The tax credits change 16hrs to 24hrs min

Just a thought if it only effects cuples whats wrong with one working days and one working evening?
Oh works days while I take care of lo so I still get to take him out and spend time with him then oh comes home drops me off at work for 5 then I work till 11 four nights a week while oh gives lo his tea, bath and bed.
Oh still gets time with him for a couple of hours a night and he loves getting to do these things with him.
I then get every day with lo, all weekend with oh and a weekday evening with them which we normaly make a deal of.
so technicaly im a stay at gome mum and a working mum :)
Ok I miss out on a few meals with lo but tbh thats a battle I dont mind hiding from sometimes :) ans iv had all day with him.

There are plenty of evening jobs out there if you dont mind doing them bar work, waitressing (with £50 a night in tips its worth it) loads of cleaning jobs for officrs, schools or doctors, theres deliveries, carework, call centres, super markets, alot of production jobs do evening work now, security.

My parents did this for years my mum had 3 jobs to make ends meet she was a nurse, cleaner and a truck driver at night while my dad worked day times till his spine started crumbling.
Just a thought if it only effects cuples whats wrong with one working days and one working evening?
Oh works days while I take care of lo so I still get to take him out and spend time with him then oh comes home drops me off at work for 5 then I work till 11 four nights a week while oh gives lo his tea, bath and bed.
Oh still gets time with him for a couple of hours a night and he loves getting to do these things with him.
I then get every day with lo, all weekend with oh and a weekday evening with them which we normaly make a deal of.
so technicaly im a stay at gome mum and a working mum :)
Ok I miss out on a few meals with lo but tbh thats a battle I dont mind hiding from sometimes :) ans iv had all day with him.

There are plenty of evening jobs out there if you dont mind doing them bar work, waitressing (with £50 a night in tips its worth it) loads of cleaning jobs for officrs, schools or doctors, theres deliveries, carework, call centres, super markets, alot of production jobs do evening work now, security.

My parents did this for years my mum had 3 jobs to make ends meet she was a nurse, cleaner and a truck driver at night while my dad worked day times till his spine started crumbling.

This is what we did till i had Darcy and when she gets to 1 will be doing it again i worked as a support worker for disabled adults i used to go round in the evening and make sure they had eaten taken any meds they needed and see if they needed any help with anything. I worked 4-10pm and hubby works 7am-3pm and i had to work one full day at the weekend every 3 weeks, for us it was the best of both worlds as it meant no childcare issues.
I do struggle to see why it is unfair that people have to work to support their families. I really do. Thousands of families in this country work FT and just have to manage.

Exactly! I'm sorry but 24 hours between 2 people is hardly working.

When DS1 was 4 months, I got another job as I couldn't afford to be on Mat Leave any longer. I was doing 50-60 hours a week, DH was 48+ hours, it wasn't great, we were all tired but we did it so we could support our family.

I just find it sad really that people are whinging about it really. There are plenty of work opportunites, but you have to be prepared to do anything. I honestly can't believe the attitude towards cleaning! It's a job that I have done & would gladly do again if I needed extra hours/money. I'd rather say I was a cleaner than on benefits, I dunno, maybe it's my working attitude that's wrong.
I do however think that if this 35 - 20 hour thing comes into play that its unfair. I 'only' work 15hours a week and i feel like i already miss out on loads of stuff H gets upto, i feel a parent should be raising their child not a childminder

See, it's comments like this that make my blood boil. How nice you feel a parent should raise a child and not a childminder. My daughter isn't being " raised" by nursery staff, she is being educated by them. I have no problem with people choosing not to work if they can support themselves. What irks me is, I cannot afford to give up work to be with my daughter all day, and the government would give us no help if I did. This doesn't mean we are rolling in it and have loads of money, it means when we decided to have children, we looked at our finances and decided whether or not we could afford it. Our choice was to have children and continue to work, or not have children. I'll be damned if I'm going to be judged for putting my child to nursery by someone who decides they would rather take money from the government than provide for their own child.

^^ WSS

I am lucky to be a SAHM, but we take NO BENEFITS. We are struggling some months in this economy currently and its people like us who are screwed by the system, we take responsibility for our children and pay huge amounts of tax for people to get more in benefits than what he earns! I would work if i could, but with three under 2 i cant afford to!

