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The POAS journey! Come join us!

Lol i told nick that to he just said ok cause no one is cutting my nuts

lol my oh wouldnt be able to cope with no sex lol its been 3 week since we slept together lol cus i wont i dont want to get pregnant otherwise it will ruin my holiday to spain

Could you not just double up on some birth control? 3 weeks is crazy! I'm not all as into "it" as hubby is but he gets crabby after a few days...lol Hope you have tons of fun on your trip! I'm hoping to get to go on a vacation with just me and hubby soon to Hawaii but having a hard time finding one nice that is affordable enough for us.

Stacey...your sure you don't want more than 3? Like 12 or something? lol Speaking of...anyone talk to 10 anymore? She posted pictures on FB of her new baby. I think he makes 12. She is a very BRAVE woman. I'm on edge with 4! :wacko:

Yep, changing the subject again. I'm not 100% BUT my gut is telling me I may be pregnant this cycle. I ordered cheapies but I don't think they get here for another day or 2. I couldn't wait so I bought a box of Answer and I really though there was a faint line. Could be the antibody strip or whatever BUT at any rate....the box came with 3 so I'm going to hold as long as possible and test again tonight. Who knows! I'm not sick and my temp is high. 99.03 and my norm is 98.4. I'm rather crampy now...bloated. On cycle day 25 and usually have an average of 30-32.

Holy crap....LETS WRITE A BOOK! LOL Okay....I'll shut up now. :rofl:

Everything i have been on its coursed problems. And im allergic to condoms and hate the feel of them anyway does nothing for me
So your sister doesn't want her or is she still fighting to keep her? It's awesome she is calling you mommy and daddy. That shows that she is very comfortable around you both. My girls did the same with my husband after a very short amount of time and I never once told them they needed to or anything. It was kinda a sign for me. :D lol

Nope she signed over her rights to us no fight at all she just asked for us to care for her like she is ours and when the time comes to tell her the truth to try and make not look such a bad mom she still sees her mom from time to time because she still has my nephew and my niece is very smart she will tell you she lives with us because her mom couldnt take care of her the right way and that we wanted her back my sister did talk to her before she came to live with us and asked my niece if she wanted to she told her yes and went to pack up her stuff she was nothing but smiles when we went to get her and we let her know it was for good this time that she wouldnt be going back to mommy and all she said was mommy dont forget the way to my house lol i think if my sister wouldnt of had the ppd and went to prison when my niece was 18 months old thing maybe different
Sooo today suckssss a big one i didnt post about it on facebook because i dont want to hear oh you should do this or this found i have protein in my urine and that i have been having it off and on doctor wasnt worried about till today when i asked about some stuff i have had going on i have been seeing spots and having some shoulder pain like it feels like my bra is to tight and goes up my neck but i still have the pain when i take my bra off come to find out they are signs of preeclampsia my bp is still in the normal or what they see as normal for me 122/70 is high my bp runs 100-110/60 so now i have to do a 24 hour urine
Sooo today suckssss a big one i didnt post about it on facebook because i dont want to hear oh you should do this or this found i have protein in my urine and that i have been having it off and on doctor wasnt worried about till today when i asked about some stuff i have had going on i have been seeing spots and having some shoulder pain like it feels like my bra is to tight and goes up my neck but i still have the pain when i take my bra off come to find out they are signs of preeclampsia my bp is still in the normal or what they see as normal for me 122/70 is high my bp runs 100-110/60 so now i have to do a 24 hour urine

