The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

:wave: all you lovely ladies! Sorry i've not been around the last couple of days, had a manic busy weekend. Did pop on when I got home from party on Saturday but I was drunk so thought typing a reply wouldn't be a good idea :haha: This is the first chance i've had to properly sit down and type in peace.

Well, i've been to the doctors. She didn't want to give the results over the phone as it's complicated and she didn't want to confuse me. Basically if I was in the middle of my cycle when I got my blood taken then my blood result would be perfect. Problem is neither of us know where I am in my cycle or if we can even class me as having cycles when I haven't had a period since January. If I wasn't in the middle of my cycle then there is something wrong with the results. I told her about the little blood last week and she said maybe that is all my period is going to amount to but she wouldn't think so when it's totally different from my normal AF. She is referring me to the hospital to get a scan and to get a camera put up my lady parts to have a close look at my ovaries :argh: that does not sound fun! What's worse is she says I have to have a full bladder for the camera. I'm dreading it! But basically she wants to see if I have PCOS. I am glad she's looking into everything for me but i'm scared at the same time. So now I just have to wait for a letter to come through from the hospital with a date. Hope it's sooner rather than later.

Anyway, enough about me for now:

Arlene Yey for Kyle and the dry nights! What a wee star. Can't believe it's next week you go on your hols! This year is flying by. Deffo think it could be your lucky cycle if your on a nice relaxing holiday while ovulating. Here's hoping anyway! :flower: x

Fiona So sorry the witch showed up hun :hugs: But at least you get a go of your shiny new CBFM! I can't wait to use mine again (if I ever get normal cycles again!) Hopefully it will help pinpoint when you're actually ovulating and you'll know exactly the right time to baby dance :) x

Emma Thanks for the text hun, meant a lot :flower: So sorry to hear the witch got you too, that sucks. But you'll get that eggy soon, I know it! Bring on another month of CBFM and temps and we'll know exactly what your body is up to. Aww I feel your pain about work, I took one look at my desk this morning and felt like walking back out! Going to take me all week just to catch up on what's been sitting waiting on me coming back, groan. I'll need another holiday! lol x

Adrienne Hope the horrible witch is staying away! There's nothing worse than when she plays tricks on you. Aww I know how you feel, I hate having to work when on a period. I just want to be in my bed with a water bottle. Keep us posted! :thumbup: x

Lea Lovely to have you back on the thread hunnie :flower: You need to stop disappearing! lol. Aww don't worry about missing my birthday, you have far more important stuff going on to worry about me. You've had so much going on it's crazy. Glad you're starting to feel a bit better in yourself though hun. I understand the whole Bex thing a little better now, poor soul. She must be so confused. Her grandparents have no right treating her like that, of course she was going to want to get to know her Dad. It's really unfair they are basically punishing her for that. Hope things work out soon.

Ooh I've got Kerry Katona's book but not had a chance to read it yet, must start it soon then if it's a good one. Oh and I tried Dance Cenntral trial for the kinnect and it's poo! :haha: Just Dance for the wii is so much better, know you won't agree though! haha x

Naomi Hope your knee's a bit better hun. That wii fit is brilliant! Really gives you a good work out. It says my wii fit age though is 40 :dohh: That's not good! haha. Hopefully i'll improve it soon x

Amy Yey for the postive OPK! Here's hoping you caught that eggy :flower: I've never seen any of the Fast & Furious films, should give them a go sometime. I'm going to the cinema on Saturday to see Pirates of the Carribean in 3D, can't wait! Although it's so damn expensive. Good job I don't go much! x

Elizabeth Welcome to the thread hunnie, it's lovely to have you here :flower: Ach age is just a number! Me and my ex were together for almost eight years and there was eight years difference between is. Didn't effect a thing! There's four years between me and my hubby. As long as you are happy that's all that matters :) x

Rachael So sorry the witch got you hun that you're feeling down, big :hugs: Please remember we're all here for you, we'll do our best to cheer you up whenever you feel like talking :flower: You should have a chat to your doctor if you're feeling down about things, mines is going to help me no matter what the outcome of my tests and i've not been trying a year yet. Think it just depends on the doctor you get. Either that or just lie and say you have been trying a year :haha: x

Sophie Lovely to see you on here again hun :flower: Sorry you're going through a rough time being in and out of hospital. Hopefully things will calm down once you've had your lap and dye done. How's things with your OH? Hope things are better than they were, you deserve some good luck :flower: x

Right that's taken me for ages to type so I best jump in the shower before bed now. I did have a lovely weekend though, had a nice lunch with friends Friday, then my new hairdresser did a lovely job on my hair so will def use her again! Saturday I was at a 30th party, it was brill apart from my two best friends falling out and me feeling very stuck in the middle! They've made up now though, phew! Mum-in-law was round Saturday too while Hubby and his Dad were out cutting trees in our garden. Had a lovely long chat with her, she said she's so glad Scott met me and that she's never seen him so happy before, said i was the best thing that could ever happen to him and that she's so glad she has a lovely daughter-in-law with a sensible head on her shoulders. Aww it was so nice! First time she's ever said anything like that to me and it just meant the world :) On Sunday one of my friends had a beautiful baby girl, no name yet but she's a wee cutie. Never seen a baby with so much hair before! Good job my friend's a hairdresser :haha: And of course today it was back to work, feels like i've never been away! It's my sis-in-law's birthday today too so after the doctors I was round there having a chinese for dinner and a gossip. Was nice.

