The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Hi ladies,
Sorry I haven't been on. I've been busy packing for my vacation. I haven't had enough time to catch up properly. I just wanted to wish everyone well and I'll try and catch up on my phone while I'm away. Emma glad your back and I hope you're feeling better. And a big hello Susan. Take care everyone and talk to you all later.
Morning ladies, well sister's date didn't go as well as planned. They had a good enough date and held hands but they were both too nervous to kiss lol. I don't know he is giving her some mixed signals. I told her to ask him where she stood and he said for the moment its just mates cause he doesn't have that feeling right now but he does want to still hang out and see what happens cause he's not saying something wont happen in the future. She then got really upset so I texted pretending to be here to find out more what he meant and he basically said she's a lovely lass and but he doesn't know her well enough yet and would like to get to know her better and see where things go from there. So I don't know. He is coming round on Saturday to watch a dvd with her cause they feel they need a more relaxed date, the two of them are just so nervous! She spent the entire night after getting home lying on my bed with me as she said when she feels upset she just likes being around her big sis. She's a sweetie! x

As for me, CD92 and bigger all happening as usual :haha: Did have lots of ewcm yesterday so :sex: just incase but temperature dipped down again. I've given up trying to figure my body out now :shrug:

Emma don't worry about it lol, glad we managed to persuade you to come back on. Hope you didn't get too sozzled last night! x

Well welcome Susan! Nice to have you here. I see your a Mum already, how many do you have? Don't worry about your age, age is just a number! My gran was 40 when she had my Dad and my grandpa was 62!! Best of luck hun :flower: x

Have fun Adrienne! Talk soon x

Well I better get off to work, how is everyone else doing this morning? Anything exciting to report? I'll no doubt be back on at some point during the day lol. Ta ta for now x
Popped on quickly to say hello, hope everyone is well :)

Welcome Susan :wave:

Adrienne, i'm jealous! :lol: enjoy florida!!

Sorry I don't have time just now to reply properly..Probably won't till tomoro :dohh: Off out to the gym and soft play with Kyle.
Speak soon! Hope everyones busy :sex: :haha: or growing babies!

Welcome Susan :D Don't worry about your age, t'is just a number :D

Wendy - I'd be going insane if I was you :hugs:

Emma - Hope you're not hungover ;)

Adrienne - Hope you enjoy Florida! I'm so jealous!

Arlene - Enjoy soft play with Kyle. How is he doing?

Hope everyone has a great Wednesday :D

Happy Wednesday ladies!

Looks like AF is right around the corner. I've been having some mild to painful cramping today. I've read that the first AF after a m/c could be painful, but I really hope that' not the case for me. Maybe it'll be making up for the fact that my D&E was really easy. Ugh. At least I know my body is getting back on track.

Wendy - sorry your sister's date didn't go as planned. She sounds too sweet though!

Arlene - hope you enjoyed the gym and soft play with Kyle

Adrienne - have fun in Florida!

Emma - hope you had fun at the pub!

And to everyone else, hope everyone is having a good day!
hi ladys sorry aint been on been mega busy wit the kids being home how have u all been??? i was wondering if u could help me i had a bfp yesterday lunch time light positive so took a digi this morning and was negative with fmu so took another normal test 2 hours later and was stronger positive then yesterdays dont know what to think xx
Afternoon ladies,

Amy- Yes I had fun at the pub thank you, It was nice to get out and chill out for a bit. I really hope your fist af isn't too painful for you :flower:

Belinda- I think if you just give it a few more days then it will probably work itself out huge :hugs:

Rachael- No, I am not hungover, I had a few drinks but nothing too much. More tired then anything as I have been awake since 3.30 this morning and have been doing stupid things all day as a result of it. I even left my phone at home :haha:. Hope you are ok hun and the move went well x

Wendy- Thanks hun :hugs: still fed up but there is nothing I can do about that. I didn't get sozzled last night, I was very good and was asleep by 10.30pm :haha: Aw bless you with your sister, its soo cute x

