The Really Useful TCM Thread

I'm giving it one more cycle after this one, and if Im not seeing anything Im thinking about doing acupuncture! Ive been looking around online at practitioners in my area and I'd like to try it.
:hi: I'm back! One year older (34) and looking forward to a few nights away in Devon next weekend (fantastic beggie BnB we've been to a few times - if you're interested I can tell you all about it.

Hey newbies - lovely to meet you Gille, really pleased you decided to come over, Whitbit.

Thanks for the compliments, but I don't feel like an expert - were that the case, I wouldn't have avoided acu til cycle 15, thinking acu meant I couldn't give blood any more (FYI, it's a 4-month gap you need and they don't recommend it when you're TTC anyway, just in case) - what a donkey! Anyway, I suppose I have picked up a lot but it's mostly courtesy of Randine (not my alter-ego, I promise).

Gille, as I understand it, when using TCM for fertility it's best to go weekly - Qing treats me slightly different at each stage of my cycle (anywhere between 25 & 29 days currently) and as she puts it, there's only a very brief time in which she can do things for each stage. I go every week - have done since november, bar a week over christmas and last week, whan Qing was away and her I couldn't see her partner on the friday. It's a truly wonderful way to look after yourself - I recommend Randine Lewis's The Infertility Cure to help you to understand TCM for fertility and give you loads of ideas for improving your health and fertility chances.

Hello the rest of you! Hope everybody's well - Reba, sorry it sounded like the hag was approaching, but very positive that your spotting's started lessening. Finally, you're starting to reap the benefits in an obvious way. Grasp everything you can, believe me.

Abi x
Morning everyone,

Well the Hag didnt stay away - she showed up Saturday morning around 6am (seems like her usual time to call). The spotting lasted the same lenght of time but was lighter so I suppose thats something. Still it arrived 2 days earlier than it was suppose to and so did period so Im starting to think the pains I felt on CD14 were Ov pains as I suspected and that I didnt Ov on CD16 as per usual. that would make more sense! Period wasnt too bad either - took 2 pre-emptive (is that spelt correct) painkillers so pain wasnt too bad - i totally avoided the nuerofen which is rare for me (i felt like i needed them but i stayed away and the pain subsided). So altogether I only had 2 paracetamol and to Anadin Extra.

I started taking Maca last week too - but gave up the chinese herbs cos dont want to be takin too many things. The MACA is cheaper than getting herbs. Gonna stop the chinese pills too. Then it will just be Wellwoman tablets and MACA for me - i ran out of Spirulina so havent had that in a while either - at the end of the day I think I might have a blockage in my tubes or endometriosis so all the tablets in the world wont help - so calling the FS today to arrange a private appointment (as i was told last week the waiting list is not 16 weeks but 21weeks) but if I go private i will have an appointment in 2 weeks - then a HSG in 2 months and LAP in 9 weeks - so need to arrange all that today!

Anyway nothing else to report from Camp Reba....

Any BFP's this month......? :baby:
Morning everyone,

Well the Hag didnt stay away - she showed up Saturday morning around 6am (seems like her usual time to call). The spotting lasted the same lenght of time but was lighter so I suppose thats something. Still it arrived 2 days earlier than it was suppose to and so did period so Im starting to think the pains I felt on CD14 were Ov pains as I suspected and that I didnt Ov on CD16 as per usual. that would make more sense! Period wasnt too bad either - took 2 pre-emptive (is that spelt correct) painkillers so pain wasnt too bad - i totally avoided the nuerofen which is rare for me (i felt like i needed them but i stayed away and the pain subsided). So altogether I only had 2 paracetamol and to Anadin Extra.

I started taking Maca last week too - but gave up the chinese herbs cos dont want to be takin too many things. The MACA is cheaper than getting herbs. Gonna stop the chinese pills too. Then it will just be Wellwoman tablets and MACA for me - i ran out of Spirulina so havent had that in a while either - at the end of the day I think I might have a blockage in my tubes or endometriosis so all the tablets in the world wont help - so calling the FS today to arrange a private appointment (as i was told last week the waiting list is not 16 weeks but 21weeks) but if I go private i will have an appointment in 2 weeks - then a HSG in 2 months and LAP in 9 weeks - so need to arrange all that today!

