The One Year Strong Ladies!

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dreams are well weird things to try and calculate, i had a dream about me and the mr getting hitched then falling pregnant and it being twins, i wouldn't cope with twins but there is 1 set on my mums side anyway.

dreams are well weird things to try and calculate, i had a dream about me and the mr getting hitched then falling pregnant and it being twins, i wouldn't cope with twins but there is 1 set on my mums side anyway.

Ok Ladies....going to take the trash to the dump, hit up the library and hubby promised me Dairy Queen tooo!!!!!! I just can not get enough of the Oreo stuff lately, I just love cookies and cream ice cream with real Oreo chunks..amazing!!! and then I guess we'll be back!
Hey girls and lovely ladies,
I'm just popping on for a moment to let you all know that I will be taking a hiatus from this board for a while. DH and I decided (meaning: DH, it still isn't clicking for me) that now is not the right time to get pregnant. He's super depressed being out of work, we're both overweight, so he says we need to lose weight before we "even think about it, as I don't think it's safe for you to get pregnant right now." I'd figured he was thinking along those lines, as the second I tell him we're in the OV window, he "falls asleep" on the couch. He keeps saying that it's because of his weight, that he "doesn't feel sexy, doesn't feel like having sex, everytime [he] looks in the mirror [he] wants to throw up." Which of course is putting a wonderful strain on everything, as I'm trying to jump him every three minutes and getting pushed away.

So the CBFM and OPKs are getting put away. I'm going to continue temping, only so I can get a hold of my cycle, but not for TTC purposes. I'm instead funneling all my energy into the gym (I just went for two and a half hours - stress much?), and working on losing this weight. Maybe in a year, when he has a job, we've both lost the weight, and are in a generally happier place. This isn't the time to bring a baby into this marriage, as he certainly doesn't want it as much as I do.

I'll pop in from time to time, but not so often as I'm still a bit upset about this development. If you send me a private message, I'll shoot you my email addy so we can stay in touch.

Good luck to everyone!
Busy - I'm very sorry for your loss. :hug:

Tomorrow AF will be 3 days late. FX I get a BFP soon. I don't know if I have PMA or if I'm just in disbelief that this :witch: is still a no show but I'm getting BFNs. Oy....the joys of ttc.

NJ- I hope you get everything sorted out soon. I'm not trying to get in your business, but I know at least 10 fluffy ladies that conceived and had normal wonderful pregnancies.
Oh MrsMMM I hope you get a BFP soon, you should post your tests for us to see, make sure you arent missing anything lol!

Just got back from a quick grocery trip with hubby, had to get some stuff to last us just this week until payday this Thursday then we will go on our big Walmart grocery trip and then I have to be uber sneaky and make a trip of my own for the food for his surprise party and then have to be super efficient and stuff Saturday to get stuff done while his friend takes him to a gun range to get him out of the house for his party to get put together and people to get here, I am sooo excited!!

TWW wise had a few globs of wet but sticky CM but thats about it today. We also took a 3 hour nap and I woke up because our air had cut off and it was like 82 in the house, was horrible!! Stupid AC! Cant wait for fall/winter when we can open the windows and not die of heat and humidity.
Hey girls and lovely ladies,
I'm just popping on for a moment to let you all know that I will be taking a hiatus from this board for a while. DH and I decided (meaning: DH, it still isn't clicking for me) that now is not the right time to get pregnant. He's super depressed being out of work, we're both overweight, so he says we need to lose weight before we "even think about it, as I don't think it's safe for you to get pregnant right now." I'd figured he was thinking along those lines, as the second I tell him we're in the OV window, he "falls asleep" on the couch. He keeps saying that it's because of his weight, that he "doesn't feel sexy, doesn't feel like having sex, everytime [he] looks in the mirror [he] wants to throw up." Which of course is putting a wonderful strain on everything, as I'm trying to jump him every three minutes and getting pushed away.

