The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Hey ladies, just wanted to let you know that the scan didn't bring good news today. No growth since Tuesday so I lost little spud at 5 weeks. Still not miscarried though so have got to take medication on Monday and Wednesday to start the process for me. Gutted

:hugs::hugs: I am very sorry to hear this! Prayers are with you.
Naomi I'm so sorry hun, I was really hoping you would get good news. Don't apologise I know exactly what you mean :hugs: x
Naomi. I am so sorry the scan brought bad news to you. You are not cold at all, and I think any and all women could understand how you are feeling. I wish the best in the future for you. My prayers are thoughts are with you. You take your time off work and your time away from the forum as needed. We all will be here when you get back.
So that friend I thought was pregnant again? Yup, she is.

I'm just so irritated. 1. She already has a baby. 2. This one was an accident, they weren't even trying. And by the sounds of things, she didn't even really want to be pregnant now. Seriously? WTH? Why do people like that get easily pregnant, and I can't keep my babies?

If I'm not pregnant this month, and she announces it on FB, I don't know what the hell I'm gonna do. I'm pretty sure I'll deactivate my account for a bit, cause I won't be able to handle seeing all that stuff. It seems like everyone on my friends list is pregnant right now.

Sorry, vent over.
Facebook can sometimes just be a bad disease. I had a very hard time over the last year as I watched friend after friend get pregnant and I struggled. My DH and I have personally decided not to put anything about the pregnany up anytime soon, I am still so early anything can happen and its no ones business but our own and the few people we decide to share it with. You can always feel free to vent here. And its a shame your friend isnt being considerate of your feelings toward having a child. Its ok to be angry. I wish the best for you!!!!
Yeah, I don't even think we'll put anything on FB until we're over 20 weeks. I don't really care anymore to put it on there. With the first pregnancy, I wanted to put it up after the first trimester, but now I could care less.

The funny thing is, she doesn't even know I know. I frequent another forum, not as much, but it's fairly large. I don't believe she knows I'm on there too. I wouldn't even call her a friend now. We've seen them once since their son's 1st bday in January. And the live 20 min away. They always say their busy, but we have friends that are over 2 hrs away that we see more often then them. And I know the other friends are super busy with friends and family. I don't even know why we were invited to the son's birthday party, and why we went. I guess I thought things would change and we'd hang out more often.

And she knows nothing of my miscarriages. I'm obviously not angry at her; she doesn't know about my history. Just mad with how things work. Life really is unfair sometimes. :(
Hello Everyone,
Hope everyone is getting ready for the weekend.

Naomi, I'm so sorry and my heart goes out to you right now. I'm glad you have time off from work so that you can take care of yourself. Just know that if you need to talk that we are all hear for you.

Emma glad you're starting to feel better and that work seems to understand your situation. Don't worry not long til 2nd tri just hang in there.

Arlene I love your idea about dressing up for your man. I wish I could do it but I'm just too silly. You go girl!!

Amy don't you apoligize for anything. If you're going to rant this is the place to do it. All the ladies here understand and support you.

Rachael hope you get things set with your CBFM but even if you don't it sounds like you've got things covered. Also sounds like you had a great day at the beach and so did Holly.

MrsMM Congrats on your BFP and glad you joined our group.

Carly sounds like things are going well for you. Hope you have a great time visiting with your family and friends. Look forward to hearing from you when you get back.

Wendy so glad things went well at your appointment great news about Scott's SA. I think you have a very good chance of getting that BFP au natural.

Sophie sounds like things are coming together for you. Now that you know what's going on with your body I'm sure you're well on your way to a BFP. I hope your Oh is able to get his SA done soon. Good luck to you guys.

AFM got back from my trip early this morining just in time for rush hour traffic. It took me about 2h 45min to get home. So I've been pretty much in a zombie state for the majority of the day. Dh is in Puerto Rico visiting his Mom so I guess I'm on a mini vacation of my own...more like a staycation. LOL Unfortunately I'll be spending a lot of my time doing computer work to prepare for my yearly training that I have to do for work. But I'm sure I'll find sometime in there for some much needed relaxation.

I'm currently in my 2ww and feeling pretty chill about it. I don't expect anything to happen this month as I believe that I have a polyp on my uterus around the area the egg would implant itself. Now I don't know this for sure and won't know until I have my water ultrasound. Which will be after my next period. So I kind of feel that I don't have any pressure on me at the moment. Dh still hasn't done the SA but we agreeed to wait and see what the doctor says once all my tests are done, and I'm ok with that...for now.

