The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Good Evening Ladies...:flower:

Well I watched the football this afternoon.. I must say :wohoo: Manchester city winning the FA Cup has put a smile on my face...:happydance: 35 Years its been .. They certainly worked hard for it... And really deserved to win it...

How are all you lovely ladies today?

Adrienne Awe thanks hun.. oh i'm glad your knee is getting better. Oh Sunday.. You must be tempted to test hun.. U are so strong for not giving in and testing.. I really hope this is your month...:hugs:

Arlene Hello Hunni, Thx hun.. So do i.. Awe how cute is that, little kyle is growing up now, it would bring a tear to my eye hun. Oh you work soooo hard hunni..

Naomi Hey hunni.... I'm sorry your feeling down today.. Whats up hun?
I wish we had nice weather agn, its gone all horrible once agn, but thats Manchester for you.
I hope things calm down soon. i just want things to slide into place so we can move forward. Bex is at a loss bless her, her dad will not connect with her at all, and neither will her mum so i have to stand in.. i just wish my OH would stop and think of her and how she is feeling other than what she has said, and how shes acted. Only time will tell..

Wendy & Emma Hello hunnies.. Where are you both today? I hope you are both well. miss you both..

All you other ladies... I hope you are all enjoying your weekend..

AFM - I'm still confused and lost with everything, and how both the adults are acting bout there daughter, but i am trying my best to be the strong one, i cannot say i have managed that well the last few days the way i have blew up with OH and lost it with him, like he did with me..
I'm gutted yet agn, if all was well this is my fertile window.. Oh well i guess life will work out eventually..

Ill come on and see you all later... :flower:

Hope everyone had a great day. Why do the weekends always go by so fast?! We're going out on a little date night tonight - heading to the movies to see the new Fast & the Furious sequel. Gonna get some yummy movie theater popcorn and some drinks and candy too.

Not sure what's going on with me. Got a positive OPK Thursday morning. But didn't know if it's because I wadded up in TP or not and shoved it in my pocket. BD'd that night and last night. Took another OPK this morning at 11, and it was very very dark. Took another 4 hours later and it was just as dark. The ones before the + were very faint, like not even there. I'm about to take another one before heading to the movies. We'll skip BDing tonight, but continue on through the beginning of the week. I've still got cramping too. My left side is cramping pretty bad. I just hope we catch it this month.
So just took another OPK (it was my 3rd of the day) and I'm pretty sure it was positive. The test line looks like it's the same shade as the control line. So keep your fingers crossed it works for us this cycle! I know if it doesn't I'm gonna be a mess, since it's our first cycle actively TTC after the m/c.
Naomi sorry to hear your feeling down just now, hope your mood picks up soon :):hugs:

Lea did you tell us what happened with bex? Sorry if you did and I've maybe missed it or simply forgot.

Amy :happydance: for the positive opk! I really need to get me some! Hope you enjoyed the cinema and sweeties!

Welcome :wave: whatdamatter.. Or can we call you be elizabeth? Is this your first? Everyones infos on the front page to help you get to know us :) hope your ttc journey is nice and quick!

Afm.. Really wishing I'd got opks for this cycle. No point now I'm 99% sure that I've already O'd.. Next cycle I'll be on holiday at O time and I know I don't want to be worrying about ttc through my holiday. So it'll be for my end of june cycle I'd need them for next and hopefully they'll not be necessary by then :lol: well back to work..story of my life :haha: hope yous have a chilled out sunday!

Morning all!
Sorry about yesterday, feeling a little better now! Just get frustrated that other people's lives seem to progress so much faster and better than mine, oh's best friend just seems to get whatever he bloody well likes and never sees any consequences!! He cheated on his long term girlfriend and moved in with someone else, then his ex fell pregnant because they were still sleeping together and they got back together and had a gorgeous little girl and now they are moving to a lovely 3 bed house, which needs far less work than ours and cost a hell of a lot less because of the location, o and to top it off, whereas we had one stress after another with our move they have had no problems and will be moving in in a few weeks!! oo it does make me cross:growlmad: It seems that the harder I try to do things properly the less luck I have!!
Anyhoo...rant over :hissy:

Hey whatdamatter! Welcome! :hi:

Hope you had a good time at the cinema amy, I quite enjoyed those films so let me know what the new one is like:thumbup:
Hope your looking forward to your holiday arlene, you never know, being relaxed on holiday while your ov'ing may be the trick to getting your :bfp:

chin up lea, I'm sure you are doing a wonderful job of being the strong one for bex, things will work out in the end :hugs:
The movie was AWESOME! Soo much action and seeing everyone from the first 4 films together in one movie was so cool! Plus, the little teaser at the end for Fast & the Furious 6 was crazy!! I can't wait for it to come out now!

I'm gonna take another OPK later to see where I'm at. It's weird though. I had such major cramping Thursday-Saturday, and now it's pretty much died down. Maybe it was my body gearing up for the ovulation, and now it's gonna happen within the next couple days? We'll keep BDing throughout the beginning of the week then. Then the long TWW - I have to travel for work this week, so I know this upcoming week will go by fast.