Well, I think that's you all caught up with my gossip, hope all you lovely ladies are wel :flower: Talk soon x
Sophie glad to hear from you, you really are being tested right now with all this :( hope things get better soon :hugs:

Wendy i'm glad you got some sort of answers, even if they weren't definate now they're taking things that step further to see whats going on. Sounds like you got lucky with this doctor :) Try not worry yourself, just think of it being one step closer to your bubs.

The Scheme.. Wendy I think you might be the only person who knows what this is? Think its only on in scotland. I've avoided it until last night when OH put it on and it got me so angry. 2 girls found out they were pregnant, none worked, one out right said "its stupid getting pregnant.." and the others boyfriend from what I gathered was a drug dealer who hit her in town and got lifted, but she wasn't charging him. The full time both were puffing on fags. Angry!!

Anyway must get back to work :lol:

Hey ladies,

Just a quick one from me as I am in work. The :witch: is messing me about again. I was really heavy on Sunday with red blood and now it has pratically dissapeared. If I know her she will be back worse than ever in a few days!!

I am so tired and cannot be bothered doing my job. Is that bad?? Oh well, planning on taking another few days off in a few weeks so thats something to look forward too.

Hope everyone else is better x
Its not bad emma I feel the exact same. I'm so drained right now :( the :witch: usually does that with me, I always seem to have it heavy, then a day or 2 off then back again. Not looking forward to her appearence on holiday. I know I won't feel as comfortable in shorts if she's there.
Afternoon ladies,

Arlene- I know what you mean, when she arrives short or tight fitting things make me paranoid! Not long till holiday though :happydance: Part of me wants to watch that scheme thing but think it may make me agry as well at the minute!

Wendypops- It's ok hun, I was getting worried about you :hugs: Atleast you are going to get answers. Glad you have had a lovely weeked. Ooh Chinese, I haven't had one of them in ages... think I know what I will be having for tea on Friday lol!

Well I am going to have an early night tonight. I am fed up and could barely drive home I was that exhausted :cry:. Knowing me I will still be awake really late!! Oh well, we will see what happens.

:Hugs: hope our absent ladies are ok :hugs:
Hi ladies I would like to Join you too. My name is Melissa. My husband and I are TTC and have been since October 2010. We had an ectopic in February 2011. I lost my left tube. This is my first month that I am back to TTC. I am currently 6 DPO and going crazy. LOL.. Who knew that TTC could drive you crazy. I wanna test but I know that it is early. We are leaving for Vegas on Friday. I am nervous about being away from my doc if I am going to get a BFP becuase I am supposed to get beta's done the day I get a BFP. I just well I am driving myself crazy.
:wave: Hi Melissa and Lily, welcome :hugs:

Where has everyone gone???

Well I will make you all giggle. Last night I got into bed and tried to have an early night and after just getting into bed I felt something on my arm as I looked down I had a huge spider on my arm!! I screamed and ran and got Gavin who got rid of it. I refused to get back into bed for ages and when I did I wouldn't sleep on my side of the bed!! What a whimp lol!

Well as a result I barely slept again and still feel worn out. Hopefully I will pick up soon as I have a busy weekend ahead and my assistant is off soon :(

Hope all you lovely ladies are doing well :hugs:
Morning all! Or is it afternoon? I'm just having a wee skive at work although I shouldn't really as I have tons to be getting on with.

Anyway, how are all you lovely ladies doing today?

Arlene I've never watched The Scheme but my mates do and are always going on about it! Don't think I want to after what you've said though, that would get me raging too! When do you finish work for your hols? Hope you get a day or two off to get organised. No wonder you're knackered after all the hours you've been doing x

Emma Grr, damn witch messing you about! There's nothing worse. This ttc is nothing but one big long waiting game, and a frustrating game at that! Keep us posted, hopefully the witch isn't arriving after all. Oh I did see your status on facebook about the spider and it gave me a wee chuckle! I would be the exact same, even talking about them makes my skin crawl *shudders* It's them ones you get with big long legs, freak me out! x

Lily You are more than welcome to join, the more the merrier on here :) Tell us a bit about yourself hun. All our info is on the 1st page if you want to have a wee read x