Anyway nothing else to report from Camp Reba....

Any BFP's this month......? :baby:

noticed you were having hsg and lap- just a small thing if you r paying private i would save money and just go for lap cuz they test your tubes anyway when doing that- i had it done in nov hope you don't mind me saying xx
day 13 and getting closer to a positive ov test-line getting darker but still not complete. definately increased ewcm prob due to the cough bottle i have been swigging so fingers crossed for BFP this month. good luck with the FS- who r you going to ??
Hi everyone,

I keep popping in and out of this thread, but just wanted to say that I have been doing acu for 2 months now at 1-2 times a week and today I started my iui cycle and had acu.

When talking with my acupuncturist I realized that the colour and consistency of my af has dramatically changed since starting acu - although 2 months ago I also had a lap and removed tons of endo.

My treatments are focusing on improving my bodies general blood flow and my endo pain.

:dust: to all!
:wave: Hey ladies,
Welcome newbies! :hugs:

I am a little late in filling in- as I mentioned in my last post I had a pretty busy few days over the weekend with friends visiting!

My acupuncture was on Saturday morning. I spoke to him about my overindulgence in alcohol and he said it was not enough drinking to really be concerned but to cut back. I am off to Morocco this weekend for a two week Yoga teacher training retreat so will definitely not be drinking then! I will see what difference that makes to my pulse and tongue analysis. I dont know why but I think it will be a big difference. I also told him I have started Yoga training again and in particular Hot Yoga! I felt better energy wise- but that could be the Iron supplements, hot yoga and/or the herbs and Acu! He checked my tongue and asked about my diet (I am a veggie).

So he says my pulse is still low and he wants to continue with improving my kidney energy. He had me on my back and placed about 6 needles along my spine on either side between the middle and lower back, one on the top of my head and then some on my inner ankle and lower calf. I cant recall but he may have also put two on the inner middle calf area! He placed the heat lamp and left me for about 45minutes. Felt very relaxed and calm. As he was placing the needles he told me about the client who was waiting before me. She was the lady I mentioned in my first post on this thread. She had 5 MC all around 7 weeks, before coming to him for Acupuncture. She is now 18 weeks pregnant!! He said she had really low energy and he had her not ttc for about 6 months. I told him I have been offered a job (cant remember if I mentioned this) It is all daunting as I am changing my career, taking a huge pay cut and starting at entry level. I said we may wait longer to ttc (planned July) but he said he wouldnt recommend waiting too long and suggest August!

Anyway-after removing the needles I thought I was going to get a lovely back massage- but he said he was going to use cupping! MY goodness! He placed 6 on my back- basically a line down my spine. What a weird feeling!!! Has anyone had this done? I think it helps to increase blood flow to tissues! He had those in place about 15 minutes- felt like I had some huge leech's stuck to my back!

He suggested I continue taking the herbs and I am seeing him again on Friday before I have a two week break whilst I am away. I will still be taking the herbs whilst I am on my yoga trip.

Phew- sorry such a long post- Thanks to those of you who read this to the end :(
Morning everyone,

I started taking Maca last week too - but gave up the chinese herbs cos dont want to be takin too many things. The MACA is cheaper than getting herbs. Gonna stop the chinese pills too. Then it will just be Wellwoman tablets and MACA for me - i ran out of Spirulina so havent had that in a while either - at the end of the day I think I might have a blockage in my tubes or endometriosis so all the tablets in the world wont help - so calling the FS today to arrange a private appointment (as i was told last week the waiting list is not 16 weeks but 21weeks) but if I go private i will have an appointment in 2 weeks - then a HSG in 2 months and LAP in 9 weeks - so need to arrange all that today!

Anyway nothing else to report from Camp Reba....

