The Really Useful TCM Thread

HI everyone, I've become a bit of a lurker rather than poster on this thread in last couple of months. Haven't had my acu or reflexology for some time as I've been on placement and the hours have been someting else!!!!

Nice to see lots of new people joining, I hope things happen for you! Glitterqueen hope you get a sticky bfp very soon!

Abi, I'm glad all this acu is helping, maybe you should contact randine lewis and see if she will treat you! You deserve free treatment for all the plugging and sales you must have brought her!!!

Titi you know what? no your not alone in finding all this lttc is affecting the sex! I find it swings from one extreme to the other, I ttc really hard, temping, opk's, vits, reflex etc etc then it doesn't happen and I go completely the other way, lose all hope completely and just have a normal sex life, and enjoy it again, of course this doesn't work either and so I go back to actively ttc. lol I think you get the picture!

Its about time we had more bfp's on here anyway so who's next? anyone getting ready to test? xx
Well I feel crap today-headache, cramps-af stay away!!! RebaRezzelba I did smep too.
I am really toying with one of two ideas-try smep for 3 or 4 more cycles (after all we do only have that crummy 20% chance no matter what we do) or switching to something completely new. I have been really thinking about this "quality of sex" thing. Sorry for TMI but during our first or second bd of the cycle and all other times of the month I am v. happy with our sex life. But it truthfully is not good at all the3-7 or so times we BD after the first few. I mean, I dry out (preseed only helps so much), I'm sore, tired, and it is very hard for me to O too, let alone find it truthfully enjoyable.
I wonder if we sacraficed multiple bd attempts and only did it once or twice-but really good-like we took the time we don't have to give to it during a full week of bd just say day before OV & OV to have the gourmet sex if it would do the trick?

I was just wondering lately if that might be one of the things that separates the LTTTCers from the TTCers that keep getting their bfps straight away? Maybe the sex is still great during the bd b/c it is so new? Or am I naive and I'm the only one not enjoying this?!?

Titi dont worry your not alone with the not enjoying the sex - i too find the first few days after AF (week before Ov) to be better sex wise cos you now theres no chance of getting pregnant cos too early. Then the few times over the Ov window it gets less exciting. I've been thinking for the past few months to only do it on Ov day and the day after but then when the time comes I change my mind cos Im afraid ill miss the egg (even though I seem to be missing it anyway). My sister had sex once (day before Ov) and then never got around to doing it again so was 100% she was out and she caught the egg first time (she had a baby 6 months previously so maybe she was just highly fertile - but ive been thinking of taking a leaf out of her book and just doing it once or twice max this month...... Of course DH will need to relieve himself somehow cos want good swimmers going in!!!! :haha: . My sister also said that the one time she did it she didnt have the usual leaking out of seminal fluid (she said nothing really came out - and she was on top too - not the best position for conception supposedly.....but it worked for her)

ANyway its lunch time so enough sex talk!!! :haha:
I agree-its scary to worry about missing the eggy which is why I've never tried this before. But thinking maybe there is something to quality versus quanity!
think your right Titi - im def going for Quality this month..... :happydance: should be fun!
okay-but I hope you wont have to!

But if so-I'll make the quality pact with you. It's going to be so hard because you know we are going to be worried we aren't doing it enough!!!! It will probably help though also b/c dh has low motility.
Howdy all!

Titi (and others) I feel the same way about sex. It's become a necessary chore that lacks the fun, spontaneity, and passion that it once did. I think DH doesn't feel it as much as I do, I really do try to keep it exciting for him, but sometimes I just want a wham bam thank you mam and it figures those are the times when he lasts and lasts and lasts like the energizer bunny!

It looks like I'll ovulate today or tomorrow which is huge news as far as I'm concerned.

And to top it off, noticed a small amount of ewcm!!! :dance: :dance:

I also debated the best way to catch the egg this month with quality sperm and have decided on every other day. Previously as soon as I got a high on the monitor we'd have sex every day until I could confirm ovulation, but that just wore us out. So this time, ever other day and hopefully quality will trump quantity.

