The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

OK ladies, time for a catch up, well I will TRY and catch up, there is probably too much to read:haha: ive been away for too long:blush:

Rachael I hope you catch that egg this month hun, that high sounds good to me!!

Wendy Thank you for all the support, I've been lurking on here and your little messages to me every now and again have really helped. Sorry you fell out with your sister, I hope you get it all sorted soon, sounds like your hubby is right about being strict with her, 5 years is very good - especially when she has a feiry temper!! Congrats on the successful appointment:happydance: you must be really pleased about it:flower:, get that :sex: going on!! Know what you mean about the bloods, my arm is still bruised from 2 weeks ago when they took my blood!!

Emma so gald you are starting to feel better now, that 2nd trimester is just round the corner for you and that is supposed to be the best bit:happydance: Good luck with your scan on Friday, although I am sure you don't need luck as little Pippin seems to be quite comfortable in there:hugs: Well done to your family for the race for life! I've done that a few times, could never beat 40 minutes!!

Amy your inlaws sound like mine, I love them to pieces but they drive me nuts!! mil is very keen for us to stay as long as possible, because she doesn't drive she doesn't realise how bad an hours journey can sometimes be. Thanks for all you support, knowing someone who has been through this has given me the strength to know the sadness doesn't last forever. I hope you catch that eggy this month, you really deserve it!! I know exactly how you feel about seeing someone close pregnant, my cousin is due the week before I would have been, she wasn't even trying to get pregnant and is actually a bit peeved about it because it has meant they have had to postpone their wedding in Mexico, naturally she didn't get any sympathy from me, selfish cow.

OK also wanted to say a huge thanks to everyone who sent well wished during my 10 days of hell and what happened after. I read them all and appreciated them all so much, as hard as hubby tries he doesn't know how this feels for a woman so it's so good to know there are people on here who understand.

AFM well today has been dramatic... spent 3 hours in epu surrounded by pregnant women for my first tablet for the medical management of this mc, seems my body can't work things out on it's own. also, they have recommended that i stay off work until 22nd July when I have my final scan, which seems excessive to me, what do you guys think??:shrug:
Plus alfie my gorgeous but slighty stupid cat came home last Thursday with a limp tail, wedged himself under the bath because he knew we were going to the vets. So I had to dismantle the bathroom to get him out!! Was told he couldn't go out for a week and to see if the tail improved but the little bugger managed to get out yesterday so at 10.30 last night dh and I were roaming around the woods, in the dark, trying to find a black cat...classic!! He has only gone and sliced his tail up some more so having to take him to the vet first thing tomorrow, im shutting the bathroom door:haha:
Well got the final tablet on Wednesday when things will start getting going and to be honest I can't wait. Just want to get this whole ordeal over with so I can heal and move on, dh is desperate to start :sex: again, poor man hasn't had it for about a month!!!

Well good luck reading this lol, it's quite a post.
I have missed you guys, can't wait to be TTC with you again
Rachael, I am excited to see Pip but worried they are going to tell me something is wrong. I am sure its not but this is when you properly see it and its like it becomes real.

Wendy, Yes I will be announcing it this weekend. I have a birthday meal on Saturday and will tell the rest of my family then and then I will post it to all my friends further afield through facebook once my family know. People close to you can hurt you so easily with things they say, its too easy as they know what hurts you. Hopefully she will stay put and you girls can sort this out :hugs:
Naomi, if they're saying to take the time off then I would I think.

As for your cat, I hope you manage to get him to the vets without having to dismantle the bathroom again.

Emma, I'm sure everything is fine, but I can understand your worry. I think I will be the same when my time comes too :dohh:
Naomi- Nice to hear from you hun. Sorry to hear about your cat, they certainly get themselves into mischief!! Mine nearly broke my TV in the bedroom this morning!! I think you should listen to the doc but do what is best for you with the mc. Different people handle it in different ways and whilst you need your body to rest and get back to normal, being at home too long can also work against you. Take each day at a time and see how you feel. :hugs:
Tell your hubby not to worry about :sex:, Gavin hasn't had it since I found out I was pregnant :haha:
Naomi it's lovely to see you back on her hun :hugs: Aww that sucks, you would think your doctor would have a bit more consideration than to make you wait amongst pregnant ladies but I guess it can't be helped. That does sound like a long time off but if they have advised you take it I would hun. You are probably going to feel some side effects from the medication so will need to rest up and take it easy :flower: Aww what's your wee cat like! A /black cat in a dark wood? :dohh: That's like a needle in a haystack! At least you found him in the end x

