The One Year Strong Ladies!

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Ok, so had my two PEAK days, back to HIGH this morning, and it's definitely a lighter line, although still there. Plus, my temp is still up this morning, so I'm thinking I OV'd on CD19 or so...need one more high temp for FF to place the crosshatches. I sit there waiting for those red lines to show up on the screen just as much as I do when I'm watching the OPKs! So we BD'd the last four days - that should give us a good chance this month...
I feel the same way. I feel like the day isn't complete unless I've poas. My opk is darker than yesterday. I should ovulate soon. woohoo. I'm already looking forward to a break from bding. We've done it cd 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, today will be 11. I should ov on thursday, so I guess we'll just keep doing it. Ever have those days when you jsut don't look forward to it?

I should probably be OV'ing tomorrow, because I noticed I am averaging the 13th day of my cycle for OV'ing. I am not mentioning it to DH though, he gets turned off by the technical terms. Since i have been feeling like crap the last few days from the food poisoning i am not really feeling like :sex: at all right now. sigh.... If i am feeling better tomorrow i might try to coax DH into :sex:... we shall see. Good luck and baby dust to you spunky!!! :flower: :dust: I hope that this is your month hun!!

Thanks! I told hubby last night I was waiting up to have sex (I've been going to bed early), and he told me he just didn't feel like it. Apparently we both weren't in the mood, but I was still willing ot do it for procreation's sake. Oh well. I'll ov in two days probably just need to make sure we're both in the mood today through friday. I hope you're able to get your DH to cooperate too. :hugs: Stupid men. What happened to men wanting to spread their seed?
When I spotted it was on the day AF was due (the day after bfp so I was terrified)... It's because you still have some hormones that make your body prepare for af so it takes that long for the spotting to show. Or something. So there's still hope yet! Fxed it is implantation x

I feel POO. have slept a normal 8hr night then has 2-4 hr nap every day and felt groggy and fluey and achey and useless. And I know I shouldn't complain but after all that I still have to "entertain" my OH when I haven't had an O myself for nigh on two months. Erk.
Sorry for moaning I know I should be grateful, and I am, but it's hit me like a ton of bricks this bank holiday.
4am. Back to sleep.

Ok, so had my two PEAK days, back to HIGH this morning, and it's definitely a lighter line, although still there. Plus, my temp is still up this morning, so I'm thinking I OV'd on CD19 or so...need one more high temp for FF to place the crosshatches. I sit there waiting for those red lines to show up on the screen just as much as I do when I'm watching the OPKs! So we BD'd the last four days - that should give us a good chance this month...

Certianly looks like you ovulated with such a clear temp jump!! AND you got in lots of bd at the right time. Fingers Crossed!!
I've been off the pill since January. Back in like Feb. I would get really exhausted the week of ovulation (usually before and the day after). Like I would be getting my 8-10 hours and still want a nap and just drag through the day (my coworkers kept asking me if I was pregnant because I took a nap on my classroom floor during my prep period one time). After like 4 months of this I thought I got used to it. Have been normal during ovulation, until now. I've been dragging since like Friday and I should ovulate Thursday. Hopefully this is a good sign. I'm soooo tired there needs to be something good come out of it. Anybody else feel their body taking a ton of energy to make such a small egg ready?
Welcome Mommy...I hope you dont get your name from the movie, atleast not literally lol... I call my mom that all the time just to make her mad lol...Your little Lilli is soooo cute!!! Hope my baby gets the cute curly hair too...

So still not freaking out or symptom spotting but if Im at 16DPO now isnt it too late for implantation spotting/CM? I mean I know it can happen a few days after implantation but, well Im pretty sure its AF on her way lol...

"No More Wire Hangers!!!" LOL....oops, is that the right movie, hmm... I think it is from the movie "Flowers in the Attic", that the one:haha::wacko:
Ok, so had my two PEAK days, back to HIGH this morning, and it's definitely a lighter line, although still there. Plus, my temp is still up this morning, so I'm thinking I OV'd on CD19 or so...need one more high temp for FF to place the crosshatches. I sit there waiting for those red lines to show up on the screen just as much as I do when I'm watching the OPKs! So we BD'd the last four days - that should give us a good chance this month...

