The Pregnant With One Under One Club!

Im nearly 6 weeks gone so LO will be about 19 month when this next one comes along, shes not a prob at the mo its my 4 year old that keeps wanting to 'do' stuff all the time, apparently 'going for a nice nap' isnt classed as 'doing' something :haha:
I have a 6 month old, ( almost 7 months) and am 5 weeks. We are so excited. I love the close spacings with my kids. 3 of my kids are exactly 18 months apart, and it is ideal IMO. they play well together and have common interests together. We had a 3 year spacing between my 4th and my baby and the gap is too big for my liking. I wish i had had them closer together.
This will be our 6 th and final baby. Hopefully everything will go well and it will be an easy pregnancy.
How are we all coping caring for a baby and being pregnant at the same time.

My LO is really testing just now and I'm so tired with this pregnancy it's unreal, apart from that I'm fine though, a bit moody and hormonal! xx

I'm doing okay so far! I have no symptoms though so ask me again in a few weeks!

Do you manage to nap at all during the day? X x
I have a 6 month old, ( almost 7 months) and am 5 weeks. We are so excited. I love the close spacings with my kids. 3 of my kids are exactly 18 months apart, and it is ideal IMO. they play well together and have common interests together. We had a 3 year spacing between my 4th and my baby and the gap is too big for my liking. I wish i had had them closer together.
This will be our 6 th and final baby. Hopefully everything will go well and it will be an easy pregnancy.

I'm glad to hear you like having the close age gap! How did you find having a newborn and a toddler?

X x
How are we all coping caring for a baby and being pregnant at the same time.

My LO is really testing just now and I'm so tired with this pregnancy it's unreal, apart from that I'm fine though, a bit moody and hormonal! xx

I'm doing okay so far! I have no symptoms though so ask me again in a few weeks!

Do you manage to nap at all during the day? X x

That's good!! I'm hoping I get let off without many symptoms, can't be dealing with them just now!

Not really, I have chronic insomnia so I try not to nap during the day! My LO only naps for 1 - 1.5hours in the morning now (she won't be napping by the time new baby comes :-( ) and I never seem to get round to going to bed :rofl:

I might head for an early bed tonight but I won't sleep anyway! xx
kudos to you ladies. I love my DS but am perfectly happy with him being almost three when our next LO comes.

Oops I just crashed the party :haha:

HH pregnancies to you all <3

EDIT: Since I can't delete posts on here please know this is part of my humor and meant to be taken as a joke....referring to the "crashed the party" since I have received it comment that someone thought it was strange.
I have a 6 month old, ( almost 7 months) and am 5 weeks. We are so excited. I love the close spacings with my kids. 3 of my kids are exactly 18 months apart, and it is ideal IMO. they play well together and have common interests together. We had a 3 year spacing between my 4th and my baby and the gap is too big for my liking. I wish i had had them closer together.
This will be our 6 th and final baby. Hopefully everything will go well and it will be an easy pregnancy.

I'm glad to hear you like having the close age gap! How did you find having a newborn and a toddler?

X x

it worked out great! My husband is a great dad and is willing to help with the kids at night, and during the day I am never bored! It takes some getting used to, but once you get the schedule down, it helps a lot!
For me as long as the kids are sleeping through the night, having just one child up to feed at night isnt as big a deal. my 6 month old is already sleeping 7-9 hours at night consistently, and so it makes a huge difference. He is a chunky happy baby and is very easy to care for. once he starts walking it is just a matter of keeping an eye on the baby gates like a hawk and making sure he is always in your sight.
When nursing a new born, you want to be sure your toddler is in the same room and occupied. Always know where your toddler is or you will find crayon scribbles on the wall:thumbup:

Truly though once the newborn is 3-4 months old it is much easier.... the first 3 months are HARD, and you dont sleep much, and having a 1 year old who needs your love and attention is difficult somedays, BUT it does get easier. by the time they are 3 and 4 though you LOVE that they can play together. if they are the same gender it makes clothes shopping much easier too!