So the CBFM and OPKs are getting put away. I'm going to continue temping, only so I can get a hold of my cycle, but not for TTC purposes. I'm instead funneling all my energy into the gym (I just went for two and a half hours - stress much?), and working on losing this weight. Maybe in a year, when he has a job, we've both lost the weight, and are in a generally happier place. This isn't the time to bring a baby into this marriage, as he certainly doesn't want it as much as I do.

I'll pop in from time to time, but not so often as I'm still a bit upset about this development. If you send me a private message, I'll shoot you my email addy so we can stay in touch.

Good luck to everyone!

:hugs: So sorry! Good luck losing the weight and getting into a better place in your marriage. Feel free to keep in contact. If this ttc stresses me out too much then I will probably take a break from the website too.
Well, not sure what's going on. I had two days light spotting. Yesterday was a light flow/heavy spotting. Today was back to spotting. Nothing full blown yet. This is stupid.
Spunky have you done any preggie testing since you had this spotting/light flow?

I did not sleep a single bit last night, I mean seriously, I dont think I ever fell asleep??!!?! Ughh so that means I got to hear every single one of hubbys farts lol soo annoying. I finally got up at 7:30 because I was starving, hubby got up too and now we are watching Warehouse 13. I took a shower because my face is horrible again, it was getting a bit better but now its back to new bumps every day, when one goes away two new ones pop up! Horrible, so Im gonna look horrid at his surprise party, dreading it! Well Im about to go make him an omelet for breakfast. Will check back in a bit.

Spunky go POAS! lol just in case!
I am soooo pissed off but at the same time happy right now... Let me explain lol...

Last year in September I interviewed for a family that wanted someone to start sitting in February for their infant son and 5 year old daughter. I met with her once at a coffee place, she was so nice and we seemed to hit it off. Then she asked me to come to her house and interview again with her hubby and to go over the details more and to meet her 5 year old. So I did that too! The little girl was soo cute and seemed to love me, they seemed to like me and told me that I was tied with one other person they had interviewed. They were expecting a full time 40 hours a week nanny and would pay $350 a week!! sometimes they would be at home other times not and they wanted a 2 year commitment, which I agreed to and agreed to all their terms and everything!

A week later she told me that since I wasn't older and married like the other girl I was tied with, they thought I would skip out on them and they didn't think I was ready for a commitment of 2 years and didnt trust me with an infant. Keep in mind that I have been a nanny since I was 15, I specialize in 5 years and under, but have tons of experience with all ages (Im the oldest of 7 kids!!) and have only been full time with 2 families, because I was with them for 4 years each, not counting the other random jobs I did!!! And they told me that I wasn't mature and committed enough.

Well anyway, I just got on my nanny profile to close it down and checked through the new parents searching for nannies, and she was listed as one!! Apparently her older, married, mature and ready for a commitment sitter skipped out on them HAHA!! I am soo pissed because I could have had that job and would have stayed around but also happy because haha I hope they remember what they told me and what they passed up on. I figured either the other nanny really was a flake or they are impossible to work for. So I guess it worked out in my favor to some extent.