I don't get how people can have kids and expect other people to pay for them, and then to make a fuss when they are expected to work a few more hours! I guess I was raised differently, I was taught to take responsibility for my actions, to me that means providing for the children I choose to have.
And presumably you don't look down your nose at those not so fortunate who have to work and use childcare....
I do however think that if this 35 - 20 hour thing comes into play that its unfair. I 'only' work 15hours a week and i feel like i already miss out on loads of stuff H gets upto, i feel a parent should be raising their child not a childminder

See, it's comments like this that make my blood boil. How nice you feel a parent should raise a child and not a childminder. My daughter isn't being " raised" by nursery staff, she is being educated by them. I have no problem with people choosing not to work if they can support themselves. What irks me is, I cannot afford to give up work to be with my daughter all day, and the government would give us no help if I did. This doesn't mean we are rolling in it and have loads of money, it means when we decided to have children, we looked at our finances and decided whether or not we could afford it. Our choice was to have children and continue to work, or not have children. I'll be damned if I'm going to be judged for putting my child to nursery by someone who decides they would rather take money from the government than provide for their own child.

^^ WSS

I am lucky to be a SAHM, but we take NO BENEFITS. We are struggling some months in this economy currently and its people like us who are screwed by the system, we take responsibility for our children and pay huge amounts of tax for people to get more in benefits than what he earns! I would work if i could, but with three under 2 i cant afford to!

I don't get how people can have kids and expect other people to pay for them, and then to make a fuss when they are expected to work a few more hours! I guess I was raised differently, I was taught to take responsibility for my actions, to me that means providing for the children I choose to have.

I am a SAHM and do get some benefits due to my complicated situation. I am not going to refuse what I am entitled too.

I could only work school hours and holidays would be hard and also the nemourous days off my son has x
We get no benefits, higher rate tax payers...I am lucky to have the option of being a sahm if that's what we decide.

Higher rate tax payers pay more, that accounts for contributing a larger amount of money for the luxury of earning it. Those who earn less, pay less tax. This is all sounds fine to me.

What needs to change however is this culture of ‘entitlement’ that has grown over the years. The view that free money is owed to us, that we have a right to extra money when we haven’t worked for it. Take child benefit for example, how can we support limitless family growth at a cost to the tax payer?

We have to change the culture, which will be hard. Irrespective of the pain, we have to deliver a hard dose of reality to the British electorate – if you want something you have to work for it. I mean, if I want a new TV, do I expect Curry’s to give it to me for free on the basis that I should be entitled to a big screen? No – the salesman will probably start laughing and call the police. In this instance, the tax payer should do the same to all but those who really need help i.e disabled.
Take sam9kids for example (havnt seen her around hete for ages) she has 9 children and her and her partner still work, in my mind shes superwoman :)

Theres nothing wrong with having to claim benafits (obviously im only refering to legitimate reasons) but sometimes you have to do somthing to earn them its that or dont do it and dint get the help offered and suffer more
Btw, I am not a Tory, but appreciate that this is being tackled.
It angers me tbh as I work just under 24 hours a week due to me job sharing. OH doesn't live with me yet but he will do in the near future hopefully and he has filled out every job application there is going within his qualification bracket. He has applied for factory work to care work he is NOT fussy about where he works he just wants to work but this new rule will cripple me. I actually won't be able to afford to work, my hours are set that Aidan goes over his 15 free hours and I have to top it up. I pay my taxes, I pay full rent etc. I do not rely on teh govermemt but when this rule does come into play I will not be able to afford to work so how will that help with the finanical crisis we are in? The only reason I got a job is due to me having qualification, my OH like many others doesn't have any and when you have no qualifications it is incredibly hard to get a job. It's easy to sit there and say "well they should get a job" but in reality it is MUCH harder and believe me my OH is not picky he has done a whole range of jobs in the past and he is desperate for work. x
Btw, I am not a Tory, but appreciate that this is being tackled.