NJ, that sounds really promising hun!!! I think September could be your month for your :bfp: and there is a great chance for you!!! I will keep my fingers crossed for you hun!!!:winkwink::flower: Good luck and baby dust to you!!! :dust: :dust: :dust:
I've been off the pill since January. Back in like Feb. I would get really exhausted the week of ovulation (usually before and the day after). Like I would be getting my 8-10 hours and still want a nap and just drag through the day (my coworkers kept asking me if I was pregnant because I took a nap on my classroom floor during my prep period one time). After like 4 months of this I thought I got used to it. Have been normal during ovulation, until now. I've been dragging since like Friday and I should ovulate Thursday. Hopefully this is a good sign. I'm soooo tired there needs to be something good come out of it. Anybody else feel their body taking a ton of energy to make such a small egg ready?

Sorry that OV is taking so much out of you Spunky!!:hugs: Ugghhh, I get really bad cramps like the day before I OV, and i notice I have some major mood swings before and after for some reason during this time......:wacko: The only time i get wicked tired is from PMS like the first few days of my period, i feel like some one has just sucked the life out of me!!!
When I spotted it was on the day AF was due (the day after bfp so I was terrified)... It's because you still have some hormones that make your body prepare for af so it takes that long for the spotting to show. Or something. So there's still hope yet! Fxed it is implantation x

I feel POO. have slept a normal 8hr night then has 2-4 hr nap every day and felt groggy and fluey and achey and useless. And I know I shouldn't complain but after all that I still have to "entertain" my OH when I haven't had an O myself for nigh on two months. Erk.
Sorry for moaning I know I should be grateful, and I am, but it's hit me like a ton of bricks this bank holiday.
4am. Back to sleep.

Awww, hun, i hope you feel better soon.....:hugs:.... :hugs:
So I think I am OV'ing today because my OPK was pretty dark..... I am feeling much better after being sick.. thank goodness... I just have these weird stomach cramps which feel like my ovaries are soar or something.. I just think it is from the straining of tossing my cookies repeadtely, mixed in with OV cramps:shrug: (sorry if TMI)

Meanwhile a poor little baby bird fell out of it's nest in my back yard and my dog picked it up in her mouth and was like mauling it to death!!! She injured the poor baby. I yelled at her to stop and moved the bird away from where she can reach.. i feel bad for the poor bird though. i was calling my dog "The Bird Killer" lastnight!!! (jokingly of course, LOL, but still upset she mangled a poor defensless baby bird) :growlmad: She doesnt know any better though since that is the first thing that dogs do when they see a small animal.....:nope:
Hi everyone
Just woke up, could have rolled over and slept all day prolly but oh well lol....

Wannabe the movie is called Mommy Dearest I think...its about that famous lady that abopted a little boy and a girl..she was like totally bi-polar and then OCD and just insane all around lol...but yeah the "no wire hangers!!" is right lol... she would throw a huge b-day party for them with ponies and a carousal and clowns and all kinds of stuff and be soooo nice to them...and then later that night made them cut the roses bushes in the middle of the night and made them call her "Mommy Dearest" ....and fussed at them for wire hangers and then beat them with the hangers..pretty brutal... but I call my mom that all the time lol...its like a family joke now lol...mainly because when she was married to my stepdad she would be nice to me around other people and nice to other people but was just a bitch the rest of the time to me at home...she was just in a bad relationship and took it out on me..gosh I hated her back then..but now she is a great friend and shes happy but its still a running joke lol..

Woke up to nothing in undies and no gurgly AF feeling, no CM when I wiped course usually it takes a bit after I get up for that so Im just waiting for it...did an IC preggie test and nothing today, totally blank....

Thanks for the implantation info!! I swear I read a few places that even after implantation happens it can take a few days after that for the actual implantation spotting to happen as it takes time to come out and show up in your undies lol...

Ok so let me assure you ladies I am not grasping for straws lol, learned my lesson from that..I figure I would rather think Im not and end up preggie than convince myself I am and then not be preggie....but..
remember I told you that I thought I ovulated the 16th and we BD'd every other day until then and that day and used the cups and preseed...well then I got those other positive OPKs and then like...5-6 days later I think, maybe the 20th/21st that next weekend, we BD'd and hubby said well go get your stuff (coz he clearly has no idea that we dont have to do that everytime now guy lol..) but anyway I was like yeah what the hell so I used them maybe I O'd that weekend instead? My OPKs were crazy and I remember having some cramping too so idk...just a I would only have been 10 DPO yesterday in that case when I had that blood tinged CM yesterday...once again lol..just a thought lol....

