The tax credits change 16hrs to 24hrs min

Yes it does suck that for the people just on the side of the cap, they are going to struggle...

But that's not what this thread is about, this is about people who only do 16hrs a week between them... Which is actually totally unfair to people like you and your oh.

At the moment you can work 16hrs and get your wage topped up to basically a full time wage!!!

I think the 26k cap is too severe and should be tapered myself...
It's a very emotive subject...and has got very personal for all :( Ultimately, things do have to change...but lets also not think that people who bring in a decent wage are skipping through fields of roses, either. There are pros and cons for every situation. During a discussion on a similar subject on the board, someone said they'd rather have their husband home everyday early, than earn a high wage. My husband works longer hours, but is a higher earner. He misses having dinner with his girls, having proper evening time...but he does it for us. I think everyone just has their own thoughts on what works.

My partner leaves the house at 9 everyday and gets home at midnight 5/6 days a week and he isn't even a high earner, just a chef.

We don't have money for anything special, to save for a house, to send Skye to any nursery's to have holidays nothing not even a trip to the seaside. And that one day he has off i go to work on top of the days i do when my mum has skye, i cant physically work anymore as the cost of childcare outweighs the income brought in, we work our asses of for nothing!

Our tax credits used to mean alot to us it enabled us to have that little bit of spare cash to take Skye somewhere nice or even just to buy some decent food. As such i get my £10 a week and from April will have nothing.

Im not moaning or expecting anything i understand that some changes had to be made it was just it was nice to have and i do feel that its the ''middle income EARNERS'' who are really getting the raw end of the deal here, we dont earn enough to live lavishly and have treats and were not dossers unwilling to work and receive handouts . i think the government should start to focus more on those working and really make it better to work.


I hope you didn't think I was saying only high earners work long hours, I really didn't mean that...I was just giving my example :flower:

I agree that something has to be done to break the 'it's better not to work' cycle...

:hugs: that's me writing too quickly!!

No sorry i wasn't having a go at you :hugs:

It just really hits home that he works so many hours and still gets such crap pay and he does miss out on all those things, no family meals, no evenings together :cry:
Soddit what are these tax credits and how do I get money handed to me? Im clearlt missing out being given free money.

Seriously thoufh this thread and the subject about the change is ment to be about how to deal with finding the extra few hours to keep the tc or losing them if you cant, I dont think the whole argument of a sahm needs to come into it as benafits for nit working is nothing to do with top up benafits for working.
It isnt about one parent at home while the other works its about if you work what to do about the change
Back to the original point though, this change still affects workers, at least they where working albeit not alot but its a start, id much rather they first made changes with people not working at all, not single parents but couples where both didn't work!!
Yes it does suck that for the people just on the side of the cap, they are going to struggle...

But that's not what this thread is about, this is about people who only do 16hrs a week between them... Which is actually totally unfair to people like you and your oh.

At the moment you can work 16hrs and get your wage topped up to basically a full time wage!!!

I think the 26k cap is too severe and should be tapered myself...

As i said before, it isnt between them, one of them has to work at least 16 hours. and this 24 hour thing is the same, one has to work at least 16hours the other 8hours can come from either x
Soddit what are these tax credits and how do I get money handed to me? Im clearlt missing out being given free money.

Seriously thoufh this thread and the subject about the change is ment to be about how to deal with finding the extra few hours to keep the tc or losing them if you cant, I dont think the whole argument of a sahm needs to come into it as benafits for nit working is nothing to do with top up benafits for working.
It isnt about one parent at home while the other works its about if you work what to do about the change

This is exactly why i came in here and posted, such a horrible horrible way of speaking to someone!

A tax credit was a credit its YOUR tax given back to you.
Soddit what are these tax credits and how do I get money handed to me? Im clearlt missing out being given free money.

Seriously thoufh this thread and the subject about the change is ment to be about how to deal with finding the extra few hours to keep the tc or losing them if you cant, I dont think the whole argument of a sahm needs to come into it as benafits for nit working is nothing to do with top up benafits for working.
It isnt about one parent at home while the other works its about if you work what to do about the change

This is exactly why i came in here and posted, such a horrible horrible way of speaking to someone!

A tax credit was a credit its YOUR tax given back to you.

Exactly this! Its money that YOU earned in the first place!
Yes it does suck that for the people just on the side of the cap, they are going to struggle...

But that's not what this thread is about, this is about people who only do 16hrs a week between them... Which is actually totally unfair to people like you and your oh.

