The Really Useful TCM Thread

Rubyloo - (very cautiously, of course - it's a very quiet happy dance they're doing!) :happydance::happydance:. Fingers crossed for you, lovely :hugs:

I've heard of the great sperm race, but not seen it. I found on saturday night that ythinking about sex for a while beforehand worked really well (maybe this explains why men, who allegedly think about sex every 10 seconds or so, are known to describe evern rubbish sex as great sex?!!). Ewcm seems to have kicked in properly now, so roll on tonight (get thinking, Abs!).

Glad you've been feeling more positive again over the last few days, Reba. I know what you mean about your outlook. Sometimes I know that I'll obviously be pregnant again one day and there's no need ot worry - I'm doin all the right things, blah blah. Other days, I'll get a flash of knowing that it's going to happen for everybody else but never again for me, and the easiest way to describe the feeling I get is abject terror/misery. Just got to stick with the positive thoughts, becasue we know they're right. Easier said than done, but very true. In 8 years you could well have 3 kids - the thing to remember is that although TCM can take a while to work it's magic, as it's not a quick fix, in all probability once your body's been brought back into balance and you've had your first TCM baby you'll have no issues falling pregnant with more with no help from anybody at all.
You've def done the right thing, cutting out those foods. Should help you even more. You may well find that cutting out the wheat and dairy and walking more will see some weight drop off you. I'm having gluten-free pasta instead of normal - taste-wise there's very little difference.

Hey Minimim, great acu write-up! The tablet names will be on the bottle sides in both chinese and western alphabet. Sounds to ma like you have a kidney yin deficiency, if you're being told to avoid ginger and spicy foods - with a kidney yang deficiency you're advised to have more of them and avoid cold/cooling foods. (Yin is the colder, pre-ov energy and yang is the warmer post-ov energy and if they are in balance you'll produce the right amounts of oestrogen and progesterone and ov will occur pretty much in the middle of your cycle). Do you ov early and have a long post-ov (luteal) phase? I can't recommedn the RAndine Lewis book, The Infertility Cure highly enough - she explains each imbalance very clearly and goes into great detail about dietary dos and don'ts for each issue you may have.
Self-help ideas in a nutshell (from Randine, not my guesswork!):
Kidney essence deficiency (this covers both yin and yang deficiencies):
Do not have caffeine or energy drinks
AVoid alcohol
Take rest and relaxation time each day
Don't smoke
Eat as mush as possible of: black beans and legumes, kelp, parsley, spirulina, chlorella, blue-green algae, wheatgerm, wheatgrass, string beans, mulberry, millet, tofu, raspberries, walnuts, wild rice, chestnuts, black sesame seeds, lycium fruit, adzuki beans, yams, gelatin, corn.

Kidney yin deficiency
A diet for kidney yin deficiency requires:
wheat and wheatgerm, bulgur, tofu, millet, barley, rice, amaranth
asparagu, black beans, kidney beans, red beans, string beans, mung beans, peas and chickpeas, bean sprouts, aubergine,
seaweed, chlorella and spirulina
fruit - apples, bananas, raspberries, blackberries, grapes, lemons, mangoes, mulberries, melons, pineapple

Avoid use of dry, pungent, acrid spices (pepper, curry, horseradish etc)

Increase use of soy adn flaxseed oil
Don't overexercise - too much physical exertion depletes yin
Don't take saunas or do bikram yoga - excess heat may further deplete yin.

Hope this helps. I'm veggie too - don't feel the need to start having fish as the dietary changes you can make without it will make a big difference (I've missed out recommendations for meat and fish as we're both veggie).

Keep in mind that the average you shoudl expect to wait for TCM to work for you is 3-6 months - and Randine recommends to some of her patients that they stop TTC for 3 months to let the body heal. It makes a lot of sense to give your body a break when you've had such an awful time TTC.
Bu thte book! It's awesome (no, in case you were wondering, I'm not Randine Lewis!).

I have needles above my ankle bones on the inside, but there's aoint for the and on my lower legs, but not on my knees - which tells me again that yours seems to be your kidney yin. Quing started off by telling me i just had weak kidneys, but once I had the book ( she recommedned it, to teach me more that she can explain) and sked her more questions, she told me more. I always have them in my thumb skin flaps - and yes, theyr'e very strong points!