Melissa Welcome to the thread too hun, lovely to have you with us. Sorry to hear about your ectopic, you've had a rough time of it. How long you going to be in Vegas for? Hopefully AF or BFP will wait till you get home x

Well I suppose I best get back to work. Not much happening with me apart from the fact i've gone and buggered my knee up. No idea how i've done it but i've been limping the last two days and every second step my knee cracks like there is two bones rubbing together. Not much fun. So i'm just taking it easy after work trying to rest it up. Hubby thinks I should go to the doctors but i'm sick of the sight of the place now. Hopefully it will get better itself. Anyway, hope everyone's well and I will no doubt be back on here soon! x
:hi: everyone. Emma thank you for the lovely email :hugs:

My AF came yesterday.

I have to get ready to go to work soon. Sorry I havent been around only

really been on a couple of journals. Im going to try and catch up and be a

better friend :blush: I try and catch up but cos I work 3 evenings and

a Sunday its hard sometimes. I will catch up tomorrow and reply properly :)

I have renewed faith for this month, got preseed, fertility sticks, softcups

and a BBT thermometer gonna give that a whirl lots of water and alcohol

only when get my AF and a cheeky red wine day before OV and 6dpo as

heard it can help. Hope you are all well any BFP while I havent been here.

Anyone is welcome to come and visit me at my journal whenever you like :)

:hugs: & :kiss:

Morning all! Or is it afternoon? I'm just having a wee skive at work although I shouldn't really as I have tons to be getting on with.

Anyway, how are all you lovely ladies doing today?

Arlene I've never watched The Scheme but my mates do and are always going on about it! Don't think I want to after what you've said though, that would get me raging too! When do you finish work for your hols? Hope you get a day or two off to get organised. No wonder you're knackered after all the hours you've been doing x

Emma Grr, damn witch messing you about! There's nothing worse. This ttc is nothing but one big long waiting game, and a frustrating game at that! Keep us posted, hopefully the witch isn't arriving after all. Oh I did see your status on facebook about the spider and it gave me a wee chuckle! I would be the exact same, even talking about them makes my skin crawl *shudders* It's them ones you get with big long legs, freak me out! x

Lily You are more than welcome to join, the more the merrier on here :) Tell us a bit about yourself hun. All our info is on the 1st page if you want to have a wee read x

Melissa Welcome to the thread too hun, lovely to have you with us. Sorry to hear about your ectopic, you've had a rough time of it. How long you going to be in Vegas for? Hopefully AF or BFP will wait till you get home x

Well I suppose I best get back to work. Not much happening with me apart from the fact i've gone and buggered my knee up. No idea how i've done it but i've been limping the last two days and every second step my knee cracks like there is two bones rubbing together. Not much fun. So i'm just taking it easy after work trying to rest it up. Hubby thinks I should go to the doctors but i'm sick of the sight of the place now. Hopefully it will get better itself. Anyway, hope everyone's well and I will no doubt be back on here soon! x

We leave on friday and come back on Tuesday. I plan on testing friday which will be really early. But I figure it is the right thing to do. Then I wont test again until Monday. My temp went up again today and I really feel that this is my month. I wish I had a window in my belly so I could just look and see what is going on.
Thank you for all the warm welcomes. If we did get it this month I would be due on Jan 31. 2012
Afternoon ladies :flower:

Wendypops- The :witch: has definitely arrived. In a lot of pain today and heavier so no hope there! This spoder was the one with the small body and long legs!! I hate them after being in a car with them help my dad to the tip!! Make sure you rest you knee Mrs, if it isn't better in a week then get it looked at :hugs:

Melissa- Try not to symptom spot and stress about testing too much as it can alter your cycle hun. finger crossed for you :hugs:

Shona- No problem hunni :hugs: just thought you had been quite but it is good you have a positive attitude. I have the pre-seed, do temping and have a fertility monitor as well. Fingers crossed for you hun :hugs:

Well people, my B vitamins have turned up today so I have started taking them and hopefully this month my luteal phase with lengthen. I am now going to spend the next 3 weeks having as much :sex: as possible just to make sure :haha:

Anyway, back to work x
Shona Lovely to see you back on here hun :flower: I'm loving your attitude for the next month! That's exactly the way to be. You'll have to let me know what you think about softcups. I've heard a lot of people talk about them but not really sure what to make of them. I'll wait and see what you think and if you recommend them i'll give them a bash! I was using conceive plus but hubby has decided he likes :sex: better without it! So haven't used it in a while. Thought it was better him wanting it without it than him not wanting it because of it. If you know what I mean lol x

Melissa Oh well Tuesday is more like the time to be testing so if I was you I would probably wait till your home to take the second test. I would think Friday was a bit early for a BFP but hey you never know! Will keep my fingers crossed for you hun :thumbup: x