Arlene - hopefully you won't needs those OPKs for next cycle!!

Naomi - glad you're feeling better today hun. I know how you feel about getting frustrated with other people's lives. I'm like that too. It WILL happen for you!

whatdamatter - welcome! :flower:

Good Afternoon Ladies....:winkwink:

Hope you are all well.. Still No Queeny Emma Been On.. And Lovely Wendy!!! Where are you both????

Well I'm feeling much better today. Which is good. Things are still uncertain, but i'm feeling i have made a step forward... OH is still really stressed.. But still manage to take me on a trip to cloud 9 last night and this morning :blush:

Hiya Amy hun.. I have to agree with you on that one, weekends always fly by so fast. I wish we had 5 days of weekend and 2 days of week day :rofl:.... Aww i really want to see the new Fast & the Furious, i loved all the others. You have made me even more determined to watch it now lol
As for OPK's hun, i believe you should do them in the day, not in the morings. We already have the lh surge in our body so they can give off the wrong result. i's say do them around 1-2pm and 4-5pm not mornings or nights.
Try and stic to the same time each day hunni..
I have my fx'd for you hun.. lots of :dust: your way. Try and stay Positive.:hugs:

:wave: whatdamatter Welcome hun.. You are most welcome to come and join us here if you want too...:flower:

Arlene Hey Lady.. Yeh i kind did say what was going on.. Yes hunni you do need to get some opk's they will really help out. I would suggest anything that will help during ttc. It would be nice to see a ticker for you too, so we know where you are upto... Oh poor you hun, while we all relax your working...

Naomi I do not want to hear you apologise for being down. Dont be silly lady, we all have them its normal. Were all here to support each other what ever the problem is, whether its ttc related or not. I'm glad your feeling much better today. I also agree with what you are saying too.

It is so hard seeing people get the best of everything and they take it for granted. it makes me so :growlmad: too. The thing is we can easily get caught in that motion and it effects us harder than it would if we didn't get caught in it. They say good things come to those who wait, well i've been waiting too many years for good things to happen, so that blows that out the water. People who do wrong, get everything and people like us get naff all.
So be bad get good, be good get bad.. its one cruel world, it really is.. But then agn we really have to be true to ourselves and believe it will come good in the end.
I've been waiting over 8 flipping years for more kids and hey nothing, one of my sister has had 4 in that time, so 6 kids, one of my others has had 3 and pregnant agn.. :growlmad: i'm so jealous ... I guess i'm lucky to already have a son... One day i hope i will be a mum of 2, or even more.. I am really greatful i already have 1 child, it would be a blessing to have more though..

Well i'm off now, i hope all you ladies are well and having a lovely quiet Sunday..

Wendy & Emma get your arse on here NOW!!! :rofl:

Adrienne hope your well hun :hugs: and everyone else :hugs:

Thank you ladies for all the welcomes.

Here's the info.

I'm Elizabeth. I'm twenty. My significant other is David, he's 33. A bit of an age difference but totally worth the funny looks. This is our first month TTC our first. currently 4dpo. Very impatient. Thanks for letting me join you ladies.

Hiya Amy hun.. I have to agree with you on that one, weekends always fly by so fast. I wish we had 5 days of weekend and 2 days of week day :rofl:.... Aww i really want to see the new Fast & the Furious, i loved all the others. You have made me even more determined to watch it now lol
As for OPK's hun, i believe you should do them in the day, not in the morings. We already have the lh surge in our body so they can give off the wrong result. i's say do them around 1-2pm and 4-5pm not mornings or nights.
Try and stic to the same time each day hunni..
I have my fx'd for you hun.. lots of :dust: your way. Try and stay Positive.:hugs:

You should def go and see the new Fast & the Furious! TOTALLY worth it!

I've been testing a few times a day, due to the short surge I had last pregnancy. Usually I test once a day, around 5:30 p.m. when I get home from work. But since it's the weekend, I had more time to test. Plus, I know I'm in my fertile period so I wanted to test more. I never test with FMU, and make sure I watch my liquids for at least 3-4 hours. I took another one this morning (11 a.m.) and it was DEFINITELY positive. Darker than the control line, and should up within a minute. We'll get a couple of good BDing days in this week.

Thank you ladies for all the welcomes.

Here's the info.

I'm Elizabeth. I'm twenty. My significant other is David, he's 33. A bit of an age difference but totally worth the funny looks. This is our first month TTC our first. currently 4dpo. Very impatient. Thanks for letting me join you ladies.

Welcome Elizabeth! Fingers crossed for you! I'm very impatient too, but I've promised myself I won't test until AF is due. I'm hoping for my patience I will be happily rewarded!!
Hi ladies,

Amy- I have seen fast and the furious 5 and totally loved it! My husband is a car nut so loves the movies and I love watching Vin Diesal lol!!