Abi x
Reba...just been feeling a bit off for the last couple of days. i have been refusing to symptom spot but two things which stand out were finding my fave fruit (grapes) tasted sour, bitter and horrible - although according to DH and my mum they were lovely and sweet (go figure!!!) and being completely out of breath when doing ANYTHING vaguely active. woke up this morning with a strange and very strong desire to POAS!!! i promised myself i was going to wait so as not to a) waste money and b) have to cope with another bfn...

i am 11 dpo. + on an Asda cheap and cheerful followed by instant + on a FRER. neither of them were FMU! just in a bit of a panic now as af isn't due until absolute shock. it took me 40 days to ovulate.... that's positively biblical! lots of really good EWCM this cycle (as with last) and i know for sure its because of the acu. oh, i just hope it sticks....[-o<

and, abi, thanks x
Rubyloo! I hope the :witch: stays away! But two positives on FMU is fantastic. One of my first signs for all 3 of my pregnancies was tiredness! If you are expecting AF in a few days and getting + that is also a good sign hun. Fxd for you!! Stick beanie STICK!!!!!

Abster- I got Dr Randine book back in January and implimented some things from it. I also re- read the recurrent MC pages as you reminded me the other day. Infact I have come to spend quality time with my niece and nephew and want to bury my head in the book again! LOL.
My cycles are spot on 29-31 days. I monitor my CM, BBT, use the Clearblue Fertility monitor so I know when I ovulate pretty spot on. I am normally around 14/15/16 so have a good 14 days LP. My post pregnancy BBT was high and I think my progesterone was also good for my last pregnancy before we realised it was a blighted ovum.

The Book questionnaire told me my Kidney Yang was deficient so I increased warming foods and kept my uterus warm etc. But the TCM doc is telling me otherwise. I think it is becuase when I did the Book questionnaire it was back in Dec/Jan and this time I am MC. I do hope he makes the MC faster as I am now on D8 of bleeding and am fed up of my constant reminder- My EP date is the wednesday-also my birthday so I am torn up to pieces as it is :cry:

I have incorporated some things in my diet but need to get some Corella, Seaweed, Spirulina (tablet vs powder?) Wheatgrass (fresh vs. juice?) and Royal Jelly (Tablets or natural?)

The only problem with all is I am going to a Hot Yoga course in May- I have paid and everything as I want to teach Hot Yoga- I will have to talk to the TCM guy as it may be a problem and I will have to be careful. Though the place wil be about 25C I dont think it is like Bikram yoga. He did say to exercise until I sweat! :shrug:

Well I am excited to see what happens (hence the mammoth posts :sorry: ) I hope to calm down about it soon.

Thanks again ladies :)
Rubyloo!!!!!! OMG this is fantastic!! Who said coeliacs were infertile huh??!!

When would be your due date, we must be close together?? EDD 10/12/10

Will catch up on veryones posts soon, just couldnt stop without saying congrats!!
laummatt!!! ta hon! if it sticks and FF is correct then i'm due 23/12/10 - don't know what to think really. it feels like its been such a bumpy journey just getting to this point that i don't want to get too excited in case something goes wrong. this place has been my absolute rock and i'm going to be hanging around for a while yet!

Rubyloo, yeah!!! I know it's still early, but you've crossed that first hurdle honey, you got a BFP and that in itself is something to celebrate like crazy!! I'll be thinking of you and hoping for a happy and healthy 9 mos. Stick little beanie stick!
Hey Minimin, wish I'd rememberedcd yo already had the book - do I go on a bit? I know what you mean about the book - I just wanted to bury myself in it, especially when I first bought it. It's very reassuring, don't you find?
Hmm, maybe it's a bad idea to be having your usual warming food whilst you're miscarrying, like you say. I really doubt that your prac would come up with a different diagnosis to Randine (and it 's not like the symptoms of yin/yang are similar, is it?). All should become clear this week, I'd imagine.
How're you doing now? Is the bleeding calming down? Do you feel you're beginning to cope with it and deal with what's happened? Hope so. Sorry if I'm beign really intrusive. I've never had to deal with what you're going through, luckily, so I dont' know how I'd begin to deal with it. Hope you're doing as well as you possibly can. I think about you quite a bit. Maybe a three-month break from TTC will be absolute bliss, just concentrating on making your body better. Spoil yourself as much as you can on a TCM diet (friday is now take-away curry night in our house - lots of spices, lentils, chick peas, potatoes and poppafdoms - yum!). :hugs: If you are Yang deficient, which you certainly seem to be, the hot yoga shouldn't be a problem, so fingers crossed!

