The Really Useful TCM Thread

Thanks for the warm welcome girls :flower:

Happy birthday, Minimin :cake: (and sending you some :hugs: today to keep you strong) xx

lulu79 ... sorry the old bag got you! :hugs: But good news on the extended LP!

Interesting thought on the Sanatogen vs. Pregnacare (food for thought me thinks!)

RebaRezzelba - that is a strange contra-indication with the Royal Jelly; glad that you managed to get some antihistamines to relieve it!

Hi all,

I've been taking a bit of a break from accu for last couple of weeks as was on hols from work so havn't been visiting the thread. I've had loads to catch up on and havn't even read it all properly yet. Just wanted to say huge congrats to delighted to have another TCM bean!!!

My clomid experience has been a failure so onto next step now. All the details are in my journal (link below) so not going to waste all you lovely ladies time posting them here.

In the meantime, I'm starting back with accu next week although think I'll be skipping the herbal tabs as starting injections in May so don't think it's a good idea to mix them.

Hope everyone is having a good day. Off now to catch up on all the threads!!
Just wanted to pop in and say hello :hi:

Welcome to LittleMermaid, glad to have you along for the crazy ride! :plane:

I'm continuing acupuncture and she even suggested at last appointment that DH start seeing her. She basically said it takes two to tango and since he does have allergy, skin, and minor weight issues they may be an indication of an imbalance somewhere that could also impact fertility. We've never focused too much on DH as we did get pregnant twice, but of course I'm not one to rule out any treatment that could help. DH has wonderfully agreed to give it a try.

I may not be around much over the next few weeks. My grandfather is quite ill in the hospital so I'll be popping over there to visit often.

The witch got me today as expected (I knew several days ago that this wasn't the month) but it was a bit of a blow along with the bad news about my grandfather. When it rains it pours it seems.

I'll be taking another round of 50mg clomid cd 5-9 and hope that it gets egg and lining where they need to be. I'm probably going to try Robitussin to help with ewcm as I was severely lacking last cycle.

I stopped the b50 vitamin a few weeks back to see if that was potentially delaying my ovulation. I'm a bit worried as I did spot 1 day before AF, but I've decided to see how this cycle plays out then determine if I should go back on it.

I think now that I know there is no chance for a 2010 baby that it's taken some of the pressure off of me. There's a big difference (mentally) between a Dec 2010 and Jan 2011 baby, but not so much between a Jan and Mar baby.

Also a bit stung that I never gave grandpa a great grandchild that he so wanted, but I know I can't dwell on that. It wasn't my fault and you can't change the past, just having a bit of a pitty party today.

Hang in there girls and I'm very sorry to be kind of a downer today but I know you all understand.

Those with grandparents still alive, please give them an extra hug and kiss for me :hugs:
hi ladies
havent been around much-recovering from m/c and been really tired but i am now 8 days past ov and trying very hard not to symptom spot! it is the first try since my m/c and i am hoping that i am super fertile.
RebaRezzelba when i tried the royal jelly it made me feel sick, took me a week to work out it was that mind you. I am not allergic to anything either-strange. i noticed you only go once a fortnight to Cathy i am thinking of doing that myself as its getting expensive-did she say it made much difference? do you keep tasking the herbs the week you don't go? i am addicted to her pma!
hope you r all keeping well baby dust and sticky beans to all xx
Eww, nasty reaction Reba. Glad you're OK now - good thing you figured out what was causing it so soon. You're def doing the right thing, continuing with the TCM. It might not be quick, but it's definitley effective.

Lulu, congrats on the longer LP and reduced spotting - it feels like a real victory when your body starts to behave, doesn't it?

Minimin, hope you enjoyed your birthday. I hope it wasn't too painful for you. I have an incredible mind for time/dates so I can understand the strength of that connection. Remember though, it will get easier for you and together you'll find ways to deal with it. :hugs:

Hey LittleMermaid, can't see your original post now, but I remember you've been diagnosed with unexplained fertility. Grrr western medicine! Personally, I have very little faith in a lot of it and haven't bothered seeing my GP as I know I'd get the same result. I wish western med would acknowledge eastern more - adn even provide some very basic training in its effectiveness, so that at the very least people like us can be advised to try out TCM . Luckily we all found our way eventually, but there are too many people who will miss out because they only feel able to try things on the advice of a doctor and they're very often not getting sufficient advice. It'd help if GP's all understood the menstrual cycle properly. SOme of the things women on here have been told by their GPs (female ones included) has been shockingly ignorant! Grr, rant over.