Best of luck to everyone on catching those eggs!!!!
Bernina, really sorry to hear about your grandad. Hope you can take some comfort from the fact that he was at home. :hugs:
Moving on...
Ugh, I got to the stage where sex every day up to ov made me want to shoot myself! Then we went to every other day after the ewcm appeared and then Qing told me I had to enjoy it and suddenly I'm working on it and I am enjoying it. Still didn't manage it after ov lasy cycle though! Ned to do it regularly, all month I htink - thinking of every 3 days after the witch is dead and every other day once i ahve ewcm. And damn it, I'll enjoy it!!

Going away for a few days and dont' have acu on friday (yikes!) so I'll not be here for a little while.

Abi x
Hi girls-looks like we are all starting to think quality maybe better. Any good eastern herbs/remedies for this?
That reminds me something funny I got some Chinese cream that was supposed to do wonders.......with a hilarious name.........not so much.

Abi-glad it is going nicer for you! Please feel free to post any tips here (or pm if too private) for how you are making such a glorious transition!!!
Hey Titi, to be honest I'm just doing all the foreplay myself!

It could be that my kidney yang is improving dramatically too, because low libido is a sign of kidney yang deficiency. TCM would help with your premenstrual symptoms quite rapidly too, Titi. I think it's helped me do cope better with the monthly cycles mounting up, becasue I know I'm doing some thing very effective - although it doesn't stop the odd moment of utter panic, at keast I feel better in general about it.

I dont know anything really about specific remedies, I leave it all to Qing, which unless you knwo your diagnosis is the best thing to do: what might be great for somebody with a specific diagnosis could be toxic for somebody with a different problem. The Randine Lewis book I keep talking about would help you, as you;d be abel to take the questionnaire and follow her giudelines for medicines.

Hey Jojo-m! Wasn't ignoring you - just in a hurry last night and again this morning. I think I've probably earned some free treatment too!

ABi x
Hello, ladies.

I'm Gille and I will be having an IUI in June, hopefully.

I have a question regarding acupuncture if any of you can help me with a little information. I do plan to speak to a practitioner pretty soon but here are my questions if you feel up to answering.

I'm on the pill, would it still be helpful to try acupuncture? My dr suggests I come off when I'm done with the pill pack, not sooner due to endometriosis but I'd like to start acupuncture soon.

Do you believe there is a difference in going multiple times a week vs just one if I can only go a month before the IUI? I'm not sure if I should even try it since I don't have much time beforehand though I do plan to go right before or after the IUI and will continue for the next one.

It's pretty confusing but I heard acupuncture is helpful in increasing my chances so I didn't want to pass it by.

Anyway, I hope you ladies are having a good day and if you are in the 2ww, I'm praying its successful for you!

Hello, ladies.

I'm Gille and I will be having an IUI in June, hopefully.

I have a question regarding acupuncture if any of you can help me with a little information. I do plan to speak to a practitioner pretty soon but here are my questions if you feel up to answering.

I'm on the pill, would it still be helpful to try acupuncture? My dr suggests I come off when I'm done with the pill pack, not sooner due to endometriosis but I'd like to start acupuncture soon.

Do you believe there is a difference in going multiple times a week vs just one if I can only go a month before the IUI? I'm not sure if I should even try it since I don't have much time beforehand though I do plan to go right before or after the IUI and will continue for the next one.

It's pretty confusing but I heard acupuncture is helpful in increasing my chances so I didn't want to pass it by.

Anyway, I hope you ladies are having a good day and if you are in the 2ww, I'm praying its successful for you!


Hi Gille

Im not an expert (you need Abi for that) but I do think acupuncture can help with Endo pain so I think you should def go for a few sessions before your IUI and while on the pill - maybe once you come off it the pain wont be as bad.

And def go before and after the IUI too - might increase your chances - however I'd say the more times you go the better so if you can manage to start now, by the time June comes around you'll be an Acup Pro!

Good luck with the IUI! :thumbup:
Well Ladies,

Nothing at all to report from my neck of the woods - still spotting but its so light compared to usual - in that one panty liner a day does the trick - usually at this stage (day 5 of spotting) its so dark and brown (nearly black) that I go through liners constantly.