Ruby, Laummatt, how're you both coping up on cloud 9?! Talk about emotional rollercoaster - you 2 were convinced this cycle was duff! THrilled for you both.
I know what you mean about the girls on this thread, Rubes. I've given up on my journal and have just a few journals of other people that I follow, mainly just reading them to be honest. This is the only thread I contribute to on a daily basis and it's just wonderful to see something I believe in so strongly working so well for my friends. I'm always disappointed when I go to my control panel and there've been no new TCM updates.

Hey Bernina, seems like ages since you last posted (athough it probably isn't) - how're you doing?

That's about it for the mo.
My temsp have gone back to normal now - I had 3 days of high temps whilst I was fighting off a sore throat/cold which never really happened - #1 had it properly. I kept putting tea-tree oil on my chest and doign steam inhalations and it worked. Hurrah! Last thing I need is another full-blown cold pre-ov :dohh: I've been a bit snotty in the mornings, like I was when my spleen was bad (coudln't do my yoga this morning) - trying not to panic that it's becomig a problem again.

Abi x
Hey Abi,
No worries on not remembering :) It is actually useful as you remember things I have forgotten so i go back and re- read. It is so full of information it is hard to remember all.
It will be interesting to see how this weeks differs. I am quite excited. I will also mention things I forgot last time- better make a list :(

I am better- The bleeding is just a constant reminder and I want it over with. Yesterday was hardly any spotting so I hope I am going to be clear from now on. I am still wary as I ahd some clear mornings but bleeding later in the evening on some days.

It is hard to deal with but somehow you do. I know on the outside it seems so hard but something inside just makes you deal with it. I am pretty stubborn and strong headed and though at first this time I said I am not going through this again- there is no way I am letting this beat me. As soon as I felt better (2-3 days) I looked into other things to help me get pregnant and STAY pregnant. I have so many things I am doing now- feel like my whole life is all about Pregnant- looking up pregnant things- reading pregnant things-so consuming!

I hate that a cold/impending cold mess' our BBT up- I had two the last cycle and bloody sinus infection at the end which I am taking antibiotics for atm. Your teatree oil treatment worked well..I must remember that one :)

On another note- taking these pills is tiring! I feel like I am having so many!
Are you all still taking prenates as well. Seems like I pop pills all day and having never really taken anything it is all so strange.

Rubyloo- once again- CONGRATS! Hope your doing well.

did a CB digi this morning and got 'pregnant 1-2 weeks'! eeeek!

abs, i really get what you said about this cycle being a complete emotional was only a couple of acu sessions ago that i was sobbing uncontrollably about my lack of ov and this whole damned ttc business. ironic all things considered! i know KONW that its acu i've got to thank for this though. i followed all the advice i was given to the letter and, although this last cycle has been a bit of a mare, i have felt physically much stronger and much more healthy. i've been taking all my suppliments, eating well and getting lots of rest. DH and i also enjoyed some good sex around ov as opposed to the frantic 'quick give me your sperm NOW' approach!!!! :blush: i intend to lurk here until i get to, at least, the first trimester. i want to keep up with everyone's stories....

minimin, i agree with abs about the chance to rest up and give your body the time it needs to heal. from a homeopathic perspective the emotional impact of your situation will probably have a deeper effect than the physical side of things - might i recomend you try and get hold of some ignatia (30c or 200c). it can be ordered direct from Helios and will really help you start to heal on this level too. its fine to be used in congunction with acu btw.

Reba - how goes it?

bernina - what news lady?

gotta dash...hungry (again) ! x
Morning All,

Minimin - Hope the spotting has stopped for you - what your going through must be hard. I would try to stop TTC for a few months (but I know thats easier said than done cos its time wasted but in the long run it might be good for you physically and emotionally). :flower: . Im still taking prenatals along with the chinese medicine - currently taking wellwoman tablets, royal jelly (tablets), Spirulina (tablets), Chinese tablets and chinese powdered drink!

