The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Amy I've heard a lot of good things about soya so hopefully it will help you. I've also had a wee look at your pics on your journal and the baby clothes you have bought are so cute. It's nice to have them and have something to look forward to. I've no doubt you will get your forever baby soon. I bought my first babygrow the other day, I know it's early days but it was exciting to buy something x

Adrienne Cramping can mean either AF or BFP hun. That's why it's so hard to know cause so many symptoms can mean either thing. I genuinly didn't have many symptoms, just the odd twinge in my left breast and feeling tired. That was it! I'm keeping everything crossed for you :flower: x

Abii Hope this tww flys by for you hun. I will be stalking this thread to find out if it's good news for you :flower: x

Maia So sorry the witch got you hun :hugs: You keep the PMA up though girl! We both know you can do this :flower: x
Hi everyone,

Was wondering if I could join your group?
Let me introduce myself...I',m ttc 3 and have PCOS. I'm 32 and conceived my first two children with metformin. We have suffered a loss and had major surgery to remove a benign tumour off one of my ovaries. Considering all that, we have been blessed with my daughter (6) and my son (4). We just do not feel complete... I always wanted three children and so we decided last month that this month we would go for it. I'm, on CD2...
Would love to get to know you all and maybe some of my experiences will be of help to some of you.
Abii - welcome to the group - i think you joined when I was on my hiatus :flower: Glad to hear you're having some good symptoms, :dust: to you!

Adrienne - don't give up hope - cramping can definitely mean a BFP or AF. You're still in it!

Wendy - Buying the baby clothes is definitely a coping mechanism for me. I love buying all the cute things for a baby.

Welcome Kitty :flower: Sorry to hear of your losses. Good luck for this cycle! :dust:

Well, I'm feeling better since going through all my baby clothes. For some reason, just going through them and seeing all the cute things made me feel a bit better. CD10 today, and will start OPKs and BDing! Figured out that if we get our BFP this cycle, I'll be 12 weeks right around Christmas, and would announce to a majority of our families then. I'm praying that it's this cycle! That, and October is my birthday month, so it's gotta be a good month!

Hi ladies :flower:

Amy, I am loving the PMA! Your baby clothes are adorable! October is my husbands bday month too :) fingers crossed for you this month :hugs:

Abii, so glad you are having some good symptoms this month. You will be the first on this thread who had symptoms for their pregnancy. All the other ladies so far had no symptoms apart from tiredness lol.

Adrienne, don't count yourself out yet Mrs! As I've just said, not one of us pregnant ladies had any major symptoms so your not out until she shows her ugly face lol! How's your knee holding out? Hopefully its allowing you to get a bit of work done :hugs:

Kitty, sorry to hear about your losses and welcome to the thread. Fingers crossed you get a break :hugs:

Anyway I'm off for a relaxing bath after tidying the house all day x
Could I join the group?

I'm 25 and we'll have been trying for two years this December. We live in Scotland and this will be baby number one, when we get that second little pink line! I've always wanted three children but right now we'd be happy with one. There's a bit of an age difference between me and my OH and we're just currently waiting to have tests to find out if there's anything medical stopping us from getting pregnant.
buster1: No problem hun:] if you ever need some advise or help or just need someone to talk to, you can count on me being there for you:3 wana be ttc buddies?C:

WendyJ: Thank you:] i relly hope it does too it seems like testing is still so far away haha. awhh well thank you:] i will surley keep everyone updated as much as possible C:

Tweak0605: I think you are correct:] and awh thank you very much. baby dust to you also:3

Pinky12: Haha well i am also veryy veryy tired but aside from that ive been having slight cramping the past few days, hunger pains ALL THE TIME! lol ive already gained 2 pounds:/ because the only food i can eat that will make the pains go away is faty foods BUT then when i eat it, i feel really bloated and my stomach feels alil harder then normal[someone grabbed my belly yesterday and asked if it was my], my boobs feel heavier, and ive been getting the butterfly feeling alot since yesterday:3
im so excited:D

BTW just to keep you guys updated on the symptoms im having, i did notice one more symptom i didnt notice the past few days, im having milky type discharge[no it doesnt smell,itch,or burn, sorry for tmi lol] so lets hope for my bfp on oct 9th:3
sticky bean? im hoping soo C:

Babay dust to everyone<3

I'm off for a relaxing bath after tidying the house all day x

Oh my gosh! im stealing that idea and running away with it:3
a bath sounds awesome right now hahah.
but its only 10:05am, guess ill wait until 3 or so haha:]
Maia sorry the evil witch got you hun. Sending you and DW lots of hugs and luck for this upcoming cycle.