Fitzy - :hugs: I think Randine discusses using herbs alongside meds - or does she just refer to IVF? Pretty certain you're right to be dropping them whilst you're injecting though.

Bernina, terribly sorry to hear your grandad's so ill :hugs: We still have my mum's parents and my OH has 2 grandmas. We do our best to spoil them adn #1 does a lovely line in home-made cards and finger painting (as much as you can at 2 1/2!).
Sorry the witch got you as well :hugs: Hope you're getting plenty of proper hugs too.
I htink it makes sense for you OH to at least be checked out by your prac. My OH is being treated for his psoriasis alongside my treatments (not for fetility, just to sort out his skin) - but it's been costing us £360 every 4 weeks to both be treated together, so just make sure you have the funds. Might be that he's fine though. Quing checked #1's tongue on saturday, when we were picking upo my OH@s herbs and I'm happy to report that she's fine.
I don't think B vits would delay ov - Cathy told Jen1802 they were fine to take and my ov's not get any later since I started taking them and we both use(d) B-100. As for the pregnacare/sanatogen debate, I took pregnacare before falling pregnant with #1 (in 2 cycles) and toook it until she wasnt; feeding much (about the time she turned 1, I think). Have been taking Pregnacare a while this time round and switched to Pregnacare COnception a couple of months ago, for the l-arginine. I don't think it would affect spotting.

Hey Glitter, fingers crossed for your 2ww! I'm about to ov. How're you doing? I know what you mean about the expense!

Lulu and Minimin - thanks for what you said! I swear the advice nearly all comes from the mouths of Randine and QUing though :blush: It's great to knwo that the thread is useful to people - that's exactly why I started it and it's certainly helpful to me.

Oops, got to go - been on here far too long!

Abi x
Just wanted to pop in and say hello :hi:

Welcome to LittleMermaid, glad to have you along for the crazy ride! :plane:

I may not be around much over the next few weeks. My grandfather is quite ill in the hospital so I'll be popping over there to visit often.

The witch got me today as expected (I knew several days ago that this wasn't the month) but it was a bit of a blow along with the bad news about my grandfather. When it rains it pours it seems.

I think now that I know there is no chance for a 2010 baby that it's taken some of the pressure off of me. There's a big difference (mentally) between a Dec 2010 and Jan 2011 baby, but not so much between a Jan and Mar baby.

Also a bit stung that I never gave grandpa a great grandchild that he so wanted, but I know I can't dwell on that. It wasn't my fault and you can't change the past, just having a bit of a pitty party today.

Hang in there girls and I'm very sorry to be kind of a downer today but I know you all understand.

Those with grandparents still alive, please give them an extra hug and kiss for me :hugs:

Hi Bernia

So sorry your grandfather isnt well - I'm sure that must be hard on you and your family. Dont worry about not giving him a great grandchild - im sure he was more than happy having you as a grand daughter. :hugs:

Also sorry the witch turned up this month - she is such a cow!!!! We will all get through this and we will all get our BFP and this whole TTC carry on will seem like a distant memory. x
hi ladies
havent been around much-recovering from m/c and been really tired but i am now 8 days past ov and trying very hard not to symptom spot! it is the first try since my m/c and i am hoping that i am super fertile.
RebaRezzelba when i tried the royal jelly it made me feel sick, took me a week to work out it was that mind you. I am not allergic to anything either-strange. i noticed you only go once a fortnight to Cathy i am thinking of doing that myself as its getting expensive-did she say it made much difference? do you keep tasking the herbs the week you don't go? i am addicted to her pma!
hope you r all keeping well baby dust and sticky beans to all xx