Abi - are you sure your not Radine Lewis in disguise???

Rubyloo - What a nice Christmas present your gonna get this year :happydance:

And how is everyone else getting on????

Well i have my sister and her 2 kids visiting on Thursday for a few days so the :sex: might be out the window - which in a way im glad cos I dont Ov til Sunday and my sis should be leaving on Sat so it will give DH a chance to build up his sperm reserve for me!!! And Abi i must try the whole thinking about sex for a while beforehand and see if that gets my juices flowing (so to speak!! TMI).

Other than that nothing else to report from me.
Oh Sorry forgot to post that I had my 9th Acup session last night. I told her about the spotting arriving again and the painful period. She was a bit concerned but didnt do anythig different or give me any differnet pills. SHe just put the needles in the usual places - head, between eyes, thumb skin area, belly (with heat lamp), legs, ankles & feet. And she left me for what seemed like 2 hrs but it was only 1hr (but 10mins over the usualy session). I totally konked out cos I was V tired after the weekend. I woke up and my mouth was all dry and eyes stuck together - it was nice though having an evening nap.... Of course I couldnt sleep last night because of it.

okay must make a cup of tea!
Rubyloo- Thanks for the ignatia tip- I have never heard of it so will check it out. Congrats on your clear 1-2 pregnant! Cant get clearer than that :hugs:

Reba- I agree waiting to ttc is a good idea. I am emotionally knackered let alone physically! I think at least two months as the first will be the one after this MC, the next I am in Morocco for two weeks so DH will have to fly in or we miss it LOL. And that takes me to June. Perhaps then one more month wont feel too bad. Three sounds too long atm. :(

Spotting has stopped so far this morning Fxd!

Reba- your falling asleep has made me feel better- I almost did at my first session but just about stopped myself LOL
.... pops head in the door ... can I join this thread ... :hi: :flower:

I have recently started acupuncture - due to have my 4th session this week (weekly sessions) .. so far its been a relaxing and interesting experience!

Me and DH has been ttc for over 18 months now, and having been fobbed off recently by both the FS and our GP and put into the 'unexplained' category, I decided we needed to do something else to prove them wrong ... here's hoping eh!

I am currently taking the following (some before sessions started, but my lady says are good, and upped some of my doses!):

Agnus castus (2x morn, 2x eve) (capsules, but moving to liquid when the others run out, as it will absorb quicker)
Pregnacare (x1 day)
Zinc (1x day)
Horny Goat Weed (1x day; altho DH is taking this too, after a month he has found it has helped :winkwink:)
Vit B complex (2x morn, 2x eve; prev only 1 a day as on the bottle but lady said to increase)
Barley Grass Powder (1/2 teaspoon in apple juice in the morning) (full of vitamins!!)

So far my experience of acupuncture has been one session - flying home/buzzing, one session - relaxed/tired, and the last session was a bit mixed, both buzzed and then relaxed!

Im also going back to Zumba classes to get some exercise too; burn off any work stress :rofl:

Full of cold this week unfortunatley, so also taking some echinacea!

I think I rattle when I walk :rofl:

Anyways, I need to go back and read some more of this thread to catch up me thinks!

Congratulations to Laummatt & Rubyloo!! :cloud9:

(my acupuncturist is here if anyone needs a recommendation)

:dust: to one and all xxx
You're very welcome to join us, Little Mermaid! I'm in a hurry but will chat soon. Looking forward to hearing about your sessions.
Abi x
Hi ladies

Welcome Little Mermaid and maxmam and any other newbies I may have missed off!

Minmin so sorry to hear of your mc. I am sure you will see wonderful results from tcm!

Ruby – congratulations – woo hoo! It really won’t be long now until we can start that up the duff with tcm thread!!

Well just thought I would put a little update on me. Unfortunately the old witch arrived this morning (well at the mo really light/more spotting) BUT I am feeling remarkably positive as I am on CD29!!! This means a 28 day cycle which I haven’t had since losing Gabriel last August! Pus I have had a approx 10-14 day LP (Can’t be sure as wasn’t using OPKs) and loads of ewcm. I feel the tcm is FINALLY working after 5 months.