Any BFP's this month......? :baby:

noticed you were having hsg and lap- just a small thing if you r paying private i would save money and just go for lap cuz they test your tubes anyway when doing that- i had it done in nov hope you don't mind me saying xx
day 13 and getting closer to a positive ov test-line getting darker but still not complete. definately increased ewcm prob due to the cough bottle i have been swigging so fingers crossed for BFP this month. good luck with the FS- who r you going to ??

Hi Glitterqueen - I was planning on going private for the appointment with FS only and then stick with the NHS for the HSG and LAP. I was thinking should I just go for the LAP but it scares me so thats why i thought I'd do the HSG first and if tubes are not blocked then maybe I wont need a LAP - however if they are blocked then I will need one. I'm going to the Royal for the FS appointment - can't rem the Dr's name - I still havent called to get an appointment, I keep forgetting!!! The nurse told me last week that the appointment would be £80 - is that right? Have you had a private appointment with FS? I hope its not much more. When my baby is Born (when!!!!) I will start taking £5 off him/her every week to pay for all the fertility stuff i;ve had done.... ahahahah :haha: - just kiddin!
Hi everyone,

I keep popping in and out of this thread, but just wanted to say that I have been doing acu for 2 months now at 1-2 times a week and today I started my iui cycle and had acu.

When talking with my acupuncturist I realized that the colour and consistency of my af has dramatically changed since starting acu - although 2 months ago I also had a lap and removed tons of endo.

My treatments are focusing on improving my bodies general blood flow and my endo pain.

:dust: to all!

Hey Blue - good luck with the IUI this month. :thumbup:

Hey Reba
My fs appointment in Royal was NHs but I was naive then about how they treat it all and on hind sight i would have gone private 7 years ago when all this ttc started. All I can say is push hard with all your concerns and don't let them tell you to keep trying for another 6 months- i was told that for 7 years and when i did finally get to the royal was told ah well you are too old now! the lap is easy please don't worry and recovery isn't too bad honest and i fell pg 2 months later!!
I reckon my baby won't be seeing any of the child benefit- i am having the lot lol!!
hope it all goes well xx
Hey Reba
My fs appointment in Royal was NHs but I was naive then about how they treat it all and on hind sight i would have gone private 7 years ago when all this ttc started. All I can say is push hard with all your concerns and don't let them tell you to keep trying for another 6 months- i was told that for 7 years and when i did finally get to the royal was told ah well you are too old now! the lap is easy please don't worry and recovery isn't too bad honest and i fell pg 2 months later!!
I reckon my baby won't be seeing any of the child benefit- i am having the lot lol!!
hope it all goes well xx

Thanks for that Glitterqueen - i do find it hard sometimes talking to Dr's and FS. I always go there with a list of things in my head but they always brush them off - this time Im gonna be strong and say that i need to take control of my infertility myself and demand a HSG/LAP/Clomid/Progesterone Tests - i have so many things to ask - and if Im paying for the priveledge then im gonna get my moneys worth! ANd same as that - no child benefit for my baby until fertility debts paid off - poor child! :)
Hey newbies - lovely to meet you Gille, really pleased you decided to come over, Whitbit.

Gille, as I understand it, when using TCM for fertility it's best to go weekly - Qing treats me slightly different at each stage of my cycle (anywhere between 25 & 29 days currently) and as she puts it, there's only a very brief time in which she can do things for each stage. I go every week - have done since november, bar a week over christmas and last week, whan Qing was away and her I couldn't see her partner on the friday. It's a truly wonderful way to look after yourself - I recommend Randine Lewis's The Infertility Cure to help you to understand TCM for fertility and give you loads of ideas for improving your health and fertility chances.

Abi x

Nice to meet you and thank you so much for the advice.
I'm still holding out hope that I'll be able to go this month. This month is closing in fast and I'm still trying to catch up. My IUI would be the first week of June so its really close and I'm worried it wouldn't help me just that little bit of time. I really wanted to start TCM as soon as possible but now I'm depending on finances and such.

I have the infertility cure right now! I'm so glad to hear it mentioned cause it is a great book. I'm working my way through it right now.