I even took a FMU sample this am - then I had a shower. I was about to test after shower but felt the witch making her way to me ever so slowly (horrible achy feeling in pit of your stomach/ovaries) so I dumped the sample and thought "dont be stupid wasting good tests when (1) you feel AF coming (2) your only 10DO (3) your period isnt even nearly late (4) your setting yourself up for major disappointment!

The only reason I thought about testing was cos I was symptom spotting - but I know these symptoms are just the usual sign of AF or something else and not realted to pregnancy (how would I know what pregnancy symptoms are anyway). Firstly the spotting arrived 6/7DPO (2/3 days earlier than normal), have had major heartburn since Sunday (day spotting arrived) but had a heavy weekend of overindulgence, have had weird pains and twinges (but ive had these all before), felt nauseous a few times (again i get this all the time - motion sickness) - anyway stupid symptoms that mean absolutely nothing. Even as im typing this I can fee AF making her way - must go to the loo!
Hi Gille

Im not an expert (you need Abi for that) but I do think acupuncture can help with Endo pain so I think you should def go for a few sessions before your IUI and while on the pill - maybe once you come off it the pain wont be as bad.

And def go before and after the IUI too - might increase your chances - however I'd say the more times you go the better so if you can manage to start now, by the time June comes around you'll be an Acup Pro!

Good luck with the IUI! :thumbup:

Thanks so much!

You know, I'm so used to endo pain that I didn't even think that about it helping me there too right now. Or maybe that's just me obsessed with trying to get pregnant!

Either way, I really appreciate the advice. I will be getting into a session as soon as I can. Hoping for next weekend at least. I would love to be at pro at this if it will help me in any way!
hi ladies
well day 8 in the ovary house-had an accu session and signed up for 6 more if you pre pay you get one session free and at £80 with the herbs i just wacked it on the credit card and closed my eyes. Cathy said i had a perfect period last month started red and regular flow and ended with no brown spotting after 5 days so positive for this month please!!- otherwise i will be living in a cardboard box in my garden while i rent out my house to pay for everything lol
have started drinking grapefruit juice as its supposed to help with ewcm and and forcing fruit and veg down my throat reluctantly- as well as the epo, fish oils, pregnacare, folic acid and vit B6- not that i am obsessed or anything xxx Cathy remains so positive as usual-she is my little ray of sunshine
Morning all,

Still no AF for me - took a test this morning cos Ive been thinking about it for the past few days so needed to get it out of my system - BFN of course but what the hay! It was one of those cheapie ones so i didnt waste a good FR one - I'll save them for after the weekend if still no show. Im away for the weekend so wont be taking one with me which will be a bit of a nightmare for but whats the point - its gonna be negative anyway (why am i doing this to myself)!!! The spotting is coming and going - light to heavier back to light then nothing this am but im sure it will be back when i go to loo.

Hi Glitterqueen - thats good you got to book a block of sessions - its scary all the money but I suppose if the end result is a BFP then who cares - you'll have the next 9 months to pay it off!!!

So hows everyone else doing today? Any Acup sessions to report on - any crazy 2WW signs and symptoms, any AF's showing up??? And most importantly - any BFP's??? :baby: :haha:

Hi everyone

Welcome Gille - hope the IUI works out for you. I'm sure when Abi is back on here she will have some brilliant advice re acu.

Glitterqueen - glad Cathy is giving you some pma. I am in love with my puppy though she is so energetic! Good training for a baby... She is now snoring away next to me so gives me 5 mins to write this post.

Hi Reba - sorry to hear about the spotting. I know when I was having spotting a few months ago just how annoying it is. Fingers crossed for a bfp. I know from experience that it is still possible to spot and get one - last april when i was pregnant i spotted for 7 days a few days before my af was due - in fact it was so heavy at times i thought it was my af and carried on for the next cycle assuming i wasnt pg. It was only when I starting using opks the following month and they come up super dark within secs that I did a hpt and it came up +ve - I was super shocked. The only prob now when i get my af is that I wonder whether it is a true one. The body loves to confuse at times.

