The tax credits change 16hrs to 24hrs min

It's all changed we went to see a fianance officer within the college and they asked what household income we would have which of course includes mine x
The only reason I got a job is due to me having qualification, my OH like many others doesn't have any and when you have no qualifications it is incredibly hard to get a job. It's easy to sit there and say "well they should get a job" but in reality it is MUCH harder and believe me my OH is not picky he has done a whole range of jobs in the past and he is desperate for work. x
Seems like there is a simple solution, OH can look after LO whilst you work full time. And whilst doins so, he goes and gets the qualification he needs for the jobs that are there. it can be done part time, distance learning etc, and there are subsidies available to help that.

When we discover things are tight, we work out a different way as the government gives us no help. It is what we have to do, and the new rules are being out in to ensure others do the same.

I think you are more upset by the people saying they cant work, because you HAVE a working/childcare routine that WORKS.........for YOU!

Theres ISNT always an answer to the problem, no matter what, some people are unable to juggle their children and a job. I am one of them.
Theres no way I'd put my baby in a nursery (no offence), because when I got pregnant, I assumed all parenting duties. My kids go to a school with no afterschool clubs, theres no family that could look after them after school. You have to pay most childcare fee's (and it is worth noting that that is also classed as "government help", so im assuming you dont get this? Or Child benefit?). When the kids are older, i'll work, and you know what? I'll work full time! And no, I wont feel bad for the few years that I claimed tax credits, because right then, i'll be paying that tax back, and be thankful of the few years that I spent at home with my children.

One day you might have more children, or move somewhere where there are no nurserys or afterschool clubs, or all the childminders are fully booked, and realise that although you had a good thing going for a while, that same formula may not always work for every other situation.
It's all changed we went to see a fianance officer within the college and they asked what household income we would have which of course includes mine x

Thats stupid, theres no such thing as common spouses so you dont get any advantage that way but your together when it suits them
I think you are more upset by the people saying they cant work, because you HAVE a working/childcare routine that WORKS.........for YOU!

Theres ISNT always an answer to the problem, no matter what, some people are unable to juggle their children and a job. I am one of them.
Theres no way I'd put my baby in a nursery (no offence), because when I got pregnant, I assumed all parenting duties. My kids go to a school with no afterschool clubs, theres no family that could look after them after school. You have to pay most childcare fee's (and it is worth noting that that is also classed as "government help", so im assuming you dont get this? Or Child benefit?). When the kids are older, i'll work, and you know what? I'll work full time! And no, I wont feel bad for the few years that I claimed tax credits, because right then, i'll be paying that tax back, and be thankful of the few years that I spent at home with my children.

One day you might have more children, or move somewhere where there are no nurserys or afterschool clubs, or all the childminders are fully booked, and realise that although you had a good thing going for a while, that same formula may not always work for every other situation.

I am upset by people who piously suggest they are doing something more worthy than I am, making a "better" choice than I am, because they chose to take benefits to stay at home with their child and I do not. Incidentally, one of your "parenting responsibilities" is to provide food and shelter for your child. Interesting you choose to let someone else do this one.

Child benefit is a universal benefit and until 2013 is not means tested. It goes into Abby's bank account and she will get it when she is 21. I get no help with nursery fees, my daughter is not eligible for a free place yet. When she is, it is only available at a local nursery and I am choosing to pay for her private nursery instead. I may get a funded place there, but to be honest, I would rather those are available to those who need it. I'd rather it went to a mother who wanted to get out and work. Currently her nursery is nowhere near where we live, it is where I work.

We will have more children. And frankly, I would never move to an area where there is no nursery if I need one. Or no school or after school care, I'd be sure to do my research and make sure it was suitable for my needs. Why would I do this? Because I have been taught to take responsibility for my own life and not rely on someone else to do it for me. We know we have no government safety net so we get on with things ourself. I see nothing wrong with expecting more people to do that.

There is always an answer, you just have to be prepared to sacrifice to find it. What would you do if there were no benefits? Starve and make your children homeless?
It's all changed we went to see a fianance officer within the college and they asked what household income we would have which of course includes mine x

All changed since when? You have no idea when my friend did her degree. And if you don't live together, which you said you don't, then your income cannot count as "household" income.

