The tax credits change 16hrs to 24hrs min

In a house with 2 able bodied adults and children who do not need additional support there is no reason why the household working hours cannot total 24. That is basically just a bit over one part time job, split between 2 people. That allows an amount of family time which is nothing but a pipe dream for those in full time work. Available jobs may not be the one of your dreams but plenty of people work in jobs they do not love.
Yeah cos you got it wrong.. Never mind.. I'm not having someone trying to rubbish what I say by making up crap like I said something I didn't.

Yeah cos you got it wrong.. Never mind.. I'm not having someone trying to rubbish what I say by making up crap like I said something I didn't.


Yes your right, everything I have said has been aimed at you, I have clearly done nothing on this thread but been out to get you

Where as your comments have been the very example of calm rationality :coffee:

Now please, can we talk about tax credits!
In a house with 2 able bodied adults and children who do not need additional support there is no reason why the household working hours cannot total 24. That is basically just a bit over one part time job, split between 2 people. That allows an amount of family time which is nothing but a pipe dream for those in full time work. Available jobs may not be the one of your dreams but plenty of people work in jobs they do not love.

Exactly... It is possible, hard but possible

Plus I think many employers will start taking people on for longer hours in light of the changes, everyone assumes its just at employee level, but actually I have seen job applications where people have specified they do not wish to work for more than sixteen hours a week, why would they? Tax credits top you up to the same as you would get on 30hrs currently.
Which is totally unfair to people working longer hours.
Laura, for the very very last time, I have absolutely NO WISH to discuss anything on this thread that is not to do with tax credits

Sorry, not playing silly games I really can't be arsed.

Laura, I have absolutely no inclination to fight with you, it's just not something I am prepared to do. If you are not prepared to discuss the problems this thread is about and your main aim is to say things like

"stop putting words in my mouth"


"your a bit full of it"

Or whatever, I really have no more time for you x

I didn't say everything you said is aimed at me... You posted this ^^^^^^

When on earth did I say this..... I don't believe I did... Hence the top comment about you putting words into people's mouths is true!! Because clearly you do!

THEN you post to say you don't have time for games you cant be arsed, still replying though right? lol

:) Last post from me cos I can't believe how twisting you are.
Guys I don't think anyone needs to comment on individual circumstances here, unless it's someone needing support about how to juggle things...

I agree with this! As a mum with a OH and a child, with the chance of getting a 18/20 hr job, to read some of the comments here about how easy it is to get 4 hours extra feels like I am being treated like crap to be honest and I feel like some or you are looking down your noses at me!
From a personal point of view, this isn't easy as some of you think, When he lost his job last year, a lot of his confidence went with it, he has been knocked back job after job for reasons we don't know about, maybe just too many people going for the job who knows?
anyway, he got so excited to be told he could get a job, finally it felt like a lot problems had been lifted, the hours not ideal, but its a start, or so we thought, so when first saw this and reading some of the replies, it felt we are back to square one, he takes this job and he is still job hunting! yes that may be easy but its not so easy when you have one job and are struggling to find something else to top up, you could be looking for weeks and what do you do in that time? We budget now, so it won't be a problem, but for some, they may not think about that! it can be a shock going from sitting on your bum all day getting money handed to you, to working and having to pay rent etc!!
In the perfect world he would be working 30+ hrs, whilst I stay at home with the children, doing a collage course from home, so eventually we could both work
but its not a perfect world, its not as easy as 1,2,3! I have been reading this thread and whilst I have been up some handy thoughts, I don't like the attitude of some, though it could be my pregnancy hormones reading some of it the wrong way, so I do apologise!
Please, before you judge, put yourself in those shoes, see if you can look for a 4 hr job that will fit in with the hours you have already been offered!!
Sorry No offence meant here by the way, just feel some of this thread is getting a bit personal which needs to stop
Laura, for the very very last time, I have absolutely NO WISH to discuss anything on this thread that is not to do with tax credits

Sorry, not playing silly games I really can't be arsed.