My mother said I must love a good challenge... and I guess she is right, but I love staying at home with my kids... I wouldn't want to have it any other way!
I have had 3 in diapers at one point... and that was a LOT LOL ( I use cloth diapers) but my 3 year old just potty trained so I only have the baby in them now, so I think 2 in diapers is a good amount, because you have enough for a full wash every other day. Cloth is great when you have a lot of kids, and by the time you are expecting number 6.... poo doesnt gross you out any more LOL!:headspin:
Hi, I have a 4 1/2 month old (20 weeks) and am around 11 weeks pregnant again, will find out my due date on 1st December. I am so scared of being pregnant in the third trimester when she is seven to eight months old as I think it will be so hard and having a newborn and an only just one year old will be impossible but when they are a little bigger it will probably be fun :thumbup:

So far the only symptom I have is nausea in the mornings meaning its impossible to change my LOs dirty nappy and I have to get her dad to do it!! And I am absolutely exhausted. Doesn't help that my LO is teething and is up at 2,4,5 and 6 every night!!

Also I feel really embarrased telling people I am pregnant again incase they think I am stupid and I feel the need to explain that the condom split and the morning after pill failed! Terrified of telling work! I will be on maternity leave again 2-3 months after going back!
My little girls 5 months today and I'm 5 weeks pregnant. Think it's a good thing having them close together and was definately what i wanted. I'm lucky that my LO has slept through the night from 8 weeks old. I'm so shattered already, forgot how tiring pregnancy is! This is a good idea for a thread! Congratulations everyone! :flower: xx
mumJ18 - we are really close on ages of our wee ones - how mad!! When is you EDD? I'm still not really feeling pregnant (not that I'm complaining, as long as everything is ok I'm just glad not to be feeling sick) I got my scan date today for 21st December which is great cos I get to see my wee beanie just before Christmas.

Amzily don't worry about work - I'm off until the middle of April and no 2 is due in the middle of July, so I'll only be back about 2.5 months - work will cope without me ( and if they don't I'll be too busy to care!! Lol)

Baby05 - you are an inspiration - I'll be glad of any tips that you can give ! :)

Congratulations to all you ladies
How are we all coping caring for a baby and being pregnant at the same time.

My LO is really testing just now and I'm so tired with this pregnancy it's unreal, apart from that I'm fine though, a bit moody and hormonal! xx

I'm doing okay so far! I have no symptoms though so ask me again in a few weeks!

Do you manage to nap at all during the day? X x

That's good!! I'm hoping I get let off without many symptoms, can't be dealing with them just now!

Not really, I have chronic insomnia so I try not to nap during the day! My LO only naps for 1 - 1.5hours in the morning now (she won't be napping by the time new baby comes :-( ) and I never seem to get round to going to bed :rofl:

I might head for an early bed tonight but I won't sleep anyway! xx

Hope you managed to get a good sleep last night! I'm still waiting for some symptoms to show up. Not sure if I phoned the Early Pregnancy Unit they would scan me in case there's something wrong, what do you think?

I never even thought on my LO not napping when the new baby is here, doesn't look like I'll be getting a cheeky sleep during the day at all then. Oh well, I'm a woman and women cope :thumbup: xx

I have a 6 month old, ( almost 7 months) and am 5 weeks. We are so excited. I love the close spacings with my kids. 3 of my kids are exactly 18 months apart, and it is ideal IMO. they play well together and have common interests together. We had a 3 year spacing between my 4th and my baby and the gap is too big for my liking. I wish i had had them closer together.
This will be our 6 th and final baby. Hopefully everything will go well and it will be an easy pregnancy.

I'm glad to hear you like having the close age gap! How did you find having a newborn and a toddler?

X x

it worked out great! My husband is a great dad and is willing to help with the kids at night, and during the day I am never bored! It takes some getting used to, but once you get the schedule down, it helps a lot!
For me as long as the kids are sleeping through the night, having just one child up to feed at night isnt as big a deal. my 6 month old is already sleeping 7-9 hours at night consistently, and so it makes a huge difference. He is a chunky happy baby and is very easy to care for. once he starts walking it is just a matter of keeping an eye on the baby gates like a hawk and making sure he is always in your sight.
When nursing a new born, you want to be sure your toddler is in the same room and occupied. Always know where your toddler is or you will find crayon scribbles on the wall:thumbup:

Truly though once the newborn is 3-4 months old it is much easier.... the first 3 months are HARD, and you dont sleep much, and having a 1 year old who needs your love and attention is difficult somedays, BUT it does get easier. by the time they are 3 and 4 though you LOVE that they can play together. if they are the same gender it makes clothes shopping much easier too!

My mother said I must love a good challenge... and I guess she is right, but I love staying at home with my kids... I wouldn't want to have it any other way!
I have had 3 in diapers at one point... and that was a LOT LOL ( I use cloth diapers) but my 3 year old just potty trained so I only have the baby in them now, so I think 2 in diapers is a good amount, because you have enough for a full wash every other day. Cloth is great when you have a lot of kids, and by the time you are expecting number 6.... poo doesnt gross you out any more LOL!:headspin:

I think your going to be a great source of advice for us who are taking a first stab at this two under two malarchy. I'm also lucky to have a very helpful OH. You must do a LOT of washing!