Emma Aww it's going to be a fab weekend for you! That's the fun part getting to tell everyone! I've just realised I wont get to read your news on the scan until I get back from Kelso but can you please give us a wee text to let me know all was well, i'll fair worry otherwise :flower: Aww poor Gav, give the man some action! :haha: x

Rachael What happened with Orange? Did you hear anything more from them? x

Right I best hang this load of washing out and then get back to work. Had my blood taken but i'm a bit peeved the nurse didn't even know what she was taking the blood for! Where is the communication between doctors and nurses?? I told her they were CD21 bloods and for I think progesterone but I wasn't sure and she just went oh right, I just don't want to get this tested for the wrong thing. Wasn't impressed! Anyway, talk to all you lovely ladies later x
Nope, never heard anything back from Orange :shrug: Quite annoying really after the phone interview went so well :(
Nope, never heard anything back from Orange :shrug: Quite annoying really after the phone interview went so well :(

How addicted am I? I'm back at work and already i've sneaked back on here :haha: That is out of order like, especially after they said they would call you the next day. Maybe they just haven't arranged face to face interviews yet but still he could have told you there was going to be a delay in doing so x
Addicted :haha:

It's annoying when they don't let you know what's going on :( Hopefully I'll hear soon.
Rachael what job at Orange was it, was it the one at Cobalt?

Hey everyone :hi: thank you for all the kind words you always shower me with :hugs: I havent been on much just my own journal really and bits and pieces dont want to get really obsessed but I always end in being in the end :haha: Quick hello before I get deady for work. Hope your all ok, jeesh losses are so common these days huh, we should all get our happy ending soon hopefully but dont get how it happens to lovely people like us at all and people that dont value or look after their pregnant bodies are fine xxx
Shona Hello stranger! Nice to hear from you again :flower: Ooh I'm on the exact same days past ovulation as you! Fingers crossed for us both. I know I was thinking the same thing the other day, I know there is always a risk of miscarriage but i'm honestly shocked at how many people it's happened to on this thread. We could all do with some good news soon x
Wendypops, You are bad today for being on here!! :haha: I am skiving too slightly but I was meant to finish at 3pm but I am snowed under! I will send you a pic of it for when you are a way :hugs: I don't want to give him action atm... here comes tmi (sorry!) He is quite big so sometimes I get a sore stomach afterwards :blush: :haha: so I was just concerned and didnt want any harm coming to Pip. Although I was told it was safe it just concerns me. He has been told after the scan he can get some :rofl:

Shona, hi :wave: Mrs!! Hope you are doing ok. You have been missed!! Hope you are doing ok and the move went well :hugs:
Emma Aww I know I was bad the day but I was making the most of the last day my boss was on holiday :haha: He's back the morn so no doubt I wont get on as much! lol. Aww I know what you mean hun, Scott is quite big too! I actually got a fright the first time I seen his all those years ago :haha: I think it's something to do with their build. They are both quite alike body shape wise. Knowing me I will be the same when I get preggers. Bet Gav can't wait for the scan though! haha x

Well i've managed to sort things out with my sis, phew! She got a few things off her chest and has said she feels like if she moved back home me and her would go back to doing fun stuff again like we used to. I told her she only needed to tell me she felt like this not actually move! So i've told her at least once a month we will go out and do something fun together like shopping or to a cafe for lunch so that's fair cheered her up and she's promised she'll try and stop being snappy so we shall see what happens! I feel quite bad that she's felt like she wasn't getting what she calls sister bonding time, i've just been pre-occupied with all this ttc business but she says she understands that. Hopefully things will work out now she says she is staying put x
Glad you sorted things out Wendy :D

The job was a position in the Orange Shop in town. Still not heard anything :(
Wendypops, Gavin is extremely excited about the scan. I am hoping I stop having weird dreams as it is making me think I am having them because there is something wrong. I am sure things are ok bit its still at the back of my mind!

Hopefully all you lovely ladies are having a good night. I am not enjoying this humidity, it is so warm. I just hope I manage to sleep tonight!
Adrienne - sorry about all the training! I agree with the symptom spotting - I'm trying my hardest not to, but it's soo hard.

Wendy - sorry you had a falling out with your sis, but I'm glad you're better now! I'm gonna test Wed the 13th. If it's a BFN, DH will already be off to work, so I'll be able to cry alone. If it's a BFP, I'll be able to bring my sample in and get my blood work done before the weekend. Praying I catch it this cycle!

Rachel - that's awesome! yay for a high! get to that BDing!!

Emma - can't believe you're already almost 12 weeks! and your scan is this Friday!? that's awesome!