Arlene- Hope you had fun at the gym and playing with Kyle :flower:

Adrienne- Hope you have a lovely holiday, I cant wait for mine :happydance:

:wave: Susan. Welcome to the thread x

Naomi- Hope your ok hun. Thank you for your lovely comments :hugs:

Erm.... LEA.... heeelllloooooo.... where have you dissapeared again! Get back on here and I might be able to fit you in my suitcase lol. Hope you ok hunni :hugs:

Hope everyone else is ok as well. Sorry if I have missed someone out but big love to all the fab ladies on this thread.

Well I am half asleep at work at the minute and only an hour to go. I have to go home and sort out my house tonight as I have my gorgeous niece and nephew coming to stay tomorrow so have to make it baby friendly lol!

Once I give them back to their dad on Friday I am going to come home and get out the suitcases :happdance: so excited!! :hugs:
Bet you're looking forward to your holiday Emma!

Tonkiss - Digi's aren't very sensitive so it may be just too early to test on one. Give it a few more days then try again.

Amy - I hope AF isn't too mean to you :hugs:

Lea - Where have you gone now? I'm betting she's just busy with it being the school holidays.

We're getting there slowly, I'm in the process of finally sorting out the bedroom - it's been a bit of a dumping ground, but now everywhere is sorted out it's time to sort the bedroom too.

Got a list of things we need to buy still, but nothing too urgent so we can get bits here and there. Hoping we'll get there soon :)
Yeah I am Rachael, will be glad for a break from work although I have a lot to do before I go!
It's nice to get the bedroom sorted as I always think a clean and tidy bedroom helps you sleep

I think I'm going to get some sleep now as my mood doesn't seem to be improving. Don't you just love hormones. Night all x
Evening ladies! You might not hear from me again after tonight, i'm going to win the double rollover in the lottery :haha: Just kidding, even if I did I would no doubt still be on here!

How is everyone? I'm doing good, the in laws have been round visiting for the last two hours. Mother-in-law doesn't get out the house much cause she doesn't drive so she likes to stay for a good visit when she comes round!

Arlene How you doing hun? I would say hope you had fun at the gym, but the gym is never fun! :haha: How is Kyle doing? x

Rachael Glad the house is coming together! Does it feel a bit surreal living with OH now? How far away have you moved from your old house? Hope you are still able to meet up with friends etc x

Amy Hopefully this is AF coming and you can get it out the way. Hope it wont be too painful :flower: x

Belinda Hi hun, nice to see you back on here :) Digitals aren't as sensitive as normal tests, if you've had two normal bfp's it sounds good! Really hoping this is it for you. Take a normal test with fmu and see how dark it is and then you can take it a digital in a few days. Keep us posted! :flower: x

Emma sorry your still feeling a bit fed up, I bet your gorgeous niece and nephew will cheer you up tomorrow! What age are they? When do you go on holiday again? I'm so excited for you! Wish I was going abroad! x

Lea sending you lots of virtual :hugs: Hope things have calmed down hunni, you know i'm here for you x

Well i'm gonna get to my bed, hope you's are all having a lovely night. Talk tomorrow :flower: x
Morning x

Wendy, don't you dare leave us lol. Aw bless your mother in law. My mother in law is the same, she doesn't drive so only really goes out at weekend. When we "pop" in, she throws a strop as we aren't staying for longer :haha:

My nephew Josh is 6 and my niece Maya is 17 months so she will be sleeping in with us as she still wakes up. I am looking forward to it but concerned it will make me feel worse as Maya can be clingy which will be a bit upsetting at the min. :cry:

We fly out on 4th May but my last day in work will be 28th April. Thanks to all the bank holidays I only have 8 days left in work :happydance: can't wait!

