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The Over 35 Newbies and not so's :)

congrats chelli :) 10lb 7 crikey!

everything - brill re dexters palate :)

thanks ladies :)

re milk - aye she cant stand cows milk - popped it in a bottle to see if it was just it being in a cup that was the prob...shes been using a sippy cup herself for water since she was 6 months but seems to think the idea of milk in a cup is ridiculous at first she just laughed at the very idea but then got annoyed when given a cup with milk in...then started refusing water from her cup as well (i normally leave it out in the same place for her and she gets some whenever shes thirsty and has it with her meals as well) - so after a couple of days of bone dry nappies I was worried so gave her bottles of formula again and she then went back to drinking the water from the sippy cup - now she seems even more attached to her bottles...I havent yet tried her with formula in a cup tho...we tried a few different cups

maybe Ill try swapping her 3pm milk to formula in a cup and see what she thinks about that - thanks! :thumbup:

these clocks sound fab!! when did you put your lo's in beds rather than cots?
Joey still drinks milk from bottles. We got him off his prescription formula onto cows milk very gradually by giving him 1oz of cows milk in 6oz of formula, then increasing the proportion of cows milk gradually and he got used to the taste that way.

He's still in his cotbed now, he can climb out but doesn't so I'm not pushing him into a bed any sooner than he needs to. His cotbed is plenty big enough and he still rolls around lots, I can see him on the monitor.
Have just moved Maia into a bed and she's 23 months. Only moved her because she could climb out and was doing so, and our health visitor suggested she might sleep better in a bed. She had a great night last night and didn't shout me this morning until 7.03 when the sunshine was well and truely out on her clock :cloud9:

Good job really, had one hell of a night last night.

I woke up with AF type pain yesterday morning and when I was doing my shopping yesterday afternoon I started getting painful contractions in my back. My pains moved to around the front of my bump and I went into a big panic that I was in premature early labour.

I called the hospital and they said I needed to go in. I wasn't dilated or effaced and stopped contracting during the course of the evening - phew! They wanted to keep monitoring me for a bit though as bubs heart rate was a bit high when I went in. It settled down and they put it down to him picking up on my anxiety when I thought I could be in labour.

They finally let me go home at 2.30am and although I still don't know the cause of those contractions (well must have been Braxtons but certainly were not pain free) at least me and baby are ok and baby is still snug where he's supposed to be :thumbup: xx
Oh Star- so glad he is staying put! Very scary time for you all.

Have you had any more problems?

Glad to hear Maia is doing ok too :) Might need to get one of these clocks when the time for that comes :)
Star that must've been so scary :hugs: I had loads more Braxton Hicks this time, and at times they got a little sharp but never anywhere near enough for me to think "this is it." How many weeks are you now, about 34/35?

You did the right thing getting checked out anyway hunni. How have you been? It sounds like Maia's sleep routine is much better too, I hope the has continue for you :thumbup:

Chelli, congratulations on the birth of your nephew! :baby: 10lb 7oz... ouchy! I'm glad your SIL is ok, she must've been happy not to have to be induced.

Rowan - Fin is still in his cot bed at the moment. We have one of the sides down completely, so he can get out of bed if he wants to but he never does. We've got him a new single bed for what will be his bedroom (he's in the nursery still at the moment, and we want to put Dex in there when he out-grows his Moses basket). He likes to get in that bed, pull the quilt over his head and pretend to be asleep, then we have to shout "wake up!" at him and he has hysterics :haha:
Thanks Chelli and Everything :flower:

Yes I'm 35 weeks (will be 36 on Wednesday) so was only just a couple of days over 34 weeks when I had the scare.

He is still staying put and to be honest after Wednesday I won't be nearly as worried. Labour before 36 weeks is just still a bit too early for comfort to me but I have a few friends who have given birth at 36 weeks and all has been well. Obviously would still prefer him to stay put a couple of weeks longer though (knowing my luck he'll probably go over his due date and keep me waiting now, lol).

I haven't had any painful contractions since (phew) but I have had intermittant pain. Had a midwife appointment the other day and she said my little man is back to back and this might explain some of the back pain.

She said not to worry as he still has plenty of time to turn but suggested I might want to start encouraging him. I'm not doing well so far as a lot of the things she suggested aren't working out with my bad foot/ankle.