Naomi - so glad to see you on here hun! Yes, the sadness doesn't last forever. It will come and go, especially in the first couple weeks though. So make sure you take time off. I think if the doctor said you shouldn't go back until July 22nd, then you should do that. You're gonna need all the rest and healing time. But also see how you feel. Getting back into the swing of things might be good for you. It'll take your mind off everything, instead of sitting at home thinking of things. Major :hugs: hun!

Shona - nice to hear from you! Wow, there's a bunch of us in the TWW. Like Wendy said, we could all use some good news soon!

AFM - My 4 day weekend is coming to a close. I didn't get as much done as I wanted to. It was really hot today. Wasn't too hot if you're on the ground level, but we're on the 3rd floor of an apartment building and it was super warm in our apartment. So, I did a lot of watching TV and movies. 4 day work week and I have a concert Friday night! I'm super super excited about the concert!

I'm still having lots of cramping. Sometimes it's no more than a dull ache, other times it's a little more. It's was kinda painful today. Just a lot of pressure in my left ovary area. I sure do hope it's a good sign. That and the abundant CM and watery mouth. UGH, I SWORE I wouldn't symptom spot LOL I woke up this morning, remembering I had a dream about twins, but couldn't remember anything about it. I would LOVE LOVE twins!

I'm about to head off to bed. As long as the guys down the street will stop lighting off fireworks. One of the only reasons I dislike the 4th of July here.
Morning ladies,

Hope everyone is well on this grey dull day :hugs:

Amy, I know, the 12 week mark has come quick. I am 12 weeks on Friday and yes my scan is on Friday. I am excited and nervous about it. I love fireworks but I know what you mean about people setting them off constantly! My cats were rescue cats and don't like loud noises so we usually stay with them and keep them company as they get very frightened. Fingers crossed for you this month :hugs:
Just checking in on you ladies. I know here in the US we had a holiday on monday so many people were not on the threads.

I say the spat with your sis WENDYJ, and I am happy you all worked it out. Hopefully everything will continue to fall into place.

BUSTER1 - thanks, I enjoy spreading positivity to everyone.

We have another appointment this Friday, I don't think it will be as exciting as the transvag we had a couple of weeks ago, and definitely not as exciting as yours will be EMMA, but I look forward to my wife taking me to eat after these appointments :haha:

To the rest of you ladies, I am looking forward to hearing more good news in the near furture!!
Emma - One of my cats is a rescue cat. We adopted her from the local SPCA and she was a stray before they found her. She is my baby; always following me into the other room or whatnot. I go into the kitchen, and she'll follow me and lay down right outside the doorway. We adopted her a couple months after my family had to put our dog to sleep. I always believe that my dog's soul is in my cat; she's just like my dog used to be, and my dog was my baby as well.

MrsMM - hope you have a good appointment Friday.

Hope everyone is well!

I'm super tired today. Didn't get to bed till after 10 cause of the stupid fireworks. I've been trying to avoid caffeine this TWW, but it's hard. I had one Coke, so I figured the 34 mg's of caffeine can't hurt.I had some cramping this morning. It was hurt more than the other times, but now I've had basically nothing. Just a slight headache today.

I won't see DH till Friday basically. He's overnight for school tonight, and has school till late tomorrow night as well. Then he works a closing shift Thursday night. Boooo! But then we have our concert together with his aunt on Friday.
Emma well done to your sisters and cousin completing the race for life! Poor gavin! No sex since you found out, I don't know how you do it :dohh: You must be sooo excited for friday, i'm excited for yous :haha:

Wendy sorry to hear about your arguement with your sister, is she younger than you? Comes across as so if she would jump to moving out right away with talking things through. Hows your hayfever now? I can't keep on top the hayfever tablets in our work. We're going through so much just now. Oh just seen you and your sister have sorted it out, thats great.

Rachael :happydance: for the high, about time! Hope this is it for you :)

Naomi i'm not sure about the time off after a loss, but take whatever you feel is necessary. Sorry to hear about alfie, hope his tail heals quick :)

Shona nice to hear from you :)

Amy who you going to see in concert? I used to go to one a month at least, then started working too much to have a good social life :rofl:

mrsmm hope its a delicious meal she treats you too! hope your appointment goes well :)

Adrienne hope all is well with you :hugs:

As for myself..camping was excellent. We stayed at Luss pitched up right beside a little pebble beach. Kyle fed some ducks and threw stones into the water for hours, happily. He was also splashing his feet in the loch at 10.30pm! It was very hot and still light, he was desperate to get right in :dohh: Other than that I've been working hard, off tomorrow and taking Kyle to a funday in a nearby park, my ex is a special constable and will be working there so he'll get us some free candy floss and ice cream :lol:
Arlene - I'm going to see Toby Keith! I'm a huge country music fan, and this is probably my 6th or 7th concert of his! I can't wait! Glad you had a good trip!!

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