None of this stops him looking after your LO whilst you work full time.
I was replying to smokey when she said about them not counting her OH's income in fianical aid whilst at college. At COLLEGE you have to pay for fees and when we do live together they will count my income as income and I will have to pay the majority of the fees

He doesn't live me for a reason due to domestic violence he isn't allowed to live with us or have LO unsupervised for teh time being. They should be all changing in the next few months as he is completing an assesment to come back into the home but at the moment I am LO's sole carer. x
It's all changed we went to see a fianance officer within the college and they asked what household income we would have which of course includes mine x

All changed since when? You have no idea when my friend did her degree. And if you don't live together, which you said you don't, then your income cannot count as "household" income.

None of this stops him looking after your LO whilst you work full time.

If you read her post she said they would be living together soon, which is why both incomes count :dohh:
And due to the situation when he comes back he will still be going to strength to change, anger managment, counselling and close work with SS which he cannot take children too (nor would I want them to attend as I don't want them hearing the things that are discusses) But hey I guess there is a simple solution to that as well, it seems very black and white to you but I can asurre you what our family is going through right now is FAR from being 'simple' and I am trying my damed hardest to do the best for my children and my family as a whole, I just guess it isn't good enough for everyone x
I think you are more upset by the people saying they cant work, because you HAVE a working/childcare routine that WORKS.........for YOU!

Theres ISNT always an answer to the problem, no matter what, some people are unable to juggle their children and a job. I am one of them.
Theres no way I'd put my baby in a nursery (no offence), because when I got pregnant, I assumed all parenting duties. My kids go to a school with no afterschool clubs, theres no family that could look after them after school. You have to pay most childcare fee's (and it is worth noting that that is also classed as "government help", so im assuming you dont get this? Or Child benefit?). When the kids are older, i'll work, and you know what? I'll work full time! And no, I wont feel bad for the few years that I claimed tax credits, because right then, i'll be paying that tax back, and be thankful of the few years that I spent at home with my children.

One day you might have more children, or move somewhere where there are no nurserys or afterschool clubs, or all the childminders are fully booked, and realise that although you had a good thing going for a while, that same formula may not always work for every other situation.

I am upset by people who piously suggest they are doing something more worthy than I am, making a "better" choice than I am, because they chose to take benefits to stay at home with their child and I do not. Incidentally, one of your "parenting responsibilities" is to provide food and shelter for your child. Interesting you choose to let someone else do this one.

Child benefit is a universal benefit and until 2013 is not means tested. It goes into Abby's bank account and she will get it when she is 21. I get no help with nursery fees, my daughter is not eligible for a free place yet. When she is, it is only available at a local nursery and I am choosing to pay for her private nursery instead. I may get a funded place there, but to be honest, I would rather those are available to those who need it. I'd rather it went to a mother who wanted to get out and work. Currently her nursery is nowhere near where we live, it is where I work.

We will have more children. And frankly, I would never move to an area where there is no nursery if I need one. Or no school or after school care, I'd be sure to do my research and make sure it was suitable for my needs. Why would I do this? Because I have been taught to take responsibility for my own life and not rely on someone else to do it for me. We know we have no government safety net so we get on with things ourself. I see nothing wrong with expecting more people to do that.

There is always an answer, you just have to be prepared to sacrifice to find it. What would you do if there were no benefits? Starve and make your children homeless?

Yes, there is. Our answer OH works all day, and I stay at home. We get Tax Credits to help us with this. And in a few years, I too will work, and pay tax, and some of that tax will go towards another family who have made the decision that we have. If it was both parents refusing to get a job and claiming benefits, I could understand your anger, but its not like that, and most people of this thread have the same arrangement as me. :shrug:
Yes, there is. Our answer OH works all day, and I stay at home. We get Tax Credits to help us with this. And in a few years, I too will work, and pay tax, and some of that tax will go towards another family who have made the decision that we have. If it was both parents refusing to get a job and claiming benefits, I could understand your anger, but its not like that, and most people of this thread have the same arrangement as me. :shrug:

So most of the people on this thread won't be affected by the change, which is about couples who DON'T have one full time job.

