The TTC 2012- 2013 Babies Club... 13 BFP's!!!

Hi ladies, sorry will have a proper catch up soon and dont mean to be selfish but really worried, my bleeding has gone a horribe browny black colour but seems to be heavier again and smells horrid sorry way too much tmi. Is this normal those ladies who have had an mc before?? or should i be getting myself seen by a doctor asap??
I've not had a MC but I would suggest going to see your GP if you're concerned.
Hey Naomi, the change in colour is normal which brings along the smell. It is old blood that is finally coming through. I am not sure about it being heavier though. How long has it been heavier for. Each mc is different so its difficult to advise. If you are concerned about it try and contact somone about it. At least it will put your mind at ease hun :hugs: Hope your starting to feel better, we miss you :flower:

I hope everyone else is doing ok :hugs:
Now .. let's try and catch up ..

Carly - believe me, the bike isn' t my cup of tea either. I don't like it at all. But, if DH likes it, and as long as he's safe, he can ride it. Hopefully he'll spend less time on it when we have a baby. About the ultrasounds, that's what my doctor said. Cause most insurance companies only cover 1 ultrasound. And they do the gender/anatomy scan as the one. Frustrating , but I know now I'll have more than 1 scan, with my history. And go see Harry Potter! It's amazing!

Adrienne - Sorry that you'll be having surgery :hugs: But this could def open up for a BFP!

Emma - yeahhh, I used to be super athletic. Played soccer (I think over there they call it football) for about 15 years. Basically from the age of 5 until 20. Plus, I worked out and everything. Now, esp with whats been going on, I've definitely slacked. Gained a lot of weight, am at the highest weight I've ever been. Hoping it brings upon a BFP if I lose a few pounds. Hope you get some rest soon!

9babiesgone - Sorry for your losses :hugs: Welcome to the thread!

Wendy - I'm sure being so early in your cycle, it can't do any harm. Dont stress too much!

Michelle - I'd give it a few more days too. Hopefully something happens for you :hugs:

Naomi - I would give your doctor a call. Can't hurt to ask anyways. Hope the bleeding stops soon and you can start feeling better :hugs:

And, AFM, not doing much. Hoping to ovulate within the next 10 days. Will start every other day BDing on Sunday. And OPKs on CD10 or CD12. Not sure which.

I had to travel for work today. I got to the branch, and the branch manager asked "So, when are you due?" I played it off saying "What do you mean?" .. And he goes "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought I heard you were pregnant." ..... Yup, so apparently there's a rumor going around work that I'm pregnant. It was like a blow to the stomach. It's not even the fact that I'm not pregnant, I just hate saying "Nope, not pregnant."

That's about it for me. Hope everyone else is well.
Time for my catch up as promised :) Sorry i've not been on a lot, seriously sometimes you wonder why you have a holiday cause as soon as you go back to work you just get stressed and crazy busy and want another holiday! Seriously my whole desk has been covered in files and paperwork which i'm still working my way through, I have just the tiniest bit of space left to type! I took a pic of my desk yesterday and sent it to hubby and he couldn't believe it. Hopefully things will calm down soon but the now i'm just not finding any time to sneak on like I usually do :haha: When I get home i'm trying to tidy up and do all the noisy things I need to do before Scott heads to bed at 9.30pm - 10.00pm and of course when he's in bed I can't do much so end up having an early night too. But i'm making a point of coming on here tonight cause I miss you lovely ladies and wanted to catch up with you all :hugs:

Thanks for the comments about the tablet situation, I just majorly panicked! I googled galore earlier and some people say it can damage egg/baby but I know i'm not pregnant and haven't ovulated yet so hoping i'm ok, others say it causes your lady area to be more acidic which kills sperm but again it says on box that symptoms should be cured in a week so i'm assuming it will be out of my system by then before ovulation has occured. Really hoping so anyway! I'm a worry wart.

Right now on to you ladies:

Rachael So sorry the witch got you hun :hugs: She's a total cow! You were right about the CBFM though, today was CD6 for me and it didn't ask for a stick :happydance: It must now know I ovulate late so hopefully I will get away with only 10 sticks this cycle. We shall see! x

Amy Ugh, what a slap in the face you didn't need hun. Gossip just spreads like wild fire. Hopefully you will get another BFP soon and then you can enjoy telling people you have a little one growing inside you :flower: x

Carly So glad everything was alright hun, we've all done it though, google can be your worst nightmare! I'm like you although I would love a girl I think it would be nice to have boy 1st. We shall see though! Hopefully I can join you and Emma with a BFP soon. What kind of school work are you doing? Are you studying for something? x

