The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Hi All,
Rachael yay for the high on your CBFM I'm sure you got some quality BD in. LOL

Emma can't wait to hear all about the scan after it happens

Arlene glad you had a good time camping. My Dh loves to camp but I don't it's just not my thing.

Wendy sorry you fell out with your sister, but glad you two made up.

Amy hope you have fun at your concert later this week.

And to all the other lovely ladies out there I hope you had a great day!!

AFM I finally finished all my training work last night thank god I only have to do that once a year. Unfortunately it looks like I caught a summer cold or my hayfever is in overdrive. Can't even deal with this stuffy nose and it won't stop running. And to top it all off it's back to work tomorrow for a 4 day trip uggh. AF is suppose to make her appearence on either Friday or Saturday. I hope she picks Saturday since it's the last day of my trip. It really sucks to fly while you have your period. I would prefer that she not come at all but I don't think that will happen. Anyway that's all I have for now. As always I'll try and check in while I'm on my trip. Take care ladies!!!
Morning girls! How are we all doing? I'm not doing too bad, i'm at 7dpo and the urge to test hit me last night :dohh: I didn't do it but I so wanted too even though it's too early. How am I going to manage another week? :shrug: x

Rachael Was it a high or a peak today for you? See it's not up on your chart yet. I see your getting the bdancing in though, you go girl! x

Emma Aww don't worry about the dreams hun, the scan is naturally going to be on your mind so you are going to have weird dreams. I have weird dreams all the time even thinking people are going to die the next day and they never do! Our mind just works overtime sometimes :hugs: Hope you are managing to get some sleep, it is far too muggy at the moment. The weather keeps saying we will get thunder to clear the air but it's not arrived yet x

Amy Yeah that's why i'm thinking about testing on Wednesday cause I will be on holiday from work and if it's a yes I can hopefully get to see my doctor before I go back. I'll be 14dpo then so hoping it's not too early to show even if I do have a 16 day lp like last month. I'm having the odd symptoms too but trying not to read into it, the last few days i've had weird feelings in my left side but they weren't full blown cramps and my nipples are so sensitive which never happens to me, not even at ovulation or AF. Here's hoping it's good news for the both of us :thumbup: x

MrsMM Thanks hun, I only ever want a peaceful life but sometimes it doesn't go to plan! :haha: Ooh good luck for your appointment on Friday! I'm sure you'll enjoy your meal afterwards x

Arlene So glad you enjoyed your wee camping trip! Sounds like you had great weather for it. I'm really hoping this weekend stays dry for me, especially cause we are going to a bike rally so we'll be driving 2 hours on the bike just to get there. Enjoy the fun day! x

Adrienne Woohoo for finishing your training! I bet your glad that's over! I feel for you with the hayfever, my nose has been dripping like a tap. Luckily it is easing a little now though cause the weather isn't as nice as it was. Hey, where's your PMA lady! There's always hope :hugs: x

Right I better dash to work. Talk to you all later :flower: x
Morning all!
Well I am off to epu for my final tablet this morning, cramps have realy kicked in and I'm in quite a lot of pain so hopefully will be able to get myself there and back, day in bed for me I think!!:cry:
Alfie had his tail removed yesterday:cry: they couldn't save it so he looks like one of those manx (?) cats now who haven't got a tail. He seems ok in himself though, trying desperately to get outside and get his collar off! Poor little thing, what a week...
Also bit upset with my sil. The world has always had to revolve around her and yesterday I asked dh's family and mine if they wanted to come over Saturday for a meal/BBQ depending on the weather. I don't like a lot of fuss normally but really want my family around us both as Adam is trying so hard to hold everything together. So we invited everyone and even my jet setting sister is coming over to give me a hug but my sil is too busy with the decorating. I was a bit miffed to be honest. Ad asked her on the phone and she said that they are too busy this weekend painting the kitchen...what a cow:growlmad: I don't often ask for her support on things as after she took no interest in being a bridesmaid at our wedding I learnt that if it doesn't really seem important to her she isn't interested, but I've always been really nice and friendly. I just thought this time was one step too far and adam is really upset about it too:cry:
Thanks to everyone for the advice about time off work, I've decided if I can to go back next week as we only have 2 weeks before we break for the summer holiday and I've really missed my class, I think your all right it is so important to rest and heal, and I think I have been grieveing for the last 2 weeks since it all started. So I'm gonna try work and see how it goes!:hugs:
Glad you got things sorted with your sister wendy!!
Sounds like a brilliant camping holiday arlene. I have to say camping isn't my thing but that is because every single time I have been there has been extreme bad weather, quite comical really. Sounds like you had a perfect time though:happydance:
Have a fantastic time at the concert amy!!
Naomi sending massive :hugs: your way hun. Hate that you're feeling so bad. Hopefully you can get back and into bed in no time. And poor wee Alfie, but I bet he goes about his business like nothing has happened! We threat more than they do :haha: As for your SIL :grr: what a cow! Don't let it ruin your bbq/meal hun. It's her loss! She is obviously very self centred. I hope you wont be doing anything nice for her in a hurry! x
Wendy, I got a 3rd High. OH is loving getting it every night :haha:

Naomi, huge :hugs: for you. Your SIL doesn't sound very nice at all :(
Hi Ladies :flower:

Naomi, I hope you are tucked up with your hot water bottle hun. Hope you start feeling better soon. I went back to work 3 days after my mc (and I only had that long because it was the weekend!!) and regret it now. I kept myself busy and never grieved properly which made me very angry and butter. Make sure you take care of yourself :hugs: Sorry to hear about your cat. Hopefully he is curled up with you keeping you company x

Wendypops, I know about your wierd dreams Mrs :haha: Hope you have not had anymore about me :winkwink: I am not sleeping well at the moment, I have put a sheet on the bed instead of the duvet and it hasn't helped at all! It doesn't help that work has kicked off this past week so I have been working longer hours than I am meant to as my tiredness is getting better. When do you leave for your camping trip?? Make sure you dont test Mrs, why waste the money when you can just wait for the :witch: to be late, try thinking like that :hugs:

Rachael, :happydance: for the :sex: fingers crossed for you :hugs:

Adrienne, I hope the :witch: stays away when you are on your trip. I hate runny or stuffy noses, I think it is the worst bit of the cold! Hope you start feeling better soon :hugs:

Arlene, I don't know how I do it either :rofl: I am just scared that Pipin is going to get hurt :haha: I know its silly but it is a delicate time and I want them to tell me its all ok before any :sex: takes place! I will post up a picture on my jounal for anyone who want see it.

Amy, My cats were strays as well. They are scared of loud noises like the doorbell and telephone and don't like to go out. They just stay in all day and laze about but they are like my babies as they are completely dependant on us with being in. I agree that spirits pass into something else and I am sure that is your little doggy watching over you :hugs:

MrsMM24, Hope your appointment goes well on Friday :hugs:

Well sorry I wasn't on yesterday but work has been manic recently. I have been here since 7.30 and I am just about to leave now! So much for part time hours!! I can't wait for my temp to start next week but I am gutted they will be starting on my birthday :-(

Anyway, must get off, the hubby is calling :hugs:
Evening all,
Well the cramps are like hell on earth and the bleeding is gross but better out than in and the sooner this is done and I recover, both physically and mentally, the sooner we can try again.
Thanks for the advice emma, I think your right and now I'm facing the reality of it all I'm not sure about next week now, gotta put me first!Not long til Friday now:happydance: and yes, little alfie has been tucked up with me all day, actually they both have, its almost like they know I'm suffering and want to comfort me lol, what a plonker I am!:dohh:
ooo Rachael the highs sound good, lucky oh!!:thumbup:
Thanks wendy alfie seems to be doing fine, although he keeps going to lick a tail that isn't there and going round in circles!poor thing!
Thanks ladies, I'm glad you saw that as out of order too, I wasn't sure whether I was being over sensitive or not...her next BBQ I think I'll be too busy cutting the grass lol:haha:
Hello Everyone,
Hope you all are doing well.

Naomi, so sorry your sil is acting like that. Some people can be so self centered. They way to get back at her is to enjoy yourself at the BBQ with your supportive family and friends. I'm sure the BBQ will lift your spirits. I hope the cramping lets up soon. Take care of yourself hun, and I hope you're kitty is doing better.

Emma you're like the energizer bunny and just keep going. I don't know how you do it.

Rachael be careful, don't want to wear out OH. LOL I'm glad things are going well I think you have a good chance of catching that eggy.

Wendy glad you didn't test. You know better than that. I know it's tough but you can hold out. Hang in there!!!

To everyone else I hope you ladies are ok and enjoying the Summer.

AFM Well didn't make it to work today. Had a follow up doctors appointment for my knee and even though there is some improvement he was worried that if I worked any short haul flights that it could mess up what little progress that I made and even make the knee worse. So I had to call off the trip. The good news is that the trips that I have for the rest of the month don't have any short hauls in them so I should be ok. So a little more time at home and I don't have to worry about working when AF decides to show her ugly head. She's not far off as I'm already having some mild cramping so I"m ready to just get it over with so that I can roll on to the next cycle and get that water ultrasound. Well that's all I have for now, talk to you all later.
Morning ladies, hope you are all well :flower:

Rachael eek! I think you're going to end up with 5 high days like me! :haha: Hopefully a peak will follow soon x

Emma Haha, no more dreams about you as yet! :haha: It's funny the weird things that pop into our head when we're sleeping! Now I don't care how busy your work is lady! You do the hours you have to and then get home. It's not your problem if everything isn't done. Hopefully the temp will help you next week :hugs: x

Naomi Hope the cramps are settling for you hun :hugs: Haha, I like that! Sorry I will be mowing my lawn, imagine her reaction! Hope you have a lovely bbq on Saturday x

Adrienne That knee don't half give you some jip hun, sound like good advice from the doctor though and phew! at least you don't have to worry about AF arriving while working now! But anyway, she better not arrive full stop! I think your BFP is way over due! :flower: x

Well ladies, I best get on. Trying to get work all finished up before five and then that's me on my holidays till the 18th. Yeeha! I will pop on later if I can but i've still not sorted out anything for leaving tomorrow at 11.00am! I've got to go to a friends tonight too to hand over a birthday present so time is tight.