Fine, your answer is you want to stay at home and fulfill all the parental responsibilities you chose to take on, (except the one about providing financially for your child, you leave that to others) and not have your child see the benefits of a nursery place before at is handed to you free as well. That's up to you, it's not my choice. Mine is to work AND spend time with my child, whilst paying for the one of the best private nurseries in the country regardless of whether I get a subsidy or not. Incidentally, as my child has a disability, she could have gone to a local authority nursery, completely funded, as soon as I returned to work but I chose to pay for a better one. These are my choices. The only difference is, myself and my husband rely on no-one else to fund these choices and would never complain if the government decided that for the benefit of our children's future, cuts need to be made to help the economy.

Actually, it's quite simple, if benefits aren't cut, the economy gets worse and people like us who work hard and contribute to the financial purse will lose our jobs and there will be even less money in the pot to fund your choices.
And due to the situation when he comes back he will still be going to strength to change, anger managment, counselling and close work with SS which he cannot take children too (nor would I want them to attend as I don't want them hearing the things that are discusses) But hey I guess there is a simple solution to that as well, it seems very black and white to you but I can asurre you what our family is going through right now is FAR from being 'simple' and I am trying my damed hardest to do the best for my children and my family as a whole, I just guess it isn't good enough for everyone x
Well, yes there is, but I fear going down that route would derail this thread so I'm not going there.
It angers me tbh as I work just under 24 hours a week due to me job sharing. OH doesn't live with me yet but he will do in the near future hopefully and he has filled out every job application there is going within his qualification bracket. He has applied for factory work to care work he is NOT fussy about where he works he just wants to work but this new rule will cripple me. I actually won't be able to afford to work, my hours are set that Aidan goes over his 15 free hours and I have to top it up. I pay my taxes, I pay full rent etc. I do not rely on teh govermemt but when this rule does come into play I will not be able to afford to work so how will that help with the finanical crisis we are in? The only reason I got a job is due to me having qualification, my OH like many others doesn't have any and when you have no qualifications it is incredibly hard to get a job. It's easy to sit there and say "well they should get a job" but in reality it is MUCH harder and believe me my OH is not picky he has done a whole range of jobs in the past and he is desperate for work. x

Sorry but either your oh finds the few hours work a week to make your life feasible or he just won't be able to move in!

He could do anything, it's only a few hours as you've said.

If he can't do that, then you can't have him living there surely, I would definitely making him look after baby though while he is not working so you save up some money that way.

Edit - I can see why it is not possible for him to look after the baby, but there should be an understanding that if he is coming back into the home, it is with enough of a job to not screw you and the baby over... Sorry if that sounds harsh but really, needs must. If your working just under 24 hours, he will only need to do a bit of handiwork, clearing glasses in pubs, etc etc etc to make it work.

You'll just have to to find a way, unfortunately we don't have a choice to not have the changes happen, they have and are happening.
Yes, there is. Our answer OH works all day, and I stay at home. We get Tax Credits to help us with this. And in a few years, I too will work, and pay tax, and some of that tax will go towards another family who have made the decision that we have. If it was both parents refusing to get a job and claiming benefits, I could understand your anger, but its not like that, and most people of this thread have the same arrangement as me. :shrug:

So most of the people on this thread won't be affected by the change, which is about couples who DON'T have one full time job.

Fine, your answer is you want to stay at home and fulfill all the parental responsibilities you chose to take on, (except the one about providing financially for your child, you leave that to others) and not have your child see the benefits of a nursery place before at is handed to you free as well. That's up to you, it's not my choice. Mine is to work AND spend time with my child, whilst paying for the one of the best private nurseries in the country regardless of whether I get a subsidy or not. Incidentally, as my child has a disability, she could have gone to a local authority nursery, completely funded, as soon as I returned to work but I chose to pay for a better one. These are my choices. The only difference is, myself and my husband rely on no-one else to fund these choices and would never complain if the government decided that for the benefit of our children's future, cuts need to be made to help the economy.

Actually, it's quite simple, if benefits aren't cut, the economy gets worse and people like us who work hard and contribute to the financial purse will lose our jobs and there will be even less money in the pot to fund your choices.

Excuse me?? Well, Hey! Why dont you just make stuff up???

Can I just direct you to this thread;

Ignoring what I asked as the OP, you will see that yesterday I actually applied for a job! :wacko: and BOTH of my elder children went to nursery before I got their "free vouchers".

However, I love the way you are belitting people who use the free vouchers now, as without them, a hell of a lot of people wouldnt be able to afford to work!

