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The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

thanx tweak im just losing my mind i can't take this, im so confused im afraid of thinking positive cos i don't wanna get my hopes up, i think i know in my heart of hearts my horrible aunt flo will come to visit haha, how r u tweak?? i didnt catch ur name or ur storie hun?? im so sorry about ur mmc hun big :hugs: xxxxx
just had the tiniest, tinest speack of brown blood sorry tmi, it's looking like she's on her way!
thanx tweak im just losing my mind i can't take this, im so confused im afraid of thinking positive cos i don't wanna get my hopes up, i think i know in my heart of hearts my horrible aunt flo will come to visit haha, how r u tweak?? i didnt catch ur name or ur storie hun?? im so sorry about ur mmc hun big :hugs: xxxxx

I'm sorry :hugs: Hopefully you either get your BFP soon - or AF comes so you can start a new cycle. Big :hugs:

EDIT: I just saw your update. I'm sorry! :hugs:

My name's Amy. We found out, exactly a month ago today, that we had lost our baby. I was 10 weeks, and the baby only measured 7w5d with no heartbeat. I had a D&C a little over 2 weeks ago. We're doing the NTNP thing for now. The doctor said to wait 1 cycle, but I don't want to prevent anything from happening, if it might. So, that's where I'm at. I'm actually doing much better now. It's a new month, new beginnings. Fresh start.
Amy, sorry for your loss. I hope you get your BFP very soon. :hugs: On another note...Go Huskies!!!! I hope I'm able to stay up as well.

Sophie, sorry about the BFN. :hugs: I hope your ok and if AF shows up full force I wish you lots of baby dust :dust: for next cycle.
hey ladies the :witch: just got me :cry: awh god im not crying but im sooooooooooooo upset, to be honest i think i will be giving up :cry: im in the hospital in less than 6 hours still havn't slept and i am in absolute agony ladies i have a hot water bottle on my front and back and my dressing gown tie around them to hold them on to me i can't take the pain anymore emotionally and physically. I am gonna go ahead with the surgery to see if i have endometriosis! i won't be on here for a while i think ladies i need a break away im soooooooooooooo down. good luck to all u ladies xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi ladies, i hope to join this thread too. TTC-ing for awhile, had an mc in feb and now recovering n having AF CD2. Hope to find some buddies and friends during this period of difficulty :)
Morning Ladies!

Sophie hun i'm sorry the :witch: got you, don't give up, it will just take time. Look at me, CD 83 today and i'm still trying! Cause you just never know when you will get your BFP. Good luck at your appointment today, hopefully they can find out what's wrong and start getting you treated :flower: x

Welcome to the thread Vonz! Nice to have you with us :) So sorry to hear about your mc hun, take this month to let your body heal and hopefully you'll have another BFP soon :flower: x

How are all my other ladies doing? Was expecting to see a post from Lea from the early hours, hope you're alright hun :flower: x

Well I better get off to work. Talk to you all later x
Spohie, sorry the :witch: got you hun.

Welcome Vonz, sorry about your mc :hugs:

Wendy, hope you have a good day at work :hugs:

I'm going to be busy this morning, got to sort out the gas and electric for the new house :) xxx
Good morning ladies! :coffee:

Hope Lea actually slept at normal hours last night then wendy! :haha:

Welcome Vonz :wave: you'll find plenty of support and buddies here :hugs:

Sophie sorry to hear the :witch: got you, but I do hope you don't give up :( hope your appointment goes as well as it can today hun :hugs:

Hope everyone had a great weekend! :) I'm house hunting, holiday shopping :yipee: and going back to the gym today..I've not been in ages and convinced a friend to start so i've got more motivation to go myself :lol:
Morning ladies,

Hi Wendy pops, hope you had a nice and relaxing night.

Hey Sophie, big :hugs: hope everything goes well this morning at the hospital and I am here if you need to natter x

Good luck with the gas and electric Rachael x

Hey Vonz, sorry to hear about your mc and lovely to meet you.