Kitty welcome to the thread. Sorry for your losses. Glad to have you here. Hopefully you'll get that BFP real soon.

Naneth welcome to the thread to you as well. I'm trying for baby #1 as well. Looking forward to getting to know you.

Emma a bath sounds sooo nice. I hope your enjoying it.

Abii those symptoms are sounding real good. I have my fingers crossed for you. And of course we can be ttc buddies. It would be fitting that the youngest member of our thread and the oldest (I'm 37) would be buddies together. It would be really cool if both of us could pull out a BFP this month. Good luck hun!!!

Amy PMA is sounding real good. I've got my fingers crossed for you. It's funny I was thinking the samething that if I got my BFP that I would be 12 weeks around Christmas and that would be a great time to tell the family. PMA PMA PMA wishing you lots of luck.

And I hope everyone else is doing well too.

AFM knee is feeling a little better so I'm able to get some things done around the house. DH is going to help me with the laundry so I don't have to walk up and down the stairs. For today the cramps have gone away so we'll just seems what the week will bring. If AF is going to show I hope see waits until I'm done with my trip on Thursday morning. I hate having AF and having to fly, it really sucks. LOL Anyway ladies I hope you're enjoying the rest of the weekend and I'll talk to everyone soon!!!
Naneth - welcome to the thread :flower: can't wait to know more about you and your journey.

Adrienne - glad your knee is feeling better and the cramps have gone away.

Have done basically nothing all day, or actually all weekend. We've watched tons of movies (The Town, Soul Surfer, Valentine, Yogi Bear, The A-Team) and caught up on our shows we tape during the week. I've worked tons on my scrapbook and it's almost done. Not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow, but hopefully we'll have our vaca planned for a couple weeks from now. We need it.
Abii those symptoms are sounding real good. I have my fingers crossed for you. And of course we can be ttc buddies. It would be fitting that the youngest member of our thread and the oldest (I'm 37) would be buddies together. It would be really cool if both of us could pull out a BFP this month. Good luck hun!!!

Hehe i dont mind having an older ttc buddy C:
you could help me more probably since you've most likely had more expierence then me at ttc lol.
and awh thank you i hope so. i dont know im having more cramps in my lower stomach and they are alot more hurtful then the ones i was having before. i dont know what to think lol. but thank you:]
i hope we could both get em this month that would be fantastic!:D haha
btw, i will make it official on my signature haha:3
Abii those symptoms are sounding real good. I have my fingers crossed for you. And of course we can be ttc buddies. It would be fitting that the youngest member of our thread and the oldest (I'm 37) would be buddies together. It would be really cool if both of us could pull out a BFP this month. Good luck hun!!!

Hehe i dont mind having an older ttc buddy C:
you could help me more probably since you've most likely had more expierence then me at ttc lol.
and awh thank you i hope so. i dont know im having more cramps in my lower stomach and they are alot more hurtful then the ones i was having before. i dont know what to think lol. but thank you:]
i hope we could both get em this month that would be fantastic!:D haha
btw, i will make it official on my signature haha:3

Just updated my siggy too :happydance:
Kitty Welcome to the thread hun. I also found out I have PCOS at the start of the year so was pleasantly surprised when I got a natural BFP. Are you going back on the metformin? Hopefully it will bring you another BFP soon :hugs: x

Amy Wow that is a lot of films you've watched! lol. I don't think I could sit as long. Well I said if I got my BFP when I did I wouldn't tell people before Xmas but that's gone out the window :haha: You'll probably be better at keeping it quiet than I am though. Really hope you get it for then, a Xmas announcement would be lovely :flower: x

Naneth Welcome to the group hun, it's nice to see a fellow Scottish lady :flower: I'm one of three and think it's a lovely number to have, i'll wait and see how I find labour before I decide how many I will have though :haha: Do you have a date to get tests done? x

Abii Sounds like you have some good symptomps hun, roll on Sunday for testing day! x

