The Really Useful TCM Thread

Hey Reba, don't give up on it; as Ruby said to minimin, it's normal for it to take 3-6 months. There's no reason it won't work for you. You're in the same situation as me, in that we both left it a long time (14 months for me) before starting TCM, so we have all the backed-up desperation on top of a normal wait of a few months for the needles etc to work their magic. There's no reason it won't work for you. I suspect you may have got into the same mindset as me, where you almost don't believe it can happen to you. Things will change for both of us!
Remind me, do you have the Randine Lewis book? What are you diagnoses from your practitioner?

Another thing that can impact egg quality is taking too many painkillers (ibuprofen is supposed to be bad). I used to pop probably 6 ibuprofen during AF and since I read that they could impact egg quality I try not to take anything unless I'm absolutely miserable, and then I take tylenol (acetaminophen) instead of ibuprofen.

According to my fertility specialists my eggs were not maturing properly before ovulation and my lining was quite thin. I was ovulating (confirmed with bbt) but the eggs were likely not viable. The dr did an egg quality test (day 3 test) and it came back just fine (I'm 32) so he determined that most likely my hormone levels were off. He prescribed Clomid this cycle and at my ultrasound on cd 15 I had a good sized follicle and a nice thick lining. I'm sure the Clomid helped with the egg size but the thick lining was most likely from the acupuncture.

So I guess that's my long winded way of saying you could very well have a problem with your follicular phase. Acupuncture may be able to help but don't be surprised if your dr wants you to try Clomid or some other fertility drug. I started acupuncture so I wouldn't have to take those harsh drugs, but I was desperate and wanted to maximize my chances.

Best of luck honey!
Hey Reba, don't give up on it; as Ruby said to minimin, it's normal for it to take 3-6 months. There's no reason it won't work for you. You're in the same situation as me, in that we both left it a long time (14 months for me) before starting TCM, so we have all the backed-up desperation on top of a normal wait of a few months for the needles etc to work their magic. There's no reason it won't work for you. I suspect you may have got into the same mindset as me, where you almost don't believe it can happen to you. Things will change for both of us!
Remind me, do you have the Randine Lewis book? What are you diagnoses from your practitioner?

Hi Abi - I know its hard - i dont want to give up but as you say I just cant imagine it ever happening for me. I know I need to give it another few months at least, after all the spotting has been going on for years and years so it will prob take a while to rectify itself.... but the waiting is killing me!

Yes I have the book and according to that i have nearly every problem.... but mainly Kidney Yang Deficiency with spleen Qi def and a few others like Blood Statis and cold uterus. I think my Pract said I had kidney yang and spleen deficiency - must confirm that with her on Monday (my 9th session).

I started Well Woman tablets at the weekend and got DH Wellman (thankfully he agreed to take them). I might invest in Bee pollen too and maybe some other things as suggested in the Radine Lewis book - at this stage I'd try anything (was contimplating Soy Iso tablets too but might leave them.....). I wish I could just relax and say who cares if I dont have a baby for another 3 years but I cant - i just feel like everyone is passing me by (my sisters, my cousins, my friends, even my niece - they are all having babies and by the time I have kids their kids will be 10 years old and have no cousins to play with...... i think Im more stressed than I let on to be honest. I need a 2 month holiday in the sun and forget about the TTC carry on for a while - wish i had the cash to do that......
Hey Reba, what you say about the way you feel sounds just like me. I know I'm very, very lucky to have had #1 already, but I still feel utter desperation about #2.
I can't remember what dietary guidelines you're following so far, but I'm following a lot of the guidelines in the book - wheat and dairy have gone (except milk in my tea and butter on toast; eating mainly rye bread, which I really like), along with sugar (as much as I can - am instead using honey and agave nectar). Also not having white rice (processed), cold drinks (except for the odd bit to take my supplements, and my chocolate flavour soya milk - drinking hot drinks, including water, all the time), not drinking much alcohol; not having spinach (cooling); not having caffeine (drinking decaf or herbal tea and have found a coffee substitute called No-Caf, as coffee's very volatile and not a good idea even when decaf); trying to have lots of spicy food - using cumin, cinnamon, curry, chilli etc (tricky when my OH is having to avoid spicy food to help get rid of his psoriasis, caused by excess heat!); given up fruit juice and just having pieces of fruit, except the ones that are supposed to be "cold".

