The POAS Addiction Support Group

As a true POAS addict, I will admit to my fellow POAS addicts that I also BOAS...Bleed on a stick. Only because I know it works from doing it at work this way. What do you think???? I am 10/11 dpo. I have NEVER gotten a line like this??????????????????????????

View attachment 549503

Oh wow! That actually works? I don't think I have ever seen that before. I mean, it makes sense that your blood contains HCG, so I am sure it would just the same, right? I just wonder if the color of the blood would stick to the antibody strip. Would that effect it?

We do it at work all the time. And I do it every month, never get a line. Even the month I had a chemical, didn't get a line. It's also purple, like the control line. EEEkkkk
OMG I am freaking out!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't been able to sleep for a few days, now I really can't sleep! I have had 2 chemicals so I'm a little nervous if it is a BFP, BUT I have never gotten a blood line that positive, especially at 10 dpo, let alone a faint line on a urine hpt this early! OMG OMG, trying to stay calm. Good thing DH is at work tonight! This is probably wrong but I'm not going to share with him until I get a BFP on a digi. I get too excited every month then AF comes :cry:

FX'D!! Hope the witch stays away!!
As a true POAS addict, I will admit to my fellow POAS addicts that I also BOAS...Bleed on a stick. Only because I know it works from doing it at work this way. What do you think???? I am 10/11 dpo. I have NEVER gotten a line like this??????????????????????????

View attachment 549503

Woooow, that is hard core. How do you get enough blood to do that? Is that from a lancet stick?
This is off topic of the BOAS convo, but I am curious as to how long of a luteal phase you guys have? Mine was 11 days this past cycle, and I am concerned about it.
I don't know what mine is...since this is my first month is the time between ov and af right?
This is off topic of the BOAS convo, but I am curious as to how long of a luteal phase you guys have? Mine was 11 days this past cycle, and I am concerned about it.

Mine has varied anywhere between 5-10 days, averaging about 8. I have started taking 100mg/day of B6 to hopefully help lengthen it. I don't believe 11 days should be too concerning, generally I have heard 10-15 is normal, but I'm not exactly an expert on LP lol. But I don't think 11 day LP should cause you any issues.
Yeah, I am trying to figure it all out right now. It is 1 dpo, to the day before AF arrives since that would be cd1.

EDIT: Found this little calculator earlier:
See, and I had always thought that the luteal phase included the day of ovulation. Maybe I should read into it a bit more lol. I really hate the mechanics of the female body sometimes haha
My LP was 13 days this last cycle. First cycle charting.
See, and I had always thought that the luteal phase included the day of ovulation. Maybe I should read into it a bit more lol. I really hate the mechanics of the female body sometimes haha

I hear ya! It is all so confusing! I thought for sure it would count the day of O too, so I would have a 12 day LP, but noooooo....11 days. Even the 1 day difference makes me worry.

My LP was 13 days this last cycle. First cycle charting.

That is a nice LP! I wish mine was more like 13 days. I would feel more comfortable with that number. I know I can get PG, I have 4 kids afterall, I just worry that the depo has my body all jacked up and I will never go back to normal or something! Not that I know what normal is bc I never charted until this time for all I know my LP could have always been 11 days.
LoveSanrio- i'm pretty sure 11 is completely fine hun. Anywhere from 10-16 days is considered normal! :hugs: So don't worry! If it's under 10 I believe you're supposed to talk to your doc and look into some medications (or i've read of people using acupuncture to correct LP lengths) because under 10 days can not leave enough time for the lil eggy to implant. <3
Yeah, I totally think I am being paranoid. It is just so difficult with ttc. It is so crazy how much of a difference ONE day can make when you are ttc! I say I am just gonna go with the flow, and let whatever happens, happen. Worrying about it is just gonna make me stress out.
An 11 day LP is still good. Don't worry hun! I think mine averaged 10 days (with some 11 or 12 occasionally). I took 100mg of B6 and 500mcg of B12 because I was concerned about mine as well :hugs:
I totally get what you are saying about the stressing out and worrying about everything. I'm that woman too.
Yeah I am definitely that girl right now haha! Guess I will just ttc, and if it isn't working out, I will try the B vitamins ect. and go from there.

