The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Is it weird to feel like you have genital achiness? lol. Where else could I ask this question but here?

Yes, i have had weird sharp random shooting pains in the vagina region, they dont last long and are random.......:shrug:
hi ladies,was wondering if any body coud help me figure out this ovulation thing,first time trying to have a bub,i am taking natures own pregnacy platinum multi vits and blackmores pregnacey folate,i am eating all the rite things have stopped drinking,no lube so it doesnt kill the sperm i did up my ovulation calander but still trying to understand the signs so i can try and figure out when im ovulating so any help would be greatly appreciated :)
the calander says my ovulation date is the 16th is that the only day i should try or the days on both sides as well so confused

HAVE LOTS OF :SEX: not just on the day of ovulation...people say every other day before and after ovulation since sperm can live a little while. If your man is young and healthy you can probably have as much :sex: as you want. (I like to have :sex: everyday from end of AF (aunt flo) to the time when that :witch: arrives again -- even if my DH isn't in agreement, shocking I would ever get denied)
The biggest ovulation sign is lots of cervical mucus that is egg white consistency (EWCM)and sometimes people can feel ovulation pain around their uterus. It may not be when the calendar online says because everyone has a different cycle...a normal cycle would ovulate 14 days after the first day of your period and the cycle would be 28 days in length...but I don't think many people in this forum have a "normal" cycle.

Hope this helps. :dust:

I agree with everything and would like to add if you wanted to you can purchase pee sticks that will tell you right before you ovulate. They're called ovulation prediction kits. I liked the Answer brand. You get 20 and can start taking them whenever (I do like 9 days from when my period started it should go positive then back to negative for me it can be positive for one day, or several). If you use these you want to have sex everyday they're positive and for 2 days after. Not everyone gets positives though (doesn't mean they're not ovulating their hormone just may not be picked up). Good luck, it's my second month ttc my first (never been pregnant) and the learning curve is crazy!

thank you ladies :flower:
i was doing the ovulation test's and me and hubby were :sex: every night and than again for a few days after ovulation,now just waiting for :sperm: to make the journey hopefully lol so i can take a :tes:t and see the :thumbup:,have been having cramping lightly probley just ovulation but i can only hope,also been sooo :sleep: more than is every body else going any :thumbup: yet
Tomorrow morning I will get the results from DH's sperm sample test from Friday!!!!:happydance: I really hope the results are good, since it was over 14 years since the original vasectomy was done, we did the reveresal at the end of the year last year.... so keep them fingers crossed for me girls!! I will be sure to do an update when I find out the results!!!:winkwink:

Goodnight to you lovely ladies...................................:sleep:

So I talked to the dr's office this morning and the receptionist said she knows that the results are positive for sperm, but she was having problems reading the lab report to see the total count numbers and other data.... so now I am waiting..uuuggghhh.... But I am happy to know that there are :spermy: :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

This is amazing news for us since the original procedure was done so long ago..........:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Once I get the rest of the results i will do an update!!!!! We paid cash for the lab place to do the test and didnt use insurance to cover so they better get the results right, GRRRRRRR:growlmad:
Yay wannabe!! cant wait to hear the result!!! Sure it'll be a good one!!! Im sitting here eating BBQ Chicken pizza from PapaJohns leftover from last night lol. Not sure if any of you know but Sandra, the conception psychic is going through a bad breakup with her man (assuming bf?) and could use some kind words if any of you have time to email her. I just sent her one and she emailed back right away saying thank you and she appreciates it, just a thought if any of you are interested. This is what I sent her.

Hi Hun
Just wanted to say that I hope you are feeling better and are able to find somethings to get it off your mind. I went through a break up last summer with my boyfriend/fiance of 6 years and it was something I knew was coming and dreaded it, but once it actually happened I got over it much faster than I expected. I am now happily married and know that my ex and I were not meant to be and that it was for the better. I really hope you can find the one that you were meant for and until then I hope you just take some time for yourself and just clear your mind of the negative and take the time to focus on you and make your self happy. Good luck!!

Erica J.

Her email is [email protected]

Im thinking about dying my hair, its much needed. Ive been a blonde for a bit now but my natural hair color is medium brown and my hair grows seriously fast!! like an inch+ a month!! So its just getting to be too much to have it fried every month just to look good. So I guess I'll go to CVS or Sallys and try to fix it today. Oh we got in another BD last night too just incase and I slept with the softcup in so fingers crossed that whenever I ovulated it was covered lol...

So what is everyone up to today? Any more testing updates?
Yay wannabe!! cant wait to hear the result!!! Sure it'll be a good one!!! Im sitting here eating BBQ Chicken pizza from PapaJohns leftover from last night lol. Not sure if any of you know but Sandra, the conception psychic is going through a bad breakup with her man (assuming bf?) and could use some kind words if any of you have time to email her. I just sent her one and she emailed back right away saying thank you and she appreciates it, just a thought if any of you are interested. This is what I sent her.