My injury is much better but still not really well enough to support me while doing anything on my birthing ball and lots of walking is clearly out of the question. I'm not even doing well at sitting up straight as needing to put my foot up seems to encourage me to slide further and further down the back of the sofa into a mega slouch!

I must start making more of an effort though as I'm pretty scared about the prospect of back labour. Just knowing its generally slower, more painful and more difficult isn't a good prospect when I had such a hard time labouring with Maia even though she was in an anterior position.

I have a consultant appointment Tuesday to make a birth plan but I'm sure she'll just tell me to make more effort to encourage him to turn :wacko:

Maia has been sleeping well but has been back off it the past few nights. We've had my sister staying with her children, including Maia's 3 year old cousin and she's been over excited and over tired and I think that's the problem. I hope its a small blip and we're back to sleeping well in the next couple of days. Its amazing how a change in routine for little over 24 hours appears to interfere with more than a week of good sleep.

Hope everyone else is doing ok? x
Hey Star, I'm glad you've had no more painful contractions. Even at your current gestation I'm sure your little man would be fine but highly likely to need a short stay in NICU so it's of course best that he stays put for a bit longer :thumbup:

I remember the worry of wanting LO to turn! I always sat in the 'mega slouch' position during my pregnancy (maybe that is why my LO was in the wrong position for so long?). He turned of his own accord, I didn't do any of the positions recommended for getting baby to turn because I knew he ha so much room in there, he would just turn right back if he wanted. Hopefully your little man will play ball and get himself into an anterior position in the next week or so.

Well, no news from me really. Hubby goes back to work tomorrow so I'm about to find out exactly how hard it is looking after 2 kiddies.

Today I had a bit of a drama, lol. I took them both to a playgroup with a friend this morning. After the playgroup we went to a nearby park so our toddlers could have a run about. Dex was still asleep. Unfortunately Fin and his little friend ran to the far side of the park and started rolling around on the ground. Turns out Fin had discovered some dog poop, and that is apparently what toddlers think dog poop is for :shrug: It was all over his coat, shoes and trousers... cue me trying to get the worst of it off with wet wipes, when Dex decides to wake up and let me know very vocally that it was feed time! I definitely could have done with 4 hands! :haha:
:haha: at the thought of Fin in the dog poo! I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time though x

I hope everyone is Ok? Seems to have gone a bit quiet around here of late :flower:

I have a bit of an update- wow the twists and turns I've had in this pregnancy!

When I went to triage the other week it was flagged up that I should have been tested for gestation diabetes at 28 weeks due to Maia being a big baby and my sister having the condition in both of her pregnancies. Well I didn't expect anything to come of it but to cut a long story short I do have it!!

I was a bit anxious about it to begin with as its been diagnosed so late on in my pregnancy but the hospital team have been very reassuring so far.

Aside from having to watch my diet and monitor my blood sugars regularly the main implication it has for me is that Logan will definitely be here in the next 3 1/2 weeks.

I have a growth scan next week and between the results of that and how well I can keep my blood sugars under control my little man will be given an eviction date at some point between 38 and 40 weeks (Omg I'm 36+3 now :eek:). If I don't go into spontaneous labour before his eviction date he will arrive by planned c section as I don't want to be induced. This is partly because of increased risk of scar rupture and even more so the high chance of an emergency section with induction before your due date. I need to do what's best for all of us and a planned procedure is less risky than an emergency one so I think with the small odds of induction working its the way forward.

I'm less anxious now and looking forward to meeting my little man very soon whether by vaginal birth or section :) x
hey ladies

M has been not napping or maybe having 30 mins a day so I havent had any time to come online - gah v tired Rowan! shes in her cot now but not sure if she'll nap but thought it was worth a try! am having a bottom trouble day and if I didnt know better tbh it feels like early labour with M in back to back position lol

starlight hope your little man turns - back to back is not fun - I totally get what you mean re induction and a planned section - hopefully either way it'll all go smoothly for you guys x

my section is planned for 4th April :)

oh M not settling bless her - shes such good fun x
Hi Ladies, I too am quite busy at the moment with work, plus i am beginning to feel really tired again and feel like a complete whale :/

I think the hormones are having an overload as i find myself crying over little things lol...

star, OMG that is no time at all, i hadnt realised you were so many weeks. he will be here soon :happydance:
so far 3 people that i know who have had inductions planned have gone into labour the day before, so maybe he will arrive in his own time! Whatever way he arrives as long as its a speedy and drama free one!