Well that's all I have for right now it's Independance holiday weekend so lots of BBQs going on but I'll just be happy to have some much needed time by myself with my dogs. Take care and will check in later.
Morning girls :flower: I can't believe what a beautiful day it is today, absolutely gorgeous. Only problem is it's set my hayfever off BIG time! I've sneezed at least 50 times since I've got up, feel rotten. My nose is red raw, my eyes are blood shot, and my nose is just dripping like a tap. Have no energy whatsoever. Really it's my own stupid fault cause I wont take my pills (not that they help much anyway) but it says not to take if pregnant/suspect your pregnant so i'm staying off them for now. I know i'm only 3dpo and i'm not thinking one way or the other at the moment but I just refuse to take anything which could cause a problem in any way. I am however mega pleased that my crosshairs have appeared on my temp chart showing definite ovulation :happydance: roll on the next two weeks! x

Carly I didn't know you were on Facebook hun, feel free to add me if you want to put a face to my name :flower: x

Rachael I see your temp has shot up today, looks like ovulation yesterday for you! Hopefully the next couple of days will confirm it :thumbup: x

Amy Sorry your having a rough time :hugs: It is horrible when there is people out there who are pregnant but don't want their kids when we would all do anything to have one of our own. Our time will come though. Hope you're feeling a bit better about things x

Adrienne Lovely to hear from you hun and how nice you get some time at home for a change. Shame you have to do training! Why do you need to do it every year? Is it to keep up to date with health and safety and stuff? Hopefully it wont take you too long to master then you can have some relaxation time. Ooh you're in the two week wait with me! Well either way will be good news for you hun, it would be fab for you to get a BFP but if not you can get your water ultrasound booked and get things moving from there :hugs: x

What's everyone else up to this weekend? Hope everyone's well :flower:x
Yay for ovulation Wendy! :D

I don't think yesterday was ovulation. The OPK I did was -ve, along with low on the CBFM and no fertile CM at all. I think what is most likely is that I slept with my mouth open as I usually try and keep my mouth closed for a few minutes before taking my temp as I often sleep with my mouth open. I forgot to yesterday though :dohh:

This morning I did finally see a faint second line on the test stick, and I also have EWCM today :happydance: Hoping tomorrow gives me a high or a peak, and I'm going to do an OPK later too.
Adrienne - good to see you back. glad your trip went well! FX'ed AF stays away for you. Sometimes the best approaches to getting a BFP are the more relaxed ones!

Wendy - hope you're feeling better! i'm the same way; I don't want to take any kind of medicine or whatnot that could affect my chances. Sooo, when do you think you're gonna test? I'm actually so relaxed this TWW. Not thinking too much about things.

Rachel - Yay for EWCM! Hope you get a high or peak tomorrow!

Naomi - hope you're doing okay; thinking of you!

Emma - hope you and Pippin are doing well!

:flower: to everyone else!

AFM - I'm feeling a tad better after yesterday. Had a good cry, which I think I needed. It just sucks how these miscarriages have made me so bitter. I told my best friend, I just can't be happy for the other friend. She really doesn't even want to be pregnant now, so why should I be happy for her? Sigh..

I had the hiccups TWICE yesterday. And that was twice in 3 hours. It was horrible. My throat started to hurt, and I had tears in my eyes. DH was making fun of it too! He thought it was funny!

And I had a nice scare from one of my cats this morning. I woke up to find one laying on her carrier. I couldn't find the other one. I shook a can of treats to get her to come out, and she didn't come out. I freaked, cause she's the type of cat that comes RUNNING for treats. I ended up finding her in the other carrier. The sides weren't down, so she had to climb in from the top and the flap folded in on top of her, so it didn't look like she was in there. I'm soo happy I found her though, I was freaking out.

Have a good day everyone!
Evening ladies :flower: Hope you have all had a fantastic weekend in this glorious weather. What have people been up to?

Amy, We are both ok thank you. Every day seems to be better so I am starting to enjoy things. I know what you mean about being bitter. I became very bitter after my miscarriage but it got to a point I was bitter about everything. I was not happy for anyone about anything and it took me 5 months to realise how unhappy it had made me. I think positive now and the only people I seem to not be able to get happy for is people who join this group and 2 days later they are pregnant :growlmad: makes me angry and I can't be happy for them. I am fortunate that I dont have a lot of friends who are unlikely to have children and others who already have them so don't come across unwanted or unappreciated pregnancys! Hope you start feeling better soon hun :hugs:

Rachael, I thought I had reset my moinitor right the first time i'd used it but realised I hadn't :haha: :happydance: for ovulation. Keep up the PMA for the 2ww :hugs: Hope you and Holly have enjoyed the weather :hugs:

Wendypops, I hope your hayfever has eased up so you can enjoy the glorious weather this weekend. Hope you and Scott have had fun and you are now in your 2ww :happydance: its weird to think of you in a 2ww seen as what you have been like the past few months! I am so excited for you :hugs:

Adrienne, Another lady in the 2ww, it seems with have a few at the minute. Hope you have managed to relax a bit and get a little bit of sleep. Nice to see that you are relaxed this month and fingers crossed for your water ultra sound. Hope you have had fun with your dogs. Is the weather as glorious there as it is here??