Spunky sorry about the no BD lol..I feel that way too sometimes...goodluck on it tonight through Friday!!!

Cottleston, I completly!!! know how you feel about you not O'ing but having to work on do that all the time, for the most part I dont mind but sometimes it does annoy me lol... hubby always wants my hands down his pants, even if its not sexual lol...but it annoys me that he never does that for me too lol....

NJ- Yay for ovulation! and hoping this will be it for you!!!
Ohhh MRs Jerome, i think since you have no AF today it sounds really promising!!!!!! Ohhhhh, I hope this will be it for you and that your :bfp: is just around the corner!!! It really does sound like implantation bleeding to me hun, the way you described it!!!:thumbup:

i understand what you are saying though about not wanting to get your hopes up until you know for sure though.....But i must admit i am getting a good feeling for you that a :bfp: is just around the corner:happydance:!!!!
I am getting excited about the upcoming Holiday weekend, since DH had a 3 day weekend we are planning on doing something fun. We were looking at a jazz festival or maybe going to a nearby beach??? Hmmm.... i havent decided for sure but i defo want to do something fun since things have been kind of stressful for me and DH lately...

Do you ladies have any fun plans for the upcoming holiday weekend???
I know Wannabe, part of me cant help but kind of get excited lol...its hubbies birthday this weekend so I have no idea what we will do lol...not sure what day hes taking off, Friday or Monday will have to ask him lol..

Assuming that it was implantation bleeding and I was 10DPO how many days after are you supposed to be able to test? I guess I'll just keep doing a cheapie test until I get a BFP or evil AF shows...

I say go to the beach but I bet everyone else will think that too and it'll prolly end up crowded lol.. but I love the beach...
I know Wannabe, part of me cant help but kind of get excited lol...its hubbies birthday this weekend so I have no idea what we will do lol...not sure what day hes taking off, Friday or Monday will have to ask him lol..

Assuming that it was implantation bleeding and I was 10DPO how many days after are you supposed to be able to test? I guess I'll just keep doing a cheapie test until I get a BFP or evil AF shows...

I say go to the beach but I bet everyone else will think that too and it'll prolly end up crowded lol.. but I love the beach...

Ok so this is what i found to answer your question....

Implantation usually occurs 8 days after fertilization of the ovum (concpetion). If your last period started on January, 20, you ovulated fourteen days later (February 2) and could have conceived if you had sex on February 1,2,3, or 4. Implahtation sould have occurred around Februry 10 and could have been accompanied by bleeding or no bleeding. In any case, a pregnancy test will not show a positive result until 14-21 days later. The best time (most accurate) to take a pregnancy test is seven days after you miss your next period. You were due for your next period on February 16. Therefore, the best time to take a pregnancy test is after February 23. Even if you had implantation bleeding, in order for a pregnancy test to show a positive result, there has to be a fair amount of HCG produced. The pregnancy test has nothing at all to do with implantation bleeding.

Q: How soon after ovulation can I test?

A: The earliest you can get a positive result on the most sensitive pregnancy tests is seven days after ovulation. Implantation needs to occur before hCG is produced, and that generally happens between 6-12 days post ovulation, usually by 10 days after. For this reason, it makes economical sense to wait until 10-12 days after ovulation, but even then a significant percentage of women who are pregnant will still show a negative result. Many people won't have a positive HPT until the first day of a missed period or even a few days later.

So in conclusion...ummmm... it sounds like it varies depending on the women and the situation...ugghhhhh..... I know the waiting for an answer is enough to drive you bananas.:wacko:..but hang in there hun, eventually an answer will come:winkwink:
Ha Ha, Im ok, I think I will be a tad mad though if I am preggie and cant tell Hubby in time for his b-day lol..but hell I will still be happy no matter can just be a belated present...
Ok pretty sure its AF, little more red this time...

:( :hugs: aww sorry hun xx massive hugs xx

It sucks. I so badly wish there was a way to magically make this thread the luckiest in the world. Everyone here deserves it so so much.
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