Sorry to hear about the GD. I was worrying about this due to my weight, but thankfully everything come back good. Hopefully your little man won't be a big man because of it eh :haha: saying that my SIL didn't have GD and look at the size my nephew was, so thats counts for nothing lol.

I have my 36 scan for the 3rd april (part of the "your overweight in pregnancy scare tactics" Just as well i take no heed to most of them lol So far all the major risk factors they have told me about i have been completely clear with!

Rowan, looks like your little one will be here very soon too! I feel i now have forever to wait, even tho i finish work in just under 7 weeks (taking holiday before MAT leave)

I'm exhausted and feeling old lol
Everything- just seen the dog poo comment :haha: I've saw dogs rolling in it before, maybe he has watched that? :haha: Poor you having to wash those clothes lol
gosh isnt the time flying by..

Ive been in hospital over the weekend...go in tmro as a day patient - my lovely bowels/new bottom started playing up again and bladder packed in too just for fun - so Ive been catheterised - oh the glamour!

bottom seems to have settled so hoping that Im all ok bladder wise tmro - going to ahve a renal scan to make sure all ok but I think its just one of those things - they ahve referred me to physio to help with my bottom etc which is apparently a new procedure for 3rd degree tear - they arent impressed at all with the "care" I had previously and my word the standards at this hospital are a cut above which is fab :)

so I was staying in the antenatal ward - lots of new babies which suddenly made us think yikes! this is really happening and soon! Its funny I thought the babies cries would keep me awake but they didn't at all - you really do just respond to your own baby :)

so glad to be feeling much better today and out of pain it was excruciating - very grateful to be at home and that Martha was well looked after by ma and pa and dh - he woke to her in the night and changed a pooy nappy and everything :) so a great dummy run for when Im in hospital with Michael
Sorry to hear about your GD Star. I'd have hated to have to reel in my eating habits during pregnancy... all food urges must be baby communicating from the womb! Funny how both my babies liked all the same "bad for you" crap that I like!! :haha: Looking forward to hearing how you get on at your growth scan Star x

Rowan - wow, you've really suffered from your 3rd degree tear :hugs: I hope everything goes ok today. At least you're getting the benefit of improved care now. I've got physio booked as a follow-up for my 3rd degree tear on 5th March. I *touch wood* seem to have gotten away unscathed but I haven't had a bad cold yet... that always reveals just how bad my pelvic floor is when it comes to stress incontinence :blush: I've still had no pain whatsoever, but I do have a tiny hard bit which feels like a stitch that hasn't come out - I'm sure they would have all dissolved by now though so that's a bit odd.

Chelli - I'm sure the 11 weeks you have left will be almost gone before you know it, it really isn't long :hugs: It's funny how other people's pregnancies seem to go so much faster than your own!

Chelli, OH took Fin's pooy clothes and put them in the wash as soon as I walked in and told him what happened. I'm very spoilt, he still does virtually all of the housework - cooks, cleans, laundry... no wonder he doesn't want any more kids! :dohh:

My 1st week "alone" with my boys went pretty smoothly. I thought I'd be counting down the minutes to when I could get Fin down for his naps, but in reality I kept myself so busy I actually missed his nap all together on one of the days (and boy did we pay for that in the last couple of hours before he went to bed!). I'm feeling pretty upbeat about looking after them alone now :thumbup:
Oh poor you Rowan, sounds like you've been really going through it :hugs: How are things going now?

Everything how are you getting on with being home alone with your two little men? I'm glad the first week went well and hope things continue the same :)

I had my growth scan today and as expected little man is measuring on the large side of normal, they reckon he would come out about 9Ib 9 if I went to 40 weeks - youch!

As expected I'm not allowed to go to 40 weeks though. I have an elective Caesarian booked for Monday 25 Feb (will be 38+5) if I don't go into labour before then. If I do I will have the choice of an impromptu section or attempting VBAC.

Either way my boy will be here in under 2 weeks!!!

So exciting :happydance:
9lb 9oz... ouchy Star!! I bet you're struggling to roll over in bed now then! :haha:

Do you think you'd rather make it to 25th Feb now and have your scheduled c section, or are you hoping things kick off before that so that you still get a chance at a VBAC? Has the estimated weight put you right off the VBAC option?