Laura, I have absolutely no inclination to fight with you, it's just not something I am prepared to do. If you are not prepared to discuss the problems this thread is about and your main aim is to say things like

"stop putting words in my mouth"


"your a bit full of it"

Or whatever, I really have no more time for you x

I didn't say everything you said is aimed at me... You posted this ^^^^^^

When on earth did I say this..... I don't believe I did... Hence the top comment about you putting words into people's mouths is true!! Because clearly you do!

THEN you post to say you don't have time for games you cant be arsed, still replying though right? lol

:) Last post from me cos I can't believe how twisting you are.

I posted that as it was what I took from your rather rude and awful attack on smokey (who has done nothing but dared to have a job and support herself from what I can gather)

They were not your exact words, but they were very much your attitude!

If you feel you have won some sort of victory then fair enough, well done. I commented on something you had not said, rather than rehashing you word for word. Mind you, that would hardly of painted you in a better light would it.

Just a question, if this is not a change that is affecting you at all, why are you so desperate to put people down on this thread? I mean I could fully understand it if you had something that would help folk or make things easier, but you seem to only want to be insulting? Which I don't quite understand??
but actually I have seen job applications where people have specified they do not wish to work for more than sixteen hours a week, why would they? Tax credits top you up to the same as you would get on 30hrs currently.
Which is totally unfair to people working longer hours.

Your joking? that's really bad! I am sure though under 16 you still have to sign on?
but actually I have seen job applications where people have specified they do not wish to work for more than sixteen hours a week, why would they? Tax credits top you up to the same as you would get on 30hrs currently.
Which is totally unfair to people working longer hours.

Your joking? that's really bad! I am sure though under 16 you still have to sign on?

It's true! If you go on the job centre plus site there is even an option for only 16hrs! The problem is, the tax credit limit has set a bar and it's too low...

I can understand why they wanted to raise it for families.

As for top up hours, there are options... They just often aren't very glamourous x
It's true! If you go on the job centre plus site there is even an option for only 16hrs! The problem is, the tax credit limit has set a bar and it's too low...

I can understand why they wanted to raise it for families.

As for top up hours, there are options... They just often aren't very glamourous x

Never noticed that!! Glamourous? who cares about that if your bringing your own wage home, isn't that what we are meant to be teaching our children?
Support your lifestyle, pay for it out money you have earnt, isn't that what we have to show them?! or am I missing something?
I totally agree :)

How glamourous is it to be taking money from the government instead of paying your own way? But folk would prefer that, to actually working in whatever job they can find. Sad really :(
Just a thought, how does it all work say if you have a job where one week you could do 40 hours but the next say only 8 hours.
My job depends on business trade so I only realy gi in if its busy and go home early if its not so there is no set hours per week and every week is differant.

Iv never done any thing with tc, never even knew there was such a thing till recently so I dont know how they wirk it out.
I have no idea actually, would probably be worth phoning the tax office and asking them... I know they account for people who do say one week on, one week off work, so I am sure they have something in place...

Mind you, it IS the tax office ;)
Im guessing its worked on a adverage of what you have worked in a tax year so from april to april how many hours total and divided by 52.
That would make sense
Yeah, coz its all done yearly isn't it really, would have to check though... I mean it must work like that to allow for holidays n stuff
It's funny how people will always complain the reason people are on TC or other benefits is because there is no work to find. And yet our benefits bill has risen significantly since Labour came to power - during a time when there was certainly plenty of work going about. I have no entitlement to tax credits, my husband and I between us work 90 hours a week. I'm actually quite wound up that people are complaining that a couple are being asked to work an extra 8 hours a week - just over an hour a day - between them - in order to receive money from the government.

And as has been said, it isn't a target. If your employer gives you 16 hours and you can't get any more, go and get another job. They are out there to have. And if you can't find one that only gives 4 hours, here's a radical idea, take one that gives 10 or 15.

I'm not a fan of any particular party, but to be honest, if Cameron is remedying the situation where it makes better financial sense for a family to be on benefits than it does to work, then he gets a thumbs up from me.

