The Really Useful TCM Thread

Hey ladies
Welcome to all the newbies :wave:
Reba- what a weekend!! :hugs: Make sure you get some TLC in.

I have had a long week or so. Spent the past week at my Mum's which was a nice distraction. Being back home now and this morning is hard. I feel so alone and the reality of 3 failed pregnancies is hitting me :cry:

Had my second acu on Friday. He took my BP again and checked my tongue. I mentioned I scrap my tongue daily but he said that wasnt going to change what he saw. My pulse is saying I am still low on energy- week Kidney still. Looks like the herbal pills have not yet taken effect and so he wants to see me again next week and continue with the same herb pills. I asked if there was anything else he could give but he said it could be taking a while to take effect :shrug:

He placed needles on my inner ankles (said this was a kidney point?) and on the top of my foot- down from my big toe. He also placed needles on the top of my chins on both legs- felt these very strong- sent a tingle all the way down my leg! He had two needles down from my belly button and one on either side- the heated lamp was lovely! I had two more on each webbed are between index finger and thumb- he mentioned this was for my immune system. And finally one on the crown of my head! He left me there for quite a while and I actually nodded off!

I mentioned I had been tired all week and possibly being at my Mum's has tired me out! (i have my niece and nephew-1 and 2.5yrs there!)
He also finished by giving me a back rub- quite a strong rub!

Immediately after I felt quite refreshed but that could be the mini nap I had. I went out to lunch and felt tired still???!!

I asked them for the name of the tablets:
Ba Zhen Wan, code G (thats what she said it was called but I cant find anything about these on the internet. They are black and bigger pills 4mm compared to the others) and Liu wei di huang wan. Has anyone else been on these and seen a difference?

I was tired again on saturday and had a good long nap in the afternoon! I am wondering if it is low iron as I only recently stopped bleeding about 4 days ago so this morning I have taken some Spatone iron supplements. I hope thats it as I am sick of being tied and ill!:growlmad:

Thanks for reading and comments welcome :)
Hi Minimin, sorry your feeling so down :hugs: .

I found this on the net for you:

Ba Zhen Wan (Ba Zhen Tang, Ba Zhen Pian, Women's Eight Treasure Tea Pills, 八珍片) nourishes vital qi (energy) and benefits blood. It is used for spontaneous deficiency of both qi and blood marked by pale or sallow complexion, palpitation, shortness of breath, laziness to talk, weakness of limbs, dizziness, loss of appetite, pale tongue with thin and whitish fur, and feeble pulse. The Chinese medicine is also used for anemia due to deficiency of qi and blood, myasthenia of the limbs, heavy menstrual bleeding, and abdominal pain during menstruation.

I keep forgetting the name of the ones I took - think it might of been the same as you. Im on different ones not for a cold uterus but i dont feel they are doing me much good - my belly still feels pretty cold.

Well I think it was Ov day for me yesterday - CD16 - the OPK was a bit darker than CD15 - will take another tonight to be sure to be sure! We managed to get a few good bed sessions in too (CD14, CD16 x2) - will gey another one in tonight I think.

My other friend had her baby yesterday or Sat (shes in Australia) she had a wee boy. I had 3 friends pregnant at the same time (well 2 friends and one niece) so its just my Niece now who needs to give birth - i hope shes ok... I keeping feeling really bad about my friend who lost the baby - what they must be feeling, its unimaginable!

Anyway onto the 2WW for me now - wish i had a holiday to look forward to so I didnt have to think about signs and symptoms.....

How was everyone elses weekend?
Thanks Reba- It sounds like you have all your bases covered :winkwink:
I hate the tww! I hope it flies by for you! Does your Acu change your pills after you have ovulated?
I am not sure these pills are doing anything either. I do have more BM's though :shrug: I felt so exhausted last week I wondered if these pills were giving me a clean out!
Did you find this too?
Thanks Reba- It sounds like you have all your bases covered :winkwink:
I hate the tww! I hope it flies by for you! Does your Acu change your pills after you have ovulated?
I am not sure these pills are doing anything either. I do have more BM's though :shrug: I felt so exhausted last week I wondered if these pills were giving me a clean out!
Did you find this too?


