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Here are my latest tests .. not with FMU


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Awe Amber.. sorry u didnt have luck this month... maybe u had a chemical??? with that many lines and on FRERs at that... it couldve been a chemical. How is the OPK's comin pam?? lol havent seen u post in a few days... must be busy doing the deed lol....keep it up girl! hahahaha!
oh yeah... ive bene moved up drasticall from my last ultrasound.. im now 15 weeks 1 day lol. due on march 25th, which i dont like AT ALL......... Its the 3 yr anniversary of my sons death/birth :( I have officially bene diagnosed with placenta abruption.. have to wait till im 18 weeks to get ANOTHER ultrasound.. and then they r going to determine if the baby will be able to survive, or if i have to go into the hospital and stay in bedrest for as long as possible to keep me pregnant for as long as they can :/ either way.. i KNEW from all my bleeding and from them changing the date to the date they did.. i knew something bad was going to happen :/ trying to keep my head up...but it doesnt look good AT ALL. its gotten way worse then it was a month ago (which they never freakin told me about till 2 days b4 this last ultrasound when i asked them why i was getting another ><). youd think with me being high risk theyd kepe on top of everythin and tell me everything.. but of course not, i got left out of the loop for a month on the fact that the baby inside of ME may die.... fuckin assholes.
EDIT: Okay ladies, I want there to be a thread where anyone can come chat about anything. Any issues or problems, pregnancy test related or not. Think you have an evap? Come ask! Have a :bfp: ? Let me give you a CONGRATS! Have some crazy off the wall question? This is the place! I'm excited to see lots of :bfp:, even if they are old them! Positive opk? post it! Awesome TTC/baby/pregnancy related story? Get to typing! lol Can't wait to here from you!

Okay ladies, according to FF I am only 4 dpo today. I'm hugely addicted to POAS so I bought a bunch of the pink Wondfo strips and this morning I used one. I knew I wasn't going to get anything...4 dpo is WAY to early! I don't know why I do this to myself. LOL Anyway...Shortly after taking the test I saw a very faint line. Anyone else see it? If it's just me and my eye line, it's's a disease I seem to have every month. :haha: The first 2 I took when it was still wet, the bottom was after it was dried. I'm assuming this is just a horrible evap. BUT I'm going to continue to test everyday up until AF shows or until I get that nice :bfp:

Just the kind of person to read my thread HCG and LH experiment :hugs:
Hey does anyone know anything about/have tried the First response fertility test??? I got a coupon for them with my pack of FRER's...

@waiting :hugs:
What?!!! how dare they do that!!! What lousy judgement call on their part. Wish you the best tho!!!!
My sister used one and it was very accurate! She's a baby-makin machine! I don't think it can detect problems like weak uterine lining or poor egg condition though. It pretty much just tells you if your body produces enough of the good hormones to release the eggs every month :) But I could be maybe Google knows better than me :)
It said it tells you if you have follicle stimulating horomone... FSH... So if its positive then you are indeed ovulating?
I don't think so, I mean I think the test is actually kind of useless. If I read correctly, FSH is responsible for the maturing follicles that hold the eggs. But I have heard of some women whose follicles mature, but then just re-absorb and never rupture. It's really kind of weird. BUT if you used that on CD3 and got a positive, then you would know that your eggs are at least maturing. Then if you get a positive OPK around O time then it's probably a REALLY good shot that you are ovulating :)
Daisy glad to here she got here and didn't just mess around! :thumbup:

marlamegs, I'm not really sure but I think I see something faint on your test. Fingers tightly crossed it gets darker!

waiting 4 bfp, almost halfway there!! yay!
Just wanted to past a picture of my positive opk. Its weird because I'm only on cycle day 11 and I have an average 35 day cycle. Crazy! I have been feeling odd lately, dizzy spells, food adversions...maybe related to ovulation? Who knows. Lol


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Did you have a normal period? I think you better get your BD on LOL!
Actually my period was strange this time around. Usually I have a medium to heavy period that lasts 4-5 days. This period was lite enough for me to wear a liner and no tampon, but this lite bleeding lasted about 8 days. Never had that happen before but I guess there is a first time for everything. Lol not sure this cycle is going to do it for us if im ovulating now. Can't bd now....SO tired!:dohh:

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