At the moment you can work 16hrs and get your wage topped up to basically a full time wage!!!

I think the 26k cap is too severe and should be tapered myself...

As i said before, it isnt between them, one of them has to work at least 16 hours. and this 24 hour thing is the same, one has to work at least 16hours the other 8hours can come from either x

That's still sixteen hours between them (at the moment)

And if that's the case now (that one person has to e working at least sixteen hours) then all people need to do to is find a few hours work between them to bump it up a bit!
Excuse me?? Well, Hey! Why dont you just make stuff up???

Can I just direct you to this thread;

Ignoring what I asked as the OP, you will see that yesterday I actually applied for a job! :wacko: and BOTH of my elder children went to nursery before I got their "free vouchers".

However, I love the way you are belitting people who use the free vouchers now, as without them, a hell of a lot of people wouldnt be able to afford to work!

Im glad your life is so perfect! I really am! I hope that you never need to rely on the government like so many families.
I for one though, am happy that we have a country that is willing to help the needy. You only need to take a 5 minute look at some other countries in the world who dont, and tbh, I'd pick this country everytime!
And can I direct you to where you said there was no way you would put your child in nursery because you accept all your parental responsibilities, but now you are saying you did put your children in nursery. Then you wont work until your children start school, but now you have applied for a job........ perhaps if any of your story made any sort of sense, there would be less confusion.

I'm all for helping the needy. I spend quite a bit of what little spare time I have doing so. And I'm happy for my tax money to help those who find themselves I a situation where they need it. Frankly I would take every penny from a couple who between them seem unable to work 24 hours a week and give it to those who work long hours in low wage jobs to help make ends meet. What I object to, is paying for the choosy. Those who make life choices, and usually are quite pious about it, and think it is their right that the government hands the the cash to enable them to do it.

I have no problem with people using childcare vouchers, if it helps them get into work. And I believe that children benefit from a nursery education so it's great the government steps in to provide it. I get very annoyed with those who choose to take it and then use it to have some time off from their children, rather than going and finding work.
Back to the original point though, this change still affects workers, at least they where working albeit not alot but its a start, id much rather they first made changes with people not working at all, not single parents but couples where both didn't work!!

What about the changes they are making to incap? That will ruffle some feathers I am sure!
I looked into it a while ago to see what id been missing in regards to what icould have claimed for turns out it was a fair few hundred but the paperwork just made it seem more hassle
Excuse me?? Well, Hey! Why dont you just make stuff up???

Can I just direct you to this thread;

Ignoring what I asked as the OP, you will see that yesterday I actually applied for a job! :wacko: and BOTH of my elder children went to nursery before I got their "free vouchers".

However, I love the way you are belitting people who use the free vouchers now, as without them, a hell of a lot of people wouldnt be able to afford to work!

Im glad your life is so perfect! I really am! I hope that you never need to rely on the government like so many families.
I for one though, am happy that we have a country that is willing to help the needy. You only need to take a 5 minute look at some other countries in the world who dont, and tbh, I'd pick this country everytime!
And can I direct you to where you said there was no way you would put your child in nursery because you accept all your parental responsibilities, but now you are saying you did put your children in nursery. Then you wont work until your children start school, but now you have applied for a job........ perhaps if any of your story made any sort of sense, there would be less confusion.

I'm all for helping the needy. I spend quite a bit of what little spare time I have doing so. And I'm happy for my tax money to help those who find themselves I a situation where they need it. Frankly I would take every penny from a couple who between them seem unable to work 24 hours a week and give it to those who work long hours in low wage jobs to help make ends meet. What I object to, is paying for the choosy. Those who make life choices, and usually are quite pious about it, and think it is their right that the government hands the the cash to enable them to do it.

I have no problem with people using childcare vouchers, if it helps them get into work. And I believe that children benefit from a nursery education so it's great the government steps in to provide it. I get very annoyed with those who choose to take it and then use it to have some time off from their children, rather than going and finding work.