No I was taking the pills you are on for the first few weeks then when I told her about the spotting not going away she changed to the uterus ones and Ive been taking them for about 7 weeks now - with no change. I did feel like I had more energy the first few weeks of Acup but dont feel much different anymore - not sure if its working for me - hope it is - but gonna keep it up (as it can take a good few months to get your baby balanced).

Yeah hope the 2WW flies by - i hate this part - need to keep occupied.
Hi all,

Went for another session today - have been going almost every week - sometimes 2x a week near ov, but she never does any sessions between ov and af (or hopeful pg) - does anyone else have this?

I want to thank all of you for sharing your info here. I have had all the same points as you minimin. My usual treatment is top of my head, between my eye brows, one in each shoulder (or between neck and shoulder), 12 on my stomach, one between thumb and pointer, one on inside of wrists, one above knees, one in the shins, one on inside of the ankles and one on the top of the feet near the second toe.

I find it hard in that I haven't seen ttc results (aka bfp lol) or any changes in my cycles (not that there was really anything with my cycles to fix). But have seen acu results on my sinuses and on other issues with my body - so I am trying to be hopeful!

I totally agree the 2ww is so annoying to wait through - I just want an answer - and I am only at 1dpo lol. And if I don't get my bfp this month - then I get to start iui - wahoo!
Hi ladies

Just found this group and was wondering if anyone has any experience of TCM treatment for low or no sperm count?


Hi Deb

Sorry havent any experience with acup for low sperm count - my DH had his done and it was above average (which is on less thing to worry about). Put i think there are a few ladies on here you were giving their DH's herbs from the acupuncturist - im sure they can help!

Hi all,

Went for another session today - have been going almost every week - sometimes 2x a week near ov, but she never does any sessions between ov and af (or hopeful pg) - does anyone else have this?

I want to thank all of you for sharing your info here. I have had all the same points as you minimin. My usual treatment is top of my head, between my eye brows, one in each shoulder (or between neck and shoulder), 12 on my stomach, one between thumb and pointer, one on inside of wrists, one above knees, one in the shins, one on inside of the ankles and one on the top of the feet near the second toe.

I find it hard in that I haven't seen ttc results (aka bfp lol) or any changes in my cycles (not that there was really anything with my cycles to fix). But have seen acu results on my sinuses and on other issues with my body - so I am trying to be hopeful!

I totally agree the 2ww is so annoying to wait through - I just want an answer - and I am only at 1dpo lol. And if I don't get my bfp this month - then I get to start iui - wahoo!

Hi Blue

Im finding it hard not seeing any TTc results also - just worked out that Ive spent £800 so far since Feb on Acup and nothing at all to show for it (spotting still the same, periods havent changed, etc). I dont want to give up so Im thinking of giving up the herbs and chinese tablets and just sticking to regular old acup.... that would save me £120 a month (i got a shock when i checked my bank balance and its in the minus.....)

At least your seeing an improvement in your sinuses - thats something!
I'm here! Sorry girls, was with my parents for the weekend and forgot to mention it. Spent 20 minutes writing a post on here yesterday evening, only for my sodding laptop to turn itself off!! I was tired so I decided to leave it til tonight.

Reba, what a devastating loss for your poor friend. How she and her partner will begin to come to terms with it cannot imagine. How awfully sad for you as well. :hugs: Makes me feel lucky to be in my position, frankly. Blimey, other than that I dont' know what to say.

Minimin, you had needles in the places I usually have some. The tablets aren't as strong as the concoctions we brew up from dry herbs, although they're made from the same herbs, so you may well find they take a bit longer to work. I'm familiar with those hard rubs - very effective though, I think. I've not had those tablets (I was on tablets for quite a while) - I had you-gui-wan (kidney toning) and er-chen-wan (spleen). Different pills/dry herb decoctions have had different effects on my bowel movements - a sign of your body adapting to the different herbs. A couple of weeks ago mine were slightly green and sticky (yuck, sorry for the TMI!). I've always had the same pills through my cycle (bar stopping them for the first 3 days of my cycle) but she changes my herbal decoctions now I think. She told me not to scrape my tongue, as it removes the covering, which is an indication of your health - maybe you should leave out the scraping on the morning of yoru treatments.
I wouldn't be surprised if the bleeding's had quite an effect on your iron levels - and don't underestimate the effects of emotional stress. You're doing all the right things though :hugs:
How are you doing? Hope it's starting to get easier for you :flower:

Hi Deb111 - yes, TCM can really help low sperm count! The book we keep going on about, The Infertility Cure, by Randine Lewis, has a chapter devoted to it - and you can get it really cheap, 2nd-hand on amazon. It's a great book, full of info.

Hey Blue12 - hang in there, it can take a little while to see results as it's not a quick fix - rather it rebalances your body- but it will help you. Following all the dietary guidelines can help a great deal too - do you have the Randine Lewis book? Highly recommended on here!

Littlemermaid, how are you doing? Thanks for posting the cupping picture - I've had one on me most weeks but never seen the effects on my back. Sorry I can't reply to you more fully - I can't see your posts on this page.

Laummatt, I seem to remember you saying something about how positive I am - but we all know it's easier to be positive for other people than for ourselves. How many times do you htink I've wondered if I'm the only person whose kidney and spleen aren't healable?! It's good to knwo that what I'm saying is helpful though.

How are you, pregnant girlies?!
Hello newbies!! Hope you stay here and join us, but that you're pregnant very soon :hugs:

Now, really must write up last week's session.
Oh - my OH and i have decided that we can't afford to treat his psoriasis the and get me up the duff the way we are at the moment - I'm goin to say to QUing on Friday that until I'm pregnant we want to either treat him with pills instead or make his herbs last twice as long (currently he has herbs at £35 a week, whereas the pills are £8.50 a bottle - psoriasis isn't treatable with acu). Once I'm pregnant I'll see her once a week until 12 weeks, at which time I'll stop and he can start going at full throttle again.

Abi x
Umm, to be honest it all seems a bit of a long time ago now!

She was please at how my chart was developing post-ov - ie two temps in a row getting higher after ov day, which I reckon was wednesday! Small things, eh.

Needles in my scalp (2, either side of the top of my spine, as usual, for the spleen), one in my upper back (immune system), and some in my lower back, as usual. Heat on my back.

A needle in my sternum-ish area, a couple of brief in-and outs on my lowere abdomen I htink - but nothing permanent as I was post-ov. Several, as usual, in my lower legs (kidney yang), one in the flap of skin on each hand (immune system, very strong) and between the eyes. Not much heat on my tummy but enough to stop me freezing.

Sorry, that's all I can remember. She was very pleased to hear I'd been making more of an effort with sex and enjoying it far more (I'd well and truly got to the lie-back-and-think-of-england-it'll-be-over-soon stage). Been thinking about it a bit in advance and, for want of a better way of putting it, helping myself whilst waiting for my OH to come to bed. Is it making a difference? Is it ever! I remember what all the fuss is about now. Must make an effort to do it when I haven't got eggwhite cm as well though.

BAck there again in Friday. The following 2 weeks she'll be away in China so her husband will be treating me. We're also away both of the next fridays so we'll have to some up with alternative sessions )anyone want ot look after a toddler for me?!)
Abi x
Hi everyone and welcome to the newbies.

Sorry to hear of the bad news – and Reba, words fail me for the news of your friend.  It is the most devastating thing to happen – you imagine that at 9 months your baby will be safe. It is truly awful – I hope your friend has lots of supportive people around her.

Thought I would come on here just for a quick hello and catch up. I haven’t much to report. I’m on CD9 – have lots of watery CM and started getting ov twinges – though I’m continuing on the not OPK-ing so can’t be sure when I am ovulating. However, this seems a lot earlier than any other month. More positive news is that this month my AF was 6 days with minimal spotting and I have hadCD3 and CD21 bloods with my GP which have all come back normal. I think my body may finally be starting to behave itself! I started acu back in Novemeber so about time too! I haven’t had acu for a few weeks now due to various holidays etc – I am wondering whether I should continue or not given my body seems to maybe be doing what it is meant to (though a BFP would be ideal!!)......?