Supplement-wise, I'm having:

Wheatgrass (30 sachets of Urban wheatgrass cost £20 and I have one a day - supposed to be very good for fertility as it helps reduce acid levels in the body to make the womb a friendlier environment - the better it tastes, the more alkaline your body. I'm sure it'd work if you had one sachet every other day - I certainly think it's helpful. Recommended by Randine.
Spirulina - full of essential minerals and amino acids - another one recommended by RL.
Pregnacare Conception - I was using pregnacare but switched tpo the conception one becaus it contains l-arginine, which RL recommends taking.
B-100 vitamin B complex - I ummed and aaahed about continuing with it as it hadn't done anything for me, but then decided it wa a good idea to have the B-vits if I'm off dairy.

I use a hot wheat bag/ hot water bottle every day (tummy pre-ov, back post-ov). I think my uterus has warmed up now - doesn't feel colder to the touch than the area above my tummy button any more - but am still doing it for my kidneys. I also think my feet might be feeling warmer now, although it's difficult to tell, with the weather warming up.

I think giving up the dairy did a hell of a job for me - I'd had a horribly runny nose and cold-like symptoms for ages and now hteyv'e gone (it's great to have a symptom like that, which goes so obviously!). It helps that Quing's told me my spleen seems better now.

If you follow the dietary guidelines you'll find they really help, I think.

The thing about ttc is that it's a big decision to make about something that is fundamental to human existence and , really, is what we're built to do. Once you've started trying you just can't "not be bothered about it" and you can very quickly feel that your body just doesn't work properly. It will sort you out and help you to have the baby you're longing for.

In the meantime we just have to keep reminding each other, all of us, that this is the case. We also need to help each other cope under the barrage of good news about friend and family pregnancies, because it can be very difficult not to feel slightly antagonistic about it sometimes.

We've just got to keep it together! (Easier said than done, we all know).

On another subject, my OH did his sperm test the other night (it checks your count and motility and gives you a positive or negative result - and degrees of this - depending on both factors. He was about mid-way through the positive test results (it's a colour-matching exercise at the end, measuring your dyed sperm sample against a colour card). Figured he would be OK, but at least we know that now.

Abi x
Thanks Abster! :hugs: back to you and what an inspiring post :flower:
I'm looking for that strength- I passed my sac at the EPU- They confirmed I had passed the sac- I saw it and thought I had passed it and took it to the nurse. I asked them to test it but they wont-(say there is no need as a b/o means chromosomal abnormalities??) anyway they wont do anything for 6 weeks- wait to see if I pass the rest and in 6 weeks make sure everything is ok. I am emotionally and physically tired and will post more tomorrow :cry:
I am ok- medium/heavy bleeding and pain- but ok. Am so sorry to put this on you ladies.......................
Reba - i'm so sorry you're feeling so low about things. however things seem at the moment they will get better. to use some eastern philosophy nothing lasts forever, and that includes the crappy stuff. life a is constantly moving cycle of ups and downs. i know it might seem like one big down for you right now....:hugs: i also understand the money aspect of it all. i'm training as a homeopath and at the moment most the cash i would normally be saving towards paying my tuition is going on acu. but, i've made a decision to follow this route for a while (possibily even a year) and see where it gets me.

9th session of acu yesterday. as i was 6dpo she only used a few needles - one between my eyes, on each on the backs of my feet and outside of my ankles. couple of in-outs on wrists and inner arms. i fell asleep for a good 30mins during it all. my energy levels have been quite low and i keep getting breathless when doing anything active (including walking upstairs)....i mentioned this to her and said that, along with a stuffy nose and general aches made me feel like i was brewing something. she had a good feel of my pulses and said there was nothing in them that suggested a virus or the like was lurking. i figure its prob just me unwinding as its the hols (the only advantage of being a teacher!!!!) she also thinks the late ov this month compared to last month is prob a delayed reaction to all the stress that was going on during the previous cycle, which would make sense. she is also pleased with my charts which show my temps post ov being nice and settled, not erratic, and with a good, big thermal shift at ov. at least this phase of my cycle seems to be good! if only i could sort out the follicular phase.....!

anyway, no acu next week as she is on holiday - although i am to call her if anything happens on the bfp front. i'm not holding my breath on this one though!

minimin - :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hi All

Minimin - Im really sorry to hear about your loss - it must be pretty hard for you. :hugs:

Rubyloo - thats good the temps are not erratic - hope you get some good news this month.

