The Really Useful TCM Thread

Hi girls,

Loving reading all your posts and catching up on where everyone's at. Abs, am particularly excited about the possibility of what next week may bring...surely it has to be your NOW!!!:winkwink:

I'm giving accu a break until I start my injectables at the end of May. Having a lap on 10th May so figure not much point doing treatments at the mo. I'm going to have a few reflexology sessions instead as find them more relaxing and think that's what I need now more than anything!

Will still keep reading over the next month and hope to see a few more BFP's popping up!

Best of luck and :dust: to all :hugs:
Hey girls - thanks for all the support! Ooops, today is 10dpo, I got confused. I'm wondering if my period might have started, as I've had a little bit of blood just now, which would give me a 25-day cycle (ov on cd16, 9-day lp - oh arse!). Having said that, for the year before I had #1 my periods were all 25, 27 or 30 days - I didn't temp or anything before having her so I dont' know when I was oving or how long my LP was. Maybe my longer cycles have a longer LP and my shorted cycles a shorter LP. Who knows. If the hag is here, I'm really disappointed (hardly a newsflash, I know!) because I really thought my LP was better. Maybe I'll alternate between a decent ov date and a decent LP. Maybe it's just implantation bleeding, bu thow many times have I hoped that to no avail?!

Hey Minimin, you have a lot of the kidney yang stuff I get. Blimey though, steep prices. Simply Health sounds interesting - I'll check it out - thanks Fairybabe. Min, I definitely think you should follow his advice at the moment and keep up with the weekly sessions - soon enough you should be able to drop down to fortnightly.

Hey Fitzy, you bet your arse it's about my turn now, but I fear it's not going to be. I'm having an OH IT'S NOT FAIR!!!! evening. OK, we'll let you off the acu for a few weeks, as long as you promise to keep coming back and saying hello. Deal?! :thumbup:

Lots of love everybody, I'm going to go and sulk.
Abi x
Yep, the hag is here - and I slept really badly last night.
Off to make breakfast
Abi x
Hey :wave:
Grrr to the stupid :witch: Abster! I hope you are ok and have a lovely breakfast :)

Kidney Yang herbs- I thought from Randine's questionnaire I am deficient in Kidney Yang! I have to brace myself to take these herbs! How long have you been on them Abs? Did your Acupuncturist see changes in your energy levels? if so after how long? I am just being impatient as I want to see changes!!
ok witch got me i am cd 4 but cathy said that its ok its only the first month trying after m/c good news perfect 14 day lp 30 day cycle ov day 15/16. fustrating cuz we bd every night around that date so why did it not happen - ahhhhhhhh!
Cathy has changed my little black ball pills for ones that deal with stress and exhaustion- figures!- still taking the herbs. I asked if i could drop to every other week but she didn't recommend i do that and said i need every week- i am broke!! still going to try until Aug then if nothing it will be IVF sept/ oct but really hope this works- hi to everyone new and loads of luck to everyone xx
Ah Abs and Glitter...:growlmad: to the :witch: So disappointing! Sending you both :hugs: and as per usual, know you'll find the PMA to move onwards to the next cycle - it would just be nice not to have to dig deep to find this every month!!
Sorry Gllitterqueen :hugs: but good news that you had a perfect cycle (like you say, Fitzy, digging deep!).
Do you mean the dry herbs that you need to boil up? They're gaggingly bitter but the good news is you can make them fit for human consumption by sweetening them - I stir honey or agave nectar into my cup once I've heated up my 100ml dose. Lifesaver! (thanks Qing). There are loads of different kidney
yang herbs, your doc will mix the ones that are correct for you and your cycle stage (when I was on pills though, I was on the same throughout my cycle).
How's your OH?
I don't remember suddenly having more energy after starting to take them, but my energy levels have definitely improved as my treatment has progressed.

Abi x
Hey Abi & hello girls!

Just popping in quick so I can make sure this is in my subscribed threads. I will catch up proper a little later on. I think I may have posted here before-not sure.
If not hello-I'm 34.5, DH 36-TTC #1 for 17 cycles. Tried accupuncture for about 6 months halfway through. No luck but stopped b/c of the $$ and I already have very regular cycles and truthfully my Dr. was more interested in treating my headaches, lol.

DH has low motility and is taking an ayervedic formula from India for this (Himalaya Spemen). We'll see what happens-he has also changes a lot of bad habits.

Dust to all!
Morning Ladies,

Abi - sorry the witch bag got you - she really is a stupid cow some times (most of the time really!! :haha: ). Hope your having a better day today and ready for the next cycle - it will be our turn soon - i hope!!!