Well talking of confusing bodies I actually think i may be ovulating today (CD17). I thought I had ovulated last week! (As i had twinges in ovaries and watery CM.). Well this morning I had LOADS of EWCM and now I am having ov pains so I am assuming I must be ovulating today. A little annoying since I havent bd since Wed morning. I am going to have jump on DH when he gets home. Just hope I havent missed the chance for sperm to meet eggie :dohh:

Anyway no other news to post. I have decided to resume acu next month (have had the last few weeks without - just want to see how my body responds).

God the 2ww will start tomorrow. Feeling stressed already what with my short LP. last month I had a 28 day cycle (think I ov between CD14-18). If I can go that long again then at least it would mean an 11 day LP.

Fingers crossed for us all! xxxx
Hi Lulu - thats great u have loads of EWCM and hopefully a good session with DH this evening will do the trick (the egg does live for 12 to 36 hrs after Ov supposedly so u still have time to catch it).

Well i just went to loo and the spotting has changed to heavier spotting/blood (still pure dark brown but its more watery and blood like so AF is def on her way - i get this type of spotting all the time so its not a great sign for me).

Oh well another month out the window - def going for Quality versus quantity this month - cant even be arsed :sex: at this stage but one must do want one can to get a BFP. I need a holiday badly - might book a night away in a hotel around Ov time - and try to forget that it is Ov time!!!
Hi Lulu - thats great u have loads of EWCM and hopefully a good session with DH this evening will do the trick (the egg does live for 12 to 36 hrs after Ov supposedly so u still have time to catch it).

Well i just went to loo and the spotting has changed to heavier spotting/blood (still pure dark brown but its more watery and blood like so AF is def on her way - i get this type of spotting all the time so its not a great sign for me).

Oh well another month out the window - def going for Quality versus quantity this month - cant even be arsed :sex: at this stage but one must do want one can to get a BFP. I need a holiday badly - might book a night away in a hotel around Ov time - and try to forget that it is Ov time!!!

Oh no sorry to hear the spotting is getting worse. I think a holiday sounds like a really good idea! I think that (in addition to acu of course) my holiday in March has had a part to play in my af returning to something more normal - in fact my pre-holiday afs had lots of spotting and post-holiday afs Ive had 2 days max. So the spotting may be stress related. Though how on earth we are meant to not get stressed when ttc I'll never know....

I know what you mean about :sex: - I feel like when its not around ov great i can relax and enjoy it. But it becomes a necessity at other times and anything you HAVE to do can start to feel like a chore. god that sounds awful doesnt it?! I would feel terrible if my DH felt like that too!

Well I am keeping everything crossed that this little eggie keeps going until tonight.

On that note I can hear my neighbours baby crying :cry::cry: as if to rub it in that I dont have my baby and Im also not pg - think Im going to go and take my puppy for walk.

Catch you all later xxxx

Baby dust baby dust baby dust xxx
Hi Girls,

Reba-sorry about the af-although I hope it isn't her!

We are going for quality too this month! Getting a brand new fertility monitor in today-going to wait for the peak day and give it our all!
Morning all,
:wave: I have not been on for a while so sorry to not have replied personally to you all. Just to say Bernina, I am sorry about your Grandpa! I am sure your angels are making him happy and they are busy pulling all the strings that need be :hugs:

Want to keep this short as I am off for my fourth session today. I am a little annoyed with myself as since my MC four weeks ago I am over indulging in Alcohol and I am sure that is not working with my pills and treatment. I am determined May is a new month and a new Min! I have started my Yoga classes this week (5 hr round trip to my hot yoga studio- hence not being on BandB much!). And I have just been offered a job!

Anyway- as I gas on the point I came on here was to add this link
Thats the place I get my acu done- but there is some interesting info on how they diagnose whats going on and which herbs/pills are given. Even the Acu points! Not that I have been through them all.

I hope you are all well and I get a chance to come back and tell you about my 4th session. My Uni girls are visiting for the BH weekend and I am not sure I will get a chance. There goes my good intentions of not overeating and drinking :(


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