Hope your ok mrs x x
Morning ladies!!
Hope you are all well :flower:
I'm off to work AGAIN, what happened to my flipping holiday!! And I am quite lucky Wendy, my class are really cute but I have to say not all classes are the same lol, some are cuter than others!!!:haha:

Well this is probably tmi but we are really going for it :sex: wise, didn't think we would because DH is running the London Marathon this weekend, which is the weekend I ov but he is making a real effort even though I know he is so nervous!! Really hoping my birthday present is a :bfp: just have to wait and see:coffee:

Hope you all have a lovely day ladies, wish the sun was still shining!!
Good morning ladies!

Wendy have you managed to sort your shower yet? I'm not sure I would like my sisters living with me, saying that they are only 7 and 9 :lol: maybe the guy just does really want to get to know her a bit better before agreeing to a relationship?

Rachael hows your dog doing with the crate? (I cannot for the life of me remember her name..Holly? seems to ring a bell :dohh:) my dog loved hers, put her in it as a pup as part of her training and now shes attached, couldn't take it from her if we tried! I like your relaxed approach at moving into a house, my OH would not stop until everything was out and sorted, I could have slept for a week by the time I got to sleep. How yous finding living together then?

Belinda, just as the other ladies said, digi's aren't very sensitive. If you've had 2 positives then I think its fair to say congrats!!

Lea, you deserve a gold medal for those posts!! You ditched us all for that zumba..?! :haha:

Emma, think you deserve this holiday misses, bet it can't come quick enough! Hows things at work now? Hope they're better.

Hope all our other ladies are doing well :D

Kyle and I are currently watching 'Once upon a forest' anyone watch it when they were younger? I remember coming across it on DVD when I was pregnant and buying it so I could watch it with the baby, this is the first he's let me put it on :rofl:

I'm due to Ov anytime now-ish and OH leaves tomorrow afternoon :( We :sex: last night will definately do it before he goes too, but its just now going to be enough. Oh well..I know it was going to be like this, this cycle! cousin stayed in ours last night well Kyle was in bed to let us go to the cinema, and I called her to let her know where the calpol was if he woke up with a sore tummy (constipation!) so didn't realise until I was describing what cupboard in my kitchen it was that its right beside my Pregnacare conception and beyond vits :dohh: I know she would have seen it, I just hope she doesn't say anything. Really don't want anyone knowing! Silly me.. :lol:

Hi Naomi- I know the feeling with work. I usually get called in when I am off which is why I am very rarely off for more than a few days. Hoe its nothing too bad. Fingers crossed for you getting an extra special birthday present x hope the marathon goes well for your oh :flower:

Arlene- Work isn't too bad at the minute as most of the students have gone home for easter so they aren't causing us too many problems. We have a big rent instalment due at the end of this month which is causing an issue as most of the students don't recieve their loans in time.... but I will be on holiday then :haha:
I am really looking forward to the holiday as my last 2 weeks off work was June 2007!!! Think its well overdue! Big :hugs: misses for the oh going away.
Hope your movie is going ok x
hey ladies im so sorry i have not been on i really hope use are all ok i feel like im abondoning use, my OH is moving out, we are still together (bearly might i add) i am just a lil lost lately im so stressed, i dunno what to do! the stress of everything has got on top of us! im so down i don't even feel like opking or temping or nothing, whats the point, if we break up i won't be able to get pregnant anyway! i have continued on with teming but forgot two day's in a row but just filled in temps around what my temp was im only cd11! me and my OH are normally so strong otherwise i would not be trying to have a baby as i would not want to bring a child into a unsteady relationship! we have always got on great and since being with my OH and living with him i have really grown up alot as he is alot older than me! anyway im just confused, maybe this is not ment to be, maybe thats why i havn't got pregnant! i hope all u ladies are ok, i aint forgeting use i just need some time away to sort everything out! im so scared i won't have my OH or a baby :-( but my OH is obviously so much more important to me!

how's everyone?????xxxx
Hi everyone.... so Im off now til Sunday so I should be able to get on here a littler longer, WELL as long as I can bear being on here lol..... im finding things a little rough at the min. I have to go into north shields so will speak later :hugs: Hope your all well