Emma Oh yucky! No more spider talk lady! I'll no sleep tonight :haha: Ooh i'm curious to see if your new vitamins will work for you hun. I can't wait till I get an AF so I can start figuring out what my LP and ovulation dates are. I feel like i've learned so much about how my body is meant to work over the last few months I can't wait to see how things happen for me. My only fear is that I finally get AF but don't fall back into a normal pattern. I will be so excited to see the end of this cycle but will be truely gutted if I have to go through all this again. Here's hoping the docs can sort me out! x

Well i'm going to have a nice cup of tea and then a hot relaxing bubble bath. See if the warm water will help my knee. Talk to you all soon x
I think it is early too but I got my BFP in Feb. on 8DPO. So I am hopeful at 9 DPO I would have some idea.
Wendypops- I hope your bath helped your knee. I know what you mean about learning stuff, dc you will know everything by the time your chance comes it won't take you long :hugs:

One of the side effects of taking these vitamins is having luminous Pee :haha:
Welcome lily :waves: good to have you join :)

You too Melissa :waves: sorry to hear about the ectopic. Hope yous get your BFPs in no time :thumbup:

Shona glad to have you back :D you'll definately need to let us know how the softcups are. I think when im ready to start things more than just :sex: for ttc it'll be those we'll start with.

Emma no luck with that spider! I probably wouldn't have slept much either :lol: lets hope the vitamins do the trick :D lumi pee :haha:

Wendy hope your knee gets better with the bath! :) My last shift is on sunday then we fly out at half 6 in the morning on the wednesday. Done some packing tonight :happydance:

I'm just watching kerry's show and really hope she can get somewhere stable in her life soon. Shes not had it easy at all! Anyway, best do some fun!!
Hi Lily and Melissa :D

Arlene, hope you have a great holiday next week. Can I sneak in your suitcase please?!

Emma - I hope the B6 helps your luteal phase :D

Wendy - I hope your knee feels better soon :hugs:

AFM - AF has left and I'm feeling a bit better than I was. Back temping again and I have OPK's which I will start on Monday. House is finally sorted out too. Found homes for the first lot of kittens and now have 5 more from Willow :dohh: They're only 11 days old, but I have homes for 3 already :dance:
Afternoon ladies,

Rachael- Aw bless, you must put a picture up of the new little kitty's. I am glad you are feeling better hun :hugs:

Arlene- I was expecting you to be watching the soap awards last night as I know you like Eastenders. I have never watched Kerrie's show but know she has had a tough life before she was famous. only 6 days until holiday :woohoo: :happydance:

Not long until Vegas! Fingers crossed for your testing :hugs:

Hope everyone else is good. Anyone got anything fun on for the weekend?

Well af is still messing me about. Had all the symptoms that she is coming for 2 weeks, she comes on Monday and then has paractically dissapeared... I don't know what to think. Oh well, I have my lumi pee to keep me giggling :haha:
Afternoon all! What a gorgeous day it is here. Should make the most of it cause it's rain for the next week again after today. Groan!

Melissa Oh well if you got your last BFP at 8dpo you're maybe an early shower! Good luck for testing tomorrow and have a lovely time in Vegas :) x

Emma Thanks hun, knee is so much better! I was stretching my leg back and forth in the bath and then relaxing it. Late last night I stretched it again in bed and it let out an almighty crack! Was sore at time but my leg is not sure at all today! Think I must have popped whatever bone it was back in place :) Yeeha! Still going to be careful with it for a few days though. Luminous pee haha! No need to switch the light on if you need a wee in the middle of the night then :haha: x

Arlene Ooh i've taped Kerry's show from last night cause I was watching the soap awards. Will need to try and watch it tonight although there's a double bill of V on. So much to watch! I've never watched Kerry's show before but have really got into it this series. Ah well only a few more shifts then relaxation time for you missy! :happydance: x

Rachael So glad to hear you're feeling a bit better hun, keep that PMA up for the next month :hugs:. Ooh send the two kitties my way! They are so darn cute when they are so small. Glad the house is getting sorted too, i've got a spare room full of stuff I need to either sell on ebay or take to charity shop. My house is too cluttered but I hate throwing nice things away! I get loads of the same things for Xmas and Birthdays so i've got like eight brand new pairs of slippers, six brand new purses, five new umberellas, about forty bottles of perfume lol, hubby always says I will never use it all but they were gifts so don't want to part with them. Probably silly I know as next birthday/xmas I will end up with more! x

Lea You've gone and disappeared again lady!! :grr: Get back on here! lol x

How is everyone else doing today? There's not much to report my end. Just working away. Still no letter from hospital, hopefully it will come in the next few days x
Ok so I went to test this morning, and nothing.. Not even the control line. Darn tests. So I will try to hold it for 3 hours and not drink much and take another test. So we shall see. I was so mad at 6 this morning

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