I have been checking my email constantly for updates to this page and didn'['t get any. I got on here to ask how you were doing and there's been 3 pages since the other day lol. I have high blood pressure for the first time ever in my life with this baby and they put me on blood pressure medicine probaly 3 months ago. It seems to be keeping it down, however yesterday when i went it was 13?/80 which to me seems a little high. my normal is 110/70. i have huge swelling issues but none of this concerns them!! Ive gotten to the point where I don't even complain about anything anymore because I feel like they don't care or take me seriously!!
Doesn't make you wonder why they never mentioned this to you before? Its like what else have you not been telling me, you know? lol WEll I hope everything is ok. I will have to just keep getting on here to check for an update.
I found out yesterday I have Group B, for the first time. She didn't seem concerned since I have a scheduled c section. She keeps ignoring me that I want to go natural. Now if I do go into labor on my own I will be freaking out that I have to get to the hospital in time to receive the antibiotics! I wanted to labor at home as long as possible. Take care and I will check back on ya :)
yea it does it p*ssed me off that they didnt tell like wth this is my baby we are telling about dh seems to think they didnt say anything because to them my bp is still low will why the h*ll wait till its high and put both of at risk of something happening im sure the girls that are on my friend might remember me asking for prayers for my sister and her baby boy that ended up in the nicu because of pre e the meds they gave her almost killed him she have to an emcs because his heart rate dropped to low
yea it does it p*ssed me off that they didnt tell like wth this is my baby we are telling about dh seems to think they didnt say anything because to them my bp is still low will why the h*ll wait till its high and put both of at risk of something happening im sure the girls that are on my friend might remember me asking for prayers for my sister and her baby boy that ended up in the nicu because of pre e the meds they gave her almost killed him she have to an emcs because his heart rate dropped to low

I was montioring my own bp at home, whenever i felt weird. But, it was my grandmas bp cuff and she started having problems of her own, so i gave it back to her. I've had dizzy spells and sudden throbbing headaches. How do they know how your bp is when you go in and the check it once a week at 1 time of the day lol. I would think that high bp along with severe swelling would be cause to be monitored more closely but they act like they don't care!! I just hope that she's ok and can't wait to have her out so I know she's ok lol
My 2 year old daughter was born with severe complications that only became known to me by someone giving me an EEG. NOT my OB!! I should have been high risk this time around and besides having the 12 week scan and blood work done ive had no other "special" treatment. Besides, the bloodwork I had done before didn't show up anything with my 2 year old either. I mentioned something a few weeks back and they said the baby is too big now that I should have had a level 2 U/S done at 20 weeks!! Well thanks for telling me that now.
I pray that she's ok and I guess won't know til she gets here
Amber, here is your tweak. I do see a line! I'd say :bfp: if it came up within the limit! :thumbup::flower:


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Thank you so much. I'm hoping it is.I've been tryng for a while. I got a very slightly darker line with the one I did today. Its a blue dye though. Also neither one was fmu so that co uldaccount for the lightness of the lines right?
Yes, fmu is usually best. I woud get a test and use it the a.m. should get a decent line if you are pregnant. :)
Well ladies, on cycle day 26 and tested this morning with 2 cheapies at the same time with FMU. I only see a faint line on one of them so I'm thinking faulty test. What do you think? This isn't tweaked. I see something on the bottom test but not the top...:shrug:


  • tweak.jpg
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Well ladies, on cycle day 26 and tested this morning with 2 cheapies at the same time with FMU. I only see a faint line on one of them so I'm thinking faulty test. What do you think? This isn't tweaked. I see something on the bottom test but not the top...:shrug:

Can def see line on bottom one!!
Now I just feel like I'm crazy. I tested with a dollar tree and another cheapie. I swear I see something until I take a stinken picture....then I see nothing. lol :wacko:
Tested with a dollar tree this AM and got a darker faint line. If I had to guess I would say I am pregnant. I feel pregnant. I've just had this feeling since about 3 days ago that I was. I smell things more strongly, which only happens when I'm pregnant. Plus so many other things! Gonna drop off the kids @ church and go to the store for more tests! I'll post pics soon...hopefully I'm not crazy. :wacko:
Okay, took another dollar tree and got another faint line. Took another cheapie and see a line...took an answer and see a line in person but it's VERY faint and wont show up in any pictures. Damn it....this isn't help my psycho woman case! lol Here is a picture of the cheapie though.


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i see it post the answer pic to woman cant leave us hanging like that

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