Im glad your life is so perfect! I really am! I hope that you never need to rely on the government like so many families.
I for one though, am happy that we have a country that is willing to help the needy. You only need to take a 5 minute look at some other countries in the world who dont, and tbh, I'd pick this country everytime!
This thread is such a horrible read! None of these women are lay about dossers but just presenting their each individual scenario about how these changes may affect them.

Honestly some of the views and the way people are presenting them come across really nasty. Not everyone is privileged to be able to work and earn a decent enough wage not to worry about child minding and fees.
It's a very emotive subject...and has got very personal for all :( Ultimately, things do have to change...but lets also not think that people who bring in a decent wage are skipping through fields of roses, either. There are pros and cons for every situation. During a discussion on a similar subject on the board, someone said they'd rather have their husband home everyday early, than earn a high wage. My husband works longer hours, but is a higher earner. He misses having dinner with his girls, having proper evening time...but he does it for us. I think everyone just has their own thoughts on what works.
There was also a thread showing that a woman would need to earn upwards of 17k a year after tax in order to be better off than she would be on benefits.

(not a particularly woman on this forum, but just hypothetical)

If people can really look at that and not think something needs to change...
It's a very emotive subject...and has got very personal for all :( Ultimately, things do have to change...but lets also not think that people who bring in a decent wage are skipping through fields of roses, either. There are pros and cons for every situation. During a discussion on a similar subject on the board, someone said they'd rather have their husband home everyday early, than earn a high wage. My husband works longer hours, but is a higher earner. He misses having dinner with his girls, having proper evening time...but he does it for us. I think everyone just has their own thoughts on what works.

My partner leaves the house at 9 everyday and gets home at midnight 5/6 days a week and he isn't even a high earner, just a chef.

We don't have money for anything special, to save for a house, to send Skye to any nursery's to have holidays nothing not even a trip to the seaside. And that one day he has off i go to work on top of the days i do when my mum has skye, i cant physically work anymore as the cost of childcare outweighs the income brought in, we work our asses of for nothing!

Our tax credits used to mean alot to us it enabled us to have that little bit of spare cash to take Skye somewhere nice or even just to buy some decent food. As such i get my £10 a week and from April will have nothing.

Im not moaning or expecting anything i understand that some changes had to be made it was just it was nice to have and i do feel that its the ''middle income EARNERS'' who are really getting the raw end of the deal here, we dont earn enough to live lavishly and have treats and were not dossers unwilling to work and receive handouts . i think the government should start to focus more on those working and really make it better to work.

If your hubby is working more than 24hrs a week, your tax credits will stay... Or are you talking about another change?
We don't get working tax credits and earn literally just £26k between us so from April wont have anything. Which whatever ive accepted it but tax credits i saw more as a credit not a benefit it was a little bit of our hard earned cash given back to us!
It's a very emotive subject...and has got very personal for all :( Ultimately, things do have to change...but lets also not think that people who bring in a decent wage are skipping through fields of roses, either. There are pros and cons for every situation. During a discussion on a similar subject on the board, someone said they'd rather have their husband home everyday early, than earn a high wage. My husband works longer hours, but is a higher earner. He misses having dinner with his girls, having proper evening time...but he does it for us. I think everyone just has their own thoughts on what works.

My partner leaves the house at 9 everyday and gets home at midnight 5/6 days a week and he isn't even a high earner, just a chef.

We don't have money for anything special, to save for a house, to send Skye to any nursery's to have holidays nothing not even a trip to the seaside. And that one day he has off i go to work on top of the days i do when my mum has skye, i cant physically work anymore as the cost of childcare outweighs the income brought in, we work our asses of for nothing!

Our tax credits used to mean alot to us it enabled us to have that little bit of spare cash to take Skye somewhere nice or even just to buy some decent food. As such i get my £10 a week and from April will have nothing.

Im not moaning or expecting anything i understand that some changes had to be made it was just it was nice to have and i do feel that its the ''middle income EARNERS'' who are really getting the raw end of the deal here, we dont earn enough to live lavishly and have treats and were not dossers unwilling to work and receive handouts . i think the government should start to focus more on those working and really make it better to work.


I hope you didn't think I was saying only high earners work long hours, I really didn't mean that...I was just giving my example :flower:

I agree that something has to be done to break the 'it's better not to work' cycle...

:hugs: that's me writing too quickly!!

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