Afternoon ladies! Hope we are all well :flower:

Emma my mother-in-law is like that too! We usually pop in for five minutes on way to get food shopping and she always goes "oh, are you leaving" in a voice that makes you feel so guilty! lol. Bless her, she just likes the company. Hmm I know what you mean about Maya it's hard, every time I see a cute wee one it just reminds me how much I want one myself. It'll be good practice for you though! I'm doing great for holidays too, get the four bank holidays and then i'm off the week beginning the 9th of May. Can't wait! Not that we've got anything planned but we can play it by here. Ooh I had the freakiest dream about you last night! I will need to pm you about it x

Naomi how you doing hunni? Can't believe you've been called in again! How come? If there's no kids in you wouldn't think you'd need to be in doing anything. Do you get paid for it? Good on your hubby for the marathon, hope it goes well for him! I'm the same with the :sex:, this month we've done it 12 nights out of 25! If I was ovulating properly i'm sure i'd have a brill chance! :haha: Hoping this cycle is lucky for you x

Arlene Hey! Shower not fixed yet, waiting on the damn plumber phoning back to confirm how much pump is going to be (the option we decided to go for). Why is it when ever I want tradesman they are so slow! You think they would want the business! Three plumbers before this one said they would come give us a quote and none of them turned up! This one at least turned up but he was meant to phone back last night with price. Suppose i'll just need to wait till he calls.

Yeah I don't think I could live with my sister if the age gap was that much! lol. But we are pretty close and shared a room for the whole 19 years I lived at home so i'm used to her being around. She could move back home but she likes the independence of living with me and i'm happy to have her around. We shall see how her date goes on Saturday but I was shocked to find out she paid for all the fricking meal on Tuesday! How ungentlemanly is he! Still it's not my business so I have to zip it :haha: x

If your due to ovulate any time now then I think you'll be fine with the :sex: your doing. Just try and fit another one in tonight or tomorrow morning. Remember the wee :spermy: last a few days. Fingers crossed you watch your eggy! Oh and i've never heard of that film :shrug: is it a famous one? I've got all kiddy books I fair liked the covers of put by for when I have kids, how sad am I lol x

Sophie Don't you dare apologise! You have so much going on right now. What age is your OH? I really honestly think you need to put ttc to the back of your mind for a little while and spend some quality time with your OH. Go out and do something fun and remind yourselves there is more to your relationship than the stress of ttc x

Shona you come on as much as you feel like it hunni. You don't have to talk about ttc if your finding it hard, just update us on your day :) x

Well best get back to work, i'm bad for sneaking on here when no one is around but I never get much time at lunch by the time i've got home and made something to eat. Talk to you all later x
Wendypops- :haha: your dream made me laugh :haha: bless. Hope your ok with me though, I wouldn't want it coming between us :blush:

Sophie- big :hugs: hunni. Everything will work out for the best in the end. You need to chill out hunnin and things will come back on track. More :hugs: coming your way.

Shona- As Wendypops says, dont worry about the ttc stuff. So, what are you doing in Sunderland today? :hugs:
Wendypops- :haha: your dream made me laugh :haha: bless. Hope your ok with me though, I wouldn't want it coming between us :blush:

Sophie- big :hugs: hunni. Everything will work out for the best in the end. You need to chill out hunnin and things will come back on track. More :hugs: coming your way.

Shona- As Wendypops says, dont worry about the ttc stuff. So, what are you doing in Sunderland today? :hugs:

Hmm, I'll forgive you this once seen as I don't have any evidence :rofl: Best get back to work, talk to you all later x
Hi everyone! :hi:

I just saw this thread today and I love it! Here's a little about me:

I am 30 years old and live in NW Ohio with my DH, who is 33. We've been married almost 5 years and decided to travel/work before we started a family. Well, we're back home now and on the road to LO #1! This is our TTC month #2.

I love the banner! I am adding it today :flower:

Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!

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