Hi Glitterqueen

Yeah it was getting to costly for me so I go every fortnight now. She said just to take the pills as normal (8 twice a day) and take the powdered herbs once a day instead of twice - that strecthes them out for the 2 weeks. She didnt say anything about it making a difference - to be honest I doubt it if would. I do miss the session the week I dont go though but £80 a week is too much for me. Im sure she would give you double the herbs if you wanted to keep taking them twice a day - that would be £120 a fortnight then.... expensive stuff..... it better work! :)
Well as for me - I had some EWCM yesterday evening (i think it was EWCM... I get confused as to what it should be like sometime.... feel like I need to go crack an egg and look at the consistency :haha: ). So after me and DH went for a brisk walk we went straigh the the bedroom and DTD.... which was quite enjoyable. I lay with legs in the air and hips raise for about 45mins I think (read a book). Anyway Im only on CD12 I think so far to early to be Ov'ing so it might not even of been EWCM (it was pretty thick - sorry if TMI).

My sister and kids are arriving today til Sat so :sex: is out the window for a few days - gives DH time to build up his reserve!

Also Im thinking about taking MACA now seen as Im allergic to the Royal Jelly - anyone ever used it or have any advice?
little mermaid......hello and welcome! this thread really is a wonderful place full of like-minded, supportive ladies. i hope so much that your TCM journey will be a successful one. and yah boo sucks to western medicine - 'unexplained infertility' my arse. total cop out. for that read ' we don't know and as a result can do nothing for you'. i find the attitude utterly depressing actually. keeping everything crossed for your treatments.

bernina - :hugs:
so sorry to hear about your grandpa. that's got to be really upsetting for you. i really, really really hope things work out for the best and good luck with the next round of clomid x

reba - yuk! what a horrid thing to have happen with a suppliment! at least it wasn't too serious. just goes to show that these things can be quite potent really.

Abs, hope you're doing ok, and Lulu, you too....

glitterqueen - keeping EVERYTHING crossed for you :hugs:

as for me.....
saw my GP this morning and got the bean confirmed. was worried about dates as my LMP was 21st feb but i explained that due to my long cycles i was temping and my ov date was around 31st march/1st april. she seemed surprised to hear about the temping (apperently an 'old fashioned' thing to do, useful nonetheless.....her words, not mine!!!) but was happy enough to go by the ov dates i gave her. she reckons my EDD is the 21st dec. anyway, usual stuff about what to avoid etc and the rather scary statistic that 1 in 6 pregnancies end in mc before 12 weeks. i'm only four so that seems like an age away. anyway, trying not to worry about it all. referred to midwife team and they will see me at about 8 weeks (so a month from now) then first scan at 12 weeks. phew! acu next week as usual. feeling ok, not too nauseous but tired and hell and sleeping at the drop of a hat.

sorry if i've missed anyone....

Bernina- Sorry to hear of your grandfather. I know how hard it is to wish you could give them a great grand child or grandchild. I lost my father 4 years ago and he never met his grand kids on this earth. I believe however that he can see them now. I wonder if my angel babies had to go back to keep him company- makes me feel better thinking that way :shrug:

Rubyloo- cant believe the doc thought temping was old fashioned. It is the only way other than scanning to know you HAVE ovulated as apposed to WILL BE ovulating! :)

Reba- Let me know about Maca- afraid I dont know much so cant help. I am thinking of incorporating Royal Jelly but after the stories I have read here maybe not :( I guess I should figure out if I am allergic to it or not.

Abster- the thread and your knowledge is very useful! I started stalking way before I actually posted! :)

Not much going on with me girls- am near the end of my gazillion pills- so glad and hope he doesnt have as much for me again :(

My temps are slightly higher this morning but I did have some Champagne and vino last night (heck it was my birthday!) so I am not reading too much into it. I just want to know this cycle has gone back to normal.

Off for second Acu tomorrow so will update more then.

:wave: to you all xx
Hi there girls, can I join in?
I'm brand new to this site, (well joining, have been reading a couple of threads for a while). I'm just at the start of this journey, OH and I are going to start to TTC in June. However being the curious type i started charting a couple of months ago, am on CD12 in my third month of charting. Was shocked to find out that depsite a 28 day cycle, I don't ovulate til about day 20. So my luteal phase is far too short. Been reading up on the B-vit thread so have started taking that along with pregnacare and fish oils.