Hi Hun
Just wanted to say that I hope you are feeling better and are able to find somethings to get it off your mind. I went through a break up last summer with my boyfriend/fiance of 6 years and it was something I knew was coming and dreaded it, but once it actually happened I got over it much faster than I expected. I am now happily married and know that my ex and I were not meant to be and that it was for the better. I really hope you can find the one that you were meant for and until then I hope you just take some time for yourself and just clear your mind of the negative and take the time to focus on you and make your self happy. Good luck!!

Erica J.

Her email is [email protected]

Im thinking about dying my hair, its much needed. Ive been a blonde for a bit now but my natural hair color is medium brown and my hair grows seriously fast!! like an inch+ a month!! So its just getting to be too much to have it fried every month just to look good. So I guess I'll go to CVS or Sallys and try to fix it today. Oh we got in another BD last night too just incase and I slept with the softcup in so fingers crossed that whenever I ovulated it was covered lol...

So what is everyone up to today? Any more testing updates?

MRsJerome, Thanks for the kind and encouraging words!!!! :winkwink: i am going to call back the dr's office shortly to see if they were able to firgure out the lab results yet:shrug:.....

I hope your hair turns out pretty when you are done. I know once you are pregnant you arent supposed to color your hair or put chemicals in it, so it is probably a good idea to do it now.:thumbup:

I have school work that I need to be doing, but i keep putting it off:blush:, I just started to unthaw some chicken breasts and i am going to marinade them to bake them for dinner tonight for me and DH when he gets home from work. I also need to look at jobs, ugghhh, which is pretty much an every day routine for me.....:nope:.......
MRs Jerome, That is to bad about Sandra, I know break ups are hard. That explains why people were posting recently about her saying she was behind on her readings, some people were saying like 5 weeks behind... i hope she feels better soon.
Uggghhh, today I am still getting positive OPK's, today it was darker than yesterdays???What in the world is going on with that.... Hell, i have no idea...

Check out my OPK from early this morning....

I did a few store brand HPT, and they were bfn's. I did the cheap test strip ones and I am not really seeing any second line now, they are looking bfn as well..... Ugghhhhh..... So i have no idea what the hell is going with me this i am going to wait until AF is late to test again and just for the hell of it i am going to keep doing the OPK's to see how it progresses..... :wacko:

At least if i track the OPK's this cycle I will know what is normal for my next cycle if it happens again next time with the OPK's going positive close to AF due date... very weird.... I have a bad feeling AF is going to arrive...... time will tell...
I hated school work!! I cant believe Ive only been out of college for a year now!! And I hated looking for jobs. I got screwed over by that last family and that was the end of my nanny career and Ive just been laying low since then lol. I would love to find something to do at home that's legit but its soo hard to avoid those scams lately.
I read everywhere last night that OPKs will normally have some kind of line on them no matter what point in your cycle, Id say that one isnt positive just a med-dark for a negative. And that especially after Ovulation here is LH around the keep the corpus luteum going until HCG takes over if you are preggie and if you arent preggie then eventually the hormones drop and you get your AF. Not sure if this helps you out but Ive decided to just not do anymore OPKs after the first clear positive then negative dip.
I read everywhere last night that OPKs will normally have some kind of line on them no matter what point in your cycle, Id say that one isnt positive just a med-dark for a negative. And that especially after Ovulation here is LH around the keep the corpus luteum going until HCG takes over if you are preggie and if you arent preggie then eventually the hormones drop and you get your AF. Not sure if this helps you out but Ive decided to just not do anymore OPKs after the first clear positive then negative dip.

Thanks for the info... That makes sense and I am going to try not to read to much into the OPK's right now.. curiosity will probably keep making me use them just for an experiment to see how everything plays out for me this cycle. :blush::haha:
Hi ladies!
I'm actually done with work for the day (1pm! I set some kind of record), so I'm off to the gym. I figure at least while we're TTCing, DH and I can both lose some weight. His MD, who is a friend of mine, told DH he wants him to lose weight. Plus, MD is going on vacation for three weeks, and told DH he wants me pregnant by the time he comes back. :rofl:
Chelsea, I get those weird genital pains too. Like you sat weird and hit a nerve, I swear.
Erica - my gyn and hairdresser have no problems with me coloring my hair when I get pregnant because I do foils. It doesn't touch the scalp at all. But every MD/hairdresser is different as to their comfort level.
I can't wait to get back into the 2WW. I hate this whole period before OV.
Tomorrow morning I will get the results from DH's sperm sample test from Friday!!!!:happydance: I really hope the results are good, since it was over 14 years since the original vasectomy was done, we did the reveresal at the end of the year last year.... so keep them fingers crossed for me girls!! I will be sure to do an update when I find out the results!!!:winkwink:

Goodnight to you lovely ladies...................................:sleep:

So I talked to the dr's office this morning and the receptionist said she knows that the results are positive for sperm, but she was having problems reading the lab report to see the total count numbers and other data.... so now I am waiting..uuuggghhh.... But I am happy to know that there are :spermy: :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

This is amazing news for us since the original procedure was done so long ago..........:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Once I get the rest of the results i will do an update!!!!! We paid cash for the lab place to do the test and didnt use insurance to cover so they better get the results right, GRRRRRRR:growlmad:

So I got the lab results on the Sperm sample.....