Im taking powdered herbs that come in a sachet and you mix with a half mug of boiling water to dissolve then drink (once cooled of course!!). They cost £40 so Im gonna tell her tonight at my "10th" session that Im not gonna bother taking them anymore. She also gives me the black pills free of charge with the herbs so I might continue with these (which i'm sure she will make me pay for now but shouldnt be any more than £5/£10 i'd say!

Well Im pretty P'd off today too - I started spotting (think it actually started yesterday but was just so tiny I wasnt sure) but today its here in full force - and Im only 7DPO.... if I ov'd on my usual CD16 which was last sunday then its exactly a week later (however 2 days before Ov i had pains so theres a possibility it was CD14 but the OPK's dont correspond to that so i still think it was CD16 as normal) so pretty dissappointed today (not sad cos I wasn't feeling very hopeful anyway) - thats the shortest LP ive had since I started TTC all those years ago.....

I ordered MACA online last week too -think i'll give that a shot - nothing to lose really.

Oh yeah and I have to decide whether I want IVF by the 30th April.... Im gonna say no - can't be doing with that - i really hope I never need it but will give myself another year doing it au natural!!!
Sorry to hear the old witch seems to be getting everyone :growlmad:

I just logged in quickly to catch up with everyone.

I'm on CD14 now I think. Don't hold out much hope for this month - didn't feel the energy to BD as much as we should plus we have been naughty this weekend and overindulged in alcohol. Oh well nevermind.

Keeping everything crossed that we get some more BFPs on this thread soon though having said that I think we all seem to be in the first part of our cycles so will be a few weeks off yet.

babydust to everyone xxx
Overindulged in food and alcohol at the weekend myself so dont worry Lulu - we aint perfect and we will get there some day! :thumbup:
Hey Titi :hi: lovely to see you on here!
Reba, sorry the bitch got you :hugs:
Lulu, you know laummatt and rubyloo were both convinced they'd had a dud month last month don't you?! That said, I definitely find it easier on the emotions if I've told myself all along that the hag is coming to stay.
Abi x
I'm sorry about witch, too. I think she's due here any moment for me also. AF cramps this morning but silly me I did end up testing b/c she isn't due for another day or two I was hoping it was something else (bfn by the way, but not fmu)
Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts about my grandfather. He passed away late Tuesday night (last week). He was a good man, very loved by everyone that knew him and he will definitely be missed. He only was really sick for the last week which is a blessing. He always wanted to die in his sleep and at least he got the next best thing. We were able to bring him home with Hospice which made things much easier on my Mom, her sister, and my Grandmother. Minimin, I had a wonderful feeling when I thought of Grandpa bouncing my two little angels on his knees. In the end I was able to give him great grandchildren, he just had to make his way to heaven to meet them :) And I fully expect him to pull any strings possible to help DH and I get our BFP.

I am very behind in posts but big congratulations to Rubyloo and Laumatt!!! :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :dance: :dance: So VERY happy for both of you. Wishing you a happy, healthy, and sticky 9 mos :)

Welcome to the new ladies who have joined, looking forward to following your journeys.

CD 13 for me and I RECEIVED A HIGH on my fertility monitor!!! I looked over my past cycles and the soonest I ever got a High reading was CD 18!!! I really think stopping the b vitamins has returned my ovulation to where it normally was. I know b vitamins can do wonders for some ladies but I read a few other stories of it delaying ovulation so really think I fell into that category. It could also be the Clomid or just some other random cause, but I think I'll stay off the b vitamins for now.

Still experiencing a lack of ewcm. Haven't really even noticed too much cm at all this cycle. I started taking Mucinex (400mg active ingredient) on cd 11 and will continue until ovulation is confirmed. Also am trying to eat a handful of baby carrots each day, read that it can help with ewcm and will try drinking green tea as well. I also use a full plunger of pre-seed each time we do the BD until ovulation is confirmed.

Sorry for any news that I have missed, I should be able to get online much more regularly now. I hope everyone is doing well and here's wishing us all baby dust and sticky glue!!
Hi Bernina - so very sorry to hear about your grandfather passing away - i hope your doing okay. My friend lost her baby last week (2 days before her due date) and she sent me an email saying she is picturing her baby girl bounching on her father-in-laws knee in heaven - which of course made me cry my eyes out (nearly am again). :cry: but its a nice thought!

Take care and hope the EWCM shows up soon - i'm lacking in it myself and its really annoying but preseed/concieve plus does the trick!