Elizabeth- Welcome hun :flower: I have put your info up on the front page for you. I know what you mean about patience, I have none at all :haha:

Sorry hun, been having a bit of a busy weekend as a distraction as I am not feeling great at the minute. Hope you are ok :hugs:

Naomi- Glad you are feeling better hun. I know what you mean with the frustration of it all! Both of my sisters fell pregnant within months of meeting their partners! They are still together but when I mentioned to my sister my cycle was messed up so I didn't know when I ovulated and she said. dont worry just make sure you have :sex: once a week, that should sort it! If only she knew what I go through each month :growlmad:

Arlene- Hope you and the family are ok. I know what you mean about the whole ttc on holiday, last thing you want to worry about!! Its getting closer to your holiday :happydance:

Hope everyone else is havin a good weekend. We miss all you fabulous ladies :hugs:

Well as for me, the stupid :witch: turned up this morning right on schedule :cry:! I knew she was coming so invited my friends round and we all had a cocktail party! :wine: I have barely moved all day as I drank too much but at least it took my mind off af!

I am convinced I only have a 9 day luteal phase which does nto give enough time for the bean to stick! I have just ordered some B complex vitamins which is meant to lengthen the luteal phase so hopefully it will help for the next cycle! I am absolutely gutted about it this month as I put a lot in this month and have been the most chilled out ever!!

Anyway, I am off to eat more junk food and feel sorry for myself :hugs:
Sorry AF got you Emma! :hugs: But cocktails and junk food sound like a great relief! Hopefully the vitamins will help with your LP next cycle! :hugs:
Sorry the :witch: got you Emma :hug: Hope you enjoyed the cocktails and yummy food :flower:
Hope the vitamins help!
Hello Lovely Ladies hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Emma so sorry the witch got you. I know the disappointment of thinking that you did everything right during a cycle to still have AF show up. I hope the vitamins help you out and that this cycle is it for you.

Welcome Elizabeth glad you're here and good luck this cycle.

Arlene holiday and O sounds like a lucky combination. That could be your cycle.

Naomi I understand your rant I feel the same way sometimes. Don't worry your time will come. All of our times will come. Hang in there!!

Amy yay for O now get to that BDing. LOL

Lea I hope you had a good weekend. I know you've been going through a lot but I hope you got to have some peace over the weekend.

Fiona Sorry that the witch got you. I really had my fingers crossed for you. The nerve of the witch to play with you like that it's just not fair. Sending you lots of hugs and I hope that this cycle is it for you.

Wendy where are you? I hope you're doing ok and had a great weekend.

And to anyone I may have missed I hope that things are going well.

AFM AF is up to her old tricks. She was due today and it looked like she was on her way had some spotting this morning so got ready for her to come full force and put on a tampon (sorry tmi) and a few hours later there was only a brown spot on the tampon (sorry again tmi) and nothing since. I wish she would go ahead and show up not just so I could be on a new cycle, but becasue I hate having to work with my period. Hopefully she'll be here full force on Monday. Anyway it was a rainy Sunday here so I spent a lazy day around the house and filled out most of the paperwork for my FS appointment. Boy do they ask a lot of questions. Well I guess that's all for now. Take care ladies.
Hey ladies,

Thanks for all your lovely words :hugs:
Wendy, how was your docs appointment?

Well first day back in work and I am wiped out! Going to have a glass of rose and will prob pass out. Hope you have all had good days x
Wendy, how did the results go today?

Emma, the first day back after a holiday is always the worst :hugs:

Sorry for not being around much. AF got me and I'm finding TTC quite hard so just tend check my journal at the moment.

Hope everyone is ok and welcome to the new lady :)

Funnily enough Rachael I was thinking about you wondering where you were. huge :hugs: Mrs. I think I would be completely in bits this time if it wasn't for the fact I reaslised I ovulate late. Just when you think your doing everything right the damn :witch: shows and punches you in the face!!

Huge hugs mrs and hope you feel better soon x
Thanks Emma. Just fed up of timing BD right every month and still not getting anywhere at all. The fact that I have to wait another 8 months before the doctor will help also isn't helping things. xxx
Rachael :hugs: sorry to hear the :witch: got you again. I know its difficult, you just have to keep reminding yourself that it can take a normal healthy couple up to a year and try not get yourself upset assuming theres maybe something up :hugs:

Emma sorry to hear she got you too :hugs: cocktails and junk sounds like it might have helped with the blow. Glass of rose and eastenders is ideal for a monday night. I spent the day doing the stores waste and reductions and it was not fun at all..I even came across an old brown leather adidas trainer :haha:

Adrienne I hope you get answers soon..fx'd she doesnt come full flow :)

Amy good luck with the not testing! I'm rubbish at it :dohh:

Lea I like how things are just now, I dont want to constantly know what cycle day im on just yet, I feel time goes really slow when I done that. Saying that just now but each time the :witch: shows i keep thinking "should have done this.." cant win! :lol:

Elizabeth, good to have you :) my aunt and uncle have a big age gap. She kept him secret a long time :lol: my papa didn't approve, she was 16 when she got with him. Almost 20 years and 5 kids later they proved everyone wrong!

I'm doing some packing tonight, kyles with his dad so it means when he comes back I can spend as much time as possible before leaving :) ironing to do too :( anyone want to do it for me?!
hello ladies missed ya's how r ya all doing??? sorry have not been on i have been in and out of hospital :( im getting a lap and dye on june 8th :(. how we all doing?

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