I hope everyone else has had a relaxing weekend. It was the race for life this weekend and I opted out of doing it with me still have low blood pressure and being tired but my sister took my place. I was very proud of my sisters and cousins as one of my sisters had a bad back and the other doesnt do exercise and did no training. Their plan was to walk it but they all ran it. The first two managed the 5k in 32 mins and the other 3 did it in 42 mins. It was amazing and quite emotional as we were doing it for my Nanna who passed away 8 months ago! I bought them all a huge ice cream afterwards and the girls got interviewed which was great. So all in all I have had such a fun weekend and I am now relaxing at home in my pyjamas. Speak to you all soon :hugs:
Hope everyone had a good weekend! It was awfully quiet on this thread! We stayed the night at the in-laws last night. As much as I love them, I was ready to come home. The little things irritate me. Just things they say or do. It got to be 6 p.m. and we had a 90 min drive home. I was itching to get home, and MIL was kinda irritated that I wanted to go home. Sorry, I had to laundry to put away and unpack before I got to relax. Plus, we've been listening to fireworks going off for almost 2 hours. Poor cats were terrified when they first started going off.

Still having that minor cramping. It seems to be worse when I wear tight fitting jeans or pants. Considering all the weight I've gained, that's all I really have to wear to work. But I'm hoping the cramping is a good sign. That and the (TMI) discharge I've been having, I've heard are good signs. I sure hope so.

Emma - glad you're doing well! sounds like a fun weekend. congrats on your family on running the 5k! hope you enjoyed your night.

Hope everyone else is well! I'll be on throughout the day tomorrow, as my 4 day weekend continues. Yippee!
Hi All,
Since it's been so quiet on here I hope that means that everyone is having a good weekend.

Emma, that's great that your family did so well in the race I'm sure your Nanna is looking down and very proud of all of you. I enjoyed my time this weekend and dh will be home Monday morning. The weather was great until today when we had it rain on and off. But tomorrow is suppose to be really nice.

Amy, glad you were able to get away from the inlaws in time to still enjoy some of your long weekend.

AFM still working on that computer stuff for my work training. It can't be done soon enough. Once I finish this I have to go for 2 days of training down in Florida, where we do emergency drills. So for now just plugging my way through the 2ww, trying not to symptom spot. Only if I had someone around to slap me when I started to symptom spot I might be able to get through a cycle without doing it. LOL Anyway I hope all you ladies had a Fab weekend and I'll check back in later.
Morning girls! Sorry I wasn't on much at the weekend, it's been a busy one and i've constantly suffered with hayfever. Ended up going to bed for a few hours yesterday cause I just felt rotten. Of course hubby made me feel better by saying it looked like I had been crying for 3 hours :haha: Gee thanks for the compliment hubby! Did get both cars washed yesterday though so at least I did something productive!

Had a pretty crappy night Saturday cause I fell out with my sis. And for no reason to be honest she just has a temper and takes everything offensive, I was round at the in-laws to give mother-in-law her bday presents, when I got back my sis had been working her way through a big basket of her washing. I asked her if she could hang off and hang it out on Sunday as it was meant to be a nice day instead of using the tumble dryer (which costs a bomb!). I thought she would understand but she went off on one saying fine she wouldn't do any more washing, she thought she was doing me a favour getting hers out the way will I was out etc etc. I said carry on washing just don't tumble dry it when you can hang it out tomorrow. But she was in a huff by this point and it all got out of hand which ended in her saying she was going back to Dads. Yesterday I woke up and she had gone out and all her wet washing was lying in a pile in the kitchen, she after all that she hadn't even bothered to hang it out. So I did that and waited on her getting home. I asked her why she didn't hang it out to which she said I wasn't going to bother :shrug: I don't get her! I then asked if she spoke to Dad and she said no i'll go and do it now if you want to which I replied no, I was only asking if you had (trying to see if she was bluffing). So I went to my bed ill, when i woke up she had been to Dads and asked to move home, he said she could if I wasn't going to fall out with her over it so she said she would start organising a move this weekend. Well that really upset me, she wasn't adult enough to sort out a stupid argument and instead decided to arrange to move out without warning which has landed me and hubby in it money wise as we weren't expecting to pay her share of mortgage etc right now. So I was really upset, told her how I felt and told her to go if it was what she wanted. Que then my doorbell going and one of my best friends being there. Doesn't someone always come at the wrong time! I'm standing there in my pjs, messy hair from just waking up and my face bright red from crying :dohh: My friend knew straight away something was up and gave me a hug, bless her she knows me so well. Felt a lot better by time she left and haven't spoke to my sis since.