Which brings me to the question of the day, childcare!!! Sitter, nanny, live in, live out, older, younger, part time, full time, occasional, daycare, your house, their house, bilingual, education major, etc....What are you ladies going to be looking for in a sitter, any thing special, anything other than the obvious that will definitely be turn off? How are you gonna do interviews and screening? And at what age of the baby will you start looking?
I wish I knew what to do with childcare. Private, nannies, etc are so expensive it'd have to be nursery/daycare which really doesn't appeal. If I had it my way I'd give up my current job and work from home. Obviously much easier said than done because if you're at home, your attention will be on your kids not your work.
I went to take a nap a while ago and about an hour in hubby came in and jumped me and we had a random totally unexpected on my part, BD!! And when he was about to finish he was like, don't you want to go get your softcup, and I was like, well I just didn't have the heart to tell him just then that since I wasn't ovulating there wasn't any point but I just couldn't disappoint him, he seemed soo excited about the baby making aspect of it lol lol so I went and got it. So in case I did ovulate randomly and late I guess we might be covered lol... How is everyone? And how is the weather where all you ladies are at, its finally cool here!!!! At least right now...
Hey girls and lovely ladies,
I'm just popping on for a moment to let you all know that I will be taking a hiatus from this board for a while. DH and I decided (meaning: DH, it still isn't clicking for me) that now is not the right time to get pregnant. He's super depressed being out of work, we're both overweight, so he says we need to lose weight before we "even think about it, as I don't think it's safe for you to get pregnant right now." I'd figured he was thinking along those lines, as the second I tell him we're in the OV window, he "falls asleep" on the couch. He keeps saying that it's because of his weight, that he "doesn't feel sexy, doesn't feel like having sex, everytime [he] looks in the mirror [he] wants to throw up." Which of course is putting a wonderful strain on everything, as I'm trying to jump him every three minutes and getting pushed away.

So the CBFM and OPKs are getting put away. I'm going to continue temping, only so I can get a hold of my cycle, but not for TTC purposes. I'm instead funneling all my energy into the gym (I just went for two and a half hours - stress much?), and working on losing this weight. Maybe in a year, when he has a job, we've both lost the weight, and are in a generally happier place. This isn't the time to bring a baby into this marriage, as he certainly doesn't want it as much as I do.

I'll pop in from time to time, but not so often as I'm still a bit upset about this development. If you send me a private message, I'll shoot you my email addy so we can stay in touch.

Good luck to everyone!

NJ, Good luck to you too hun!! I hope your weight loss and work outs go really great!!! I hope that you and DH can work things out for the better! Good luck to you to hun and keep in touch!!!:flower:
Mrs Jerome, i am sorry about the nanny job!! those people missed out on a great nanny!!! I am sure that there is a better job out there for you!!

I spent the weekend working on school work. Me and DH went to a home improvement store on saturday and bought some new bathroom vanities, counters and sinks to update the bathrooms at our new house we recently moved into. The ones that are in here now are really old and outdated!! Our house needs alot of cosmetic updates still and all of these changes are very expensive $$$$$... ugghhh..

DH spent the day today trying to install the new bathroom vanity in the half bath, and he was having a hard time with it.. but eventually i am sure he will figure it out!!! It just seems like we still have so much work to do around the house since we have moved in.. i guess slowly over time we will get it done one day!!!!

As for childcare, I will probably have to either work part time or full time around DH's schedule or use day care. Or try to work from home maybe. I wish I could stay home full time, but based on our finances i dont think i will be able to quit working all together. I am not a big fan of day care either, and it is soooo expensive from what i have heard!!!
Aw Wannabe!!! Congrats on the new bathroom stuff, doesnt it feel great!!! I love love love going to homedepot with hubbby lol, because for one he actually listens to my opinions, amazingly (no guy in my family has ever done that, they all think that I have no idea what Im talking about) and I have some good ones!! Would love to see pics once you get it all together Im sure it will be amazing!! Ok I have got to cut back on my "!!" use lol.

Took a much needed nap with hubby seeing that its the first sleep Ive had since our nap last night at like 5pm. Hopefully I'll get more sleep tonight and I am sooo sleeping in if I feel like it tomorrow. Nipples are sore and boobs are a little sore, will see what happens tomorrow.

Had grilled chicken tonight with grilled okra mushrooms and bell peppers and home made coleslaw. And THEN, my chocolate chocolate cake!!! OMG it was soo amazing and tasted soo gooooodddd lol so glad I slipped that mix in the cart when he wasnt looking lol. Well, gonna go watch some TV and then go to bed I guess. See you ladies tomorrow, for those of you with work and stuff hope you have good days and Wannabe good luck with any school work!
Spunky have you done any preggie testing since you had this spotting/light flow?

