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The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Hot Ribena is brill when you've got a cold Arlene! It's quite nice actually x
Fx'd you get your AF soon wendy, you are one very patient lady!

I've just had a look at my OH's diary for this month and hes going to be away, right over the weekend that I will be O'ing :( I wish I didnt look now..this month is going to drag!
Hot ribena?! as in the purple fruit juice? I cannot imagine that'd be nice hot :lol:

michelle, my af was 3 days late last month, so wasn't sure what to expect this time, but its right back its usual 29 days. I'd assume your usual cd28 unless it shows early again. As for cm in pregnancy, I didn't know I was pregnant with Kyle till I was about 8-10 weeks when I found out I do recall a having loads of cm.. but thats really no different to just before AF with me. I think everyone is different x

Thanks I'm done with my RANT:wacko: i feel much better now. i know that everything happens for a reason and in its own season!!
How are you doing??
hey girls i may need ur advice i was kinda silly i went to do a test but found i had none left apart from my LH ones so i used it dont ask my why i just wanted to test that bad lol. anyway i got two lines and not sure if i should try and find a 24hr shop now or does the LH ones not really count towards anything apart from LH x
Wendy and Arlene, hey

Wendy, im gd ta, and yes Hot Ribena is lovely, i tend to have it of an evening as its not so many calories. and i dont really drink alot of coffee or tea.

Arlene, Ribena is great. How are you?

Hey MrsC Taylor, sorry cant help you there. hope your well?
Some poeple get second lines on OPK's all the time as there is always some LH in your system, so it may not mean anything Carron. You need to do a hpt to be sure xxx
Hey Carron, I think the lh ones are only for the lh surge hun. Just wait until you can get a test and test properly x
I've heard of a few women OPK's n getting unexplained positives then going on to get a BFP as well. Where are you in your cycle?
Thanks Wendy. Yeah I am certainly not happy. I am coming to the end of my flexi month and if i do 9.30- 3 every day I will still be up by 19 hours and can only carry over 7 till next month. Fingers crossed nothing goes wrong this week so I can work short hours, although I can't get my work done but I don't care anymore lol
Hi girls!!!

Not sure if i have regular cycles but AF came 26/3 for 3 days, according to babycenter ovulation calculator i should be ovulating this wednesday - monday at my most fertile if my cycle is regular, which im so unsure of!

I have a question though, lots of EWCM today, which is EXCIIIIIIIIITINGGGGGGGG as i remember that it meant it was a good thing!! DTD this morning and just noticing this has got me in a kerfuffle!!!!

HAPPY DANCE! but also confused lol xx
Grr my internet is not playing ball tonight! I can get on any other website just not this one! It's taking me like 10 attempts to get on this screen but now I can't go back and see what anyone has typed cause it just crashes. Sigh, I think I shall retreat to bed! Nite nite all x
Emma, Sorry about work, I hope things work out with your application and you can be on to bigger and better things. It's never good to work in a non supportive work environment. Good luck!!!

Sophie, sorry you missed your appointment and that your feeling so bad. I hope you can get another appointment soon so that you can get some relief.

Arlene, sounds like you had a busy day planned. Don't go and burn yourself out.

Wendy, way to go on getting dh in the mood last night.

Lea, I hope you're ok. Everyone needs a break once in a while, just promise that you'll be back as soon as you feel up to it. Hugs and take care of yourself.

Welcome to the new girls and hugs to all the other girls that I didn't mention by name.

AFM, Just trying to make the most of being home until I go back to work on Wednesday. I've had positive opks yesterday and today so I think my ticker may be off by a day. But I have all my bases covered since I bd on Wednesday, twice on Saturday :haha:, Sunday and hopefully later tonight and tomorrow. I want to have all bases covered for this cycle. Well that's all for me for now I hope you ladies have a good night and I'll check in later.
Babyboyle..I remember reading your story :hugs: your such a strong lady. With your body returning to normal just now things will probably be all over the place, i'd try to :sex: every 2nd day for the whole cycle..just incase :lol:

Hope you get your internet sorted wendy!!

Adrienne you have most certainly covered all your bases!! :happydance: Fx'd you get your BFP this month! :D

I really should get ready for work now..Fun! Hope yous have a good day!

Morning ladies! Internet seems to be behaving itself this morning, phew!

Oh no Arlene , just read your hubby is going to be away OV weekend :( You never know though, you might ovulate early or late! Get the bding in before he leaves and as soon as he gets home! :haha: x

Hey Carron did you go by a test? Good luck hunni :flower:x

Emma stuff them! Finish work at 3 whether there is work to be done or not. If there is work to be done they'll maybe realise how badly they need you and that you need help. Don't run after them when they're treating you like that x

Hey Babyboyle! I don't think we've officially met yet but hello! So sorry to hear about your miscarriage hun. Arlene is right, bd every second day throughout your cycle, that's what I try and do. Lots of EWCM is good! x

Morning Adrienne! Wowza that's the most bding i've heard about you doing since I met you on here :haha: You should deffo have a good chance this month! Remember too often isn't always a good thing though as the spermies need a chance to develop properly, i'm trying to do it every second day and see how I go from there x

Well nothing came of my blood in CM as usual. Frustrated.com! I'm just hoping I haven't damaged my cervix or something while checking for CM. Will be extra careful from now on!

Right I better shoot to work, i'm as bad as Arlene coming on here when trying to get ready for work :haha: I hope all you other ladies are doing good. Talk later x
Morning ladies, hope you're all ok :hugs:

Got another busy day today, so I can hopefully relax tomorrow before getting up at 5am on Thursday :dohh:

Hi ladies,

Hope we are all ok. Well I have been busy sorting supporting info for the job in Manchester. I should know everything for it if I get an interview but its the company info I am not aware of so printed some stuff off today. I hope everyone is keeping well anyway. I feel a bit out of the loop at the minute with my internet being off at home. Hopefully virgin will have this sorted within the next few days anyway.

Big :hugs: x
I hope Virgin sort it soon, and that you get the job in Manchester :D xxx
Hey ladies, it's been a quiet morning on here! Everyone must be working hard.

God what a miserable day it is here! My trousers are soaked through just from coming out the car in our carpark and walking to my house. Here was me thinking summer was coming! Guess i'll have to put up with my darn electric heating being on a while longer!

Right I better go check on DH, he's full of the cold again and is really suffering bless him. Talk later x

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