As for TCM, I have to declare an interest here, I'm just about to complete a 3 year qualification in acupuncture, so i'm already convinced of the benefits. Irony being that at the end of such an expensive course and having dropped to part-time work to study, I can't afford to pay for treatment!! However I can do a certain amount of self-help! It's great to read all your experiences of having acupuncture and the difference it's making to you. Am hoping a combo of supplements and tcm can sort my cycle out! Started the b-vits at the end of last cycle and managed to stretch from 8 days to almost 10 of LP. If i need to will find the cash to see a tcm herbalist too.

So at the moment my waiting is to see if I can bring ovulation forward, and lengthen luteal phase!!

Lots of baby dust to all the women on here. You all sound so supportive.

Fistly, welcome all the newbies on this thread, I hope your stay on here is short and sweet!

Have just spent a while reading back through all your posts..

Bernina - Im really sorry to hear about your Grandad, its really tough :hugs: I don't have any gradparents left and OH only has one so I know how you feel, its really tough. And that AF has arrived, hopefully next time you'll catch the eggy. I tried Robitussin this month that I concieved and also green tea is meant to help. Worked for me!! Good luck!!

Minimin - Im really sorry to hear about the anniversary of due date, hopefully next year you'll be cuddling that gorgeous baby and the hurt wont be so bad x

RebaRezzelba - you sound like me I was always 'is this EWCM?' until I tried the remedies mentioned above, lets just say it was mors than obvious then :blush: I havent tried Maca but have heard really good things about it, let us know how you get on.

glitterqueen - I really hope this cycle works for you, I also suffered with the expense and went fortnightly, it still worked for me!

fitzy79 - really sorry to hear the Clomid hasnt worked for you, on to injections now? Keep us posted wont you?

There seems to be a lot of debate over Bvits at the moment, I dont know if it is a coincidence but I stopped mine, had a more normal cycle in Feb and then caught in March. Who knows, didnt improve things for me anyway.

Abs - I love reading your posts, your so committed to this, I wish I had of had your faith, I didnt really stick to any of the diet stuff, just tried to be healthy. I admire you, I wish I could be soo good!! Your OH is very understanding with the TCM costs my OH would flip if I spent that much, it will be worth every penny tho when you get that BFP. Mine is very relieved that not only we got a BFP but that we wont be spending money on all sorts now :happydance:

Rubyloo.... what can I say?! Im still so so happy for you, were only 11 days apart on EDD, how cool. I know I have probably mentioned this to you before but you are on the 5 mg folic acid arent you (only on prescription) Remember us coeliacs are high risk pregnancies and we dont absorb that very well at all. You'll probably be under a consultant at the hospital and the best bit of all the trips too and from there is that you should be scanned every 4 weeks from 20 weeks. Again due to malabsorbtion we tend to have smaller babies and they need to make sure they are growing correctly, but its worh it to keep seeing that baby grow. I didnt have a problem, my little lad was 8lb4oz so its just precautionary.

I know I will have missed someone so sorry!!

Im 6 weeks tomorrow and still in disbelief, I honestly feel a bit flat. I think perhaps cos it was a effort to get to this that I dont want to get excited till I have that scan picture in my hand. Being scanned at 10 wks and seeing midwife at 9, then perhaps it will seem real....

baby dust to all x x x x
laummatt.....s* i'm not on 5mg of folic acid. been takine boots own pregnancy caps which have the usual dose in for ages now but i had NO idea that as a coeliac i was a 'high risk pregnancy'......just been on the phone to the surgery and my GP is going to call be back today so i can discuss it with her. i've no idea why it wasn't mentioned yesterday - she just asked if i was taking folic acid! because i don't eat diary either i also take an extra calcium and vit d suppliment. crap. thanks for flagging that one up. grrrrr.

xxxx to you
Today is the first day I feel human again yay! :happydance:

Been to see my acupunture lady this evening, and she put the needles all down my back ... so relaxing ... and then to finish she did some cupping .... oh my god (!) you would think it would hurt but it was just an amazing experience ... I feel so relaxed this evening, my sinuses have cleared (at last!)