I did not sleep a single bit last night, I mean seriously, I dont think I ever fell asleep??!!?! Ughh so that means I got to hear every single one of hubbys farts lol soo annoying. I finally got up at 7:30 because I was starving, hubby got up too and now we are watching Warehouse 13. I took a shower because my face is horrible again, it was getting a bit better but now its back to new bumps every day, when one goes away two new ones pop up! Horrible, so Im gonna look horrid at his surprise party, dreading it! Well Im about to go make him an omelet for breakfast. Will check back in a bit.

Spunky go POAS! lol just in case!

I was thinking I still could be because it was so light (and it stopped for like 12 hours) but it was still BFN, and picked up full force today. So I've had some kind of bleeding (spotting to light to stopping to light to regular) for 5 days now. Sucks, cause today is the heaviest so I'll have at least another two days. Arg. Thanks for the thought though.
I'm hoping to stay at home with kids (unless I find out I'm not the stay at home type - which I don't think I am) so I shouldn't need a nanny. As a teacher I've already been trained on education (though not so much on the little ones - but I can and would do research). If I do go back to work full time I'd have my dad babysitt (he's retired) or one of my former student's mom's has a daycare and I love her or my high school has a daycare and I could go breastfeed on prep and at lunch (it's a minute distance if I run from classroom to daycare). As for occassional sitter my mom (who's still married to dad but works full time) has already called dibs on that pretty much until she dies.
Spunky have you done any preggie testing since you had this spotting/light flow?

I did not sleep a single bit last night, I mean seriously, I dont think I ever fell asleep??!!?! Ughh so that means I got to hear every single one of hubbys farts lol soo annoying. I finally got up at 7:30 because I was starving, hubby got up too and now we are watching Warehouse 13. I took a shower because my face is horrible again, it was getting a bit better but now its back to new bumps every day, when one goes away two new ones pop up! Horrible, so Im gonna look horrid at his surprise party, dreading it! Well Im about to go make him an omelet for breakfast. Will check back in a bit.

Spunky go POAS! lol just in case!

I was thinking I still could be because it was so light (and it stopped for like 12 hours) but it was still BFN, and picked up full force today. So I've had some kind of bleeding (spotting to light to stopping to light to regular) for 5 days now. Sucks, cause today is the heaviest so I'll have at least another two days. Arg. Thanks for the thought though.

Spunky, that is great that you have family to help out with baby sitting, my family is to far away to depend on them to baby sit.... I wish they were closer so I could use them to help out from time to time.... It stinks, but since we moved we went from being 12 hour drive from my famile to 5.5 so it is much better than it used to be at least.

My AF has already ended, it only lasts 3 days, the first day is heavy, second is lighter and third day is barely there........Well hopefully september will be our month spunky!!:hugs: As I have gotten older my AF has gotten even lighter... i am not sure if it means anything...sigh, it is my biological clock ticking i suppose:nope:
Mrs Jerome, I can tell that you like to cook!! I got some skills going on in the kitchecn too!!:thumbup:

Lastnight I made fried chicken from scratch, macaroni salad and fresh corn on the cob sunday night!! I made the macaroni salad the way my mom would always make it for me when i was younger, it was always soooo yummy. DH took the left overs into work for his lunch today and I will probably have some for lunch today as well.

If I have time I want to bake some chocolate chip cookies today. I am planning on getting alot of work done around the house today hopefully as well!!!:thumbup: I want to hang our art work up, unpack some more bathroom stuff and work on hanging my clothes up. I have a ton of clothes and shoes and the new house doesnt have very closet space so I have no idea what to do with all of my clothes, me and DH were thinking of turning the office into a closet, LOL!!!!:wacko: It is probably going to take melike forever to hang up all of my clothes, LOL, so I know i wont finish that today or anytime soon, lol!!
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