Bernina-so sorry about your grandfather. :hugs:
Bernina - so sorry to hear about your grandfather :hugs: I hope you are doing as ok as you can. Big hugs

Glad to hear that the ov seems to have moved forward. I'm on CD14 so we are only a day out of each other's cycles. I think my ov has moved forward too since stopping the Bvits. I am on CD14 this month and think I ov a few days ago (As lots of watery CM and twinges). Funnily enough I havent had any EWCM just LOADS of watery CM (sorry if TMI but it was literally like water dripping at times) :blush:. According to fertility friend both watery and EWCM are fertile. then again maybe I havent ovulated yet and the EWCM will arrive in the next day or so.

Abs - agree with you easier on the emotions if I convince myself not in with a chance. Though I am sure that I will build myself up in the week before AF :wacko:

Bernina- so sorry for your loss x
abs oh is fine wondering if we need to get another sperm test as he only ever had one with low mobility but he has stopped smoking and drinking since then and i am giving him so much stuff he rattles my herbs are the same as reba- powder made with boilidng water and drink-yuck i just hold my nose and swallow-the herbs that is - oh er missus!!
lulu- i love your puppy- i have one exactly the same but she is 12 now and so my baby x
let me know what Cathy said bout stopping herbs etc-did you ask her what her discount is for block booking sessions- i am going to ask on thurs to see if that makes a difference - i suggested skipping a week and she said she didn't advise it! i would really hate to think she was taking advantage- she is so nice but i suppose it is a business
due to b/d from 1st May onwards-was looking at the sperm meets egg plan so will give that a go-thats what i did last month as well-so fustrating when you do it all the right times and still nothing!!!
Bernina- so sorry for your loss x
abs oh is fine wondering if we need to get another sperm test as he only ever had one with low mobility but he has stopped smoking and drinking since then and i am giving him so much stuff he rattles my herbs are the same as reba- powder made with boilidng water and drink-yuck i just hold my nose and swallow-the herbs that is - oh er missus!!
lulu- i love your puppy- i have one exactly the same but she is 12 now and so my baby x
let me know what Cathy said bout stopping herbs etc-did you ask her what her discount is for block booking sessions- i am going to ask on thurs to see if that makes a difference - i suggested skipping a week and she said she didn't advise it! i would really hate to think she was taking advantage- she is so nice but i suppose it is a business
due to b/d from 1st May onwards-was looking at the sperm meets egg plan so will give that a go-thats what i did last month as well-so fustrating when you do it all the right times and still nothing!!!

Hi Glitterqueen

I had my 10th session with Cathy yesterday evening - i just told her that i felt the herbs werent working and that i have too many bills this month so think i will stop - she thought it was a good idea (cos they arent helping with the spotting at all) - im still taking the pills as i have a full container of those so will see what she says about continuing with those at my next appointment. I doubt shes taking advantage but it is a business and she wants to make her money too.... I think if you feel they are not doing any good then def give them up. Maybe she wants to keep you on them cos I suppose they worked for you before and she feels they will again!

Well Im still spotting today - its very light and i feel alot more crampy this time than the last few months - its really annoying cos I keep thinking what if!!! should I test!!! I know its gonna be negative but I just want to pee on a stick!!! I wont though - its a waste of good pregnancy tests!!! I have 4 at home and have had them for a long time.... How do i hold back sometimes I just dont know. :shrug:

I did the SMEP last month without success - it makes you wonder if your doing it at all the right times then why the hell arent you getting pregnant! :growlmad:

Cathy avoided my belly last night and just did the usualy head, legs and feet with 2 in each wrist also - she told me before that it was to nourish the uterus. She checked my pulse too and looked at my tongue but never said anything to make me feel hopeful - too early anyway I'd say - ok i need to stop myself from getting hopes up - its happening again..... I'll be mega p'd off when AF shows even though Im 99.9% sure she will....
Well I feel crap today-headache, cramps-af stay away!!! RebaRezzelba I did smep too.
I am really toying with one of two ideas-try smep for 3 or 4 more cycles (after all we do only have that crummy 20% chance no matter what we do) or switching to something completely new. I have been really thinking about this "quality of sex" thing. Sorry for TMI but during our first or second bd of the cycle and all other times of the month I am v. happy with our sex life. But it truthfully is not good at all the3-7 or so times we BD after the first few. I mean, I dry out (preseed only helps so much), I'm sore, tired, and it is very hard for me to O too, let alone find it truthfully enjoyable.
I wonder if we sacraficed multiple bd attempts and only did it once or twice-but really good-like we took the time we don't have to give to it during a full week of bd just say day before OV & OV to have the gourmet sex if it would do the trick?

I was just wondering lately if that might be one of the things that separates the LTTTCers from the TTCers that keep getting their bfps straight away? Maybe the sex is still great during the bd b/c it is so new? Or am I naive and I'm the only one not enjoying this?!?

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