Abi - I havent changed my diet too much to be honest. I think thats one thing i might need to do. Its just that I never thought my diet was that bad - i eat about 2-3 fruit per day (not every day but 5 out of 7), i eat 2-3 veg per day too. I probably have too much bread and milk though which i will cut down. Will get rye bread and rice milk this week and have that. I would have cereal most mornings and have lots of milk in that so should cut it out.

I just started the Wellwoman tablets and have been taking folic acid for about 6 years now (my sister is a trained midwife and got me on them a long time ago). I was taking EPO (up to Ov) and flaxseed after Ov and Bvits last year but no joy with either of those so gave up. I think I will go to the health food shop this eve and get some Royal Jelly, Spirinula and Wheat grass (if i can afford it) - its all very expensive this TTC malarky.

I am more positive today again - just go through phases - im gonna try to not think too much about ovulation days etc and just DTD with DH when I feel like it and enjoy it more instead of it being a chore (it can get that way after 28 months)!

Hope everyone else is doing well??
Well i just call the DR to make sure a letter had been sent to the FS requesting a HSG and the receptionist said the letter went to them on the 22nd March but that she would call the FS to make sure they received it and to see how long the wait was. She just called me back to say they received it but that there is a back log (must be lot of women in NI with the same problems as me) and that the waiting list is 21 weeks...... :growlmad: ..... thats mental - i cant believe its that long. I really hope they look at my file and bump me up on the list cos ive been trying for so long... Nightmare - oh well I guess the acupuncture will have to continue for another while yet - id love to get a BFP before then but what are the chances... slim to none! pissed off now! :growlmad: :nope: :growlmad: :nope: :growlmad:
hi girls! mind if i join you? i'm not getting acupuncture (YET! still trying to find someone..) but i am taking herbs, maca/redraspberry and femaprin. thought about royal jelly too, i'm just unsure about how much to introduce to my body at one time.
abster, what you've said about a cold uterus/cold feet is really interesting.. my whole family calls me frog toes because the circulation in my feet is so bad, my feet are always freezing.. maybe that's a problem with me too!
hope y'all are doing well :hugs:
Hi Mamaxm :flower:

I just started Royal Jelly and Spirulina today - taking some chinese herbs too and Well woman tablets. I thought the same about taking too many things but Im so fed up and desperate at this stage I'd try anything. :wacko:

Hope you find an acupuncturist soon - its really relaxing. :thumbup:
Hey ladies :wave:

Like you reba- I am ready to try anything. I told DH if I have to hang off the Eiffel Tower with just my knickers on I will do it :thumbup:

So I found this acupuncturist- a guy recommend by DH's friend who know someone who couldnt get past 7 weeks pregnancy and now she is 15 weeks!

I spoke to the guy and he is seeing me tomorrow.

For those ladies in London- He is based in ARCHWAY- pm me if you want to know.

I looked at his website and he runs a clinic there which looks fantastic. Charges £60 for tomorrows consultation.
So I told him my history and he will probably go over it tomorrow. He said as I am miscarrying we should work on my Kidney energy as it is probably low. He asked when we would ttc again and I said as soon as poss so he said to come in asap to sort Kidney energy out. I am rather excited about seeing him as I feel as if I am finally getting some decent help.

are there any questions or things I should ask him?
You're very welcome to join us mamaxm! The more the merrier. Check out Randine Lewis's book, The Infertility Cure (I got a very cheap copy 2nd-hand on amazon) - a wonderful intro to TCM and would also help you to find out what's going on with you as it contains a very comprehensive questionnaire. Full of dietary info too, so even if you don't[ find somebidy soon you coudl start doing all sorts to help yourself. Good luck! Hope to see you on here often.