I'm finding it difficult to get ready quickly in the mornings with both boys! Fin is also resisting naps, he hasn't had a proper nap the last 2 days... OH thinks I'm putting him down too late, I've been giving him his nap after lunch. I usually plan an activity in the morning, and he often doesn't end up going for nap until around 2pm by which time he's over-tired. Yesterday I tried at 1pm and he still didn't sleep. Today I have another morning playdate arranged and we've decided I will leave Fin home with daddy so he can put him down for a really early nap... part of me hopes it doesn't work because I feel like OH thinks I'm failing. I don't like him to miss out on activities though, and it is the morning that I'm home alone with them (OH is usually home around 2.30pm). Fin still generally sleeps 12+ hours solid so it's not affecting his nighttime but he is acting up in the afternoons which we are sure is down to over-tiredness.

I'm hopeful that if we can get him to catch up on his sleep, he will then be ok with early afternoon naps again. We have 2 late nights now though for him - a zombie party tonight for his cousin's birthday and then a family meal out tomorrow for FIL's 60th birthday. I am tbh a little frustrated that OH blames me for Fin's disrupted routine and thinks I'm selfishly filling up my days with activities, and yet I doubt very much he will consider us missing either of these 2 late nights due to his family arrangements :shrug:
It might be that Fins just got to that point that he doesn't want to nap every day anymore? Maia has been hit and miss with her daytime naps for a while now and I certainly feel your pain. When she doesn't nap she gets grumpy 9 times out of 10 :shrug:

I just keep trying to put her down everyday and if she sleeps she sleeps and if she doesn't she doesn't. Sooo frustrating.

Talking of frustrating the hospital called today and have bumped my section back a day to Feb 26th :-(

At first I thought well ok it's 1 day and the funny thing is it was Maia's EDD so I thought it would be kind of cute that Maia came on his EDD if he came on hers.

Thinking on it more I'm getting more fed up about it though. Mainly because of the way the doctor spoke to me about refusing induction at 38 weeks when she couldn't book a section until 38+5 and she 'needs this baby' at 38 weeks :wacko:

I know what you mean about his estimated size being a bit scary in terms of a VBAC. As you know I had my anxieties about VBAC (despite seeing the benefits) so part of me hopes he stays put for my section date.

That said scans aren't all that accurate at estimating weight and if I do go into labour its worth a try to get him out naturally.

I'm trying to think that if my VBACs meant to be he'll make a move early and if I'm supposed to have a section then he'll stay put.

I'm a bit worried now though as the reason they like babies delivered early when you're on insulin is the placenta can stop working earlier than usual. I think I'm going to be obsessed with little mans movements and a bit anxious until he's here and safe. I suppose the only positive is I've been on insulin less than a week and as most people are diagnosed with GD at 28 weeks they've been on it much longer when these problems are reported.

Please keep your fingers crossed all will be ok xx
Hi Ladies,

Rowan you poor thing- it's really sound like you've had lots of trouble with your tear. Glad your feeling confident in your hospital now and i hope all goes well.

Star- 10 days and counting!! and you never know he might make his entrance on his own schedule yet. That is no time at all! It's very exciting, can't wait to see him.
And wow- could be a big boy then. Saying that they told my SIL she was measuring 10 days behind, and look at how wrong they got his size lol... don't know how accurate they are.

Every- how are things going with Fin's naps? has he settled any. I agree with Star, perhaps he is beginning to grow out of them a little bit? still if he is grumpy that has to be frustrating.
Do you think maybe it's got something to do with having his new brother around? My neice has been playing up a little since the new arrival- are we are putting it down to that.
Frustrating that you feel your OH is putting the pressure on- Good point you made, if Fin's sleeping pattern is a concern, then the 2 evenings out of the routine can't help either. Hope it all gets settled for you soon :hugs:

and yes 11 weeks is not long for me to wait, i guess i'm just feeling tired at the minute, and can't seem to get the energy to want to do anything at the moment!
Oh a slightly different note, i actually got a compliment off the consultant the other day- I got weighed (Yikes) and ive put on 13lb in total during this pregnancy- She said she was impressed that i'd not let it go out of control. Being on the larger side (size 20) they had nagged me about ensuring i didn't just go crazy. saying that, i've not been dieting or anything, pretty much the same diet as before but maybe eating more healthily, but maybe it's the no alcohol diet too lol....
It is frustrating Star that they can ignore their previous urgency to have baby delivered by 38 weeks to suit themselves :shrug: I think you're right though that because you haven't been on Insulin for very long, it wouldn't have had so much effect on the placenta yet so it's extremely unlikely that there will be a problem. I had a growth scan at 30 weeks and that was because the blood condition I have can mean the placenta stops working because blood clots in it... with Fin I had another scan at 37 weeks to check (and everything was fine). With Dex they didn't give me another scan after 30 weeks and it made me very nervous that something could go wrong with the placenta - I spoke to my midwife about it and she said there would be other signs way before it was a risk to the baby (fundal height measurements and your own weight would be affected, as well as baby's movement). I know it's easier said than done but try to enjoy these last days of pregnancy... I'm sure as long as baby's movement seems normal all will be fine :hugs:

The growth scans can certainly be out. They say by up to a pound either way, and they were quite a bit out with Dexter. They estimated he would be the same as Fin at birth (8lb 10oz) but he was only actually 7lb 13oz - I could have had extra christmas dinner after all! :haha:

It's so exciting, can't wait to see pictures of your new little man :happydance:

We're writing off this week Chelli for Fin's naps because he's had 3 late night out of the last 4 now - that's bound to have an adverse effect on his sleep pattern. He was sooo well behaved in the restaurant this evening despite his obvious exhaustion, I was very proud of him. Dexter slept the whole time we were there too... I seem to have another perfect baby on my hands *touch wood*! He slept over 6 hours through last night so only had one wake-up in the night. Generally he goes 3-4 hours now at nighttime and doesn't cry when he wakes, he just grunts a bit and fidgets. He feeds for less than 10 minutes and falls straight back to sleep... and then I sit here on BnB for an extra 15 minutes or so while he sleeps in my arms :cloud9:

Fin may well be ready to start dropping his naps, I just didn't realise he would get so naughty and tired if he was ready to drop them. Surely if he's ready to drop them, he wouldn't get so tired as a result of not napping? He is resisting them whether he needs them or not though whereas he used to self settle with no trouble at all. I guess it could be related to our new arrival but his night sleep has been unaffected, he still sleeps really well despite OH messing around with his bedtime routine.

Well done Chelli on your (lack of) weight gain. Maybe you'll be one of these lucky women who lose weight as a result of having a baby. I'm exactly a stone heavier now than I was pre-pregnancy. I was a little under-weight though so I don't look too bad, just need to try to deflate my tummy cushion a little bit more :haha: I'm enjoying having boobs again though! :happydance: if only I could keep them...
Chelli - well done with your minimal weight gain. Its fantastic! I've put on more than that but I think if I'd have been diagnosed with GD earlier I might even have lost some.

I've managed to get my morning blood sugars under control but in order to do so I've doubled my insulin since my starting dose and breakfast is one slice of plain granary toast. I'm doing the same every day which is boring but it feels safe and I figure I can cope with it for a week. I think the hardest thing for me will be not going mental after Logan arrives just because I can have an unrestricted diet again. I'm fantasising about sending DH to maccy D's to get me breakfast and tucking into cakes just because I can :blush:

I really want to try and use this opportunity to change my diet a bit (especially the reduced portion sizes) but with the knowledge I can have the occasional treat. I didn't shrink back to my pre pregnancy size after Maia and would love to achieve it this time. With having a section it will be a while till I can do serious exercise so will have to be extra careful with diet.

Everything - I'm not sure what the answer is about nap time. I guess our LO's just don't understand that if they're tired they need to sleep ("well I didn't sleep yesterday and I was fine mummy"...) and before they drop it completely they seem to need it some days and not others. Maia refused to nap yesterday and was horrendously grumpy all afternoon. She then fell asleep in front of the TV when I was making dinner and when I woke her up to eat she was even worse for having too little sleep too late.

I won't complain too much as she's brilliant at night now :thumbup:

Glad Dex is sleeping well for you. I'm at that end of pregnancy and sleep is a distant memory stage and its amazing how much difference a good nights sleep makes. I'm afraid I'm a bit grumpy for lack of sleep at the minute. Trying not to be but can't help myself x
Just a thought - did any of you fancy linking up on Face Book?

Its just I won't be able to put any pics up until I'm out of hospital and able to get on the PC but I'll be putting pics straight on Face Book from my phone.

Let me know if any of you do and I'll PM you with my details. I'm a bit careful with putting everything out on a public forum :) x

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