Sending everyone positive vibes and much baby dust.


PS – can’t work out how to add a photo on my profile. If anyone can tell me I will add a piccy of my furbaby who is growing up fast! x
hi all! blimey! i go away for a couple of days and it all goes mental on here!

reba, i'm so sorry you're feeling so low about things. i know the acu is expensive - in the short time i've been having it (since jan) i've been spending the best part of £100 per month on it but i'm lucky in that i don't have to pay for herbs etc as my prac doesn't do them. it must seem so unfair that things are still not right for you physically. hang in there :hugs:

abs, good news about enjoying sex! made me chuckle!

newbies - i'm rubbish at remembering names, give me a couple of weeks and i should have it sorted. in the meantime its great to have you here.

me? i'm coming to the end of my 5th week. been feeling rough on and off (dinner came back quite dramatically on tues evening....) and the fatigue is extreme. it really does feel like i've been run over by a bulldozer. oh, and my boobies are killing me, even taking a shower is agony. if i wasn't pg then i'd be seriously worried! lots of worries about making it through this first trimester.....but i don't want to come on here and fret.

i will try and post more thoroughly soon, acu next week....

Hi Ladies

Well nothing much to report from me this week - just in the dreaded 2 WW and its taking foooooorrrreeeevvvverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! I have no signs/symptoms etc so not hoping for a miracle or anything this month....

I have my 10th Acup session on Monday - thinking of telling her that Im stopping the herbs (too costly and If i want a summer holiday the £120 a month on herbs can go to my holiday fund instead!).

Rubyloo - 5 weeks - thats great - you must be so delighted. The sickness and the sore boodies dont sound the best but its all worth it in the end - i can;t wait to get some signs and symptoms of pregnancy (sounds so exciting).

Abi - great the temps are staying nice and high for you - could be your month!!!! How many DPO are you now. And glad your enjoying the sex more as well - I did myself this month too..... Lets just say my stomach muscles were in agony the next day..... reverse cowgirl is an interesting position!!!! :haha: :haha: :haha:

Anyway must go make a cuppa.

Hey - just popping in to say Hi! Seem that a few are on the TWW so will pop back and see how everyone is doing. Im only 7 weeks, its going very slowly.....
I was ok till last weekend, no tiredness/sickness and then bang Im literally green. No being sick, wasnt with #1, but boy I feel bad. #1 has also decided he doesnt want to nap in the day now... arghhhh!!! No sore boobs for me altho I did get those first time round it wasnt till a bit later. Something to look forward to ;o)
Qing was pleased with my temperatures and the fact I ov'd on CD16! She's had 3 pregnancies this week - 1 IVF, 1 IUI 1 natural - and was really pleased about it. She didn't check my pulse or tongue this week, for some reason.

On my front - I had needles in my scalp, as usual, one in the top of my back and a few at the bottom. Heat on my lower back. Towards the end she burnt some moxa on my lower back (is this moxibustion?), which felt beautifully warm (for my kidney yang). Never had it before. Briefly - very briefly - I had the cup on my upper back.

On my back, I had needles in my lower legs and the flaps of skin between thumb and forefinger, in each hand. No needles or heat for my abdomen whatsoever, which is a first for me (just in case, she kept saying, which is also a first!).

Same 4 seeds in my ears - kidney, spleen and hormones.

Seems my spleen isn't as sorted as she thought, as I'm now needing to massage my nasal cavity (from the outside! would be rank otherwise!), inner knees and ankles and the area just at the bottom of my ribcage (the latter only if my period comes).