Mind you it has been 8 months since the reversal and the dr's office said that the number can continue to go up over the next 1 to 2 years... so we can retest again in about 6 months if I am not pregnant yet....

-5 million total count
-36% motility

The dr's office said that a fertility specialist would probably say the numbers were low....BUT...... she says all it takes is one sperm to get me pregnant:thumbup:............ Wish us luck!!!!!!:thumbup:
hey ladies!!! i jsut wanted to pop in and say hello! see how you all are hanging in there! im feeling good, tired and upset tummy =( its hard with the other ones to take care of but ive been keepign myself busy and napping when they do. plus going to bed at like 10 pm zzzzzzzzz. anyway thank you to you all for your support and encouragement and being here for me to chat with during that aweful 2ww. i needded you all to talk to about my imaginary symptoms. ill stay in touch until you all get your BFPs too!!! hoep youa re having a great day!
thanks busymommy,.. hopefully we will be able to join you in the first trimester very soon. And yes, please keep in touch!!! :hugs:

In case any of you ladies are interested in parenting/baby mags!! I already get American Baby and then some other one lol, so Im adding this to my list lol. They are great reads and have great info and also great product ideas and reviews too!!

And they arent boring and totally educational like the books and stuff and they also have stuff for dads too so even my hubby reads them!!
Hey ladies. I've asked this on my other thread, but no real concrete answer. AF due in 1 or 2 days. CP is very very very high and soft. Lost my notes from my last cycle to compare cp. I thought it was supposed to be low and firm at your cycle time. Also, my nipples are itching....bbs fine....that's it for my ss besides the low belly kind of ovary constant slight pain.

FX for all of us in the 2ww for BFPs soon!!!!! :dust:
Hey ladies! Not been about much as I've been hitting a wall around 3pm and just crash out.
I'll do some catchup reading when im not exhausted... How's everyone doing?

Apparently my fathers been told about the bfp. I didn't want him knowing yet because i haven't seen him for 12 years so I'm not sure how to handle the situation yet. Oh well. Was gonna happen sooner or later...,
Tomorrow morning I will get the results from DH's sperm sample test from Friday!!!!:happydance: I really hope the results are good, since it was over 14 years since the original vasectomy was done, we did the reveresal at the end of the year last year.... so keep them fingers crossed for me girls!! I will be sure to do an update when I find out the results!!!:winkwink:

Goodnight to you lovely ladies...................................:sleep:

So I talked to the dr's office this morning and the receptionist said she knows that the results are positive for sperm, but she was having problems reading the lab report to see the total count numbers and other data.... so now I am waiting..uuuggghhh.... But I am happy to know that there are :spermy: :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

This is amazing news for us since the original procedure was done so long ago..........:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

Once I get the rest of the results i will do an update!!!!! We paid cash for the lab place to do the test and didnt use insurance to cover so they better get the results right, GRRRRRRR:growlmad:

WOOHOO!! Congrats!! Knew it would work!
Yay wannabe!! cant wait to hear the result!!! Sure it'll be a good one!!! Im sitting here eating BBQ Chicken pizza from PapaJohns leftover from last night lol. Not sure if any of you know but Sandra, the conception psychic is going through a bad breakup with her man (assuming bf?) and could use some kind words if any of you have time to email her. I just sent her one and she emailed back right away saying thank you and she appreciates it, just a thought if any of you are interested. This is what I sent her.

Hi Hun
Just wanted to say that I hope you are feeling better and are able to find somethings to get it off your mind. I went through a break up last summer with my boyfriend/fiance of 6 years and it was something I knew was coming and dreaded it, but once it actually happened I got over it much faster than I expected. I am now happily married and know that my ex and I were not meant to be and that it was for the better. I really hope you can find the one that you were meant for and until then I hope you just take some time for yourself and just clear your mind of the negative and take the time to focus on you and make your self happy. Good luck!!

Erica J.

Her email is [email protected]

Im thinking about dying my hair, its much needed. Ive been a blonde for a bit now but my natural hair color is medium brown and my hair grows seriously fast!! like an inch+ a month!! So its just getting to be too much to have it fried every month just to look good. So I guess I'll go to CVS or Sallys and try to fix it today. Oh we got in another BD last night too just incase and I slept with the softcup in so fingers crossed that whenever I ovulated it was covered lol...

So what is everyone up to today? Any more testing updates?

Shouldn't she have seen the breakup coming.....?
Well, I'm spotting when I go to the bathroom. Very light brown. 11dpo. I know it could be implantation, but this is about the time I usually get AF. Not really having cramps though (which is normal for me) and my temp hasn't dropped yet, so there's a small amount of hope in the sea of despair that is the end of the 2ww. Also, BFN this morning. Arg.
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