Adrienne That's great news about your ultra sounds hun! :happydance: I know no-one wants to get surgery but it's just minor and it sounds to me like this could have been the root of your problems! It's great you don't have to wait too long either. You'll have your BFP in no time! :flower: x

Arlene Oh there is no offence taken hun! My sister is like Jekyl & Hyde. When she's nice she's the best sister ever, but when she's pissed off she's a right wee cow :haha: Hopefully she'll grow out of it one day! For now though as usual I have forgiven and forgotten. Till the next time she starts swearing at me anyway! Oh I wish you'd put up a ticker, I can never keep track of your cycle lol. What day are you on now? I'm really routing for you this month hun after that positive OPK. I would honestly be as happy as if it was my own BFP. You reallly deserve it. We all feel like throwing in the towel sometimes but I honestly believe we will all get our BFP's in the end :hugs: x

MrsMM Hope the spotting has stopped hun :hugs: What did your results come back as? x

Emma Thanks so much for the text yesterday hun, meant a lot to know I was being thought of :hugs: That's fab news about your downs syndrome results. I'm sure you going to have a happy and healthy baby and for some reason I am convinced you are having a girl even though you don't know yet :haha: I am honestly totally convinced so i'll be shocked if your told it's a boy at your next scan lol. Scott's doing not too bad actually, he is really enjoying the new job and seems to be coping ok with the sleeping. I think it's me that will take longer to get used to this :haha: Hope you're managing to get some rest in between all those hours of work x

9babiesgone Welcome to the thread hun, it's lovely to have you with us :flower: I'm so sorry to hear about your losses. You are one strong and inspirational lady to get through what you have done and i'm sure you will get your BFP for your 3rd forever baby very soon :hugs: x

Michelle Lovely to hear from you hun! You should come on more often :flower: Try not to worry about your cycle, you are either having a late AF which happens to us all from time to time (evil witch!) or you've got a wee bean in there hiding at the moment. Fingers crossed it's the latter! Give it a couple of more days and if no AF try another test. Good luck! x

Naomi Sorry you're still bleeding hun, I really hoped it would have stopped by now. Black is just old blood that's taken it's time coming out so don't worry about that, I had some this last AF on the very last day. I'm not sure about the smell though as I know it can be a sign of infection. If you're worried give your doctor a call, that's what our tax pays them for :hugs: x

Well this has taken me nearly two hours lol, so I guess I should get off to bed! Not much else to report my end anyway, CD6 and waiting to ovulate. Will probably have another week to go yet. Hope everyone is well, speak to you all soon :flower: x

(Wow that was a marathan post! :haha:)
thanks wendy and tweak!!! I am hoping this is the final try at my 3rd baby and i Hope it works this time!! just can not wait till i stop bleeding
Hi Everyone,
Not much new going on today just doing the usual errands before I have to go back to work on Friday.

9babiesgone Welcome to the thread, sorry about your losses but I hope your next BFP will be your forever baby.

Rachael, sorry the stupid witch go you. I hope this cycle is it for you.

Wendy I wouldn't worry too much about the pill. You're early in your cycle and you only took one pill so that should be out of your system in no time.

Naomi, I hope your bleeding stops soon. If you're concerned about what's been going on I would phone your doctor just to have some peace of mind. Again I hope you feel better soon.

Amy sorry about the comment from the person working at the branch. I know that's the last thing you need. Sending big hugs to ya.

Michelle glad to hear from you. I would wait a couple of days and see what happens the b vitamins may have just caused your cycle to be a bit different or you could have a BFP that's just not showing it's face yet. Either way you should have some sort of an answer in a few days. I hope it the BFP answer. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Emma glad to see you're getting some naps in there. You and the little one need the rest.

And to all the other lovely ladies out there I hope you are well and having a great day and night. Take care.
I wish I had time for a proper post, but I don't, i'm currently doing this while trying to sort my hair :dohh: I needed to rant though, hope you ladies don't mind. So my oh had to call his cousin regarding a job at work the other day and as the call was ended he said "Oh I hear a congratulations is in order.." and to which he said "you mean commiserations.." :growlmad: what a bloody selfish b*****d!! Hes old enough and already has one "mistake" if it was such a bad thing to happen why not prevent it! Thing is, him and his gf have not long got back together..they are always on and off and she seems slightly psycho and we're 99% sure its because she knew his younger sister was pregnant and was jealous. Children are not play toys for when you feel like it. :hissy:

Thanks, i'm done..Sorry had to get it out x
Wendy i'm 10dpo with leaky boobs again. I don't want leaky boobs unless its a good reason!! I havent got a ticker purely for my sanity :lol: sorry.