I do think there are a lot of dads working part time that will now be pushed into full time work, but I also think there will be a lot of dads working part time that will now give up because they have no intention of working that much and being away from their families that much.
I'm sorry? What?? Dads choose to work part time so they can be at home with their families? Since when was that something the taxpayer was expected to pay for? Parents have a responsibility to provide for their children. This generally means they work to make money and then spend the rest of their free time with their children. Now sure, if one person chooses to stay at home with children, that's understandable (although personally I don't see why the government should subsidise that) and is the way things generally work. But you think insisting a father goes out to work full time to provide for his family is a bad thing? That he will somehow suffer and it will be terrible for him to be away from his family? It is what parents are expected to do. Unless you are in a situation where you have a child who requires round the clock care, there is absolutely no reason not to have at least one parent working as a bare minimum, 24 hours a week.

you know back in the olden days people went out to work, got paid, and that was it
And yet to suggest a return to this, raises ridicule.:dohh:

Surely though if one parent is staying at home and the other is doing 20 hours a week, it should be relatively easy to find 4 hours working? I mean you could literally do half an hours hoovering a day 4 days a week!
Definitely part of the problem with the world today - too few people with this attitude. Complain about trying to find 4 hours work and then wonder why "all the immigrants are taking our jobs" :wacko:
Feel free to scrub a loo then lol..

Dont worry I will, pride isnt about what you do, providing for my family gives me pride

Get you!

I worked from the day I left school until October when I was made redundant so lets not act like your a superwoman now.
I never had the perfect job it wasn't something that was my passion but I did it and I would of continued but they gave me a redundancy so I had no choice but to take it. I'm at home until April when I plan to look for another job as that is when my children will be in school.

HI IIf you hadnt of said it in a way that implied you do it them but its beneath me then I wouldnt have replied the way I did

Take it how you wish, like I said your not the only person to work.

Im sorry but what point have I ever implied im superwoman or that I claim to be the only one to work.
Why does the fact I take pride in working to support my family no matter what its doing seem such a crime?
I have not once spoke badly of anyone who isnt working, I know what its like to be out of work because both my husband and I got made redundant from the same company years ago and lost our home and had to live apart but we did what we had to do and got by and built back up.

You where the one who implied what I did was beneath you (there is no other way to take what you said) so how comes im the one made out to be up on my high horse
Nothing will change for me and my OH as i work 15 hours a week and OH works 45+, right? we are still wayy under the £26,000 a year tho.

I didnt know anything about these changes :shrug: maybe iv been living under a rock, i dunno lol.

Also iv been reading loads of you saying a couple (atm) has to work 16hours between them, this isnt right, 1 person from that couple has to work a min of 16hours, they cant split the hours between them. I checked when i had to drop an hour at work (taking me to 15hours) they checked with me that OH was working over 16 hours so we could still have WTC.

I do however think that if this 35 - 20 hour thing comes into play that its unfair. I 'only' work 15hours a week and i feel like i already miss out on loads of stuff H gets upto, i feel a parent should be raising their child not a childminder etc.

as my final note im just gunna say the only reason i can afford to work is because my mum babysits for free! If i had to pay for childcare i just dont think it would be worth it!!
I do however think that if this 35 - 20 hour thing comes into play that its unfair. I 'only' work 15hours a week and i feel like i already miss out on loads of stuff H gets upto, i feel a parent should be raising their child not a childminder

See, it's comments like this that make my blood boil. How nice you feel a parent should raise a child and not a childminder. My daughter isn't being " raised" by nursery staff, she is being educated by them. I have no problem with people choosing not to work if they can support themselves. What irks me is, I cannot afford to give up work to be with my daughter all day, and the government would give us no help if I did. This doesn't mean we are rolling in it and have loads of money, it means when we decided to have children, we looked at our finances and decided whether or not we could afford it. Our choice was to have children and continue to work, or not have children. I'll be damned if I'm going to be judged for putting my child to nursery by someone who decides they would rather take money from the government than provide for their own child.
I do struggle to see why it is unfair that people have to work to support their families. I really do. Thousands of families in this country work FT and just have to manage.

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