See attached pic of my back after cupping ... :haha:

To top it off ....I pounced :sex: on DH when I got home!!

Ive dusted off the persona for this cycle, and its given me a red day already - not sure if its right or not, but anyway, ive been getting some niggly ov type stuff going on since last night ... :thumbup: so Im not gonna waste the opp now am I :rofl: (p.s. and I have an almost nearly there 2nd line on the usual poas opk too!)

- Bernina, Im so sorry to hear your grandfather is poorly; I can sympathise with you, as my grandfather passed away in July last yr :cry: and we were so close, and I felt the same as you about great grandchildren too. Its hard hunni, but you have to just know in your heart that he is so very proud of you right now for being with him, and always will be wherever you are/ whatever you do/whenever that may be in this world! Stay strong hunni and big :hugs:

- rubyloo, :rofl: at your quote " 'unexplained infertility' my arse" ... that is so so true!! They just fob people off dont they, makes me so mad ... and breathe!! Im determined to prove them all wrong ... TCM all the way!

- abster, as I said above, its a nightmare process to have to go through, only to be shot down in roaring flames of their disbelief that we cant conceive ... I shall rephrase, havent yet!! :winkwink:

:dust:ing and :hugs: to one and all ... xxx


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Hi ladies, well I had a rollercoaster wknd so far, found out on thurs that a young local man died- everyone in total shock. Then came home to a letter saying I've been called for ivf. Need to decide by 30th April if we want to go ahead with it- for June cycle. Don't think we will be they gave me an appointment with fs in may so wil see if I can keep that to discuss hsg and lap. So that means I might not have to wait the 21wks as previously told for an appointment. Anyway after all that found out yesterday that my friend who is due today lost the baby on Friday- the heart just stopped beating. I think the placenta stopped feeding- couldn't believe it- sick too my stomach thinking abt it. To go through the whole 9 months only for this to happen- I can't even imagine wat they are going through.

Anyway I better go do something- lying here in bed with legs in air while typing this on iPod! Ov day today I think- had ov pains last night and opk was positive but line wasn't darker than control line so will take another 1 later on.
Oh gosh that is so sad for your friend - I can't even imagine experiencing that type of loss.

Thanks for sharing your cupping pics. I have thought about trying it - still a bit nervous about how long the marks might stay. lol

RebaRezelba, sounds like you've had one heck of a week. Time to give yourself some TLC. Your poor friend. That has happened to a friend of mine too, just so tragic and one of those things you really can't predict. Good luck with your fs appt in due course. Hopefully the TCM will do the trick in the meantime.

Littlemermaid, glad you had a good acup appt. And thanks for sharing the pics. Blue12, the cupping marks don't tend to last more than a week. If strong suction is used and there's lots of stagnation of your qi or blood, then the marks can come out really quite dark, but as Littlemermaid says, it doesn't hurt. Can take a few days longer to fade. I love having it done. So relaxing.

Hope everyone has a good week ahead.

Fairybabe xx
Hey, ladies... I'm just beginning to think about trying TCM acupuncture/herbs, but I admit this is very overwhelming.... I think I will just lurk on here for a while and try to learn more about it!

I'm currently using B100 complex to hopefully lengthen my LP from 8/9 days. This month it was 10.... So, if anyone has experienced success with TCM in that department, I'd love to hear about it!
Hi ladies

Just found this group and was wondering if anyone has any experience of TCM treatment for low or no sperm count?

:hugs2: RebaRezelba ..sorry to hear you've had such a horrid few days of news hunni ... as Fairybabe said, you need some tlc for sure! Im lovin the LIA whilst typing ... :rofl:

Welcome SquirrelGirl :flower: keep reading, and ask any questions, as there are lots of lovely ladies here who can let you know about their experiences with TCM.

Well we are also trying the SMEP this cycle, along with soft cups and acupuncture too, oh and lots of vits!! Ive been having some OV cramping for a few days, and some faint opks, and today on CD10 I have a mega dark opk!! :yipee:

Lots of :dust:ing to everyone! xx

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