Hi, I have a 4 1/2 month old (20 weeks) and am around 11 weeks pregnant again, will find out my due date on 1st December. I am so scared of being pregnant in the third trimester when she is seven to eight months old as I think it will be so hard and having a newborn and an only just one year old will be impossible but when they are a little bigger it will probably be fun :thumbup:

So far the only symptom I have is nausea in the mornings meaning its impossible to change my LOs dirty nappy and I have to get her dad to do it!! And I am absolutely exhausted. Doesn't help that my LO is teething and is up at 2,4,5 and 6 every night!!

Also I feel really embarrased telling people I am pregnant again incase they think I am stupid and I feel the need to explain that the condom split and the morning after pill failed! Terrified of telling work! I will be on maternity leave again 2-3 months after going back!

I saw your reply in my other thread, I'm not ignoring it I just thought I'd reply on here. I think your our winner so far! Lol. I know what you mean about telling people, I am dreading it. My partner and I are quite young and people weren't at all happy about us having our daughter so we'll see how they react this time around. I had prewarned my mum that we'd have another soon - it's just happened a little quicker than we had planned!

Mine is teething too and has a cold at the moment so between these we're up a lot. She doesnt' sleep through anyway though.

I'm missing out on maternity leave this time cos I'm too embarrassed to go back and say I'm pregnant again! xx

My little girls 5 months today and I'm 5 weeks pregnant. Think it's a good thing having them close together and was definately what i wanted. I'm lucky that my LO has slept through the night from 8 weeks old. I'm so shattered already, forgot how tiring pregnancy is! This is a good idea for a thread! Congratulations everyone! :flower: xx

Another very close one! You are lucky that your LO sleeps through, I think that will be a big help for you. Congratulations to you too and stick around :D xx

mumJ18 - we are really close on ages of our wee ones - how mad!! When is you EDD? I'm still not really feeling pregnant (not that I'm complaining, as long as everything is ok I'm just glad not to be feeling sick) I got my scan date today for 21st December which is great cos I get to see my wee beanie just before Christmas.

Amzily don't worry about work - I'm off until the middle of April and no 2 is due in the middle of July, so I'll only be back about 2.5 months - work will cope without me ( and if they don't I'll be too busy to care!! Lol)

Baby05 - you are an inspiration - I'll be glad of any tips that you can give ! :)

Congratulations to all you ladies

I don't know my EDD yet! Can't remember exact date of last period - I know it's July though which I think will be a lovely time to have a baby. I want to go for a scan now to check everything okay cos I don't have one symptom :(

Hope the next one does too! Everyone says, 'you won't get a baby like that again'. Fingers crossed I do. I've told close family and friends but can already hear what people are going to say when they find out, but it doesnt matter it's our lives aye xx

I swear I look like I have a tiny little bump already, I'm only around five weeks though. Hmm xx
I found out last week I'm pregnant. Wasn't planned am in shock! I have twins who are 8 months old...struggling to look after them with constant morning sickness. blurgh!
I found out last week I'm pregnant. Wasn't planned am in shock! I have twins who are 8 months old...struggling to look after them with constant morning sickness. blurgh!

Wow! How far on are you?
Well congratulations :D
How are you feeling about having three under two?
I am feeling very mixed. I hope people don't mind me being honest on here but I am feeling very strange and emotional lol. It's going to be life changing and I thought our little family was complete! i worry about one being left out, how we'll cope, how my relationship will do, how we'll cope financially, my work comittments being self employed - this baby will be coming mid july at a busy busy time, I feel a bit embarrassed to tell people lol not that it matters what people think but it has crossed my mind! At the moment looking after the twins with my ms is my main concern at the moment!
On the plus I get another beautiful baby, I get to hopefully have a better experience carrying it to term rather than my twins that came 3 months early and spent 7 weeks in hospital. I might get a chance to breast feed etc
It sounds like you had a tough time with your twins. Three months early - I just can't imagine how difficult that must have been for you. I'm sure this time will be a much more positive experience for you.

It's hard not to think of what others will say I know! xx

I swear I look like I have a tiny little bump already, I'm only around five weeks though. Hmm xx

Me too! I've still got a little bit of excess skin from last baby though so not as obvious as it was the first time xx

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