9babiesgone welcome to the thread :) hope you have your sticky bean soon :hugs:

Naomi sorry your still going through this, really hope you can get back to normal soon :hugs:

I will reply better later when OH is out at cadets xx
Amy- Sorry about the rumor at work. That must not have been easy to deal with, but it sounds like you handled in a very classy way, not all women would of been able to, myself included.

Wendy- Like all the ladies say, dont worry about the tablet, it will be out of your system in plenty of time for you to try this cycle. I am working on my bachelors degree. I went to community college for a few years and when I transferred to university I lost a lot of credits and almost had to start over again. I am hoping to be done in the next 1 1/2 yrs.

Michelle- I agree with Wendy, if AF doesn't show ugly head then test again in a few days. FXed for a BFP!!!

Emma- You need to work on getting MORE rest for you and your bean!!

Naomi- after everything you have gone through if you have any concerns you should contact your doctor. Even if they can just give you something for some relief it could be worth it.

9babiesgone- Sorry I don't know your proper name. But I am wishing you luck in completing your family!

Rachael- sorry about the ugly, evil, witch :witch:She better stay away next cylce!!!!

Arlene- Please feel free to rant as much as you like!! I am sorry you have to be around selfish people like that. It is a shame that some people dont realize the giant gift they have been given. We also found out this past weekend another friend of ours is expecting in January. And to be honest if I wasn't preggo I probably would of lost it. So you have all the right to be upset.

Well ladies. Glad I took the time to catch up, and read everyones postings. I plan to get some cleaning done around the house today. And make a pot of soup. I made a pot of chicken soup yesterday thinking it would last more than a day, because my husband doesn't usually like soup. But he loved the soup I made and ate two giant bowls. So tonight I will be making beef barley. I have been feeling much better the last couple of days. It seems symptoms are starting to fade a little bit. Which of course makes me a tad nervous but I think it is normal, or so I have read. Anyone have any thoughts let me know. I go see the doctor august 11th so between now and then as long as I don't have any bleeding I am not going to panick or be a worry wart. I hope all you lovely ladies have good days.
:hugs:OK so here goes my update and catch up, well catch up of the last few pages if I go too far back I'll be here all say its been that long:blush:

well I went to the hospital this morning and they gave me another scan, good job too. Theres good and bad news. The bad news is the medical management didn't work and the sac is sitting on my cervix in the form of a large blood clot, hence the bleeding and the smell. I have to go back tomorrow for another round of tablets to be inserted to help get rid of it, they dont want to do a d and c for some reason. The good but odd news is that they could see on my scan that my left ovary is preparing an egg as it was really active so it seems that once this clot has gone my body will hopefully get back to normal quite quickly, although I am learning with me that my body rarely does what it is supposed to. The hospital have taken full responsibility as they didn't explain to me fully what was supposed to happen and so when I saw the tablets come away I thought that was normal and they had been telling me for 2 weeks that bleeding was normal so noone had checked sooner but they have been lovely and really supportive with all my tears this morning. I can say with some confidence that by next Friday I should only be spotting.

mavsprtynpink glad your symptoms are starting to ease up a little, mmm home made soup, yum!!

Thanks arlene, I love the support on here, hope you are OK:flower: seems so unfair doesn't it when we are crying out for that bfp and other people who dont even seem to want it get one by clicking their bloody fingers, I'm in the same boat with my cousin, she wasn't even trying they were just not careful one evening and boom, she is pregnant a week ahead of what I should have been:growlmad:

Carly glad everything went well:flower:

9babiesgone, welcome to the thread hun:hugs: everyone is just lovely on here!!

adrienne hope all goes well, like wendy said, hopefully this will sort things out for you:flower:

wendy, its OK to worry, but sounds like things will be OK by the time you ov:hugs: I know what you mean about work, I came back from being off and didn't know what had hit me!! It' s mad!!

emma, so glad all your news is good news hun, so glad pip is doing well:flower: make sure you get plenty of rest though and don't overwork, although I know its hard not to do that too lol!!!

amy, I'm so so sorry that happened to you, that really sucks:growlmad: You would think people would wait til you said something before they comment, its so easy to get it wrong!! I'm sure we will get our bfp's soon though and then you can say "why yes I am pregnant":hugs:

OK I know I probably haven't got everyone but I'm sending :hugs: out to you all!!
Adrienne just read about your surgery, sorry to hear this is what you have to do but fx'd it gets you your bfp :) :hugs:

Naomi.. I can't believe you've had to suffer this long. Hopefully after tomorrow you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel :hugs:

Soo yes I am symptom spotting, but I cant help it :dohh: over the past 2 days my breasts have gradually became heavier and now achey at the sides, no i'm not prodding them :haha: Its very noticable, like today was I was carrying stock and it was pressing against them and they were throbbing like mad! I usually get sore boobs right after O for a few days but I didn't have that this cycle. Fx'd eh!