Adrienne Glad to hear the knee is easing up a bit and your DH is helping out. He's a good one! Praying the witch stays away hun, especially for your trip x
WENDY, I hope that you are feeling better and that cold has come and gone... :hugs:

ADRIENNE, I'm glad your knee is feeling better, I hope all goes well tomorrow at your appt. :flower:

AMY, :hugs: I know it was not a the best time going through the clothes but it is a wsy to gather hope and refocus. We did that about a month ago after MC. Looks like you are a few days ahead of me, so we could end up being bump buddies... I sure hope so... It is my daughter's b-day month so I too am hopeful... FXD! :dust:

ABII, I have my FXD that this is your month. You are on my Oct testing thread so I am watching everywhere!!! :dust:

:wave: HELLOKITTY and NANETH! So sorry for your loss HELLOK! I hope that you find great support and info here as we all have.

AFM...AF surprised me on Saturday, a little early and did not come in roaring like a lion as usual, it was so very strange. But, on a different note, she has made it very easy to track, 1st of the month... I hope to be in the egg chase by mid-month and test right at the end, near our daughter's b-day! Trying now to build up all that hope I had in Sept!
WendyJ: thank you:3
MrsMM24: awh thank you so much:] and yes i am on your testing thread C:
Naneth Welcome to the group hun, it's nice to see a fellow Scottish lady :flower: I'm one of three and think it's a lovely number to have, i'll wait and see how I find labour before I decide how many I will have though :haha: Do you have a date to get tests done? x

Thanks, whereabouts in Scotland are you? I'm on the west coast :) Test date is tomorrow! Eek!

Actually, I'm not so nervous about tomorrow, that's the easy bit - it's the getting the results back that might be tricky!

And I know what you mean about waiting until number one is out the way, maybe we'll change our minds then! :lol:
Maia Thanks hun, i'm feeling a good bit better, just a bit sniffly but i'm sure that'll go soon. Aww how nice would it be to get a BFP around your daughter's birthday! That would be fate hun :flower: x

Naneth I'm south west, Dumfries & Galloway :) Ooh good luck for tomorrow hun. I know it's the waiting that the's annoying part! Hopefully the results wont take too long to come back. What tests are they going to do? x
Hi Everyone
Hope you ladies are doing well. Well my doctors appointment for tomorrow got cancelled. The doctor had a family emergency. So now I just have to wait for them to give me another appointment. I hope they can do it sometime next week because I really need to someone to tell me what's up with this thing. The cramps have come back so I expect af to show in the next couple of days. I just hope she can wait until I'm done with my trip.

Tomorrow is my first day back to work in 2 weeks that should be interesting. At least I won't be gone for long. I'll be back by Thursday morning. So I won't be on the thread too much the next couple of days, but I'll be back once I come home (and get some sleep I work the redeye in)

That's all I have for now. Take care and I'll try to log on with my phone so I don't get too far behind.
WENDY, soooo happy to hear that you are feeling a little better. It's the worst to be sick while PG, I had a cold twice, and a UTI while PG with DD! Then it was smoldering hot when I delivered.... Hang in there Hun! I hope fate is kind to us this month!

AMY, that sux that the doc had to cancel, I hope all is well with the family however. I hope you can get a make-up appt soon, I desperately cannot wait to see you get that bfp and very sticky bean! Hang in there with getting back to work, I know it is going to be tiring... :flower:

AFM...AF is easing out rather quickly. I was heavy for couple days and light to spotting yesterday and now, spotting.... I am ready though, today I began to finalize "donations" scheduling and shipping, and got all my vitamins, etc (baby aspirin, B6, green tea, folic acid, Primrose Oil, etc... It appears that OV will come in the next couple weeks, plan, plan, plan, that's what I am up to!
WendyJ Just CD21 bloods for me & it's OH's first sperm analysis. Mine should be about a week & OH's within three weeks. It's going to kill me waiting & we have to wait until November 8th for an appointment with the doctor to discuss them.

I'm torn between what I want to hear - everything is fine would be fantastic, but then why have we been waiting for almost two years, and if something is wrong, we've got the worry of whether or not it will be fixable! *sigh*

Anyway, Dumfries & Galloway looks lovely. I've driven through several times, but never actually gotten out of the car and gone anywhere there :lol:

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