Sorry for that mega rant there but had to get it all out! Sis said she thought her leaving would save arguments but we only argue like once in a blue moon! But whenever we do she makes me feel like crap and threatens to move out. So who knows what is going to happen! I'm quite happy for her to go if it's what she wants, especially after some of the things she said, but at the same time will miss her and of course she helped us financially. Watch this space!

Anyway, on to you lovely ladies:

Rachael I spy a high on your chart!! :happydance: You really are going to ovulate late this month! Get bdancing lady! x

Amy I'm not sure when to test will wait till next week once i'm back from camping I think. I'm off that week so will have peace to do it and cry if it's a BFN :haha: Nah just kidding, i'm not getting my hopes up either way although it would be nice after that bd marathon! Aww I hate the hiccups! They really hurt me and make me feel like i'm going to be sick. I feel your pain! I know what you mean about in-laws, you love them but there's nothing like getting back to your own home! x

Emma I know! I can't believe i'm in a 2ww! So exciting! Well done to your family on the race for life! It's a great achievement. Did you's raise a good bit of money? Can't believe you are almost in 2nd trimester :happydance: When is your scan date again? I know it's soon x

Adrienne Hope you're getting some time with hubby now he's home, all work and no play is no fun! x

Well I best get off to work, got doctors appointment at half 9 to get more blood taken, groan! This should be my last in a long time though. Hope everyone is well, will talk to you all later :flower: x
Emma, well done to your family on the Race for Life :D

Wendy, I hope you can sort things out with your sister :hugs:

Yep, I got a high this morning! Will be making sure there's some :sex: action tonight for sure :haha: We've been holding off as I think in previous months we've burnt out before Ov has come around so hopefully this month we'll be able to cover it properly :D
Morning ladies,

Wendy, So sorry to hear about your sister. It does sound like she has been in a mood about something else and has taken it out on you. I am sure she will be ok in a few days and hope she doesn't move out :hugs: Don't apologise about the ranting, we all need it every now and again. I was so proud of my family with the race for life as I was the only person to sign up for ages. We managed to raise about £700 so that made me happy :happydance: My scan is on Friday and 3.45pm so I am excited but nervous as well. I just want it to be Friday now :(

Rachael, :happydance: for your peak!! There are so many ladies in the 2ww its so exciting! Enjoy tonight :winkwink:

Yey for the 4 day weekend! Hope the weather is good :hugs: Sorry to hear you had a bad time at the MIL. Bet you are glad to be home :hugs:

Hope the training finishes soon. I would love to go to Florida but I suppose its different when you live nearby. Come on here if you start symptom spotting Mrs. I don't think its good to symptom spot seen as a lot of the pregnancy symptoms are the same as period ones. Hope the weather has got better for you :hugs:
Oooo not long until the scan! Bet you can't wait to see Pippin :D
Thanks girls, hopefully things will calm down in a day or two. Hubby says if she changes her mind I should tell her this is her last chance but she's really hurt my feelings with it all so it's going to take me time to cool off. All my Dad says is I told you this would happen! He told me I was making a mistake letting her move in with me cause we'll fall out (she has a tendency to get huffy over nothing!) but I have managed five years with her. We shall see what happens.

Rachael I am so hoping you get the timing right this month! Last month according to my chart I bdanced on ovulation day and two days before so that obviously wasn't enough for me which is why I went all out this month! It's just trial and error really. It's so exciting getting to be in the tww with most of you! x

Emma Wow that's a great amount to have raised! :thumbup: You did the right thing not taking part with how ill you've been but you were as much involved by the fact you raised a lot of that sponsor money. Ooh Friday is the scan day! How exciting! Don't be nervous hun, everything will be fine and you will love seeing your little pippin on the screen! Will you be announcing it to everyone over the weekend? x

Carly& Arlene I hope you are enjoying your little holidays :hugs: x

Well i've worked out because I ovulated later than expected this month it means the wicked witch should stay away for my camping trip, phew! She should be due Wednesday next week or Friday next week if i'm going to have a 16 day LP like last month but i'm so hoping she stays away! Although i'm worried the stress i've been under will ruin my chances. I'm glad i'm going to be off next week cause I can keep myself occupied so I don't test early! x

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