Hopefully I'll be able to get it going and will be back to share here.
Hey girls,

Good luck with the IUI, blue - pleased to see the acu seems to have made such a difference. Whether it's all the acu or a mixture of east and west working dor you, what really matters is it's working! :thumbup:

Minimin, you sound so much better than you were a few weeks ago. Enjoy your yoga course - you must be ever so much more experienced than me! Do you find it difficult to fit it in? I find if I don't do mine first thing in the morning it doesn't happen (and I'm useless at doing it when we're away!). Used to do it in my lunch hour bnefore I started maternity leave, which was handy.

Glitter and Reba, #1's child benefit (minus the difference between what you get for 1st and subsequent children, which is just over £25 - this goes into mummy's ISA, as does the yearly interest, not that that's much at the moment) has been going into a savings account in my name, so we can give it to her when she's old enough, rather than at at 18, as happens with the Child Trust Fund. She's already got over £1800 and it now lives in our mortgage offset account, helping to pay it off! I keep track of it and it'll all go back to her once the mortgage is gone. Obviously the same goes for all our other children, when they decide to show up!

Glitter, what a bunch of *******s at the hospital! Don't let them fob you off, Reba.

I got a urine infection on tuesday night, and #1 got one the following morning, the poor thing. My OH was sent out at midnight to get me something for it and then I was on the phone 1st thing tryin to get us both sorted out. 2 helpings of antibiotics later we're back to normal. What has this got to do with TCM? I rang Qing's partner and asked if it was OK to take antibiotics with the herbs adm he said it's fine as they don't work in the same way, but to make sure I take them at least 30 minutes apart.MEanwhile I have some lovely EWCM - tuesday nigth was supposed to be out 1st night of this cycle's BD, but that wasn't happening, so I'll jump on him tonight. I shouldn't be oving til monday I don't think, so we should have plenty of time. Been quiite phlegmy again in the mornings, hope I've not taken a big step back. Plus my temp chart is looking more then patchy and Im having to use my pills (er chen wan and you gui wan) this weekend as well as last. Not feeling all that optimistic about this cycle - but what the hell, that worked for Laummatt and Ruby!

Seeing John, Qing's partner, tomorrow morning before heading down to Devon for a couple of nights so I won't be on over the weekend.

Finally, for the first time ever I've been able to vote green! For both the council and general elections! Woohoo!

Abi x
Hi Ladies,

Well I called the FS for a private appointment yesterday and i have one on Tuesday 11th May.... that was quick. Of course it costs alot more than I was informed by the nurse at the hospital - £150 not £80 - so its a little expensive so might have to sacrafice one Acup session this month. I hope she puts me straight on a list for HSG/LAP - once I get that over and done with (and if there are no blockages and no Endo then I will just have to relax and let nature takes its course).....

Abi - hope your not taking a step backwards... Im sure your not though - this could be the month!!!! for us all.... wouldnt that be great!

Minimin - glad your feeling alot better - and thats great news about your acup guy helping the lady who has had 5 MC at 7 weeks - i really hope this works for you - im sure it will. Hot yoga sounds great - i'd love to try that out. Wish i wasnt so lazy!!!!

Hows everyone else feeling?
well day 15 still no positive on ov test but line getting darker- i usually ov on 16th for a 30 day cycle so still happy days-cathy said all is well and I have to make sure i do my homework lol-still working on every other night until we get a positive then 3 nights in a row please please let this be my month wish me luck ladies xx
have a great break Abi.and give them hell reba xx
well day 15 still no positive on ov test but line getting darker- i usually ov on 16th for a 30 day cycle so still happy days-cathy said all is well and I have to make sure i do my homework lol-still working on every other night until we get a positive then 3 nights in a row please please let this be my month wish me luck ladies xx
have a great break Abi.and give them hell reba xx

Good Luck Glitterqueen - :dust:

Hahaha - Cathy said that to me one time about it being Homework time.... I just laughed cos I didnt know what she was on about then when I left i was thinking and the penny dropped..... "homework"..... :sex: - shes a lovely woman.
Hi all