Reba, you sound more positive today - the black moods can hit like a train, can't they? I really recommend the dietary changes; they'd help you no end. I have soya milk light ( the alpro one really lovely, not sweetened like the others). I have some rice milk, but haven't got round to trying it yet. Fingers crossed that you notice the difference very soon, I'm sure it's helped me a lot.
Sorry about the huge queue of people waiting for treatment - like you say, fingers crossed you won't need it!

Minimim, you sound more upbeat today. Really pleased to hear you've found a practitioner. Hope you really enjoy it - I love it and I'm sure it'll help you. The Randine Lewis book I mentioned earlier is wonderful - it has a chapter in it about recurrent miscarriage and why it can happen / how TCM helps. I've learnt loads from reading through it/dipping into it. Want ot hear about your first session straight away!

Ruby, great news about your temps! Mine seem to have levelled out a lot this month too (might help that few are missing, but let's look in the bright side, eh?!).

My own bit of good news is that today, CD11, I have ewcm! Woohoo! Small steps, I know, but better than nothing. Girls, we're all getting there :hugs:

Jojo-M, where are you? You seem to have disappeared. Hope everything's OK :hugs:

Abi x
Quing seemed pleased with my chart, despite the holes - #1's been ill with a cold the last few days so the nights haven't had more than 3 consecutive hours of sleep in them! I've been puttign tea tree oil on my chest twice a day, to avoid catching it from her.

Started off on my front with the usual 2 needles in my scalp, a few in my lower back and one in the top, for my immune system. Also had a few in-and-outs in my upper and lower back. The heat on my back was just beautiful.

Once on my back, I had 3 needles in my abdomen (ovaries and uterus) - very heavy ones - loads in my legs and 2 by my thumbs as well, after a little while.
Heat on my tummy.

Hadn't had the ewcm at this point, but Quing's got all geared up for ovulation with a new lot of herbs for me, which are cooking as I type. I have the seeds in my right ear again and am feeling hopeful. I told her about my lack of sex drive a couple of weeks ago and she told me today to to try to really enjoy it (if I'm honest, I really could make more of an effort to enjoy it. If she believes it'll help, that's good enough for me! I'll have to start thinking about it now, to get myself worked up for later :blush::haha:).

Lots of love - and enjoy the weather, if you have the beautiful weather we're getting where I am.
Abi x
Morning Ladies,

How was the weekend for you all? The weather was amazing - so I topped up on some Vitamin D... :coolio:

Minimin - I laughed when I read the Eiffel Tower bit - I'd do the same myself if it would get me a BFP! :haha:

Abi - yeah im alot more positive the past few days - I was just going through the usual monthly moods! Trying to stay positive and think well if it doesnt happen this month who cares and just relax and move onto next month. Tying to not think too much about ov dates etc (easier said than done though). I know what you mean too about the sex - it can turn into a bit of a chore but im trying to think the same and enjoy it and forget that the little swimmers need to be making their way to my egg etc etc..... I will get pregnant some day - i have a good 8 years left in me!!! I could have 5 kids in that space of time.... 2 or 3 would do though!

Well Im CD 10 I think - 6-7 days to OV...... Ive been taking royal jelly, spirulina, chinese tablets, herbs & wellwoman. I also have cut out the dairy (just started today), having Alpro Soya milk on tea and cereal. Gonna get rye bread also and cut the wheat out too (if i can). Gonna try to lose a few lbs too - could do with shifting 7lbs (1 stone would be great but would be happy with 7-10lbs) so gonna start count points Weight Watchers style! Gonna go for a walk every day too and get a bit more active (especially in this weather)! Ive also been soaking my feet everynight in hot water and using a hot water bottle on belly.

9th Acup session this evening so will update on that tomorrow.
Hey ladies! How are you all doing?
Sorry I didnt get to update my first Acu session...Have come to my Mum's for the week and my niece and nephew are keeping me entertained to say the least...