Also last month I had a 3 day AF with only 2 pre AF days of spotting. Reba I completely know how frustrating the spotting is as I normally get it up to CD13. It is only after 5 months of acu that the spotting feels like it is finally under control so keep going with it.

Interestingly I stopped the BVITS last month and changed from pregnacare conception to santogen mum to be (what i was using when i got pg before). Not sure if it’s a coincidence or not...

Bernina I will try and post pics of my new furbaby soon once Ive worked out how to do it!

To everyone and Abs in particular – I just want to say a great big thank you to all your posts. I really love reading them – all so detailed, positive and helpful. Sorry I don’t always get chance to reciprocate!

Love to everyone

Hey Lulu - sorry the witch got you but thats great news about the spotting - I really hope thats the case for me too. Im gonna keep the acup up cos I always seem to do things then give them up after 3 months cos I want instant results - but will keep going with this for another 3 months (that will be 6 in total - and by then i should be seeing some sort of improvement).

Well as you know I started Royal Jelly last week (along with Spirulina and Well Woman tablets). Over the past few days Ive been very itchy and was wondering what was causing (spent wknd with kids so feared it was nits or something sinister like that). yesterday when I was having my dinner the side of my mouth was itchy, then i took my usual royal jelly capsule after dinner and i started getting itchier and itchier - my neck was bright red, underarms all raised with hives, legs, belly etc....did a quick reseach on net and low and behold - Royal Jelly can cause allergic reactions and anaphalatic shock.... went straigt to chemist to get antihistamines - itching subsides quickly and took another antihistamine at bed time - totally gone today. Basically it said if your allergic to bee stings or have asthma your shouldnt take it - i never had a bee sting and dont have asthma so thought i'd be safe - concluded that i must be allergic to bees.... What a waste of money buying those tablets - i really thought they be the miracle cure for my infertility!! oh well not to worry!
:wave: Mermaid, Maxmam!

Lulu- sorry to hear about Gabriel. I am very pleased to see that 5 months of TCM has changed your LP and helped your cycle length!

I have heard about sanatogen being better than pregnacare. I am on the latter and have been since i startedttc. Have stocked up on them so I may switch once I finish what I have. Why did you switch?

So today is my 37 birthday and my Ectopic due date. I am quite sad and tearful but have things planned later on this afternoon and the evening so hopefully it will keep my mind off things.

I agree with you Lulu- Abster is fantastic! I love her threads and she is so knowledgeable! :hugs:
Hope you are all doing well...
Minimin x
Oh reba! Sorry I didnt see your post! How awful you reacted to them so much! :(
:wave: Mermaid, Maxmam!

Lulu- sorry to hear about Gabriel. I am very pleased to see that 5 months of TCM has changed your LP and helped your cycle length!

I have heard about sanatogen being better than pregnacare. I am on the latter and have been since i startedttc. Have stocked up on them so I may switch once I finish what I have. Why did you switch?

So today is my 37 birthday and my Ectopic due date. I am quite sad and tearful but have things planned later on this afternoon and the evening so hopefully it will keep my mind off things.

I agree with you Lulu- Abster is fantastic! I love her threads and she is so knowledgeable! :hugs:
Hope you are all doing well...
Minimin x

Thank you for your message. Sorry to hear that it would have been your due date. I can completely empathise as I know how depressed I felt when it was Gabriel’ due dates. I had my 30th birthday less than 5 weeks after he was born sleeping and the last thing I felt like doing was celebrating – everytime I received a card in the post with ‘congratulations you are 30’ I felt like screaming! Anyway I arranged to go out for dinner with my DH and we kept busy on a day out in London. So it’s great you have some things planned for this afternoon. I hope you manage to enjoy yourself a little bit (well lots of course would be even better) (((big hug)))

I swapped to sanatogen as I had a ‘feeling’ that the pregnancare weren’t ‘right’ for me. I have been on them for 7 months and when I was on sanatogen before I conceived first month of taking them. It of course could be down to complete fluke / tcm / time that the month i change i also get a ‘normal’ cycle. X x x

Reba – sorry to hear about the reaction to royal jelly. 3 months for acup is no time at all. I think some people respond quicker than others so I’m glad you’re not giving up yet!

X x x

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