If I don't get back on I hope you all have a lovely weekend, I will be back from Kelso Sunday night so hopefully will pop on then for a catch up (if i'm not too tired), if not I shall be on Monday. Emma, i'm charging my mobile up before I go so I can hear your scan news! Good luck for it hunnie, although you don't need it :hugs: MrsMM good luck for your appointment too hun. Speak to you all soon :flower: x
I only have one more test stick for the morning and that will be 20 sticks it's had! Thinking it's missed my peak :shrug:
Hi ladies :flower:

Naomi, make sure you do put yourself first. Hope the cramps have eased off for you. Aren't cats amazing, I think they know when you need them!

Adrienne, the energizer bunny ran out of steam today! I have been at home in bed since 2pm as I was struggling. I have slept all afternoon and feel a bit better but I am not going to move out of bed until I need to go to work tomorrow! I am loving the PMA by the way. As you say, with the things coming up next month you can concentrate on next month (but fingers crossed she stays away this month). Has your oh made it for his sa yet?

Auntie Wendy, as you can see from above I have spent today relaxing and will be until tomorrow, I am even having my tea in bed :haha: Gav is being lovely again and taking care of me and even brought me some flowers home :blush: hope you manage to sort everything in time for trip :hugs:

Rachael, :happydance: for the peaks, bet your well excited! Fingers crossed for you this month :hugs:

Well I am all tucked up on bed with my pussy cats watching tv and relaxing. I am snowed under at work but can't do it all! My new temp will start on Tuesday so hopefully that will help me out. I feel bad though as my assistant is running round like an idiot and I'm disappearing off home! Anyway, got to think about Pip!

I am off out for a bday meal on Saturday which is when we are going to tell everyone our news. The people who already know are trying to encourage me to have a glass of wine with lemonade and althoigh I know you can have an odd glass of wine I am concerned that I am going to jinx things. Anyway, I am off to cuddle my cats some more and watch some tv. Hope you all have a good night x
Hi All

Emma so you finally ran out of gas. I'm glad you're able to get some rest. You must be so excited for Saturday when you get to tell everyone. I can't wait to hear all about it.

AFM just trying to catch up on things around the house. We haven't made dh's SA appointment yet. I decided to wait until I get all my testing done and at that point if the doctor still wants the SA then will take care of it. Since I know now that it's not just the embarressment of having the SA done but the fact that if there is something wrong with him that he may not be able to handle it emotionally. I only want to have him do it if the doctor feels that she cannot proceede without it. So that's the story on that. Anyway not much else going on just waiting for the mean old witch to show. Hope you all have a nice night.
Hello ladies, I have been around and reading to catch up on everything just haven't had the time to post. Working on a little something just now, will hopefully had it sorted out in the next week. Just wanted to wish Emma good luck, and cherish every second of the scan, it doesn't last long enough!
Hi ladies,

Thank you all so much for your lovely comments. The scan went well and to be honest I didn't pay much attention due to feeling sick and the sonographer putting me in a stupid position. I was just happy to pee and see the picture afterwards. I have posted the pic on my journal if anyone wants to look at it x

I hope everyone has had a lovely day, it has rained here all day and work has been hectic again. I am happy to be home in bed.

Speak to you all soon x
Glad the scan went well Emma. It rained here all day too. Boo to the rain. LOL
Glad the scan went well Emma!

I've finally ovulated. Now back to waiting :dohh:
glad the scan went well emma!
Yay for ovulating rachael, fingers crossed that two week wait goes quickly!
Afm im feeling very tender both physically and emotionally but i think the bleeding is starting to slow now so looking forward to getting my body back and being a ttc girl again!
Enjoy the weekend everyone
Adrienne & Arlene - hope you ladies are well.

Wendy - Hope you're having a wonderful time away!

Naomi - how are you doing hun? :hugs: i'm glad the bleeding is starting to slow.

Emma - so glad you had a great scan! you're a plum now! that's awesome!

Rachel - yay for ovulating!! hope the TWW goes fast for you!

I'm soo tired. DH, his aunt, and I went to our concert last time. We had a blast! Didn't get home till after midnight, and my cat woke up me early. I'll most likely be taking a nap later, or going to bed wayy early. The concert was so much fun, but I couldn't help thinking that I should've been almost 29 weeks and feeling the baby kick with the music. That was one of the things I was looking forward to this summer. Concerts and feeling the baby kick.

I can't believe I'm testing in 4 days. The only symptom I'm really having is lots and lots of CM. Milky, creamy, lotiony type of CM. I hope it's a good sign.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone.
Hi All,

Amy I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and hope that the CM is a good sign. Glad you had a good time at the concert.

Rachael yay for ovulation hope you caught that eggy.

Hope the rest of the ladies are having a great weekend.

AFM the :witch: arrived today and I'm not surprised. I just hope that I can set up the appointment for my water ultrasound for Thursday or Monday or Tuesday of the following week. So whats on tap for the rest of this weekend...cramps, backache, and a non stop need for chocolate.:haha: Anyway I'll check back with everyone later.

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