Hope everyone else is well xx
Evening ladies,

Arlene, fingers crossed for you :hugs: no you are not symptom spotting at all :haha: I am very impressed with your patience though. How is Kyle doing? Has he got better now? I would not of been able to keep my mouth shut with your friend!! How infuriating! It did make me angry when I read it, people like that should be educated on contraception!!

Amy, I am so sorry to hear what has happened. Its not nice it being prolonged. Hopefully it will all be sorted for you soon enough. I am trying not to do too much but its a bit diffcult with all the chaos going on at work. I am spending plenty of time resting at home.

Carly, dont worry too much about symptoms, everyone is completely different with what they get and what they dont. To be honest my symptoms change daily which is irritating!! Ooh the soup sounds yummy!!

Adrienne, nice to see you dont have much going on for once. You sure do lead a busy life. Hope you are ok and relaxing at the minute :hugs:

Wendypops, Its no problem. I was worried about you not being about so was just checking my Auntie Wendy was ok :hugs: Both Gavin and I are hoping to have a little girl as well. Obviously I would be happy for a boy but have always wanted a girl first. I am glad that Scott is enjoying his new job and dealing with his hours. I have been doing shorter hours this week but I am tired from working all weekend. Although I filled in my overtime form today and will be getting £400 for it, so that made me happy lol

Well ladoes that is it for me now, sorry if I missed anyone out but I am shattered and have had a banging head ache all day. Work has kicked up a few problems for me and then had a bit of shocking news about a friend so my head is a bit all over the place.

Time for bed for me. Take care ladies :hugs:
Yep emma kyle is better now thanks! We took him to the cinema tonight for the first time. I always felt he was too young before now but Cars 2 was released tonight and he loves the first so we thought we'd try him and it went great! He sat no problem with his popcorn and sweets and was fascinated by this huge screen :haha: I hope everything settles at work and whatever the situation with the friend get betters :hugs:
Just wanted to say Hi to everyone and wish you all a good weekend. I'm on another trip so I won't be able post properly til I get home. Its been tough as my grandmother has taken a turn for the worst and I don't think she is going to be with us for much longer. I just hope I get to see her beforeshe is too weak to recognize me. This has been a tough week between finding out I need surgery to my grandmother's condition getting worse its kind of been a sucky week. Sorry to bring you ladies down again I hope you ladies have a good weekend and I'll talk to you all soon.
O hun I'm so sorry about your nan, that is just awful sending big :hugs:

well bugger this now going in for a d and c on monday as they don't want to give me the tablets anymore! I went mad in the hospital as I just couldn't cope with anymore. Basically I have picked up an infection as the clot that has been sitting on my cervix has been there too long and they said if the tablets didn't work the first time round then chances are they wont work second time round. So I'm booked in for Monday morning and I swear if that doesn't work I'll lose the plot!!

Hope your ok emma:hugs:
I think it stopped. yay!! maybe I can start trying again. Hope I ovulate in the next week.
Naomi- FX'd everything goes as planned on Monday. Big :hugs: to you. Hope your feeling better in no time.

Arlene- Glad to hear things went well with Kyle at the Cinema. That must of been such a blast for him. How was Cars 2, the first one is really cute, and I wont lie I love animated films.

9babiesgone- Let us know how things go next week. Wishing you all the best on trying again!

Emma- I imagine it is irritating. I was so excited about my soup and it tasted so good, and then I barely made it to the kitchen sick before I lost my lunch. I have yet to go a whole week without losing at least one meal. TMI I know but I am trying to embrace it all, because I only get to be pregnant with this baby once.

Buster- I am so sorry I can't remember your name. I feel awful. But I am so sorry to hear about your grammy. I hope you are able to see her again. Have safe travels, and we will hear from you soon.

Well ladies the weekend begins. I must say I love mondays because it begins a new week for me. This monday I will be 8 weeks. I know thats still not very far along, but I am so hopeful and so excited. And also my favorite television show is on mondays. On ABC family its called secret life of the american teenager. Its soooo juicy!!! Not sure what my husband has in mind for the weekend. I want to go look at new phones since I am able to get one in a few weeks, but well see what he thinks. Well I wish you all pleasant weekends!! Check in later ladies...

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