Adopim, have you made a DR appointment yet? I'm guessing you told DH right? Was he excited? Your chart is looking fantastic right now, I must say. I'm hoping for one of those nice lookin' charts real soon! LOL :thumbup:
Yeah I am definitely that girl right now haha! Guess I will just ttc, and if it isn't working out, I will try the B vitamins ect. and go from there.

Adopim, have you made a DR appointment yet? I'm guessing you told DH right? Was he excited? Your chart is looking fantastic right now, I must say. I'm hoping for one of those nice lookin' charts real soon! LOL :thumbup:

I did tell DH on Friday. I got a "healthier" second line to show him (which have since progressed very nicely - I'm a true POAS addict... I'm still doing it!). I think that he is excited, but the reality of it hasn't set in for him yet. It's just not quite real. I think he'll need to hear the heartbeat or see the sonogram for it to really hit.
The funny thing is my chart looked very similar last cycle and AF showed 2 days early for me (my LP was only 8 days last cycle). The only real difference is that they are overall a bit higher but I temped vaginally this cycle. But they seemed to stabilize significantly after Ov. I stopped temping to eliminate that area of stress (I don't need to be worrying about temp drops too!), I have enough going on in my brain. Lol.
Haven't called a doctor yet. DH has to figure out what network our insurance will be in and I need to research the doctors. I love my doctor, but I moved 80 miles away so it's not practical. Gotta look for a new doctor... Hoping to set something up for sometime between Feb 10-15. We'll see what happens though.
Yeah I am definitely that girl right now haha! Guess I will just ttc, and if it isn't working out, I will try the B vitamins ect. and go from there.

Adopim, have you made a DR appointment yet? I'm guessing you told DH right? Was he excited? Your chart is looking fantastic right now, I must say. I'm hoping for one of those nice lookin' charts real soon! LOL :thumbup:

I did tell DH on Friday. I got a "healthier" second line to show him (which have since progressed very nicely - I'm a true POAS addict... I'm still doing it!). I think that he is excited, but the reality of it hasn't set in for him yet. It's just not quite real. I think he'll need to hear the heartbeat or see the sonogram for it to really hit.
The funny thing is my chart looked very similar last cycle and AF showed 2 days early for me (my LP was only 8 days last cycle). The only real difference is that they are overall a bit higher but I temped vaginally this cycle. But they seemed to stabilize significantly after Ov. I stopped temping to eliminate that area of stress (I don't need to be worrying about temp drops too!), I have enough going on in my brain. Lol.
Haven't called a doctor yet. DH has to figure out what network our insurance will be in and I need to research the doctors. I love my doctor, but I moved 80 miles away so it's not practical. Gotta look for a new doctor... Hoping to set something up for sometime between Feb 10-15. We'll see what happens though.

Yeah, men are like that. It is never really "real" for them until they hear that heartbeat, or see an US. Are you looking forward to the pregnancy? I personally am not a fan of being pregnant, but I think this time will be different for me since I know it will be the last time I get to feel those little kicks ect. One thing I hate is morning sickness. I had it SOOOO BAAAAAD this last time that I hope and pray I dont go through that again. I also had an emergency c-section last time, so will be going that route again (hopefully not emergency though), so that is a bit scary. My body doesnt handle pregnancy very well, and I always get pre-eclampsia. Last time they couldn't get my blood pressure down when I was at the hospital for a non stress test, so I was admitted and induced at 36 weeks. Had to be on a magnesium drip bc my bp was so high I was running the risk of seizures, was in labor for 24 hours, only dialated to 1cm, baby's heart rate dropped, was in surgery within 10 minutes for delivery. Had to stay in the hospital for 5 days, and was in A LOT of pain even after I went home. Luckily my DH was amazing and took time off work, got up EVERY TIME when the baby needed a bottle and changed (I didn't even have to ask him either). I literally couldn't get out of bed for 5-7 days after coming home from the I am not looking forward to that again. I'm just lucky that my DH is so helpful, otherwise I don't think I would be able to have another one.
I'm weak! I tested earlier, at 7dpo... Hubby went to bed for a nap (Cause he hasn't been sleeping well) and I thought: oh hey, why not do a test...might aswell, it's fun!! :dohh: No need to tell you the result... negative! :S
Studied it thoroughly aswell and took it apart.. :haha:

Me and hubby are going to the doctor tonight to see if we can get him any different pills (anti-depressants) that won't affect his performance so much as we're ttc. So that's gonna be a fun embarrassing conversation :p Oh yeah, my husband is having trouble having orgasms! :wacko: I'll just let him tell the doctor :p haha
Yeah, men are like that. It is never really "real" for them until they hear that heartbeat, or see an US. Are you looking forward to the pregnancy? I personally am not a fan of being pregnant, but I think this time will be different for me since I know it will be the last time I get to feel those little kicks ect. One thing I hate is morning sickness. I had it SOOOO BAAAAAD this last time that I hope and pray I dont go through that again. I also had an emergency c-section last time, so will be going that route again (hopefully not emergency though), so that is a bit scary. My body doesnt handle pregnancy very well, and I always get pre-eclampsia. Last time they couldn't get my blood pressure down when I was at the hospital for a non stress test, so I was admitted and induced at 36 weeks. Had to be on a magnesium drip bc my bp was so high I was running the risk of seizures, was in labor for 24 hours, only dialated to 1cm, baby's heart rate dropped, was in surgery within 10 minutes for delivery. Had to stay in the hospital for 5 days, and was in A LOT of pain even after I went home. Luckily my DH was amazing and took time off work, got up EVERY TIME when the baby needed a bottle and changed (I didn't even have to ask him either). I literally couldn't get out of bed for 5-7 days after coming home from the I am not looking forward to that again. I'm just lucky that my DH is so helpful, otherwise I don't think I would be able to have another one.
I'm actually glad reality hasn't hit him yet, because I want to wait to tell people (besides all you wonderful ladies here on BnB). At least until I can hear the heartbeat. It's very real for me right now, but I just need that verification before telling anyone.
I'm actually looking forward to it. I loved being pregnant last time (despite the morning sickness). However, how my DD survived the amount of stress I was under is a miracle. I was in an extremely verbally abusive relationship and it was just all around rough. Now I have a loving and supportive husband, and I'm really looking forward to it. I was at risk for pre-eclampsia with my DD. I had to go in for weekly ultrasounds and non stress tests starting at 29 weeks. 10 days before my due date they decided to my BP was borderline and my fluid was getting low. To avoid delivery complications my doctor decided to induce me. The birth went very smoothly, but my DD was only 6lbs, despite being so close to full term. She was probably small due to all the stress I had, but it made for a very easy delivery. Pushed for only 17 minutes. I doubt it'll be that easy this time, I'm sure this one will be bigger than my DD at birth. :haha:

I'm weak! I tested earlier, at 7dpo... Hubby went to bed for a nap (Cause he hasn't been sleeping well) and I thought: oh hey, why not do a test...might aswell, it's fun!! :dohh: No need to tell you the result... negative! :S
Studied it thoroughly aswell and took it apart.. :haha:

Me and hubby are going to the doctor tonight to see if we can get him any different pills (anti-depressants) that won't affect his performance so much as we're ttc. So that's gonna be a fun embarrassing conversation :p Oh yeah, my husband is having trouble having orgasms! :wacko: I'll just let him tell the doctor :p haha

We all have moments of weakness. Definitely happens, especially in this thread ;)
Hopefully they give you some options for his medications! I'm sure there's got to be some alternatives out there somewhere.
I'm weak! I tested earlier, at 7dpo... Hubby went to bed for a nap (Cause he hasn't been sleeping well) and I thought: oh hey, why not do a test...might aswell, it's fun!! :dohh: No need to tell you the result... negative! :S
Studied it thoroughly aswell and took it apart.. :haha:

Me and hubby are going to the doctor tonight to see if we can get him any different pills (anti-depressants) that won't affect his performance so much as we're ttc. So that's gonna be a fun embarrassing conversation :p Oh yeah, my husband is having trouble having orgasms! :wacko: I'll just let him tell the doctor :p haha

Haha yeah that happens to us a lot! We just feel the need to pee on sticks, regardless of what the outcome will be! :D

I hope the DR can get that situation worked out for you guys. I am sure there must be something they can give your DH that wont negatively affect you guys ttc! Let us know what the DR says! :hugs:

Yeah, men are like that. It is never really "real" for them until they hear that heartbeat, or see an US. Are you looking forward to the pregnancy? I personally am not a fan of being pregnant, but I think this time will be different for me since I know it will be the last time I get to feel those little kicks ect. One thing I hate is morning sickness. I had it SOOOO BAAAAAD this last time that I hope and pray I dont go through that again. I also had an emergency c-section last time, so will be going that route again (hopefully not emergency though), so that is a bit scary. My body doesnt handle pregnancy very well, and I always get pre-eclampsia. Last time they couldn't get my blood pressure down when I was at the hospital for a non stress test, so I was admitted and induced at 36 weeks. Had to be on a magnesium drip bc my bp was so high I was running the risk of seizures, was in labor for 24 hours, only dialated to 1cm, baby's heart rate dropped, was in surgery within 10 minutes for delivery. Had to stay in the hospital for 5 days, and was in A LOT of pain even after I went home. Luckily my DH was amazing and took time off work, got up EVERY TIME when the baby needed a bottle and changed (I didn't even have to ask him either). I literally couldn't get out of bed for 5-7 days after coming home from the I am not looking forward to that again. I'm just lucky that my DH is so helpful, otherwise I don't think I would be able to have another one.
I'm actually glad reality hasn't hit him yet, because I want to wait to tell people (besides all you wonderful ladies here on BnB). At least until I can hear the heartbeat. It's very real for me right now, but I just need that verification before telling anyone.
I'm actually looking forward to it. I loved being pregnant last time (despite the morning sickness). However, how my DD survived the amount of stress I was under is a miracle. I was in an extremely verbally abusive relationship and it was just all around rough. Now I have a loving and supportive husband, and I'm really looking forward to it. I was at risk for pre-eclampsia with my DD. I had to go in for weekly ultrasounds and non stress tests starting at 29 weeks. 10 days before my due date they decided to my BP was borderline and my fluid was getting low. To avoid delivery complications my doctor decided to induce me. The birth went very smoothly, but my DD was only 6lbs, despite being so close to full term. She was probably small due to all the stress I had, but it made for a very easy delivery. Pushed for only 17 minutes. I doubt it'll be that easy this time, I'm sure this one will be bigger than my DD at birth. :haha:

I'm weak! I tested earlier, at 7dpo... Hubby went to bed for a nap (Cause he hasn't been sleeping well) and I thought: oh hey, why not do a test...might aswell, it's fun!! :dohh: No need to tell you the result... negative! :S
Studied it thoroughly aswell and took it apart.. :haha:

Me and hubby are going to the doctor tonight to see if we can get him any different pills (anti-depressants) that won't affect his performance so much as we're ttc. So that's gonna be a fun embarrassing conversation :p Oh yeah, my husband is having trouble having orgasms! :wacko: I'll just let him tell the doctor :p haha

We all have moments of weakness. Definitely happens, especially in this thread ;)
Hopefully they give you some options for his medications! I'm sure there's got to be some alternatives out there somewhere.

I hear ya. My oldest 3 girls are from a previous relationship, and it was abusive as well. He was also in and out of jail, and I worked 2 jobs and went to school. When he went to jail again I decided enough was enough, and I packed my car with what I could, put the kids in, and left....never looked back. So glad I did. The girls were young, and they dont remember him. My husband raises them as his own, and they call him dad.

I guess I should say I did enjoy my first 2 pregnancies...after that it got old and I just wanted it over with LOL! I'm happy for you though that you can experience a pregnancy with a great man by your side. Believe makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE.

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