Hope your ok princess Lea, its not like you not to turn into the vampire. I hope you went to bed at a reasonable time lol. I hope you didnt have too much to drink following City's victory :haha: x x

Well I am finally looking at this on a computer :haha: so will be updating the front page for the ladies who have sent me their info to go up there.

Hope you are all ok as it has been a bit quite on here. Big hugs to everyone :hugs:
Arlene, wow you have a busy day ahead. The gym seems too much like heard work to me lol x
I've been busy this morning!

Called SSE who we want to switch to, takes 28 days, so got the wheels in motion for that. I then called EDF who supply the house currently, and they have said they need to do an emergency reset on the meter, so I've arranged with the landlord to meet me at the house at 8.30am Thursday morning to give me the keys so I can wait for the electric man to come out and give the house a clean before we move in Friday.

I've also called the PDSA as they have a part time call centre job available and asked them to post me an application form. Job is ideal, 16 hours a week, 4.30-8.30pm Mon - Thurs, so not too many hours which will be great for my back, and the hours mean OH will be home before I leave for work, so Holly won't be left alone hardly ever!

I then called Sunderland City Council and asked for a housing benefit form to be sent out, and called HMRC to ask for a claim pack, but they can't send any out until Wednesday because of the end of the tax year.

No I need to do some laundry and get some packing done! Busy busy!

Hope everyone is having a good Monday!

I'm being bad, even though I have a ton of work i'm still sneeking on here at work! lol.

Hey Arlene! Wow busy day for you! I hate the gym, always feel like people can see my wobbly bits when i'm working out hard! lol. Think i'll just have to stick to my wii for a while. Enjoy the shopping! Hope you're getting better weather than I am cause it's deffo not shopping weather here! x

Morning Emma! I had a lovely lazy night last night, managed to seduce hubby again too so all is good! How's your work the day? x

Hi Rachael ! Sounds like a busy day for you too! That job sounds fab, will keep everything crossed that you get it. Moving is so exciting but stressful too, hopefully you'll get everything sorted in the next week x

Well I suppose I better get on with some work. I've noticed i've got some blood in my CM again, not a lot but there's deffo some red in it, only when I wipe tho. Will keep an eye on it and see if anything comes from it this time! Talk later x
Hello ladies, I hope everyone ov u are ok.
I'm taking time away from all this for a while, I just need to get my head straight at the moment. I wish u all the best of luck this month & hope u get ur bfp. I'll b bk when I feel upto it.. I'm sorry!!!
Rachael go you!! :) hope you get that job. I'm looking for something with more hours with no luck just now. Trying to convince OH to let me use 5-6k to start a business from home but so far hes not convinced!

Wendy its terrible weather here, ended up only getting Kyle a pair of sunglasses :dohh:

Emma and wendy, do either of yous have a Curves ladies gym near by? This is where is go, and although it costs a little more than an average gym I think its very worth it. Its so much better than a 'normal' gym.
Hi Carron, how's the essays going? Do you get long to do them? I couldn't imagine doing essays, the thought of it gives me a headache! lol x

Hey Sarah, hmm i'm wondering if I have PCOS too but my doctor wont run any tests on me yet. I asked the last time I was there and she just looked at me and said you don't look like someone who has it. How can you tell by looking! Grr. Would explain not having a period in three months though! Will see what they say next time I go back. Good on you losing 20lb so far hun! That's brilliant. I'm trying but my motivation isn't the best! x

Hey Emma! Yeah it's been a quiet day today, everyone's been busy chilling lol x

Right ladies, i'm heading off to bed, i'm shattered. Really can't be bothered working tomorrow, groan. Speak to you all soon x

hi not really 3 weeks to do 2 essays all 2500 onwards for words i really struggle with essays so its difficult each month getting these done hws u ?
hiya ladies :hi:

I havent been on much so busy this weekend and have got to go to work every night again but this is my last week of training. I hope you are all ok and will try and get on properly tomorrow. Lea take care of yourself and hope you are back soon and you are ok.

Lea, hope you're ok and you'll be back soon :hugs:

Arlene, what kind of business would you like to start?

I'll be happy if I get this job, so here's hoping xxx

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