preggie and what made you feel that way?" Some good and hopeful answers on there.


I am totally irrationally emotional most of the time anyway, have always been, lol so that wont be a good indicator for me lol. I can cry at anything and do frequently lol which hubby hates but I just cant help it sometimes, of course I can also cry on purpose too but thats a whole other story lol.


NJ that is sooo cute with the hubby!!!! I wish mine would do that but none of our friends have babies lol. But its so great that hes like that!!! And soo cute!!! Glad your friend loved the gift!! Also yay about AF being over and welcome back to the two week wait for ovulation lol!!


Say it with me ladies!!


i am trying with that philosophy but, i'm failing :nope:

i am freaking out an i am symptom spotting, i can't help it!! :wacko: i will check out that link tho :thumbup:
I am so sad. I'm not due for af for 3 days & having super bad cramps. Grrrrrrr
Hi ladies!
AF is officially done, so here we go again - CBFM is in gear, and we'll see if I ever get out of the "low" range.
Went to visit my friend and her baby last night. She loved the cross stitch, which made me happy. DH was so funny with the baby - she was sleeping most of the time, and he just kept going over, kissing her toes and her nose, trying to get her to wake up. As soon as my friend said "You can take her out of the seat and hold her," he JUMPED up, unsnapped her, threw the blanket over his shoulder, picks up baby, laid down on the couch and snuggled with her.:cloud9:
OMG, MEEEELLLLLTTTT! It was so adorable. He wouldn't give her up for anything - I was like, "Dude, it's MY turn to hold her," and he just tightened his grip on her little baby butt, telling me she was comfortable where she was at, leave her alone.

So darn cute. Makes me really want a girl.

Off to work now - it's miserable here, rainy and nasty.

NJangel, Good luck this cycle hun!!!!!! I hope you get your :bfp: this cycle!!!!!!!!:winkwink:

Aww, I am so glad your friend liked your gift!!! AWww, that sounds so sweet your DH with the baby!!! I know it makes u think of what he is going to be like with yours soon!!!:flower: It really sounds like your DH is going to be great with a baby!!!
Do any of you ladies have a personal TTC journal on this site. I thought about doing one on here, but I havent decided yet. :shrug:

i have one, i don't know how to put a link to it on here tho :shrug:

and NJAngelAPN, that sounds adorable. DH can't wait for kids but he's too scared of holding really little ones because he thinks he'll break them :awww: i've told him that babies don't break easily and aren't as fragile as they look but he's still not sure. I'm sure when it comes to ours he'll be perfect :cloud9:

eilamaiatua, For the journal, go to page 1 of the journal, and copy and paste the web adress that comes up on the address bar of the very first page of your journal into your signature on the site. Let me know if this works.... :winkwink: i think this will allow people to go to your journal.:shrug:
NO NO NO NO, i have serious AF feelings! NO! im so not going to handle this well! i have bad cramps, my cervix is extremely low, i had insomnia last nigh. all these things are normal indicators AF is about to show up. boooooo!!!!! i might stomp my feet!!!

busymommy, I am in the same boat hun. I had really bad AF cramps lastnight and me and hubby had :sex:, I thought for sure AF was going to show up early because usually having :sex: makes it come sooner... ugghhhh... now comes more waiting since AF still hasnt shown, although I am not due until the 22cnd of the month:shrug:!!!! I am going to go buy some more store tests today, ugghh, DH would be so annoyed with me if he knew I was buying more tests, LOL!!! He is at work though, so what he doesnt know wont hurt him, LOL.
I am heading to a Dollar Tree close to my houes to finally try out these tests, knowing my luck they probably wont have any in stock, LOL!!!:wacko:

They have the tests on the Dollar Tree website but they sell them in bulk, so you have to buy like 72, LOL, check it out!!

I am so sad. I'm not due for af for 3 days & having super bad cramps. Grrrrrrr

Mrsmmm, hang in there hun!! Remember cramps are also an early sign of pregnancy as well!!! :hugs: Good luck to you hun!!!:flower: I am sending you lots of baby dust!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dust::dust::dust:
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