Qing's going away for 2 weeks on tuesday so she's given me an appointment with her husband for 7th May and I'm having a break next week - mainly because I'm away the thursday and friday and luckily it's the easiest time of my cycle to miss - either I'm pregnant or having my period. Herbs-wise, she's given me 4 days' worth (my current supply runs out today) to last up to my period, should it come, and 4 bags to last me 10 days from CD4. If I do happen to be pregnant I'm not to touch the second lot (can't give them back, as they've been mixed for me specifically, but quite frankly if I'm pregnant will I give a fuck?!). The treatment and herbs cost me £80 - but bear in mind this is 14 days' worth of herbs and I'll not be paying £35 for acu next week.
As for my partner's psoriasis meds, after he finishes the current batch of herbs he'll be having pills - she's given me about 3 weeks' worth for him: 2 different kinds - 12 of each, twice a day. Not around food time apparently, so maybe mid-morning and then a while after tea in the evening. They cost £47 (slight discount on £51) and he'll b esorted for almost 4 weeks from now. 4 weeks' treatment would usually cost £140 - feel the savings! They're not as strong, but they'll at least maintain his skin in its current state if not improve it more and she keeps telling me to get him out in the sun. I've said that once I'm pregnant we'll sort him out properly again.

I'm seeing her again on 14th May.

End of long, rambly post!

Abi x
Hello girls! Today is 5 months since my first appointment with Qing.

Lulu79 - I think you should carry on with the acu, but you knew I 'd say that! Great, great news that your body is starting to work properly :thumbup:
Sorry, haven't the foggiest how to add pics.

Laummatt and Rubyloo - pregnancy symptoms, you know you love them! I can't remamber about my boobs - I know they grew quickly but I don't think they were painful - Rubes, just wait til your milk comes in after the birth!! Fret all you like about the first tri - we're here for

Reba, are you having dry herbs and boiling them up? Why not ask about just having the pills instead? They're far cheaper - are you going fortnightly as well now? Should make a real difference to your finances after a little while. Don't feel down - it will work for you :hugs:
Reverse cowgirl, you say? Never tried that one. I have a image in my head of you wearing a cowboy hat :rofl: I've never tried it, but I get kind of bored being on top (or am I just lazy?!).
I'm 10dpo today, going by an ov date of last wed, which was the last day I had ewcm. My boobs hurt, but then they do before my period sometimes, and I get the occasional funny taste in my mouth, but then thats happened regularly since I started charting. You can't rely on symptoms so don't count yourself out madam!

Abi x
ooooo! abs! 10dpo.......keeping it all crossed for you xxx
Hey Ladies :wave:
I hope you are well. Good Luck to those in the 2WW.
Abs- love reading your posts! I hope this is your lucky month!

I had my third session yesterday. Dr Yang took my pulse again and checked my tongue. Asked about my energy levels (higher now I am taking iron supplements), BM (regular 2-3 times a day and quite dark- pills doing), Pee (Pale yellow) and Sleep (7+ hours/night) I also mentioned I had a few nights out this week so G and T's do help my sleep. I thought he would tell me off but didnt :) He asked about DH's sperm analysis and I said he hadnt had the results back. He went last week to give his sample. DH has been diagnosed with mild pneumonia. It is the third illness he has had this year. He has Ulcerative colitis and is on medications for it. Then he gets a secondary infection- like pneumonia and more pills! I am so fed up of it and suggest he gets acu done!!! Dr Yang agreed!

He had me on my front this time- I had tons of needles down my mid spine to the lower spine - said these were for my kidney energy. I had some on my inner ankle and several on my lower legs- I think they are all to increase my Kidney energy. He placed the heat lamp on my lower back and left me for about 45 minutes.

He said my kidney energy was still low and wants to see me weekly- I am a little disheartened as he said he would see be fortnightly. I feel there should have been something in the three weeks! My Acu seems more expensive too £83 per session but this includes my pills. I am going to have to take out a bank loan at this rate :(
Just a quick note from me...Minimin, £83 does seem steep, but i guess it's London prices? I have joined Simplyhealth, i pay £20/month but it means i can claim back up to about £600 a year of acupuncture, at 50% of each appt. You can also claim back stuff for eye and dental, time in hospital etc and there's no waiting period before you can start claiming back. It's the only way i can ever afford treatment. (Really, not a rep for them!! Honest!).
I've given in and got some herbs. I have some Liver Qi stagnation, Liver Blood deficiency and a bit of Kidney yang deficiency. Fingers crossed it gets my cycle sorted.
Have a good weekend everyone.

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