Ok so get yourselves a :coffee: before starting this...:blush:

So the acu guy took my pulse- noted he used three fingers and read both left and right side. Looked at my tongue but didnt say anything (I forgot to mention I scrap my tongue daily- will do at next session). He asked about general health (fine) periods (fine) and MC currently going through (which isnt too heavy and painful now I have passed the main tissue and clots) He asked about stress (low- other than ttc) and PMS symptoms (moderate)

He has diagnosed me with a Kidney energy deficiency (Didnt specify Yang or yin) and did some acupuncture. He placed needles near my inner ankle. side of my knees on lower leg and upper side of my knee beginning near my thigh- my left one was a strong point and I would feel it more- I felt a line of 'electricity' down my leg to my foot. He placed three in a line going down from my mid-line at my navel and then one in the web of skin between each thumb and index finger--he said the point on my right side was very strong and I felt as if I was getting a little electric shock from that needle to my right index finger. He also placed needles at the crevice of my elbow on the inner side. Then he placed a heated lamp over my abdomen and left me for about 40 minutes. All points were on my front. He wants to see me again in a week to see how I am getting on and then two weeks thereafter until we conceive after which it will be weekly until I am 12 weeks. I did note that the strong points left tingling for a while after and in the evening my left hand and arm where really tingly and felt rather weak. I had the same feeling up to my upper shoulder and it all went by morning :shrug:

He gave me four bottles of herbal tablets. They are in Chinese so I can not make head nor tail of them :(. They are all round and black with one set being slightly bigger than the others. Two of them also taste rather rank :( To be taken twice a day. Does anyone have any idea what they could be out of interest. I will ask this week when I go though- nosy ole me. He said the herbs will probably change as the sessions go on.

He has advised us not to ttc again until three months to allow my body energy to go up. he suggested doing something more than Yoga so I sweat- though I will be sweating with Hot yoga which I plan to hit with a vengenance once I have stopped bleeding. He suggested jogging, swimming and walks.

I have to not have too much ginger and chilly hot foods- also suggested fish but I am a veggie so I dont really want to go down that route but will if I have no change in a few weeks.
DH is going to get his swimmers checked and is possibly going to start acu too. But I am sick of trying to get him to do something constructive about ttc. argghh

Phew- long post- I hope you didnt fall asleep for the length of it. Comments are welcome as I have no clue what points he stimulated or the pills I am taking. All I know is they're tons of them and I should rattle if shaken! I have been given qualitative measurements of half a cap full or 2/3rds of a cap full so hope I am taking the right amounts

Thanks for reading :)
Hi Minimin - is there a name on the tablets you are taking (written in English - not chinese)...and when I say english i mean using the alphabet not the chinese symbols?? I was taking small black tablets called Nuan Gong Yun Zi Wan for the first few weeks and have move to a differnet batch now (cant rem the name of them though). I just typed the name into the internet and got an explanation for what they were - the current onces are to warm the uterus I think....
hi all....

abs, have to agree about the amazing weather - bit cooler today but glorious sun again! good also to hear about your EWCM. watched 'the great sperm race' yesterday on youtube....EWCM literally acts as a ladder for the little spermies to 'climb' up to your cervix so this is just brill...

minimin - very pleased to hear your acu session went well. do take all the advice which is given!

reba, hope you're doing ok too.

oh, and on a final note lookes like i might have a bean in residence.........but v.early days so just holding on.....:cloud9:
OMG Rubyloo - thats fantastic :happydance: - how, what, when... tell us all!
Rubyloo :wohoo:!!!!!! Fantastic news. Did you do a hpt? :yipee:

RebaRezella- I have nothing in English on the bottles!!!! other than the number 60! I will have to ask when I go there. He may have given me something to help with clearing my uterus out as I m/c last week. I am still bleeding but not very heavy- still red but there. With my last MC I didnt bleed as long so maybe this time he is making sure it is 'cleaned" out as much as possible. My DH was with me last time and as we were in a rush to get out fo the clinic I didnt have time to ask him much but rest assured I will be the next time I go!

p.s all the pills look the same- except some are smaller. :shrug:


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