Something had to happen or our children would inherit a bankrupt country with no future and no benafits full stop not even a nhs.
A reduced system is better then no system
The only reason I got a job is due to me having qualification, my OH like many others doesn't have any and when you have no qualifications it is incredibly hard to get a job. It's easy to sit there and say "well they should get a job" but in reality it is MUCH harder and believe me my OH is not picky he has done a whole range of jobs in the past and he is desperate for work. x
Seems like there is a simple solution, OH can look after LO whilst you work full time. And whilst doins so, he goes and gets the qualification he needs for the jobs that are there. it can be done part time, distance learning etc, and there are subsidies available to help that.

When we discover things are tight, we work out a different way as the government gives us no help. It is what we have to do, and the new rules are being out in to ensure others do the same.
I am a SAHM and do get some benefits due to my complicated situation. I am not going to refuse what I am entitled too.

I could only work school hours and holidays would be hard and also the nemourous days off my son has x
If you are entitled to benefits, sure, take them. But the entitlement has changed so we all need to cut our cloth accordingly. Thousands of women manage to work around school hours and holidays, it is not impossible. To be honest, it's a much better situation to be in than women with children below school age. It's too easy to say "I can't work". these days.
He would have to pay for the course due to my wages you can get help but I am classed as earning 'too much' therefore I would be responsible for paying his full course fees, I can't afford any extras as it is we live but it is already a struggle x
And presumably you don't look down your nose at those not so fortunate who have to work and use childcare....

Of course not, I would be working if it wasn't for the fact i have twins and a toddler so childcare would cost us in excess of £24,000 a year!
We get no benefits, higher rate tax payers...I am lucky to have the option of being a sahm if that's what we decide.

Higher rate tax payers pay more, that accounts for contributing a larger amount of money for the luxury of earning it. Those who earn less, pay less tax. This is all sounds fine to me.

What needs to change however is this culture of ‘entitlement’ that has grown over the years. The view that free money is owed to us, that we have a right to extra money when we haven’t worked for it. Take child benefit for example, how can we support limitless family growth at a cost to the tax payer?

We have to change the culture, which will be hard. Irrespective of the pain, we have to deliver a hard dose of reality to the British electorate – if you want something you have to work for it. I mean, if I want a new TV, do I expect Curry’s to give it to me for free on the basis that I should be entitled to a big screen? No – the salesman will probably start laughing and call the police. In this instance, the tax payer should do the same to all but those who really need help i.e disabled.

you say it better than me.
I do however think that if this 35 - 20 hour thing comes into play that its unfair. I 'only' work 15hours a week and i feel like i already miss out on loads of stuff H gets upto, i feel a parent should be raising their child not a childminder

See, it's comments like this that make my blood boil. How nice you feel a parent should raise a child and not a childminder. My daughter isn't being " raised" by nursery staff, she is being educated by them. I have no problem with people choosing not to work if they can support themselves. What irks me is, I cannot afford to give up work to be with my daughter all day, and the government would give us no help if I did. This doesn't mean we are rolling in it and have loads of money, it means when we decided to have children, we looked at our finances and decided whether or not we could afford it. Our choice was to have children and continue to work, or not have children. I'll be damned if I'm going to be judged for putting my child to nursery by someone who decides they would rather take money from the government than provide for their own child.


It doesnt matter if i work 2hours or 40, our 2 low wages wouldnt/dont make over 26k :wacko: why shouldnt one of us be at home with our child?

and yes i do feel a parent should raise/educate their children. whatever you want to call it.

It doesnt mean im never going to work full time ever again.

Nobody should be looking down on anybody who is claiming benefits for legitimate reasons coz lets face it, you never know if you gunna need help one day too.
He would have to pay for the course due to my wages you can get help but I am classed as earning 'too much' therefore I would be responsible for paying his full course fees, I can't afford any extras as it is we live but it is already a struggle x

If you don't live together, your wages wouldn't count surely? Not only that, a friend of mine did her degree whilst her husband worked full time as a police officer and she still got help so it is possible. I guess the answer is to look for solutions rather than problems.
Thats a degree which you get bursarys and student fiance in college you get no such thing and it is means tested. OH will live with me in the near future the course he is looking at is a college electrician course which is 5 days a week full time. When he moves in he will have to delcare that he is living with me and as he is at college full time I will still have to find childcare. Believe me we have looked at every possible option but we just seem to be hitting brick walls. It;s all down to money and be able to survive. x
When I did my extra diploma in photograthy and graphic design a few years back I got help because we where not married so his income didnt come into it, donr know if that still is the case

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