I put my kids in nursery from the ages of 3 to 4. Im sorry, I meant I wouldnt put any child younger than that into nursery, but there comes a point where they need to start making friends etc, and thats why I did it. I didnt do it because I was at work all day.
Also, Im not sure that I said "I wont work until my kids start school." You seem to have me confused with someone else :)

Sorry if my life confuses you :)
What im confused about is why in a couple relationship they would only work less than 24 hours? my husband always worked 40 hours plus, and i do understand obviously if there are children its different but surely one out of the two could do it? Maybe im just really naive but i know these changes are just being implemented but what about all the time before as surely its really hard to raise a family on less than 24 hours work. I know the economy and job market is terrible right now so if thats why they havent managed to find more than 16 hours a week work then fair enough but they wouldnt be paying much tax on that which is why im guessing the rules are changing as the economy can only go on so long without a melt down.
What im confused about is why in a couple relationship they would only work less than 24 hours? my husband always worked 40 hours plus, and i do understand obviously if there are children its different but surely one out of the two could do it? Maybe im just really naive but i know these changes are just being implemented but what about all the time before as surely its really hard to raise a family on less than 24 hours work. I know the economy and job market is terrible right now so if thats why they havent managed to find more than 16 hours a week work then fair enough but they wouldnt be paying much tax on that which is why im guessing the rules are changing as the economy can only go on so long without a melt down.

On 16 hours unless it was a realy high paying job you wouldnt be paying any tax.
You dont pay tax till you earn more then about £7400 so that works out about 27 hours a week before you have to pay tax (on a basic salery job)
So not paying tax and yet recieving tax credits

That sort of moots the 'tax credits is your own tax given back to you, not a benefit' point doesnt it...
I was wondering that but wasnt sure if I was getting it right, even with it going to 24 hours your still not paying any tax (again based on basic pay) so where does this tc come from that your getting.
For 16 hours you would need to be earning over £12 (rough calulation my maths is awfull) an hour to be paying into taxes so isnt it free money?
I have this disagreement with people who tell me I cannot include my tax credits as benefits.

Actually my tax credits are almost totally benefits, admittedly Liam gets taxed a pittance, but no where near what we are given to bump us up to the amount we can just about live on (at a push)

It's very much a benefit, it's money the government give us for free!

We only need it while Liam is doing his apprenticeship and the kids are small though, we are both tax payers, I am just taking a break to raise the kids and Liam to study and work

Which is what benefits should be for IMHO, not a lifestyle choice!
Ahh, I think this was one of those that Labour changed so that it's "out of work and claiming benefits" figures looked much better. It all just used to be income support but they then split it so they could make themselves look good. If they call it a "tax credit" it technically isn't a "benefit"
Ahh, I think this was one of those that Labour changed so that it's "out of work and claiming benefits" figures looked much better. It all just used to be income support but they then split it so they could make themselves look good. If they call it a "tax credit" it technically isn't a "benefit"

That's such a pita, specially as becaus it's not called income support (which it clearly is!) I do not qualify for free milk and veg tokens, even though we get less to live on than I would get on the dole without liam living with me

It's screwed up, I would be far better off without my (working) husband living with me!

How is that right??
It angers me tbh as I work just under 24 hours a week due to me job sharing. OH doesn't live with me yet but he will do in the near future hopefully and he has filled out every job application there is going within his qualification bracket. He has applied for factory work to care work he is NOT fussy about where he works he just wants to work but this new rule will cripple me. I actually won't be able to afford to work, my hours are set that Aidan goes over his 15 free hours and I have to top it up. I pay my taxes, I pay full rent etc. I do not rely on teh govermemt but when this rule does come into play I will not be able to afford to work so how will that help with the finanical crisis we are in? The only reason I got a job is due to me having qualification, my OH like many others doesn't have any and when you have no qualifications it is incredibly hard to get a job. It's easy to sit there and say "well they should get a job" but in reality it is MUCH harder and believe me my OH is not picky he has done a whole range of jobs in the past and he is desperate for work. x

Sorry but either your oh finds the few hours work a week to make your life feasible or he just won't be able to move in!

He could do anything, it's only a few hours as you've said.

If he can't do that, then you can't have him living there surely, I would definitely making him look after baby though while he is not working so you save up some money that way.

Edit - I can see why it is not possible for him to look after the baby, but there should be an understanding that if he is coming back into the home, it is with enough of a job to not screw you and the baby over... Sorry if that sounds harsh but really, needs must. If your working just under 24 hours, he will only need to do a bit of handiwork, clearing glasses in pubs, etc etc etc to make it work.

You'll just have to to find a way, unfortunately we don't have a choice to not have the changes happen, they have and are happening.

I wish it was as simple as saying he can't move in but at the same time I don't really know how I would explain to my 3 year old that daddy still can't come home. He is struggling not having him here as it is and I don't think I could see the look on his face if I tell him he can't

As I said previously he is looking for jobs but again he recieves no letters for interviews etc. He has handed in countless CV's and job application forms and has recieved a handful of replies saying " We are sorry we cannot offer you this postion". It's not as if he isn't trying x

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