Well my period is taking for ever to leave. it keeps going to brown spotting then I get a pain in my ovaries and go to the loo and its back to red - this has been going on for 2 days now. I wonder is it the MACA that I started last week? Hope it leaves soon - was planning a bit of :sex: tonight cos DH away to Liverpool on a boys weekend tomorrow - didnt want him leaving with a loaded weapon... ahahahha :haha: - but looks like that idea is out the window. Oh well its a long way to Ov so i'll not worry about it.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
Hi ladies

Reba - sorry to hear about the irritating af - i get that a lot too. Stop start stop start. Very very irritating :growlmad: hope it stops for you soon

I feel like i have no hope today and was hoping you laides could give me some advice. :nope: sorry its not acu related.

I am only 7dpo today but I have LOADS of sticky CM. Sorry I do talk about other things but have been having a very odd month re CM. Anyway, last time I had something similar I got my af the next day which would mean only a 7 day LP :growlmad: I've also had tummy cramps since 5dpo which feels like af is on her way - and today they feel even worse. I feel like I cant relax and keep running to the loo every 5 mins. Do any of you get similar symptoms before af is imminent?

I could cope with a bfn if at least my bl*ody LP would just increase.

Im starting to worry there might be something wrong with me although my bloods (cd3&21) have come back normal....

sorry for the rant and thanks!

Hi ladies

Reba - sorry to hear about the irritating af - i get that a lot too. Stop start stop start. Very very irritating :growlmad: hope it stops for you soon

I feel like i have no hope today and was hoping you laides could give me some advice. :nope: sorry its not acu related.

I am only 7dpo today but I have LOADS of sticky CM. Sorry I do talk about other things but have been having a very odd month re CM. Anyway, last time I had something similar I got my af the next day which would mean only a 7 day LP :growlmad: I've also had tummy cramps since 5dpo which feels like af is on her way - and today they feel even worse. I feel like I cant relax and keep running to the loo every 5 mins. Do any of you get similar symptoms before af is imminent?

I could cope with a bfn if at least my bl*ody LP would just increase.

Im starting to worry there might be something wrong with me although my bloods (cd3&21) have come back normal....

sorry for the rant and thanks!


Hi Lulu - I do get sticky CM before AF too - and last month I only had a 7 day LP which was unusual for me (usually 9 or 10max).

I never really get the running to the loo symptom though but i do get pains but nothing too bad. If no AF after the weekend maybe think of testing but no point testing any sooner cos it wont show anyway - wait til at least 10 dpo or more if you can (easier said than done but save your money!!!)

Good luck

Hi Lulu - I do get sticky CM before AF too - and last month I only had a 7 day LP which was unusual for me (usually 9 or 10max).

I never really get the running to the loo symptom though but i do get pains but nothing too bad. If no AF after the weekend maybe think of testing but no point testing any sooner cos it wont show anyway - wait til at least 10 dpo or more if you can (easier said than done but save your money!!!)

Good luck

Thanks Reba - I am really trying not to hold out any hope for a bfp and not going to test. I have a feeling af will be here before 10dpo anyway so dont think I'll have that predicament anyway! I will keep you posted as to how it turns out x
Hi ladies, some advice needed please.

I have thinking aout accpunture for a few weeks now, after trying for 8 months falling preganat only to have an early miscarriage.

I was recomended an aupuntarist through a friend at work who had used her for a bad back. We exchanged a few emails and spoke a few times on the phone. I spoke with DH and he agreed for us to try (cost was a bit of a factor) Spoke to acupuncturist to book first appointment and she recommeneded starting at the beginning of my cycle which is this weekend, so we booked in the date. I turned up today and she said that I had the date wrong that we had booked and told me to come back next week, I said that it wouldn't be the beginning of my cycle and she said that it didn't really matter?

So just wanted to hear you opinions whether I should start at the begging of my cycle? To be honest I didn't get a very good vibe and it took 45 minutes to get there anyway?

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